Why arent tripfags banned for avatar or signature use...

Why arent tripfags banned for avatar or signature use? Most of the time they not inly break the rules but also post dumb bait just to get (You)s
And one does scans occasionally so we have to treat him like hes a god.

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Here's a radical thought, why don't you just ignore them?

Doesnt stop new ones from coming or entire threads jerking them off
They ruin threads because people cant be bothered tp self moderate

That sure looks like an avatar you're using, user...


/qa/ doesnt have a tripfag problem Yea Forums does
And newmoot said 1 meta thread is allowed per board

The only board that actually has a tripfag problem is Yea Forums, you just browse cancer threads and constantly bump into tripfags

So there is no real answer youre just a bunch of insecure faggots who want to suck tripfag dick

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Report, ignore, filter, hide. The solution been the same for over a decade, not that you newfaggot children would ever get it.

>the solution is something that doesn't work

If that worked theyd be gone for years now yet on Yea Forums they increase and even have retards enabling them

It is because you faggots keep giving them attention that they keep coming back and increasing. It doesn't help that most of you are crossboarding retards who bring in inferior culture onto the board.
Tripfags and namefags make this easy since they give you something to easily filter. Ignore and report avatarfags once you see their stock images. Stop responding to them and they'll either leave or do something banworthy in time. If the mods and jannies are faggots, self-moderate. It's not that hard, children.

The only tripfags I see are the Mami and Lelouche ones and that's not on a daily basis, who are these tripfags you guys keep on seeing?

Tripfags were getting pretty bad on /g/ but it seems to have eased up

I never looked at the name of the poster. To me, there is no different between tripfag and anonymous

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tripcodes just make it easier to filter shitty posters

But not their replies and they never get banned for it even though theyre misusing it

Ignoring them has never worked
On Yea Forums they derailed and insulted them till they all killed themselves and left

There will always be a cpuple of tards that enable them

nigga just use 4chanx, you can automatically hide all tripfag posts and/or make everyone anonymous

Hiding them doesnt stop them from existing and the related problems you tard
Besides they should be banned theyre breaking the rules and it can derail threads when enablers enable

There are basically no tripfags left at this point. You don't see idiots making threads about each other anymore. Which is a very good thing.

>hide all tripfag (thus automatically hiding replies)
>n-nothing solved
epic my man

I can't think of any tripfags here that uses an avatar or signature though

Why would you get banned about something you are allowed to do?

Hiding half of thread and increasing numbers because they cant be bothered to respect etiquette

Let us post porn too then and tag it, tards can hide it

It isnt. Its signature use. Tripcodes were intented to be used when you need to id yourself for a thread. Not to build a personality of shitty bait

This thread would have made sense 8 years ago, but nowadays Lelouch is the only active tripfag left

What's even the point of coming to an anonymous forum board and try to make yourself a known pseudonym?
Like, just go to reddit, or MAL or whatever other free public forum where people have names.
Bunch of fags.

>half of thread

Is it 2010 in here?

>Hiding half of thread and increasing numbers because they cant be bothered to respect etiquette
My user, learn English before posting

there is 4(?) active tripfags on Yea Forums: Mami, Lelouche, Stalker and PTSD guy

don't forget the dynamic IP schizo user in all the madoka threads