Does nip really do this?
What is wrong with them?
How do we save those poor innocent JK from committing suicide?
Does nip really do this?
What is wrong with them?
How do we save those poor innocent JK from committing suicide?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is female bullying really this gay in Japan?
>male bully
>Cute girl bully
I will now buy your manga
You should dick them into submission.
That should teach them
Post kino bullying-core
Just started reading this.
Man I want to save this poor girl from the abuse.
>What is wrong with them?
8 times out of 10 they have zero father figure in their lives because their fathers with 16+ hour work days (not counting unpaid overtime to try and kiss your bosses ass) are never home to teach them right and wrong while their mothers do chores and then cook dinner.
Pretty much 90% of all Japan's problems can be traced back to the fact their economy is currently a dumpster fire.
Low birth rates? Not enough money to sustain a family.
Bullying? Fathers working all day
Animation in anime is bad? Animators are being paid chicken feed
Series are getting more creatiely bankrupt? Can't make money to eat a real dinner on untested waters, better just copy what's hot.
Have good idea but go on far too long and pad out way too much? Creators see how much better their lives are now that they're successful, they gotta keep the money fountain pouring.
Even their gambling addictions that spun off into Gacha games comes from pachinko parlors having simple loop holes to allow people to make profit, because they need more money.
Japanese highschooler have no empathy.
What's his problem
Check out Misu Misou.
all girls are a little gay, their amount of gay varies from person to person
What a wild ride. Poor sensei.
she loves it
Pic was bullied.
This manga needs to get translated asap.
Absolutely crazy wide ride.
Wonder how it managed to go under my radar for so long.
Is that Nico Tanigawa? They're cute.
It's the author from behind, no face still.
Other two are interviewers or something.
Somebody post that pasta of pic related.
The guy that get bullied on the live TV show
No pasta but here is the wiki
>Nasubi's reaction after being freed: "I suffered mentally every day. I felt trapped between sanity and madness, and I had no idea that everyone was watching my naked body all this time. It shouldn't be allowed. But, to be fair, they've just given me hot miso soup and a bowl of rice and pickled plums, so I've agreed to go to South Korea and repeat the challenge."
2 nukes weren't enough
>When he was unblindfolded, he looked around, sighed, and took all of his clothes off. At which point the walls of the apartment fell away to reveal that he was in a TV studio with a huge live audience. He couldn't understand it because he thought the show had not yet been broadcast.
How can Western TV even begin to compare?
Let's see if I get it: the FMC is bullying the MC to forces him to bullying her in school? Interesting. Where can I see the raws?
So the yandere girl is forcing the guy into bullying her?
What the fuck?
It's somebody's niche
Are there any manga that have a character bullied to the point of murderous rage but then it turns into a romance with the victim's savior? I feel like that could be cute.