Shingo is not a complete douche
Ao No Flag Ch. 45
Is this going to be the new ship going forward? I hope so.
Mami just gets cuter with every chapter she's in.
I liked to see the lesbian cry.
Oh, boy! Reading it now
Overall I liked the chapter but I'm going to need Touma to appear next chapter, and Taichi to speak his mind more.
I hope so too.
To be fair I'm pretty sure that's what this whole meeting was building up for: to give Taichi a chance to sort his feelings out somewhat and properly face Touma. Even though Touma is definitely my favorite of the bunch, I think having the focus on other characters for a while to get everything else out of the way is good because obviously the next time he and Taichi are going to see each other it's going to be quite a big developement one way or another.
Remind me never to isekai myself into a teenage form.
Agreed. I loved everything with Masumi, but the whole guy convo was a big disappointment. Like what was even the point of that "consultation" nothing was fucking accomplished. Kensuke also dodged admitting he fucked up so he's still a giant shit. Taichi is just there. At least it seems like Futaba might reach out to Touma based off the end of the chapter.
If only, but after the latest chapters it's never happening for real
Yeah, yeah, it'd just be a lot more fruitful if we knew absolutely ANYTHING that Taichi is thinking. His only thoughts on the matter right now have been him questioning whether a girlfriend or friend is more important, and whether Shingo and Kensuke are going to drop Touma as a friend. The rest of the focus on Taichi has been about other things the past few chapters.
But I guess knowing what Taichi feels and thinks would be a spoiler for the eventual reunion.
>But I guess knowing what Taichi feels and thinks would be a spoiler for the eventual reunion.
It's probably (at least partly) because of this. Obviously when Taichi and Touma do eventually get to meet it'll have more impact to reveal everything then, than to have it be clear to the readers beforehand. It could also honestly be that Taichi is just so overwhelmed about the whole subject that he simply hasn't even had a chance to properly think things through, and the little bits you mentioned are just the start of him finally having the courage to start unraveling the whole mess instead of just avoiding it.
I actually quite like the approach the author took, where even the readers are currently out of the loop because instead of just being able to hear everyone's thoughts, we're kind of forced to the same position as everyone else where everything we currently know is based on how the characters act and what they choose to say out loud. I think it's quite nice because it forces the characters also to actually talk to each other, which is why I'm currently fine with waiting a bit for Taichi's and Touma's scene together because it should happen when both of them are actually properly capable of talking it out (as opposed to the first time where Taichi couldn't say a word and Touma essentially ran away).
>Taichi goes to set things straight (heh) with Touma
>Finds him kissing another guy
I suspect this is how it'll play out
He better remember those words.
Yeah I mean it's an understandable approach but it's been, what, three months of chapters and we don't really have anything. The biggest curse for this series is that it's a monthly release, next chapter has to push Taichi into doing SOMETHING. But I weep as it's obviously going to be a Taichi x Kuze chapter.
Ah, the winner of Toumaball will claim his trophy finally.
Depending on how long this manga will go, there could be a potential storyline with Taichi feeling '' disgusted '' by seeing Touma with a boyfriend but in truth it's not really disgust, but it's jealousy. Though that would go into yaoi territory.
You say three months of chapters, but that's literally just three chapters. If you were to read them back to back you'd notice that things are moving at a good pace and there's no unnecessary melodrama so far. Honestly as someone who's read a lot of relationship focused manga, it's better this way than to rush things and have everything be solved by one overly dramatic conversation. I mean especially because I like the characters, I want the author to do take their time and solve these things properly, so I don't mind waiting. Obviously that's just my take on it though.
I mean it's not like you're wrong but the past few chapters I've just ended up not really getting much satisfaction from reading these chapters. But maybe the discussion with Taichi and Touma will mark the end for the manga and that's why it's probably going to take until next year till it happens.
Again Mami BTFO’ing homo snowflakes who think being homo is their special private drama.
Mami is a cunt who shoves herself into other people's business.
These chapters made wonders for the side characters, we actually learned about them trough their own words. I liked it. Seeing the girls being so wrong at trying to be good, Kensuke being an ass but still willing to try to understand, and Shingo being the sneaky selfish yet loyal guy. And Mami and Masumi realizing how similar they are.
She is a cunt but she is also honest and her fight with Masumo was good.
I wish but it wouldn’t be fair for the cute mole guy, because Touma loving Taichi is the biggest news in school and he doesn’t deserve to be a consolation price.
Man I get it's a high school manga but the dialogue is so fucking cringy holy shit. Characters are realistic I guess but the way they talk totally isn't.
How is cringy?
I agree with that, but it's like the story is branching off to several other stories and that makes me concerned about the future and how long this will be dragged on.
Is it just me or is everyone except Futaba kinda of a dick.
It's the way they try to be philosophical but instead of being subtle and interweaving it, they just shove it to your face. Which makes the story interesting but interactions a pain to go through.
I disliked Shingo's whole "both sides" argument in the last chapter but this chapter and the previous makes it seem like he really is the mangakas mouth piece like whatever he says is the general message or the "truth" which just makes me hate him even more and that god awful tolerance paradox he tried creating.
I think is the point to not like him, because he admits he isn’t even honest. The point is he is the most willing to not even understand but try to not being bothered by others people choices, but even if it sounds mature is also the easy path for many adults. So he looks sneaky and selfish.
Yes, and even so I would always pick Futaba and Shingo as my punching bags
Futaba is the worst character in the series though, regardless of how nice she is. A complete dud.
I liked Shingo in this chapter. It's pretty evident he just wanted the girls out of the room, that's why he went so hard on them the last chapter. But regardless this chapter he is going against Kensuke's assholery, and not trying to defend him at all.
He's a trickster
>I already made up with Touma. LOL
I told you! I told you about Shingo, bro!
I guess Futaba never caught up with Taichi, or is she waiting on him? God I just want to hug her.
Futaba is frustrating, I used to be like her but I am not a cute hamster so I had the need of stopping being so insecure or people would have eaten me alive.
Teens are like that. I like that they are not giving lessons, you can see the mistakes they make during their speeches and the author doesn’t try to play them as moral representations of good and right, more of the preachy tone comes for what society is nowadays, not because they are pretending to teach a lesson. In other words, readers learn from thinking about what the characters discussed. Even Shingo is making some readers catch his two timing standards.
I like them together but it's apparent Masumi really wants to have regular female friends outside of her romantic interests, and Mami is the most obvious candidate. Though I guess once she's close with Mami it'll be easier for her to become friends with Mami's circle as well.
If Masumi should fall from someone it should be Mami, being in love with Futaba is like pretending fishes are the more playful pets. Even when Futaba is compared with a hamster, her dynamic is more closer to a golden fish.
Probably, but I can't help but feel like either Touma or Masumi is going to completely give up on their current love interest and pursue someone new. I feel like Masumi is the more '' sensible one '' out of the two. But Mami is most likely not going to be that regardless.
I was honestly pretty surprised she picked up on that. Thankfully she did so now the gay is all up in the open at least partially.
I hope they both do because neither of their love is going to reciprocate or anything. I hate the idea of pinning after straight people for the rest of their lives and I hope the author doesn't go that route.
Mami the gay whisper.
I doubt that's going to happen but I'm going to brace myself for whatever bullshit ending the author comes up with.
Same here, I'm almost positive that it's going to end with either Touma or Masumi finding happiness in one form, and the other ending up miserable because they couldn't accept themselves or something. I want to believe everyone gets their happy ending eventually, but I've been here long enough to know that homos will always suffer one way or another.
Okay but who is realistically ending up with who?
Threesome between Touma-Taichi-mole-kouhai
Orgy between Touma-Taichi-Masumi-Futaba-Mami
Sex to protect friendship between Shingo-Kensuke-Touma
After reading Masumi's talk with Akiko I was pretty sure that Masumi will get over Futaba, but that might be because of the translation. The scanlation made it sound like she used to have crushes on other girls before but the official translation doesn't really imply that. Even so her crush somehow seems more mundane than Touma's crush on Taichi, for lack of a better word.
In any case I don't think either Masumi or Touma will go on eternally pining for one person for the rest of their lives. They'll move on one way or another, even if the memory of old love remains.
Unless by some unlikely chance either of their crushes reciprocates, that is.
Took me long to realize this was a meguca reference.
No. They’re not. At least none of my social groups were. Everyone talks like a melodramatic blogpost. I want to se a resolution to the drama but every interaction bores the shit out of me.
I second this
>it's another silent tai episode
Fucking hell
Shingo is still shit, none of the shit he said in the last chapter made sense
Who couldve guessed that something as huge as Touma being outed wouldve been so fucking boring to read
Does Taichi actually think he'd have to choose between being a boyfriend to Futaba and being friends with Touma? Touma helped them get together for fucks sake.
Taichi's a shit not surprised. To be fair it would be kind of uncomfortable being friends with someone who is dating your crush but Touma has been friends with Futaba despite this and he's known Taichi forever. It shouldn't really matter.
>inb4 he's bisexual and that's why he said he would go either way
This. I don't really get why the author frames it like he's some sort of intellectual spewing truth bombs. It's getting a bit annoying desu.
The joke's on you, bisexuals exist only in some actual BL manga.
And based on the last few chapters, everyone but the lesbo and Touma is super straight and they'd never ever "go homo" because the author is disgusted by such shipping etc.
I think he appreciates Touma as a fellow weirdo wrt relationships, whether he's bisexual or just aromantic.
Yeah sounds like it, I kind of hate this manga. It's so obvious who the author is speaking through.
both of the gays will end up lonely, prove me wrong
You're right, it's obvious from chp 1.
Which is weird as fuck because homo is the only thing the manga has going for it. It doesn't even make a good job of being a boring sol which I usually love: Futaba went from adorable to being a non character despite being the main heroine of the manga and tai is "barely there" even though he's the mc who appears in every chapter
Is that green something manga?
It's filename the manga. Harada is into comedy these days
Think this will get an anime adaptation? I just remembered that Anime Japan poll.
I don't think so. Is this popular in Japan at all?
Both sides deserve to be heard even if one side hates the other. Sorry but I fundamentally think you're a bad person if you disagree. Of course you're free to believe and express otherwise.
They are cute together
Futaba is going to dump Taichi like a dumbass isn't she?
Right now we don't know what the fuck they are thinking. Combine it with the college issue and you got drama for another 20 chapters.
No way. They'll end up together and the gays will suffer for all eternity or will just be ""cured"" from their gayness just like in every other not BL/GL manga.
>straight couple breaking up
I mean yeah we don't know for certain but I can definetly see it happening, between the comments she heard about her being "in the way", the college situation and how her shrinking violet tendencies seem to be taking a toll on her.
At this point I just want her to do something because right now she's so sensitive about everything that she ends up seeming insensitive to the people around her, it's hilarious in a way.
I definetly see them ending up together but I also think she's going to dump him. I dunno, maybe Touma ends up smacking some sense into her which would be pretty nice.
I don't think I feel the same hype as before
I'll have to re-read the previous chapters
Ever since the story started focusing on how all the other straight characters are uncomfortable with gay people it's just been a drag. It's not a secret that Touma carries the manga and I feel like the author knows it too.
I agree with The way they speak is very preachy, I guess. Teens might even be like that on the internet, but not face to face.
I think that kind of "preachiness" is limited to Mami and Shingo though. And some people *are* like that. Teens can be verbose.
And it's not like everyone's like that, we got those 2 girls who seems to be just riding the wave and preaching shit they've heard from the internet and PSAs, and Kensuke who initially lashes out, to Taichi who's just, as far as we know, is just confused to what to do. There's also the reaction covering the "dumb" teens who doesn't have their shit together in terms of this kinda stuff. Not like Mami or Shingo does, per se, but still.
I guess my problem is more the way the whole thing is being presented. The "let's sit and talk" format is pretty boring.
Same, after the coming out of the closet every chapter was a drag and Shingo and all the cringe dialogue and exposition doesn't really help either. In my mid 20s I do remember very well how teens act and what they feel and that really doesn't feel realistic in any way, more like the author pushing their agenda into you not even trying to be subtle.
Man, this manga sure lost its steam fast.
Oh yeah, Touma will definitely be all " don't you two dare break up because of me " when Futaba mentions feeling guilty about potentially messing up the friendship between Touma and Taichi. It's so gonna happen.
Also, I'm confident the charm thing Touma made for Taichi is going to end up being important in the future. I think Futaba mentioned that generally such charms have a prayer/wish inside it, and Taichi acknowledged that yeah, it seems to have something inside. Futaba then said he shouldn't open the charm, otherwise the prayer/wish won't come true.
This will become a plot point in the future for sure.
Ao no flag is fake in that it does not really have realistic portrayal of teens but that is also refreshing because teens are shallow dumb turds in real life
Dramatic profound discussions about being and acceptance
It is theatrical and prose-like
I like it because it makes for good drama
But it is very fake
I miss the comfy slice of life
>I like it because it makes for good drama
I feel the opposite
I don't think people would have as much of an issue with the '' drama '' around the side characters if it wasn't for the fact that this is a monthly release. New chapters have felt redundant because there's no clear steps taken towards the biggest spectacle of this whole manga, which is Touma's and Taichi's relationship.
It's usually a bit annoying to see the manga split into two stories constantly, instead of focusing on Taichi, but that's also a positive, just not currently in the story.
The whole discussion between Kensuke, Shingo and Taichi (who didn't even really participate in the conversation) was just completely redundant too. Feels like the last two-three chapters were just completely irrelevant.
I don't get it does Mami want to be gay or what
>why is everyone around me turning gay
she probably relates to the struggles of homos because of her own issues regarding relationships and gender stereotypes
He just wanted the girls to get the fuck out. I thought it was pretty obvious.
Okay this story started with the whole "who would you save, your girlfriend or your best friend" but I really don't understand how this is that situation
I don't think this is supposed to be that situation.
It just seems to be on his mind somehow
That's just asking about Shingo's views. The narrative coming back to this question now probably means it's something Taichi will have to ask himself in the near future.
He is just saying so little right now and seems to be mainly stewing so I think asking that question is interesting