ITT Good character design

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Okay, I'll start then.

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I'd question the practicality of taking the time to wrap ones' leg up every single day, but given the personality of crimson demons, it makes perfect sense.

She ain't even lewd.
Just a formless stick.

>simplying that shit isn't permanently stuck to her flesh by now

OP says good not lewd

Tautologies are fun.

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ginko is peak female character design

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Literal traced from Final Fantasy XIV

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>trigger saving anime all over again
absolutely based

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That's not a good design, OP

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What's wrong with it?

Based AKA

It fits Megumins character so well though, the giant impractical hat and cloak

Its copy pasted from FF, its not creative design at all

>Its copy pasted from FF
There's only so many variations of wizard out there

Here’s an improvement.

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>Its copy pasted from FF
What character?

Imagine spending 5 minutes bandaging your leg every day after your shower instead of just putting on a second sock.

I finally started watching Konosuba and I don't understand the appeal of Aqua or Megu. Now Darkness? That's a woman.

Guessing he means the whole black mage class line but witch hats were never exclusive to FF.

Maybe it's a stocking with a bandage design.

>not posting updated version
You had one job OP! ONE JOB!

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Can darkness create huge explosions?

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No, she's not a terrorist.

Pleb tier
Only good on 3D

Never seen a wronger post in my life

Shit taste.

It's not plain heterochromia. Her eye is a clock.

Now this is garbage.

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Dungeon Meshi does it so goddamn well with all of its characters
Even race changes look beautiful on the characters

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An user recommended this the other day.
I've read over half and it's so damn good.

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Hope you’re ready for suffering when you realize you’ll probably never experience the manga blindly again followed by the 10 chapters a year waiting game

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Yeah... usually I don't pick up a manga unless it has at least 100 chapters since then I feel like it'll be close to the end.
I don't know how I'll handle waiting 10 years to see them eat the mad wizard

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literally but overdesigned

Personally, it feels like the manga won’t reach more than 5 years though, since mild spoilers: so much plot’s been dropped the past few chapters so it feels like it's wrapping up soon and it took around a volume’s worth just to beat the red dragon (if you haven’t read the titles of the rest of the series), meaning it should take a year at most just to fight the mad sorcerer
If you haven’t seen the threads yet, they’re pretty comfy (besides the shitflinging about Marcille possibly being a half elf) so I’d recommend dropping by here and there once you’ve caught up

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it will get better and easier to understand with later seasons and the upcoming movie.
aqua is a perpetual dumbass and I don't understand her appeal at all but megumin grows as a character.

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So how does the goddamn dress stay up?
This is terrible character design.

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Megumin is actually a genderbent Enma-kun.

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Literally the best character design ever

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Much better.

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Kemonomimi is the best design. The fluffier the better.

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if it was a girl it would be great but its a guy so it's just fucking gay i would fuck him anyway nohomo

whos that?


This is what happens from incest in anime.

I like that one.

Goku is unironically a 10/10 character design.

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>implying there isn't already anime about incest

The classic

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>wears a slightly oversized tunic and panties
Whoever told her that tunic was a dress is a god.

Here you go.

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No, here is an improvement.

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This image makes me hungry for some reason.


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>posting the rip off instead of the original

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OP didn't say it had to be sexual since I doubt the other user here wants to fuck goku

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>I doubt the other user here wants to fuck goku
You never know with these shounen niggers

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Nipple rings

her tails are uneven because they represent the hands of a clock

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The asymmetry still sucks.

You would've been lynched a decade ago for saying that, user.

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Best character design of the decade

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I'm sad everyone forgot about our daughter.

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>take a human
>maker her blue
>pop the head off
2/10 try again

What is that in a novel somewhere or did you just make it up?

The asymmetry is the best part

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just requotinng some user who blew my mind when he mentioned that in a thread with Kurumi in the OP yesterday

It was probably Tsunako's intention when designing her hair, wouldn't be surprised as Kurumi is already a very creative design and Tsunako is one of the best artists.


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maybe if she didn't look like a fucking stick this would be decent design.

Stop being retarded. Basing your opinions on what other random guy say is idiotic, her hair is symmetrical in human form. The twintails are just a design choice.

Well now I'll be quoting you to other anons

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He is making shit up. It sounds like a cool idea but real reason is that the author didn't want two characters with the same hair style since Kotori already had twintails.


I love both to be honest, Sara is more recent so I posted her.

>no one has posted Kate yet
The absolute state

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dumb mask

OP said good


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Most handsome Jojo boy.

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Best girl by far

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Winter version is also amazing

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Every character in monogatari

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That she is a loli does not automatically make it a good design

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The power of >imagine-ation.

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Retarded design, the grills and stupid beard ruin it

Season 2 was an abomination.


Nobody said he was pretty.

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Shit taste.

haha wow

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this makes me hard every time

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Thats easy.

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you actually cannot debate that slut-kun

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literal perfection

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Just like every boat neck top, dress or sweater? Could you please think before sending your post?

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No. This is the improvement.

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Patrician taste desu

Why is she so perfect?

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Gabu is angelic desu

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Don't be silly. Nobody really, unironically likes Purplegarden Evergreen.

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supreme taste user

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I agree with this

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>her hair braids form a crown shape
How the fuck was Saber created? Seriously, this shit is arcane

Post more gabu

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Gabu a cute

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does anyone have any gabu FEET

Gabu is not for lewd. Gabu is for pure

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>How the fuck was Saber created
Takeuchi gets a lot of shit these days, but he is one of the best character designers ever

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>not posing her in High Definition

The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

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I liked Violet, especially the soundtrack but one thing I never got is how come the army used an autistic 12 year old girl to fight in wars? If the major truly cared about her wouldn't he just adopt her as his daughter instead of putting her on the battlefield?

>environmental tone
>line counts are off the charts
I know it's been said before but Kyoani really are head & shoulders above the rest of the industry.

She's not autistic, she's alexithymic.

>12 year old girl to fight in wars?
Because it's anime and it's cool. Because they can. Because that doesn't have to be realistic. This is like asking why the main characters, fighting the vampires in Owari no Seraph(a post-apocalyptic supernatural shounen) are high-school students. Both great shows btw.

>If the major truly cared about her wouldn't he just adopt her as his daughter instead of putting her on the battlefield?
He's was clearly heavily pressured by other members of the military. See here where his superior cuts him off.

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Date A Live? Moar like Date A Slut, amirite?

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It's probably wound around a thigh sock that you just pull on

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Id teach her to joys of smoking

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Too bad her personality is despicable

>older I get the more I like lolis
nobody prepared me for this

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Since no one else is posting good ones I'll start.

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Oh yea this was the show that made me quit anime

and smoking?


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Good Post

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>liking the one with least character and the one with personality issues.

Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

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Nerve gas

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A design so good she carried an entire show

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More like ugly slut and worst girl.

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Based angry strawberry

I know user. Let it all out.

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I haven't even watched this shitty anime but her design is top-tier.

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Hatori Chise. She's the most beautiful anime girl I've ever seen.

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SHUT YOUR FUCKING TRAP. Ep13 was when this shitshow really turned into a dumpsterfire. Hiro and Ichigo already had their characterisation and were shown to be childhood friends. They have better chemistry too. Then they forced that bullshit backstory with zero two out of nowhere. FUCK NTRshit.

Asuka is cute, but for me, it's Ayanami Rei

Attached: Rei window.png (873x761, 258K)

based aqua poster

Post the good version for fucks sake.

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She has better chemistry with Goro, Ichigo going for Hiro felt forced

I remember you. Don't ruin another thread with your autistic faggotry for fuck sake

Nah, fuck you.

I didn't dream of Rikka last night, but that's ok. I'm going to have dreams tonight too!

Attached: rikka dance.gif (616x720, 859K)

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>reeeing after posting shit
>making phos look bad
I haven't the slightest idea of what you're on about.

Excellent taste.

can't find the character design sketch, maybe another user can help out, but iirc the choker actually has two straps coming off that hold up the dress in the back, it's just obscured by her hair or her cloak

It’s the truth, and they’re the cutest couple too

Nah fuck off, you're that faggot who posts all the >muh CGI posts whenever HnK is discussed. Shan't be giving you any more (you)s, but you are wrong, a faggot, retarded, and need to leave

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t. brain hemorrhage victim

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Wow. Now that's some schizophrenia. 2017 was utter garbage.

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Gotta love my man Francis. Pre TS was obviously better but I still love him

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Quit projecting

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There's just something about her design, I can't put my finger on it though...

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Absolutely hideous, the head shape is weird and the eyes are plain. The CDs in this show always bothered me.