
Attached: 1556957738013.jpg (680x750, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Read the guide:

>fucked up the title

I actually don't know, does it matter that it was capitalized?

pre ordered best girl and best boy from respective series

Attached: IMG_2019-06-18_11-09-42.jpg (1080x1080, 563K)

>no "thread"
>no post content
Likely to be purged.

post preorders

Attached: 1550126108788.jpg (1329x943, 458K)


Dungeon fighter sucks ass, but thats a cute mage nendroid

Past two threads didn't have thread in it, but you are correct I have no content to post. So if mods delete it oh well.

Attached: 1555830187149.jpg (1751x2298, 981K)

Two of the last three didn't make it to 500 posts.

And why the fuck are you posting the Amiami store images with three pictures each?
Makes your shit even more of a cluttered mess.

Very stupid questions inbound, sorry
First, does Mandarake ever change when it comes to their notices? What I mean is, one of their current news regarding my country spicland is that I'm forced into EMS no matter what. Will they ever change that or I'm fucked? I only ever order a couple of doujins so paying more in shipping than on the doujins themselves suck.
And second, would it be even possible to use a proxy/forwarder for Mandarake? Shipping to japan and then the proxy fees ends up being cheaper but I doubt it's even possible.

Attached: 1559997160608.jpg (540x540, 41K)

Have you actually tried reading the fUcKiNg gUiDe?!

Attached: 1541494357835.jpg (874x706, 117K)

Attached: Ordered and Preordered.jpg (1140x1140, 432K)

>not available in his language

>And second, would it be even possible to use a proxy/forwarder for Mandarake
I do that all the time. Just create another mandarake account but this time through the japanese website and use your forwarder address(I use 2you4).
Shipping inside japan is cheap as fuck with yu-mail (around 150-200 yen) and 2you4 has some really good prices. Email them to combine all your shit when you're ready to ship. They charge almost nothing for storage so you can take your time (around 20 yen per month).

Attached: 1513630328038.jpg (400x400, 16K)

I have been a buyfag for years nigga, it's just that I never had this problem ever before and never felt like I had to proxy a site that sends shit straight up to my country.
The guide says nothing about this change, by the way.

I see, that sounds great then. I would've thought Manda would be kinda anal about having a proxy address receiving orders from different accounts (it has happened to me using other sites) but I suppose not. Thanks for the help.

Attached: .jpg (498x95, 37K)

>I would've thought Manda would be kinda anal
They're only anal about cancellations. They were even kind enough to resend one of my packages when I fucked up my forwarder address and it got sent back but don't ever think about cancelling shit I've bought literally more than 1000 doujinshi from them and they banned that account after the second cancellation.
I blame amiami for spoiling me.

Attached: Untitled-1.png (3840x2160, 2.72M)

So, still selling almost all my figs, the buyfag life just isn't for me anymore

I'm in EU but i can ship them worldwide easily. I can make them cheaper if you buy at least two of them.

For prices and stuff, or if you're interested in any of them just mail me on MFC: Musso92

Does anyone know if you have to update payment for Native after you get a failed payment email? I ordered two things for this month and while one went through fine, I had to verify with my card company that I did make the purchase which then through the second order into failed payment territory. Wasn't sure if Native would just try to charge me again like a couple days later.

Attached: POs.jpg (1024x1024, 214K)

who's the womb tattoo?

Attached: preorders.jpg (933x1025, 310K)

It's like manufacturers hate releasing stuff in June.

Attached: 1542323515365.jpg (1000x3341, 1.21M)

mda starou

Looks like someone is still playiNg DFO

Lmao I asked a few days ago:
Chance of Jabami Yumeko and some know it all told me 10%. lmao now its up for preorder on the new rerelease. Grabbing both her and Saotome!


Speaking of re-releases. Just waiting for this to be delayed.

Attached: FIGURE-039935_03.jpg (550x800, 94K)

I actually have no idea who she is. I just thought it was cute.

Attached: Unknown.png (734x1024, 1.19M)

Attached: preorders.jpg (2231x1600, 2.15M)

Post figures you want to see painted.

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How the fuck do you guys afford this shit? I have to buy my dakis and figurines preowned off craigslist.

Attached: 1560710047486.jpg (900x436, 48K)

This has to be a ruse. You made me reply, here's your (You).

>used daki


There is no way someone actually owns a used daki right? Right?

Attached: 1.jpg (1200x1200, 381K)

Having no life helps.

nigga who the fuck uses tampermonkey in the current year?
switch to violentmonkey for better performance

That was me and I literally said
>if only because of Mary
10% is not 0% you fucking mong.

Ironically both series are shit.

Attached: Lilit1558757301.jpg (800x800, 88K)

The government pays me to sit around and do nothing all day.

Attached: 1533051675243.jpg (800x1200, 126K)

over it yet?

Attached: laughingmeiza2.jpg (223x223, 34K)

Rize has released, but has yet to arrive.

Attached: pjimage.jpg (1000x1000, 343K)

Nice zero tsus

This is why you don't make up random numbers idiot.

Oh and I'm considering getting the DFO Witch because she's so cute.

next month and september are gonna be rough for you

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I'm the only one though.

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>Girls last tour nendos delayed to July

Attached: 1437437484179.jpg (540x657, 181K)

The top half of this is June.

Attached: two from the internet.jpg (1135x1250, 915K)

This is going to take half a year to a year because >Olympics.
I still want it done soon.

yes yes, I did PO 2 Sabers and I'm not this one guy just want to pose them in different ways.

Attached: POs.jpg (3264x3264, 1.32M)

kind of feel dumb for preordering off amiami since my local ebgames has both of these figures for the same price without the cost of shipping.

Attached: YES.jpg (720x728, 52K)

Im in forever delayed hell atm.
But yeah import fees are gonna kill me too.

They pay me not to inflict my autism on others in person.

oh yeah im in the same boat, the import fee are gonna be disgusting

So I just preordered the magical girl tentacle bondage figure. The photos are a bit small, but I hope that tentacle is bulging out her stomach instead of her being fat.

10% is still not 0%, and if anything is an overestimate.
You don't usually get re-releases with a new figure in a line comes out, the only other example I can think of is the PLUM Gochiusas.
You're talking utter shit when in the end I was spot on, it's not my fault you can't into basic statistics.

I'm not arguing whether you were right or wrong.
I don't give a shit.
I already have the figure.
I'm just letting you know that you're an idiot for saying "10%" when you have no data for your estimate.
Next time use words like "a small chance" or "not very likely" instead of bullshitting and then getting mad over being called out about it.

Don't you know that 80% of all statistics are pulled out of someones ass?

Why do you have to take everything so literally? Did you really need it to say "~10%" just to appease your autism? Also, it was hardly bullshit when in the end I was right, it did get re-released.
>I don't give a shit.
Why are you still replying then you fucking faggot?

I never went into a motel, but I want to go to one to experiment the cool stuff in the rooms (whirpool, a small sauna for two people etc).
Obviously I don't have a 3dpd woman to take with me, but I was thinking in bringing my waifu's daki to one.
It's a private room, they likely will just think I'm alone instead of having a fucking body pillow with me, and sounds like a good time.
Anyone here ever did something like this? I know I asked this in the previous thread, but it was already dying.

>I don't give a shit.
are you the same retarded solaris shill as last thread? basically the same response

>I'm just letting you know that you're an idiot for saying "10%" when you have no data for your estimate.
>Next time use words like "a small chance" or "not very likely"
So you already knew what that user meant when they said 10%, but you're throwing a pedantic fit about it for no particular reason?

Attached: hurr durr.jpg (274x321, 26K)


does wanting a dick girl make you ginger fluid?

Excluding stuff that's currently in the mail

Attached: PreordersJun2019.jpg (1428x834, 328K)

What does red hair and freckles have to do with anything?

Again, I wasn't the one that he was responding to.
I'm telling him why that user is confused over his random numerical comment.

I've used them once in 2017, so probably not.

Yes, yes. We had that joke last thread.

Not ba-
>Porkchop and a ponyfag
I hope your orders get dropped on the ocean on transit while not having them insured.

Wheres the pony?

Go for it

Attached: 879229369.png (1250x1250, 1.17M)

prototype for this when

Attached: sexy cowgirl.jpg (337x691, 97K)

I'm guessing they're waiting to see how well the first two do before they start on the others

Attached: 142395077528107du9l.png (1012x1088, 452K)


no horses here good sir

>bocchi mug pre-orders closed
I really need to stop sitting on my hands for things like this.

Attached: 1555988270150.gif (560x420, 175K)

>Sitting on your hands
>Over a mug of all things
Why, even?

Pure laziness and procrastination.
>Oh I'll order it tomorrow

I already have to suffer their appearance, don't make me wait even longer

That's a lot of cancellation notices...user are you ok?

Attached: 670913.jpg (461x774, 58K)

What do you do with your obis? Do you leave them on your books?

Attached: RBT_4997 - 1.jpg (1104x736, 477K)


Potential Figure of the Year right here.

Attached: 740148.jpg (533x800, 81K)

Artbooks I tend to leave them on, but BD's I put them inside the chipboard/case.

Why is her wine glass full of gumballs?

where else would you keep your gumballs

>Potential Figure of the Year right here.
Oh yeah?
I thought there were hard disqualifications for the award.

Attached: DSC05791-a2.jpg (2250x1500, 1.29M)

Those are clearly grapes.

Guess i might as well start Kurumi only shelf at this point.



Another waifu joined my harem

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Just in case somebody missed it.

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we all saw it...

I like her lewd sister more

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Attached: IMG_3133.png (285x281, 16K)

Nigger what are you doing.

Some nice, healthy separation there.
I really like Native figures.
Though they're going a little heavy on the heart pupils recently.

Attached: DSC05515-cam.jpg (1005x1797, 964K)

I'm buying this one since the Chiyo had plenty of shitty figs.


Attached: FIGURE-048918_27.jpg (800x700, 87K)

Don't worry, I'd already ordered it.

C'mon user, don't say that.

Attached: DSC05691-ac2r.jpg (995x1200, 613K)

This one isn't bad, but many don't like sitting figures.
Colors are nice.

Attached: DSC05831-ae2r.jpg (1500x1000, 725K)

It's not that it's sitting but somehow the seams on the legs feel bad while the tentacle hairs feel like something from Slime Tensei.

That and the bunny one were the only good ones I've seen so far.
The others made her crotch look ridiculous.

Attached: 734708.jpg (600x900, 110K)

This is from some gachashit right? Looks pretty cute.

Got one more I think.
Legs will probably be similar on this one.

Attached: DSC05913-am2r.jpg (1000x1500, 678K)

Dungeon Fighter Online. Some korean grindfest.

Can't tell till painted.

Stop buying with your dick!

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Attached: 2 int.png (188x264, 77K)

Does native ever do reissues?

Sorry mate but my dick and I came to the conclusion that I'm spending money on this.

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something's off about this snail...

Attached: madokuji.png (339x783, 323K)

Yeah, that looks like an elf's body.

Ordered the shop exclusive version of this one. I hope she gets something nice in that white dress, too.

I suspect Sonico and Joe are cancelled.

Attached: buying both boys and girls is suffering.jpg (2000x2000, 728K)

But my dick is part of me. It gets and deserves a decision in such matters. The trick is in not letting it have the only say.

They don't have a very extensive library.
The information you're looking for can be easily found on mfc.

Sonico is probably not cancelled. Her figures have a decent track record of being in production for a long time.

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Attached: paint.jpg (3264x2020, 300K)

Attached: 575705.jpg (600x899, 90K)

Did you not order danbo?

Attached: orders.jpg (2000x1500, 675K)

I really wish those boob socks weren't there.

Stella hime got a mini rerelease but she's like the most popular Native figure.

To anyone who missed the preorder window for the re-released of Art FX May, AmiAmi has some left. I just got the last "new item w/ box damage" one for like 8400jpy, pretty excessive for a fucking 1/8 scale, but her ass looks better than fucking Hilda's so it's basically worth it

so i herd u liek mudkipz

No, maybe I'll get him and nendoReg later.

Big need

What's making me doubtful is it was for her 10th anniversary, which was like in 2017. They'd probably have to remove the anniversary tag in the figure's title if they still go forward with production. Also there's that neverever Yamashita Shunya Sonico since the manufacturer is kill.

>reworked the editing a bit

Attached: DSC05695-am2.jpg (1500x2250, 1.22M)

That anniversary thing doesn't matter. There have been a bunch of yearly Miku designs that came out ages after the showcase year.

that detail though

re-release Koto Kaworu will be by first male figure, and it's going to be a sticky mess when I get my hands on it. This one with the wings will be likewise victim to a tsunami of hotglue. No homo.

I wonder when they will show it painted. She will be my first from the series.

>that detail
Little bigger for you.

Attached: DSC05695-cam.jpg (2051x3637, 3.28M)

Speaking of which I'm perplexed the only good kawoshin fig is a fucking prize. How is that even possible?

Please stop before I consider rubbing my dick on it.

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshoushinai Symphogear - 01 [BD 720p AAC] [2C4CBAF9].mkv_snapshot_10.19_[2014.08.27 (1280x720, 77K)

You already are, though.

Kinda wish I could unpost them now.

Shit taste, I guess? When will Megahouse make a figure of that scene in the manga when Karl touches dicks with Shinji in the shower? Fucking fags trying to blueball me, I swear to Christ.

Is that actually PVC? God damn. How do they do that, but have that obvious seam in the hair?

It wont be so obvious in color.

Attached: DSC05694-am2r.jpg (1000x1500, 525K)

elf tummy

Attached: FIGURE-048918_30.jpg (600x800, 54K)

>tfw my dick made me pre-order

Never forget, user!

Xinhao bootleg announced

Attached: O1CN01cPVIqP1RiS6Booeh8_!!40312145.jpg (800x800, 69K)

Attached: O1CN015Vi6nA1RiS6AxQ7OO_!!40312145.jpg (800x800, 67K)

What the Nier DX goes for now? double the original price right?

Attached: O1CN01nETIF31RiS6EBddHD_!!40312145.jpg (800x800, 107K)

Why is she so pretty

Attached: chitocerium-LXXVIII-platinum-by-Good-Smile-Company[1].jpg (1450x700, 286K)

>he actually bought those ugly little monsters

Attached: 1510670219485.png (600x600, 23K)

call me when ssr gets good figs

Paid for Sakuya earlier.

Attached: Loving anime too fast.png (1202x919, 1.44M)

>Still not Ayame 1/6 skytube

Fucking end yourself.

Question, are you the only one shilling xinhao in those thread ?

I'm not shilling anything. I just found them interesting and post the ones I think look good, sometimes they do fuck up, notice that I never post where to buy them neither encourage people to buy bootlegs.

I should be getting charged for two of these any moment now.

Attached: 19-06 Preorders.jpg (2290x2214, 2.6M)

Look, it was a fantastic show, but that doesn't mean you just have to consume whatever garbage figures they throw at you.

What's top middle? Looks like a frame arms

That's what Frame Arms wishes it was.

Attached: TOY-RBT-4819_01.jpg (640x800, 105K)

Is Kakegurui good? The face on the blonde figure has awakened something primal within my dick.

I didn't, I would never waste money on nendos when I could waste money on Figma and dolls instead. But I can understand him giving in to them as there's no other option in sight for the time being.

Attached: Tiger and Bunny.png (1331x1260, 1.69M)

It's like a 6.5/10 show. Not so bad but it's also not so good.

The top design on the left is really genious.

How do you configure it to the version in your bingo board? Does it need another kit to combine with?

The image is from here:

Looks like they took an FA Falx, did a bit of fiddling with the head and painted the indents in the skirt.


I enjoyed S1 when I watched it a few weeks ago.

Give the first 2-3 episodes a shot, you may be surprised.

I wish manufacturers would start letting the girls hang apart like this more if they can't be bothered to squish breasts together without welds. It's more natural and alluring in its own right.

don't go in hoping for really smart games that blow you away, its only occasionally actually surprising but it's lots of fun to watch

I wish they post highres versions of the illustrations from the old chitocerium website

Attached: kv.jpg (2880x1474, 430K)

Is this Huke's art? He got a lot better if so, his old art like for S;G was amateurish stuff camouflaged by his filters. His BRS era was okay but also deviantart emo tier.

Ah man that's wall scroll-worthy.

>no word from Freeing since announced

I'm surprosed htey gave Shinji a bulge

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Attached: POmid2019x.jpg (2304x2304, 1.16M)

is there a special way the pods display together?

>leaf customs didn’t confiscate my loli stuff
Thank god

It is indeed Huke

It really is

Attached: my wife is so cool.jpg (1600x900, 2.4M)

They need you to accept delivery before they can imprison you for it.

I don't really like these that much honestly.. Would definetly prefer their normal outfits. Also Karl is the best Kaworu and I already have the single 15y.o. good fig of him. Sad.

is there a rerelease schedule for good smile or do things just pop up again at random?

new camera lens tomorrow, not sure who to shoot first though

Attached: 1930808PSP2.jpg (1200x1424, 461K)

But I imported it in myself

RCMP doesn't want you claiming someone sent you it to set you up.

>see my grail at some store available sealed two weeks ago
>start saving cent by cent
>item gets sold three days before I could get all the money.
fuck my life, i hate this hobby.

>Styko's chicken suit

Have you ever heard of a credit card?

I don't have a cc, used to have one when I was underage.

They have a place on their website that lets you submit a vote on what you'd like them to make/rerelease so I assume they choose based on what most people request. That's why old stuff like Gurren Lagan suddenly started getting nendos recently.

What lens did you get? Not sure if I should be looking for a macro or just a good primary lens.

I still can't believe fucking RG Veda is getting a scale. Hopefully it'll lead to more older CLAMP series scales down the line, aside from CCS.

Attached: 739692[1].jpg (533x800, 95K)

It's also a horse. Too bad no knight in shining armor will ride it to come rescue her from the bullying.

>used to when underage
So why don't you have one now like a normal fucking adult

I'm sure she daydreams about Gourai riding the horse and saving her from the Materias' bullying.

Attached: bully magnet.png (1469x403, 550K)

Normal is over-rated

Attached: 800666.jpg (509x720, 91K)

Calendar literally on their website.

Attached: 2019-06.jpg (1080x1920, 1.98M)

Didn't even realize I missed the Swordfish pre-order window. Guess I'll just have to buy it in the aftermarket.

You're not participating in the hobby though. Also you should have just bought it on lay by.

Also I literally cannot understand people who have $0 in reserve. What happens when you get flat tyre or something?

Not him, but macro are somewhat more trouble than you'd expect.
I don't really use it with my own stuff anymore.
Dust and debris that is invisible to the naked eye really stands out in macro.
is a strong example.
is more normal to what you can expect.

Pic related is macro and mobile cropped and resized to similar aspects.

Attached: Pravda2-01.jpg (1341x1000, 770K)

I'm 19, I don't have a job yet neither I can a part time one, given I just started college a year ago.


New faceplate.

Attached: IMG_20190618_203912.jpg (600x1143, 132K)

that figure is so busy, so much going on, it coulda been good

>inb4 horsecock jokes

Justice sure looks heavy.

Oh, those are definitely coming.

I wasn't expecting this. But 16.2K from a literal who manufacturer...

Attached: 1554390284932.jpg (1000x1000, 84K)

No one getting pic related, I already have black ver.

Attached: FIGURE-049828.jpg (400x600, 45K)

y-you too

Attached: cute.jpg (352x276, 22K)

reminds of some old dolls my grandma had, once she died we threw all of them into the garbage bin

Missed that Jybril. I guess she'll be a pain to get in the aftermarket.

Not bad but it looks more like your average BJD, not a fan of those.

I dunno. I also have the black version but I'm tempted to get that one too.

Your family must be very excited to do the same when you die.

i don't give a shit faggot it would probably happen the same to most people, your "precious collection" will be sold for a few bucks

I only liked the special version but it's far too expensive for a 1/8 so I skipped it.

Fuck off Xing.

Oh damn I didn't even notice dat bulge. Their noses look weird and Kaworu has a yaoihand so I'd probably pass as well.

Attached: soon.png (572x429, 244K)

>literally just excuses
I had a CC back when I was 18, you're just irresponsible.

Depends a lot where you live.

>more excuses
Where do you live?

How are there people living anywhere that haven't had a part time job during high school? The savings from that should be in the thousands if you've worked for over a year. If you are ojousamas/botchans then ask your parents for the money.

In a crappy 3rd world country where most people wouldn't be able to buy even a mediocre figure a month.

Attached: 1560858263641.jpg (1500x2000, 801K)

I'd charge into her.

Wake me when they release red in a non-exclusive fashion.

>they release red in a non-exclusive fashion.
nice joke, it will be probably another WF exclusive again.

I know; until then, I sleep. I'm kind of surprised they didn't release red as a standard color and make white or maybe a nice blue the exclusive; they'd probably have sold so many more. I don't care for V1's pose but I'd probably still own one if I could readily and affordably get one in red. Oh well.

Wanted Tachibana Chris Nendoroid from Symphogear for years, what's my chances of finding it somewhere in Akihabara? That fucking thing seems like the holy grail, checked a dozen stores across Nagoya and Osaka for it.

Thinking of resorting to second choice and just getting the Hibiki Figma at this point.

I wish damtoys release illustrations of their figures

Attached: D8RwRjbVsAAiU1S.jpg (1446x2048, 382K)

*Yukine Chris
Brain just shit the bed.

Will it filter out the dried cum?

I wish they weren't such a shit manufacturer.

that too

I work for Microsoft.

It's not even worth it at this point. Why not get a full scale of Chris instead of a nendo? If you're collecting Chris figures then surely can just make due with scales.


Attached: 854529.jpg (600x961, 131K)

Looks like something nan would have on her display case.

Too lzay to post caps but new Megumin, Saber Alter, OPM it's just figmas and nendos

>china game expo

>Armstrong nendo not using template proportions

Those Ten Count bunnies were tempting, but I ultimately passed up. Hope we still keep getting male bunnies in the future but I'm not counting on it.

Cute Re-ment sent too.

Attached: 855658.jpg (600x900, 93K)

>TypeMoon racing x GSC in august

It might be a complete Fate wank but I'm hoping we get to see some Akiha and Arc. I know DDD would be completely out of the question

I'm collecting Nendoroids primarily and Symphogear is one of my favourite shows, just still missing the freaking Chris Nendoroid, got the other two.

I just snorted a line in Honor of him, lmao

where do you find this information? I can't seem to locate a taobao or a website for them

Attached: 806152.jpg (600x800, 126K)

Attached: Kaneel1560916554.jpg (1200x1800, 200K)

trying to only order stuff i really like. unironically following the guide flowchart to buying stuff.

Attached: buyfag preorders.png (733x544, 454K)


Cute Nep

I didnt think about import fees so i spent all my money on figures. How fucked am i? Im broke right now.

and the package comes in 1 day

Depends on your country.

the fucking state of you

vat 25% ,6,5%toll aswell.

You're fucked.

Not a KAfag but I'm surprised they already painted her. Where's the user with all Kizuna Ai figures PO'd?

Attached: 1531034865183.jpg (854x1280, 241K)

Love the crown on her thigh

>vat 25%
Jesus fucking Christ

Cute haidomo.

Attached: AI figure.jpg (1709x2563, 2.62M)

I'm surprised a literally who character from one single 80s movie still gets merch, but I'm not complaining. Is this actually up somewhere, or just announced?

Toho store exclusive so proxy/forwarder only for now:

Although they're apparently going to make it available for foreigners later on.

>Just got my first job
>Can finally be a buyfag
Feels good, I have no idea what my first purchase will be

Hoping for re-release

Attached: 015b622464d58d191da1a61b4f22f083.jpg (2250x1500, 129K)

Whats wrong with her face?

It's not in my crotch

You don't have to have a job to be a buyfag.

>I have no idea what my first purchase will be
You know you want to.

Attached: 9114580975646.jpg (730x900, 431K)

I’m very tempted, but I have a lot of preorders for fall (although she could be delayed by then).

Run while you still can.

>haidomo preorder fag
Thats me, idk i dont like this one
The hair is pretty but that cake is just dumb to me

Is there a way to filter out categories like figmas, nendos or prize figures from amiami or mandarake? I only want to see scale figures, but they don't seem to have that as a category.

The Swordfish is still available on Nippon Yasan, apparently. Or if you want to avoid NY, and you are in the US, eKnight Media has it with free shipping. Jibril is also still available on Hobby Search.

Attached: 10437052a.jpg (800x550, 115K)

Wow that looks really good. Not sure I want 3 Kizuna Ai figs tho.

What is that 2B in the middle of top row?

I need those weapons

Thanks, user!

Attached: 1483721067415.png (500x500, 69K)

>I have no idea what my first purchase will be

Attached: 1559570843061.jpg (907x1382, 313K)

too bad her hair will look like shit

Attached: misssi791517839620.jpg (558x834, 78K)

What are you expecting this week?


Man that face is disgusting, how do they fuck it up that hard.

Attached: EB5C7169-426A-4D49-A157-D68C6B069F29.jpg (1759x1228, 1.4M)

your mom's ass

japs can be worse, right one isn't that bad

dude bunnies lmao


Attached: 1524310738220.png (374x347, 171K)

Please don't do this

How's the Marth nendo

Waiting until the thread is almost dead and then bumping?

Just arrived

Attached: 20190618_202041.jpg (1440x1920, 322K)

wow awful

Rude. She's decent.

Attached: velv1.jpg (1440x1920, 268K)

Attached: velv2.jpg (1440x1920, 254K)

Attached: velv3.jpg (1440x1920, 269K)

Cute. Do the dangly things dangle, or are they solid?

Cute ass
It comes with 2 chains, one with Physxâ„¢ and another one is static.

Attached: veass1.jpg (1440x1920, 223K)

Sexy back

Attached: veass2.jpg (1440x1920, 217K)

i thought the hand was too big but i guess it was just the angle nice attention to the panty, sexy back indeed

I was gonna comment on her mile long forearm but its better in nice pickup user

It's around $48 each. It's not that expensive.

I think she looks good. I have the older release and I still like it a lot as well.

Another retarded and unneeded re-release, you could even get the first batch for as low as 9k sealed

Thanks so much user, I got my swordfish!

I'm pretty sure USA has credit cards you fucking retard.

Bonus lewd angle for you degenerates

It looks fine in person though. No regret

Since the new version's made by Flare, I think it'll turn out better.

Attached: veassx.jpg (1440x1920, 212K)

Attached: vtum.jpg (1440x1920, 209K)

Nice, you're welcome. I think it's gonna be pretty neat.

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Is like a "virgencita" says my grandma, buy one, is beautiful!

very nice

A 1/1 scale has 4 times the mass of a 1/2

Didn't that figure go for retarded amounts of money before they stsrted re-releasing it?

Is there a better way to find a dakimakura than having to sift through pixiv? I wish I could sort by popularity so I wouldnt have to see all the garbage

Attached: 1448436594105.jpg (500x566, 115K)

You can sort by popularity if you pay pixiv premium.

I am not a paypig though

Well then no, there's nothing you can do about it. Keep looking though, ganbatte!

it takes 64 1/4's to make a 1/1

if you add
to the end of your pixiv search it only shows results with over 100+ bookmarks and doesn't require premium

Attached: 1541400205141.png (280x260, 52K)

Thank you very much user, this helps a lot

Attached: 1446654403922.png (166x166, 14K)

This is definitely too much Fate but I'm not exactly thinking about that at the moment of preordering. I just notice when I make these collages.

Attached: 2019.jpg (1530x1820, 1.06M)

cute reimu

>no merch
>doujinshi sold out
>fig fucking never
So unfair.

Attached: 514874.jpg (172x353, 16K)

next wonfes for sure

Okay as someone who worked in an hotel let me give you some advice.

Don't go to a Motel unless what you really wanted was lice, bed bugs or a cold sore.
A nice 2 to three star hotel will have all the amenities you seek and be pretty darn affordable.
Most places don't have personal hot tubs anymore instead they go with one off to the side of the main pool. Some 4 stars have personal jacuzzis but that's usually outside of most people's price range.
If you're going to treat yourself heading in with a body pillow is the least weird thing that has ever happened in any hotel. Be pleasant and double check when checking in your room that the amenities you want are available when you get there. Shit breaks but it's not cause for alarm. Also might not be smart to bring your daki to a jacuzzi in public space but if you go to the right place at the right time there won't be anyone around to care.

If you're going to be a sexual degenerate who will cum on every single thing up to but not limited to the ceiling and the floor, TIP WELL. You would be amazed what a cleaning lady will clean up without mentioning to her boss for $40. And if you don't they will charge harshly for being a degenerate. Also if you're going to blare porn loudly just wear a headset, it's so much better for everyone around you.

Overall as long as you are not sex/human trafficking in a hotel room, no one cares.

Experience: Worked as concierge during a sex doll convention which was normal except for the fact that most of the attendees couldn't speak clearly and look our female staff in the eye. Did get a call complaining about a sex doll orgy, nothing is as sad as sex doll orgy but I moved the guest to the other side of the hotel instead of walking in there.

Aww fuckin shit son. Is she gonna be out for preorder soon? That is one good looking figure.
Really hope they don't limit her release like they did with the other KA figures. I need to get this across to the UK.

Just how impatient can you be?

Prototype this upcoming WF. Please and thank you.

Attached: Siona1549796742.jpg (848x1200, 207K)

>sex doll orgy

No, I stood outside the door and... imagine men grunting while a dog chews a squeaky toy.

Someone remind me, was that Tamamo by one of the manufacturers likely to fuck her up? The promo looks so nice.

Daki fag from earlier
>see daki I like on
>doujin price was around 14k
>price on is 8k
It is a knock off isnt it?

Attached: 1548916633255.png (1000x1000, 136K)

>buying dakis on amazon

I am too much of a brainlet for yahoo auctions, I should probably just wait until comiket for new ones to flood the market

All dakis on Amazon are bootlegs, yes. Unfortunately they are expensive bootlegs so don't buy them. Get the $20 ones on eBay instead.

Use mandarake like everyone else.

Will my wifu have any figures at all? ;_;

Attached: Yellow.Diamond.full.2212527.png (800x600, 354K)

>I am too much of a brainlet for yahoo auctions
Just snipe the item. Buyee is used for those overseas.

It's weird because I thought the show and manga are popular in Japan. But it still had only 2 mediocre figures.

This whole scenario needs to be written into a scene in a sex comedy. Or maybe a CSI episode.

Attached: 1558579114258.gif (346x261, 1.49M)

This is all I want.
Maybe also a Rider and FSN Illya scale announcement.


Attached: D9bm_vPU8AUdRtv.jpg (600x1065, 105K)

More like one decent and one awfull

Dammit guys, just let them hang apart. It's fine and totally makes sense in that.

In fact it's more realistic and I find it hotter that way.

>sketchy figure I ordered from ebay actually turns out to be real and not a bootleg
Really never want to go through that whole thing again, but this is definitely a lesson learned for me.

Attached: 5512.jpg (306x425, 51K)

They've fixed that multiple times over. And give away Epics or stuff that helps you get Epics multiple times
DFO has a lot of cuties.

post pic

like this ?

Attached: NekoVader1547696114.jpg (1200x800, 124K)

Much better

Like that, but also with the clothed breasts. Without a metal rod there's no way that outfit could squeeze them together like that, anyway.

I cannot.


Silly reasons, but it's okay.

>You know you want to.
if only you could motorboat her bum

After asking a few photographers of figures on instagram I ended coming away with this:
Not the best macro lens but great for my budget. I need more exterior flashes though.
Thanks for the tip, will definitely keep dust and debris in mind when shooting now.

Guess I'll check it out. The figures look kinda shitty (inferior to the ArtFX Pokemon ones) and are only 1/8 scale (like same) despite being jacked up in price. But those vicious faces are just hot as fuck, might have to bite the bullet, especially if they'll blossom on the aftermarket. Shit, November is going to be murder, especially with Koto's other releases, the Pokemon, Monogatari, and Kaworu re-releases. And the Skytube shit I also want. And NGNL bunnies. God damn, hello $1000 order!

Is this your first time buying from manda? They always exaggerate on the damages.

user come on I was trying to reformat itAnd yeah this is my first time

On mandarake I see the perfect Daki but in the description it says
>There may be some wrinkles, breaks, threads, etc. in the outer bag.
>If there are excessive wrinkles or tears and scratches, please check the condition.
Think this is something to worry about? Or is just the outer bag scuffed? fixed it now

how much?

leave them on
I'm triggered seeing them in a pile like this...

They're just advertisements and add nothing to the book.

See . it's probably nothing to worry about.

Figure someday

Attached: 7745.jpg (1024x1750, 640K)

So? Why bend it? Just keep it on. In my experience, a lot of first run copies have them.

>Why bend it?
They come bent.
They're wrapped around the bottom portion of the book.

I meant 8 times, fuck.


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Anyone has any experience with GK? Is it worth all the rouble or better wait and hope for a decent scale?

Attached: 1553833000824.png (451x619, 392K)

try with a easy charagumin.

>an easy

they were 2200yen for preorder

Attached: FIGURE-048794_24.jpg (800x700, 74K)

Where's my Rimuru figma

>Is the BringArts 2B
I like articulated figures, but the pic used makes me believe that it was a scale of 2B I wasn't aware of

But you can't get a background like the left with a phone camera, which are always fucking with the image to compensate for their garbage everything.

Interesting, I was not thinking of going that high. And I was thinking of getting something with a faster? f-stop.

Thanks, user, first time hearing about charagumin. It comes prepainted yes? Maybe I'll try it. To bad the cost is about the same of the scales 80-120$ before shiping.

Why does her back hunch over like that? Or is it the angle?

Have you tried using deviantart then?

>5kg of doujins arrived
My penis is not ready

>AMLO ordered the SAT to inspect every package looking for tax shekels

I'm so happy with her

Attached: 20190619_195621.jpg (4032x1960, 1.72M)

cintiq 13hd right? Mine is busted so using the new 16 right now.

Attached: 1532826294910.gif (100x100, 25K)

a hat

Attached: GOODS-00228925.jpg (500x426, 27K)

Yep, was using an Intuos4 for several years before I bought this second-hand.


A bunch of things for two characters I like, along with random things I've needed/wanted for awhile now. Finally got my bonus I've been waiting on for ages now, so I can finally collect the last few bits of their merchandise.
I feel lucky because the one barely has any official items made, but it's also kind of sad.

Attached: 10 (1).jpg (353x614, 118K)

for some reason i do not like this

Attached: Kaneel1558758890.jpg (1108x1478, 195K)

Attached: D9eTj_jVAAA9awM.jpg (344x500, 38K)

Everything about her is fucked

Anyone have a figma kizuna ai? Not sure I wanna spend the dosh if they haven't fixed the QC issues that this guy had.

Attached: FIGURE-042834_04.jpg (550x800, 60K)

Thanks for ruining the series with your family shit.

Attached: 1520132292473.gif (500x500, 971K)


The face is fucked.

i dont mind nendos, but ive always found figmas even more annoying to pose and somehow more fragile
not for me

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

Attached: 1521392255699.png (389x654, 386K)

mother FUCK

>But you can't get a background like the left with a phone camera,
You can add bokeh in post.
Like how tilt-shift lenses are a waste of money.
>which are always fucking with the image to compensate for their garbage everything.

alice is a good girl

Less than a year, returd.

And good job bones fucking over all of Hei's character development from season one thanks to employing people who simply cannot write or who just shouldn't.

Where you from?


does zenmarket take prepaid cards

>bought a 300$ figure (low price)

Am I cool yet?

You'll never be cool.

Is this cheap?

Attached: ddddtggtg.jpg (893x360, 54K)

I'm not liking this one. Somethings weird about it to me.

Tfw this will never be a figure

Attached: DA184FDE-EE05-4359-8E22-0B3B67EDC2C6.jpg (717x1048, 141K)

free the titties

Attached: 1560953544113.jpg (1280x850, 317K)

I like martha and I like nidy-2d

Attached: 52=-548.jpg (1800x2629, 1.78M)

the face from down here looks really dumb

that's what you see when you're sucking

Her face is dumb from every angle but behind, but you normally wouldn't be looking at that.

>looks really dumb

Attached: YaR10301561005314.jpg (980x1306, 226K)

I have never bought an anime figure and I only watch casual/surface level anime. Someone show me something I couldn't resist buying?

Attached: FLEvyIf.jpg (693x1037, 67K)

I love her.

Attached: Agon1537856319.jpg (640x840, 120K)

Need more definition on casual/surface level. BNHA? FMA?

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Attached: .jpg (575x718, 67K)

off the top of my head how'd I do?

Attached: 1559609774392.jpg (1148x897, 256K)

Premium scale when?

Attached: 776.jpg (688x909, 90K)

>shipping is roughly the same price as a figure
Nigga what you doing?

dont forget customs being more expensive than both

Box was a 120 size by amiami, item was Size/Weight : 38 x 27 x 23.3 cm / 1404g

Attached: 740131.jpg (571x800, 112K)

Never ever

>Finally recieved my book from zenmarket.
>The sides are bent as fuck
Fuck this shit. I'm not using them ever again.

It's normal though

Attached: fc7.jpg (680x967, 84K)

>bunny misa nee binding 1/4 now 50k
>sells in 5 minutes

Retards with money literally buy everything. Just look at the European shops. 1/4 bunnies are now 400€, still sells.

Attached: 1560919211158.jpg (1000x603, 130K)

>pride month
>dicks not out


I just want those tits in my face. Is it so much to ask for?

Attached: D9fCVMUUYAAPmFm.jpg (640x840, 67K)

soon brother

Attached: 1560234828056.jpg (800x1200, 136K)

Nendoroids are for degenerates

tits for days

lmao dude, I'm gonna die twice during this time.

it's time

Attached: artworks-000238209271-3k7wwk-t500x500[1].jpg (500x500, 38K)

Hifumi and Erina in the same month
Why does Alter hate my wives? Welds on her and her sister

>Why does Alter hate my wives?
This feels like a Megahouse style "they know they can get away with not trying so they don't" situation. At least Atago's paint does an okay job of hiding it.

Attached: 1559596205961.png (445x303, 103K)

Mine still hasn't even shipped yet...

I ordered something from Otamart through From Japan about 3 days ago but it still says order pending.
Is there still hope? The listing is from a year ago but it says the seller has listed things as recently as a few weeks ago.
I don't know if I'm being paranoid, all the other things I've ordered from there processed in less than a day

>£12 handling fee for £2 of tax
Simply epic.

Attached: 1476612002769.png (300x300, 120K)

>tfw no Liru official figure like Uma and Pachislut

Attached: pachi-fig.jpg (256x397, 44K)

Still can't believe this and Bruno don't have POs yet. I've been scoping out amiami like a motherfucker for these.

Attached: giogio nendo.jpg (1530x2048, 215K)

Trying to cut down my collection a bit. Any buyfags interested? Hopefully some people here can find something they want on here and can appreciate them more than I currently am right now. The ones that have been dotted green are the ones I'm currently selling, I might sell more later.
As for the prices:
>Yamato Velvet $70
>Tonyslut Luka $40
>FuRyu Yagyu $15
>FuRyu Yoko $20
>Griffon Ikaruga $40
>Alter Scathach $135
>Stronger Luka $125
>Haruka garage kit $215
If you're interested in any of these send me a message to my mfc, can haggle the price a bit.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-20 Collection (Page 1 of 1) Maharbaris MyFigureCollection net.png (778x492, 447K)


Attached: D9ftJrbW4AAmxny.jpg (2048x1152, 320K)

>not undervaluing
Or does that not work in Bongistan?

I love(d) Figmas but they are like 20 goddamn dollars more than they would have been 2 years ago almost across the board. I know shit is more expensive but they price bumped them repeatedly. What would have been $65 due to huge amounts of complexity and accessories is now becoming standard and $75+ is not uncommon. On top of this, in the elder days their QC was top notch. Now I have their Megumin and her head literally won't stay on, let alone be posed. It's like they are doing some new shit where their necks are seated so that their heads are too far forward and that hit critical mass with Megumin. It crept in at least since Rem and Ram and was a problem with Aqua. It's painful for me but I would risk it assuming good preview pics and maybe some contrition and acknowledgement of the issue, but the pricing is out-fucking-rageous. I collect scales, Cu-poches and Nendo's and really, really hate the idea of a world where I could just pay another $40 and get a decent scale when the Figma was $80. Especially for ones that should be $40.

Let's not even mention the GS store exclusive faceplate horseshit.

I have had Kazuma on order since he was announced along with Tamamo and will get Darknessu and maaaybe Raphtalia but past that, I am taking a hard look at what may be turning into Stockholm Syndrome.

It seems pretty clear that Pop-up Parade is meant to address this (and scales taking up too much damn space) but that's not cutting it. Wish they'd make a ton more Petits. I got a handful of old Haruhi ones the other day and they are great.

And then there's this bitch. This is all my own fault and I am enabling them but...

Attached: 1558808326894.jpg (533x800, 51K)

That is one fat birb.

Come on guys be nice to each others, we are all chinese cartoon girls collecting retards!

Attached: 1558950638194.jpg (967x1200, 93K)


Attached: b05e91c0.jpg (1022x800, 102K)

And Big!

Attached: 68091a9b.jpg (800x691, 75K)

100% does work, but limited + exclusive and that store didn't undervalue.
I suppose I should have used the proxy/forwarder trick from a few threads back.

Stuff I've recently purchased at Mandarake and Book Off. The Kino no Tabi setting might be my favorite find so far.

Attached: 20190619_074253.jpg (2328x1164, 1.33M)

Attached: $.png (480x480, 157K)

Attached: notto disu shitto agen.jpg (800x450, 82K)

That is one cute Nep.

Attached: DvX65L6X4AAmWv2.jpg (1200x815, 122K)

I think it's a few months early for this one. Try something more seasonally appropriate, like deer.

Attached: Ghost_Bocc.png (1920x1080, 1.14M)

wow cute

I actually like this one a lot.

Don't die.

Make a list with the ones you're selling so you don't have to bother with that green dot bullshit.

Payment request, i was getting worried she would get delayed again.

Attached: .jpg (900x1350, 270K)

>Haruka garage kit
is that just a GK or the E2046 prepainted recast?

Me too. Could be my first Neptune figure.

Attached: nep.gif (498x298, 1.2M)


Is that 1/12 weapons?

Anyone own this figurine? I've been looking at it for awhile, and I wanted this to be my first figurine.

Attached: f81598b9adb38552e7bb552188fefbfc.jpg (670x730, 164K)

where the fuck can you PO that Natsume figure?

Has anyone purchased from CuddlyOctopus? It was mentioned briefly in the daki guide.

Just got Akari

Attached: Akari.jpg (1333x2000, 350K)

Go for it, she's really nice and i think she goes pretty cheap these days.

She's going to for preorders soon

Attached: IMG_20190620_124028.jpg (908x594, 98K)

Attached: IMG_20190620_124102.jpg (1500x1500, 102K)

Now there's a picture of her front too

Attached: IMG_20190620_124124.jpg (700x700, 40K)

Tonk up for PO.

Attached: 1534719058114.jpg (667x1000, 86K)

>Redelivery item already returned to sender.
I hate USPS so much

Two Xinhao bootlegs that I bought for hot gluing just came.
Nekopara is rather good, detail-wise, but in some places coloring is uneven or rough.
What's more, it was dirty as fuck on her back. Regular black dirt, that is mostly removable, and like 4 separate paint accidents.
Some holes are too small for comfortable insertion and one chair leg is too short, I had to put a coin under it.
Scale looks fine if you don't get too close to it.

Another scale is that Raita mahoshoujo slut. She's much cleaner, maybe feels less intricate and one of her smaller angel wings was broken off.

Both figs were $15 + $40 each for air mair derivery.
Not planning to buy more, but it was an interesting experience.

Attached: 20190620_161046.jpg (4128x3096, 3.94M)

How long does it take Mandarake to ship usually?

>hot gluing
pic where

The GK, I haven't painted it or assembled it.

nice legs

How the hell do they get casts for the figs if they haven't been officially released yet?

do you think they craft all the preorder 1 day before the release ?

You mean manufacture?

You're right but still, they should be more careful with the security of the places they choose to make figures.

Where did you get them from? I too wish too glue bootlegs

where i can buy Xinhao Raita's Misa?

taobao, just pick someone with most orders/best scores

I used as proxy. They took apart my orders, checked figures and sent me pics on their own, kinda weird but well-meaning fellas.

Xinhao Albedo, she came out almost a month ago.

Attached: HTB1njKWavWG3KVjSZFPq6xaiXXaS.jpg (800x800, 64K)


are they advertised as Xinhao? do they come in boxes with Xinhao printed?

How to sculpt my own? What materials and tools do they use to make it so clean?

Fuck off, shill. Tananmen, Winnie Pooh, free Tibet, Chinese concentration camps, etc.

>Raita mahoshoujo slut.
Could you take a photo of that one please?

I have ordered legit bunny Erika but I can't pay Misa's current price(50,000yen), would be nice to have a set, worst case I can resell it and get my money back.

I mean resell bootleg Misa in case it turns out bad.

>it was dirty as fuck on her back. Regular black dirt, that is mostly removable
try liquid soap, that aside it reminds of a fig I locally bought ugh never again.

It's out.

Attached: fms1561018871.jpg (828x1104, 190K)
yes and yes
$1-3 ones are pre-orders.

Ignore the skin color, it's my room's lighting.

Attached: 20190620_222203.jpg (3500x4667, 2.91M)