Feminist Discussion of Anime and Manga General

Not your waifu edition

This is largely going to be a thread where people can discuss feminist theory of anime and manga as well as recommend ones that you believe show positive feminism. First let's briefly go over feminist theory.

What is Feminist Theory?

Feminist theory covers a broad range of topics, but for this thread we're gonna be focusing on feminist theory as it pertains to pieces of fictional media. In the case of this thread, we are framing anime and manga through a feminist lens and covering topics like gender inequality, representation, stereotyping, objectification, among others. The point of such discussion is meant to point out viewpoints and attitudes held by a work of art.

Ground Rules

Please refrain from

hostility towards anyone
generalizing groups of people or fandoms
accusations of censorship
arguments of who can and can't discuss this topic
Dismissing or handwaving legitimate issues with a certain anime or manga
Using this thread to whine about feminism or liberal views
I will add more rules to the OP if issues arise. I know these kind of topics can go shit real quick.


Some websites and left leaning YT channels to check out. If people have anymore they would like to recommend, I'll add them to the OP. There ain't much I can find so please do so.

Attached: Masamune_Ep9_10-1.png (803x453, 130K)

Feminists are either completely incapable of understanding anime or intentionally misunderstand it. With that said, this thread can be deleted now.

This but unironically
A thread died for this

This sounds like a great thread. No, really.

>wasting brainpower on the joke that is third-wave feminism
Your two digit IQ too high still?

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fuck you retard reeeeeeee


Before either (a) this pasta gets deleted or (b) the thread is flooded with trolling, I'll just say there's a quantum difference between proper feminism and the modern feminism perpetrated in places like OP's links

Kodomo no jinkan and prysma illya are anime that Young Girls shouldnwatch

>Please refrain from
>hostility towards anyone
fuck off faggot

That's nice OP, but check these

check em

>Please refrain from
>hostility towards anyone
>generalizing groups of people or fandoms
>accusations of censorship
>arguments of who can and can't discuss this topic
>Dismissing or handwaving legitimate issues with a certain anime or manga
>Using this thread to whine about feminism or liberal views
>I will add more rules to the OP if issues arise. I know these kind of topics can go shit real quick.
so let me get this straight "lets have a discussion" but only if it fits in with my political views this is why everyone hates you

Nice 5.
But check 'em.

kill yourself cringe

Is this the dead niggers storage?

Attached: Smuggler-‘Deliberately’-Drowns-50-African-teenage-migrants-off-Yemen-647x431.jpg (647x431, 54K)

Shut the fuck up or ill post this entire doujin

Attached: a49ddba928cec9f5a37952a91df6f27d.jpg (431x640, 68K)

Attached: 636px-IDontNeedFemenismBCMyBigBrother.jpg (636x900, 77K)

Uhhhh sorry but I think you have the gay and

OP this is the worst website to start a thread like this. Recommend you find a different image board.


Attached: 11.jpg (728x1041, 142K)

It's intereseting

Feminist has become code word for no fun police. Fuck off

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>has become
Always been

Hello, and welcome to Yea Forums, dear redditor. Alas, at the time, we are busy here fapping on loli like your average Resetera subhuman, albeit with little to no hypocrisy about it. You may want to check the safe space called /pol/ (look it up, it's on the boards list). You will find here some very nice gentlemen who will engage in one healthy debate with you, while respecting your opinions in a very empathetic way. Enjoy your stay!

wow what a shit thread I'm gonna go watch eromanga sensei with my 9 year old sis

This is the most leftist move. Posting about an issue that isn’t real and then censoring what people can say in response for discussion/criticism. What the point of the thread other than making yourselves (feminist) feel better. Also the concept of true feminism is dead and has since just devolved into men hating making excuses for being unattractive and being to lazy to do anything about it. Please feel bad for me wah

bless ghettoman

I like that Japan doesn't believe in gender equality and neither gender has any interest in striving for it, both being happy with things the way they are.

Also OP is a fag.

Kill yourself, shitposter.