Why do so many people hate harems?
Doesn't having more girls make the story better for you guys?
Why do so many people hate harems?
>Why do so many people hate harems?
Because 95% of the time the MC doesn't fuck any of them. The remaining 5% makes up for it though
Girls make my penis delenis
Because the harem is so cringey in practically every case. The girls have no personality whatsoever, no inter-harem dynamics and fall for the MC because he handed them the salt shaker in cafeteria.
I love good harems. Most of them are shit though.
If that's the case why including the guy in the first place?
cause i'm not a yurifag.
It cheapens the realtionships, the wish fulfilment angle makes me uncomfortable and harems tend to be just fucking awful in general.
It especially stretches possibility. Like, how the fuck does anyone have the emotional capacity to deal with so many young women at once?
The one version I'll accept is that *any* of the girls could win, and that when she wins, the others fuck off. As in, perhaps one or two of them leave early when they find other love interests, and the field gets pared down by the end of the series.
For an especially interesting twist, perhaps the girl with 'main heroine' traits is the first one to leave when she finds someone else she really likes.
Because too many of the girls end up as forgotten or abandoned and everything centers around the mcbowl when the mc is rarely good to begin with.
Even when they are it's always the main girls from the start because they had the most development.
If you really liked cute girls, you'd want the guy to be replaced by another cute girl.
this If authors had the writing chops to write a polygamous relationship then we would see good anime harems. Very obvious that the Japs treat harems as a picking ground for choice women, which in a sense isn't wrong because that is what harems are essentially, at least in the past and in some parts of the world. Problem is that most authors just tend to write harems with "Romance" in mind, which doesn't work if you don't have proper knowledge on what polyamory is and have done proper research on it.
TL:DR Japs are bad at writing harems because in the end, Japs are too stuck with the idea of "one for one" instead of "one for all."
The MC acts like a beta incel its hard to self insert into it unless the harem guy is a handsome socially competent Chad.
You can have a bunch of cute girls without making them all fall in love with the same dude.
>t. Mormon
This. The main character is always acts like a faggot and freaks out when multiple girls hit on him instead of just banging them all.
Because beta MC ruin everything
This genre need more alpha MC like this guy
Are there any good harem manga/shows where the main guy isn't a total omega? Not counting School Days since it's only ironically good
MC is usually a boring self-insert that girls like for no reason
Girls are usually cookie-cutter character types
Most of the time it's just ecchi fan-service comedy stuff without any real romance or character building.
Not to mention the fact that the vast majority of "harem" anime don't even end in a harem but usually the first girl that the MC meets.
The main gripe people have is that it's wasted potential.
He's too autistic.
Also Grisaia fucking sucks.
Because we're not Sultans of some wild desert land.
>Doesn't having more girls make the story better for you guys?
Yes,but they are mostly trash.
A good girl>1000 trashy girls
I like romance. I like progress. Harem anime shits on both of those.
The MC is always too beta, even for anime standards.
Pretty much this, it's fun at first but after it's obvious that some are just on the losing team pair them up with someone else and have their own side story
Side couples are 99% of the time better than any of the main shitty couples. It also adds to the better side of wish fulfillment: Knowing that you can still find someone even if it doesn't work out with your first love
Quality, not quantity, my dear boy
Eugene a best.
Not many actually fuck their harem.
This. It's only good if they actually fuck.
What pisses me off is that they tend to only go for one girl, if they only go for one girl through a bunch of girls that want to fuck mc and are ok with sharing then it's not really a harem series but a romance series.
power fantasy, having a self insert have imaginary female archetypes falling head over heels for an undeserving main character do nothing for me. It's just escapist masturbation and has no artistic merit.
The awareness that most of these shows don't have any artistic value nor decent plot or characters, and instead are made mainly for fat sore losers to self insert in the place of blandest MCs imaginable is a big no no for me
you were supposed to feel superior to the MC in harems, they are purposely made spineless so the viewer can self insert as the MC "do a better job". That is why most of the time the MC has a really blank character, notice how satoo doesn't even have an expression most of the time in death march.
Basically. People say harems, but it's usually one obvious winner and a bunch of losers or a lot of nothing ever happening.
actually tru.
Harems are only good if the MC is a girl.
Or he’s a brain dead retard who has no clue what sexual interest. Now if the guy thinks he’s being teased that’s okay but even that bullshit never happens.
but what if he like, get this, walks in on her naked next time!
omg so hilarious!
I would want for fucking once to see some NTR, cheating, or at least multiple relationships resulting in breakups. If they can’t put in sex or other sexual content to get more sales, at least add some interesting developments in the plot to keep me reading.
Lackluster characters and writing, that's about it really. I grew up on Ranma and Tenshi and most harem series are pretty bad in comparison. TLR, Da Capo, and Ken Akamatsu's stuff are decent, but apart from those I find most writers don't put that much effort into making their characters relatable or likable aside from their looks.
Harem animes are uninspired and poorly written
The normalfag infestation got out of hand
you're infinitely more cancerous than the tropes you're describing
Because they feel uncomfortable watching wish fulfillment shows. Their culture has Christian influences where as we all know fun is not allowed, so feeling fun immediately makes them feel uncomfortable. They have to justify watching a show as "deep" or "well-written" or it feels "cringey" to them.
WHat about 5toubun no hanayome? That one;s good, right?
>You must be 18 years or older to post on this site
This guy fucks though. Just not his crew.
All the characters are just stereotypes
>MC doesn't fuck any of the girls: incel faggot.
>MC fucks any of the girls: she's used goods.
It's either 1 extreme or the other. Someone will bitch about it.
>Doesn't having more girls make the story better for you guys?
No. I'd rather have one interesting girl than several bland ones, as is the case with harems.
As funny as School Days was, it wasn't a good romance harem series.
>MC fucks any of the girls: she's used goods.
Purity fags are the biggest cancer.
Nothing more pathetic than guys who get upset over their waifus even interracting with a male character.
Because the way most harem genre shows are written often have several girls making blatant advances, so they gotta make the guy an indecisive beta faggot because otherwise he'd just go out with the first girl telling him she wants him and the show would be over.
>ywn read a manga about the genuine relationship and complications of a man having to sustain (financially and romantically) 3 wives, and the ensuing squabbling between them to determine who gets the first wife status.
Purity fags and incels are practically the same I feel
This but unironically.
I used to watch them pretty often but after a while the same formula and same girls and same bland MC just made me drop it altogether. Can't even watch it ironically.
They must be so ugly, they cannot even self insert, and I thought even that was low
>MC fucks any of the girls: she's used goods.
this is literally fake news that Yea Forumseddit started repeating after they misinterpreted a shitty sankaku article. explicit sex and pregnancy ends are the new popular trend now which you would know if you weren't said Yea Forumseddit cancer.
>love live
See what? You also know Love Live fags are touched in the head right? Those are not even self-insert fags but outright delusional insane people, just the thought of some their favorite girl interacting with men makes them nuclear.
Those are the minority.
the girls in harems are extremely boring and shallow most of the time
Me with the blue hair
Look me in the eye and tell me Parallel Paradise or Minamoto Monogatari are good and part of that 5%
Not everyone is a cuck like yourself user
im fine with harems if it actually goes somewhere like DxD or Testament
this haremshit where nobody wins gets old real fast and it's been done for years
It's a template story that requires little imagination or creativity, not to mention creativity. That's not to say a harem CAN'T be imaginative and creative and all that, just as long as the character designs are good it can be popular despite being badly written
Purityfags are always so quick to resort to cuckhold rhetoric.
not to mention good writing*
School days if you haven't seen it.
MC chases one girl and gets help from another girl who he ends up fucking, he gives up on the girl he initially chases because shes a prude and the chad awakens inside him and he ends up sleeping with most of the school.
Most of the girls in the story bar the first girl he initially chased are secretly his nieces because his father fucked most of the country.
Dating a girl who has touched another man is pretty much equal to watching her get fucked by that man.
So i guess everyone wants to watch girls get fucked by their fathers
Only if I can self-insert as the girl
how does that nigga not age
like, even imagining shit like average impregnation age of 10, that's still 60 years between the first kid and the last
-I can get literally everything I want from harems out of visual novels
-The girls can be good but will generally drag it down
-Harems tend to have really poor stories. At a certain point, it becomes obvious the author's best plan to keep the story going is to add a new girl, similar to how shounen authors will frequently introduce a new group of characters as a replacement for interesting storytelling
-Harem romance sucks. It barely goes anywhere and you won't get a true confession until the end. That's no different than standard romcoms
Harem mc is a self insert. If he fucks the girls people will be happy. If the girl is revealed to have been with someone else or attracted to someone else people would get mad.
Well, it's simple. Harems, by and large, are aimed at the straight male population. While, on the other hand, around 85% of Yea Forums's userbase is comprised of women and homosexuals. So, naturally, they would not like harems and would try to oppose them. Straight men, though, uniformly like harems which is why there's so many of them, and why they're so popular overall
When it comes to harem anime there are two aspects:
Lots of girls means a large chance to find a girl you like. In regular romance, if you don't like the main girl there is no point in watching, which means you have a larger possible target audience.
On the other hand, there is also a great chance to piss off people if their girl doesn't win, who might be vocal about it, trash your work online, etc. - so the initial gain in widening your target audience might not work on in the long run if you don't pursue an actual harem ending.
The latter means that a vocal hatebase will come with any harem anime that doesn't actually end as a harem.
A lot of hate on harem anime also comes from failed normalfags who are losers enough to feel the need to watch romance anime to fill the gap of romance in their life with a surrogate yet are too insecure to fully embrace their vices and virtue signal by dismissing certain types of entertainment openly in an attempt to hide that they're losers. Also there are lots of self-important people like women or trannies who get mad over entertainment that doesn't pander to them.
>Side couples are 99%
Do we even GET side couples anymore? It used to be that everyone in the show had some ship but lately it just feels like all the girls need to get stuck pining for the retarded MC because Japanese audiences have to self insert in everything they watch or play. It's especially annoying in video games.
Why of course I dig real polygamy harems, how on earth could you tell?
Has there ever been an MC-bowl where the first girl didn't win?
>It also adds to the better side of wish fulfillment: Knowing that you can still find someone even if it doesn't work out with your first love
Cucking the fanbase of a girl by pairing her with someone else than their self-insert is the best way for an author to commit economic suicide.
Something about seeing this on a Japanese twitter just makes me giggle
>MC fucks any of the girls: she's used goods.
Uh, I don't think you know what used goods means
Mobage whales work differently than other stuff you stupid Yea Forumseddit cancer
>series is basically 99% MC having sex with his harem and 1% story.
School Days was a VN originally. Different standards
Doesn't he have a magical amulet or something?
Most of it boils down to SUPER WACKY situations where people think MC is a pervert, and he gets beat up and stuff thrown at him.
MC never has the balls to ask any of them out.
Then by the end, the fucking tsundere wins.
What's there to like?
would it be profitable to have different endings for each girl?
>It's a let's introduce a super badass heroine who can totally kick...oh wait no she's been turned useless so the MC can somehow bullshit his way to saving the day episode
Making assumptions about me. I don't visit Yea Forums.
VNs are better, because you have a bit more control on choosing the girl. that is not main heroine.
Well what are some good yuri harems?
>Third one
Unironically this. The thing that will always makes me mad is when a collab makes the characters act different than in the source just to fit in (Chie turning into "Hurr durr meaaat" and Akihiko into "Hurr durr PROTEINS" in P4A will always makes me mad)
Meaning she's not virgin anymore. It made not be big deal if it involves the MC, but the incel audience, she's no virgin, but they still are.
Yes, if the other girls have sizeable enough fanbases. Denpa Onna had multiple endings for each of the heroines if I remember correctly.
There is also the Amagami approach of course, even though Amagami does not really feature real "harem" elements, as the various routes are fairly separate from another with little interaction between the girls.
good and yuri are mutually exclusive
The point is what said. If it's the MC, it's okay, hell, even encouraged
>but after it's obvious that some are just on the losing team pair them up with someone else
Sometimes you get surprises like Nisekoi where three of the losers outright said they would find other guys
>I would want for fucking once to see some NTR, cheating, or at least multiple relationships resulting in breakups.
Too dramatic and challenging for people into harems
One of the more well-known ones
Nah, Im pretty sure the VN mentally affects most harems without possibility of harem end. I mean the author of those always develop the girls and the main character like it was one route for each, but then has the MC switching sides and finally can only choose one despite reaching the same strong emotional investment with everyone and thats just cruel.
A harem series needs to have a possible harem end to not have that ugly feeling since the start that great girls will just get their hearts broken.
Boring girls with no personality beyond their crush on the MC. I don't care how cute a girl is, these bitches are always boring.
>Well what are some good yuri harems?
Murciélago has a chad alpha-lesbian as an MC that fucks, or tries to fuck, half the female cast, if that counts.
idolshitters and /u/shitters are a completely different group than people who watch harem anime.
The girls have bland personalities and no chemistry with each other. All they can talk and think about is MC. This gets boring fast.
They are also far worse and obnoxious. The anti-harem shilling and attacking on innocent self-insert fags is off the charts I tell you!
Because ALL of them are trash absolutely devoid of any depth or interesting plots.
It DOESN'T MATTER if the MC is alpha or beta, they're trash all the same.
Ultimately, harems literally only ever work because in the universe it exists, either there's no other males besides the MC or they're absolute retards that try as hard as possible to not get girls. So, alpha or beta MC, it's all the same, only in one it will be tagged smut and in the other it will be ecchi. And not only that, with too many girls, there's no time to properly develop them all, so most of time a good portion of them have absolutely no relevance besides a few scenes, and the main girl is obvious so there's little point to bothering with the rest, or it tries to balance them all and fail spetacularly every time.
TLDR: harem done right would require way too much actual writing skill and people who have that would rather write genres that deserves those.
>choosing a girl
I'm glad we have isekai as those types of harems are a thing of the past now. They also tend to bang their harems and honestly Roxanne is very hot.
>MC doesn't fuck anyone
it's just dicktease and blueballing
>MC fucks everyone
Doujins gets more explicit, more focus on the fucking and usually better art
Doujins don't have buildup though in temrs of relationship and chemistry. They have serviceable stories which can sometimes surprise you for sure but they're just that in the end. Yet people who read harem LNs don't care about fapping.
Or well I should say most of the time they don't as otherwise they'd play a nukige or like you said read a doujin. I kinda understand that too.
Who the fuck are you kidding?
harem LN readers almost solely care about reading sex
harem LNs are NOT known for their relationship development and chemistry. like user said above, the only reason the girls go with the guy most of the time is because he's the only dick avaible, he helps them carry a shopping bag once and they're already on fuck terms.
No user. The culmination of that relationship sex is important but they don't read it for solely sex. It's the same with eroge especially moege.
Well you guys can think like that of course they've got their own types of archetypes and ideas of chemistry and relationship. Whatever though continue with the thread.
>their own types of archetypes
That's part of the problem though. The characters are nothing more than their archetypes. They add a tsundere just to add one or a kuudere just because they feel the need. The character personalities and motivations aren't explored beyond the most basic of justifications to explain why they're their archetype.
He's not a stud, but neither is he a total pushover bitch. They're all his wives.
Fuck off. This is the exact kind of example of why people hate this harem LN isekai garbage.
"Good harem" is an oxymoron. The purpose of a harem is wish fulfillment; people get mad because a show never delivers and they get blue balls.
Is it good? Not really. Does it deliver? Yeah. Is it fun? Yeah.
That is the same for most romance manga characters but they're not as explicit. The people who read them simply want to see those types of archetypes and enjoy the pre determined chemistry. It is not a flaw for them but what they actually want to read about which fulfills their desire to see such a behavior from this girl or that.
Although tsundere's especially now that battle harems aren't a thing anymore have almost disappeared very few within the current isekai trends have it.
>Dude it's okay to set the bar low if the other shows suck too it's just fun that way
yeah fuck off.
There used to be a time when you could make a Harem Isekai adventure that wasn't complete shit.
>Why do so many people hate harems?
Because Love Hina and Nisekoi.
Tons of narou isekai adventures beat el hazard though that shit is cheesy and ancient.
You're not wrong, but I'm not going to apologize for enjoying a show where the protagonist is fully aware of how broken he is. It's a guilty pleasure that I don't expect anyone else share.
Plus the girls are cute.
because if i wanted to hear a story about a guy surrounded by all the women who had personalities about as deep as a puddle, i would just go out and date women irl
>i would just go out and date women irl
but user you're here on Yea Forums participating in a thread about harems. So things can't be that good on that front.
>"Good harem" is an oxymoron. The purpose of a harem is wish fulfillment;
It's not an oxymoron. Just because most harems are badly written does not mean that harems are intrinsically bad. There exist multiple harems out there that are well written, some even integral to the plot. Also, just because harems can fulfill the purpose of wish fulfillment, does not mean that their purpose cannot be anything other than wish fulfillment.
thank you for that abstraction. now slap in some context and the image you are trying to portray changes dramatically
>i would just go out and date women irl
Today I will remind them.
>i would just go out and date women irl
>comparing 3dpd to 2d
Because they are just twilight rewritten to appeal to incels.
christ, the shading on that pic is terrible and they all look like they have fake tits
Well, they're all young and perky.
Not when its the same stale ass story where its not even a proper harem, just a bunch of girls orbiting some bland toast of an MC who spends 90% unable to progress because the audience sperg about non virgins.
CGDCT with yuri is better than harem because it means every cute girl can be happy in a monogamous relationship instead of a second fiddle or loser.
>tfw when every harem MC and most Shounen MCs in general are male Bella Swans
Based and yuripilled!
The question that every harem has to answer from the outset is: Why won't/can't this guy date or have sex with any of these girls?
A lot of harem comedies "solve" this problem by making the MC two-dimensional and utterly unlikable. For example:
>He's impossibly stupid and he can't figure out that any of them want him
>He's a complete pussy who can't bring himself to make a move on any of them
>He inexplicably hates all of them and gets weirdly pissed off when gorgeous women throw themselves at him
>He's transfixed on the one girl in the series who is magically immune to whatever charm has made numerous other beautiful girls fall in love with him
None of that makes for entertaining viewing. It's like watching somebody wipe their ass with a winning lottery ticket for 12 episodes.
Some harems get around this by making the girls fall in love with him at different points in the series, so he can deal with each of them one at a time in a more realistic fashion (like OreImo). Others have him in some sort of bind where he might be willing to make a move but can't because of extenuating circumstances (like 5T).
Pic related. This autistic faggot single-handedly ruined what could have been an ecchi masterpiece.
It's beyond that,in my book. All this shit has simply been overdone
Hey guys recommend me harems you think are good
Yosuga no Sora. He even ends up with the best one at the end.
All excellent points. The more harem girls, the more shallow everything becomes, and the entire experience is just unsatisfying.
Whats worse are the ones who do fuck their harems yet manage to have even less personality than the ones who don't. And the sex scenes are bland as fuck on top of it. Looking at you Redo of Healer and Parallel Paradise.
I really love harem in concept, alot of times when I saw some clip on youtube that had interest character interaction or one of those scenarios that I really like, I will go find the harem series they are from, like "Hundred" or "In another world with my cellphone" or whatever, although often times I am sadden because l ended up not following through because the beginning of the series were so tedious.
Although since its been announced, I am rather curious how Mushoku Tensai would turn out, because it went down several rabbit holes that other stories of its class rarely dares to.
My biggest problem with most Harem anime is they are mostly obvious with who The MC is going to end up with. I like A harem where each girl has a chance to end up with the MC. Another thing is they make the other girls more interesting than the main FMC he ends up with.
Let's combine these.
As the MC slowly begins to home in on one girl, all the others gradually break off two at a time and end up together.
Nightmare mode:
There's an even number of girls and the MC ends up alone.
God mode:
The MC is a girl and after all of her love interests have paired off with each other she ends up with her onee-chan.
Because it's a fetish for loners and incels and that makes it extremely embarasing. People don't enjoy watching embarasing things.
>MC is such a miserable beta and complete failure of a man that all the chicks in his harem become lesbians
That's correct. I improved on the current paradigm (where MC is still a miserable beta and a complete failure of a man) by adding a bunch of cute girls making out with each other.
Tenchi was shit for the longest until he finally settled for Ryoko
It will be toned down.
LN doesn't have the initial masturbation scene.
It won't reach the polygamy part and childbirth.
It won't mention how MC's dad literally raped a maid and got away with it and also had a kid who gets acknowledged by his official wife.
It will omit many of the MC's antics.
It will omit how the maid was disgusted by the MC
It will omit the decadence of the Asuran nobility and how Ariel tried to rape Sylphy with a dildo.
It won't mention how Zanoba crushed the skull of his first wife like a watermelon.
etc etc etc
And of course even if by some miracle it got to that point there will be a zero mention of MC's sister fucking his son.
How about we talk about properties of harems that make harems better or worse?
>- MC will eventually deny all but one.
>- Harem members have little to no personality.
>- Harem members don't develop.
>- Harem members become irrelevant.
>- MC doesn't romance or fuck harem for stupid or bad reasons.
>- MC can't fuck his harem because editors or publisher.
>+ MC fucks harem members.
>+ MC doesn't wait until the end to fuck harem members.
>+ MC differentiates between lovers and concubines.
>+ MC denies potential harem members instead of accepting everyone.
>+ MC can fuck someone and they don't become a harem member.
>+ Harem members get pregnant and give birth.
>+ Interactions between harem members aren't limited to cat-fights.
>+ Harem members form alliances or establish a hierarchy.
>+ Harem members grant MC a distinct advantage (political, x power, etc.)
>+ Harem member seduces others to share with MC.
>+ Harem includes a trap that gets treated like a girl.
BACK IN MY DAY, it was ENOUGH for MC to FUCK 4 or 5 CUNTS, but NOW there's all this DUMB SHIT where the MC doesn't even have ENOUGH TIME to FUCK ALL THE BITCHES IN THE SHOW, and in fact HE FUCKS NONE OF THEM.
The formula is fucking SIMPLE. You need some fox bitch, a fucking ALIEN, some BOOKREADING WHORE and maybe his sister or cousin or some shit, and he needs to FUCK THEM ALL.
VN Adaptations that follow only one route have ruined this genre, we're supposed to be laughing and jacking off, not falling in love and crying.
Basically it will simplify everything and remove a lot of the things that put important characters in a moral gray area. Sasuga harem shows. Why have interesting characters when you can have a shitton of two-dimensional ones with massive tits?
>The formula is fucking SIMPLE. You need some fox bitch, a fucking ALIEN, some BOOKREADING WHORE and maybe his sister or cousin or some shit, and he needs to FUCK THEM ALL.
I kek'd
Manga version is what you’ll get basically.
>+ Interactions between harem members aren't limited to cat-fights.
This is it for me. Makes the harem feel more natural and less centered around the MC. Good character interaction is something I love in an anime and makes me like shows that are bad in other areas like Akame ga Kill, and a harem anime has even more characters to work with by virtue of its genre.
They're the epitome of terrible anime cliches
>faggot mc
>one "main girl" out of the 5+
>at least one episode where faggot mc walks in on one or more of the girls undressing/ naked
>faggot mc gets pushed around or beaten on multiple occasions
>whenever faggot mc is alone with main girl, they get interrupted or the moment is ruined by misunderstanding
>series generally ends without a conclusive romance endgame
Name ONE harem anime that doesn't include at least 2 of the above.
>Hurr Durr, all a harem needs to be good is for the MC to man up and fuck all the girls.
Swing and a miss, brainless, WN-guzzling monkey-spankers. Even a series with the biggest manwhore of a protagonist won't necessarily be good on its own. Even a bit of a beta MC can work just fine, as long as there is a steady sense that things are going somewhere, and it's not just endless blueballing and status-quo resetting for the sake of giving every girl a fair chance. "Fucking them all" is just an easy shortcut for that sense of progression, and can often just result in a line of meaningless "pump and dumps". I don't know you fags, but I don't read harems just to slobber over how competent and manly the protagonist is, I'm mostly in it for the girls, and the build-up's important for them to shine.
Also, "Marry them all" can be just as big a cop-out as going for the first girl the protagonist met. It can work with the right story and protagonist, but more often it's lame and unfulfilling as fuck, and usually even more spineless. It's the participation award of endings, the communism of romance; every girl is a pathetic little winner, I guess! Hurray, my favorite girl at least didn't get dumped!
>But isn't being worshipped by many girls every man's dream, user?
Sure, but not if it leaves loose ends unresolved. The polygamy route is no good if it's just resolved through some limp-dick agreement between 5+ girls that "we're all completely chill with this situation, since we all love MC-kun so much!" Which is why, on top of who wins, having a good overall network of relationships even between the different harem members is important. If there is eventually a polygamy route, it needs to feel conclusive, not like the ending of an unfinished anime adaptation.
nope, get fucked contrarian faggot
Despite being watered down, I still gotta say Roxy's depiction in the manga is kino.
Can someone explain the concept of purity and soulmates to these retards who just want mc to fuck everything from the start, how would you know that the girls wouldn’t just fuck another guy similar to you if you didn’t exist or if they’re even virgins to begin with if they just decided to fuck the mc from the start? Non self-insertfags can fuck off, this genre isn’t for you.
Nothing to hate in principle, but most de facto are crap.
>series has no haremshit antics
>it is now forgotten and has no fanbase on Yea Forums
Harems are what make series popular on Yea Forums, because of waifu war shitflinging.
>he wouldn't suck a dick for a salt shaker
You ever hear of the handshake problem?
Let's say we use the example: Five girls, one guy. We establish they are harem.
There are 15 one on one connnections in this harem. You must establish how each character interacts with their husband and each of the other wives.
Additionally, you must consider there are 10 3-part connections which are also relevant for constructive or destructive interference in a 2-pair.
You are effectively writing at least 5 romantic relationships, 15 familial relationships and more likely than not at least 10 permutations of these romantic relationships.
The reason we don't like harem is because that's work, and writers typically don't do it, focusing on single note romantic connections and the harem either distancing themselves to the point where they're not in contact, or entirely ignoring any chance of friction or connection between the group.
A winner may be frustrating (if it's the wrong girl) or limiting, but at least there's focus.
>The reason we don’t like harem
Speak for yourself normalfag.
Sorry. What was I saying.
The reason why Yea Forums likes garbage pseudo-harems is because real harems require some fucking foresight on the part of the author, that is typically reserved for virtually unadaptable stories.
But hey, don't take it from me: Check your favorite harem: The girls may as well be kept in the stables, fed, watered and brushed down between scenes so they're ready to do their gimmick, give a quick rundown on their thoughts of the other girl in scene, then skip off scene for their treat and a jaunt back to their stall.
I heard you loud and clear, you don’t like it because it’s not “realistic” enough to your sensibilities. Why don’t you go back to the real world with all the disgustingly ugly farm animal looking girls that should actually be in stalls in barns if you want to see retarded shit like the girls and harem interact with their different family members as if anyone wants to see that irrelevant shit?
Did you read Mushoku Tensai and what do you think about its depiction of polygamy?
Wasn't on the radar, I'll give it a shot when I have some free time, it seems intriguing.
MC acting like a moralfag is the biggest problem, it's understandable at the beginning but they never give in to the advances by their harem which is just sad. Harems that have a single winner are also disgusting.
The problem I often have with this line of thinking is that what you say sounds good on paper, but the execution is rather awful. It's nice to see the main character buckle down and actuall ut choose a girl, but when that happens the rest of the girls get either no development or are eternally hung up on a boy they met in high school/college/wherever. Having a single, complete and developed relationship only works when you don't shuck the rest of the contestants to the wayside.
So ultimately it all comes down to writing. A bonafide harem end would work as long as we see both girls and guy put some effort into maintaining their relationships together, not just your "everyone gets a participation baby" ending, just as a single choice end could work for the same reasons. But as it stands single choice endings, and the series that feature them, are poorly handled.
Hey, at least green won, thats as rare as it gets when it comes to harems