Such a nasty woman
Such a nasty woman
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don't say that, I think she's very cute.
Hayasaka's wife is very cute, yes
She's the true villain of the series
Heart: kind
Chest: generous
Hair: pink
Voice: melts even the sternest misogyny at 50 paces
IQ: more than people suspect
I'm struggling to find a
Her being nice doesn't make her good, user
More than 3 has a lot of room to be less than 20 bud.
IQ and Charisma stats can be used for both good and evil. She uses hers for evil.
Kaguya is a show without a villain. Chika, having astronomically high social IQ, realizes this, and occasionally puts on a villain hat when she realizes the show needs a little edge.
But she's not a *real* villain, and everyone knows that. Have you forgotten that she thinks the God of Thunder will steal her belly-button?
Repent, and apologize to Best Girl.
>Being born Christian
>Fearing Thor instead of The Lord
She believes in false idols and is destined to Hell for violating God's commandments
I want to hatefuck this cow so much.
If love is war, then she is a war criminal
She never mentions the name "Thor". Clearly she considers the God of Thunder to be one aspect of the Christian God in His retributive mood.
You've also clearly forgotten the episode where she helped Retard Boy with his volleyball serve. Does the phrase "patience of a saint" mean NOTHING to you?
>IQ: more than people suspect
I would have guessed 10, but you're telling me she actually has a 20 in that stat?
>Imagine calling a pig a woman
hayasaka pls
Her IQ is high enough that she doesn't have to worry about showing it off. Occasionally it's obvious, though. e.g. Winning the music competition, or winning the "banned word" game.
Do you think genuine "foolish obliviousness" would work so perfectly as a social lubricant in the show's impossibly awkward social situation?
Clearly she knows *exactly* what is going on. She's basically Kaguya's servant but on another level, because she does it all invisibly.
When red-eyed bitch and retard boy finally get together, it will be entirely thanks to Chika's efforts.
what does she smell like
It kind of smells like a baby.
She is very cute and funny
This whole bloodline is tainted
Yes she is vile
Incest does that.
You think she's actually her slut sister's kid?
>Heart: kind
You forget that when she gets caught out and accused, she BLUSHES BRIGHT RED.
Her shame is evident for all to see even while she is being accused of being shameless.
Also, remember that she is only cheating in this game because she is so desperate to go and see sickly red-eyed bitch. It's purely altruistic.
Once again, Chika is Best Girl and her critics are revealed as the curdled, malevolent haters they are.
Chika is based and Chika posters are baseder
Very possible, probable even
You are a good man, user. Together we will stand against the rising tide of ChikaHate in this thread.
He hair ribbon is ugly. Actually, pretty much everyone but Kaguya and Hayasaka has really fucking bad taste in hair accessories.
Any other chaika gifs?
I have an obligation to share this especially how some people bitch out when they see from where the screenshot came.
Being "born Christian" doesn't mean being a Christian and technically nobody is born as a believer of a universal Abrahamic faith. There are those who were raised Christian but after doing their own research and analysis, they became atheists, agnostics, pagans, Buddhists, etc.
There's a Chika gif for every occasion.
She references the "God of Thunder." She does not say God. Implicit, a pagan idol instead of the true God. Pray her soul still can be saved.
More pls.
This kind of character only attract the most cancerous fanbase
Ishigami will fuck her.
I will admit I'd go balls deep every night even if Chika were my sister.
Right, this will do for now. Remember, in any difficult situation, always ask yourself "What would Chika want me to do?"
>no one is born Christian
hmmm, let's have that a little smaller
You know? the first ending song from Durarara fits perfectly with this gif.
Hell, i´m posting it:
I hate this stupid girl. Her stupidness gives off a cute aura
So what's this girl really like, I haven't watched the show.
Reddit meme girl
haha yes I said the word so now im automatically right
She plays dumb but is really a master manipulator. Probably a sociopath.
It checks out. All those times she helped out Pres with nothing to gain from it.
>hating her because she has gotten popular
Because popular girls bully unpopular girls, and are like venomous cobras for boys who like them
That's not what she said.
check em
I think she's a real fat fuck.
only incels would hate her
Who wears ribbons like that. It looks so dumb.
Would you smell her nasty feet?
Kaguya X Chika OTP
A real cute fat fuck
I suspect this image is not canon.
Remember the archery discussion? Chika is fully capable of defending her honour against filthy, degenerate sleaze-bags like you, user.
highschool girls don't smell
t. Chika
We need more Doujinshi of her and Hayasaka
Yoshibutt pls
The more joyful and happy her is, the more I want to cut her head off and fuck her eyes
Hoho! How can others even compete?
I only want more Hayasaka.
Yay, I’m based!
Fujiwara has implants. Discuss.
>only incels would hate her
but Ishigami hates her... oh.
They look like torpedoes with her top off, though.
Chika is such a hypocritical cunt. People give Kaguya shit for being callous, but this bitch outdoes half of the cast combined. All she has going for her are looking cute and /tg/.
YHWH was a national deity representing storms and armies before he was promoted to the One True God during the Second Temple period.
prove it
Qutest little strawberry sugar you could find.
But she’s supposed to be Christian so that’s a moot point
>looking cute
That's really all she has going for her? What about...
>sounding cute
not to mention
>providing free volleyball coaching
and of course...
>helping people find happiness using her skills as a LOVE DETECTIVE!
Notice how Chika gets accused of this (it's not true) but red-eye bitch would never even be accused of it.
Because, IRONING BOARD hahahahaha.
I love her.
You shut up about Miyuki's true mother.
Yet she helps everyone on each ocassion, even Ishigami at some point.
read the manga
reading is for faggots
that's how i like my women
Has to fail a stat check somewhere if she gets busted for cheating 24/7
Chika is a kinky slut.
The real tragedy is going from Kukuri no Chika. But at least she's Lala now ~lun.
All girls are.
At least she can admit it.
Chikafags get the fuck off my board. Kaguya is literally me. I mean LITERALLY me. I'm literally her. I'm surrounded by fake friends. Nobody is actually my friend. Everyone is stupid; I'm surrounded by idiots. I hate my "friends". Friends just gets in the way of me and my goals, and MY goals are the only ones that matter. Fuck everyone else. Everyone else should just do what I want them to do. Because I'm so goddamn awesome. Look at how fucking rich I am. Why doesn't everybody automatically just bend to my will? Everyone's a fucking idiot, I swear.
fucking vorefags
I don't have that picture of her at the beach.
I want Chika to force me to do things
Do her sisters have implants, too?
She uses her high IQ to create a fake "cute ditz" persona so she won't get in trouble for fucking up the lives of everyone around her.
>Chika-sama: Love is Vore.
I'd vore that.
How will you make her say the banned word?
Just get her to play GTA
Thats still cute how she said it
But she doesn't mess up anyone's life. She helps people. She's Love Detective Chika!
name LITERALLY 1 thing she has done wrong
It's almost impossible not to repeat it like Lamar does, it's too sing-songy.
Being born
To sing rap
Right, time to put an end to this.
Chika is best girl and I will now prove it using logic.
Maybe. Her father could certainly afford it.
Literally why
IQ is ・・・・・
what a fucking slut
So, how many intimate partners has she bedded?
Just that coconut, she had to shave and polish it first though, too much friction.
What do her lips feel like?
Hail ThunaR
Hail WôdanaR
Hail TiwaR
Hail Freya
Hail Ostara
Hail Zeus
Hail Poseidon
>has noo col alter ego
retard kaguya and kid judge kaguya are cool
We don't mention that name around here
Ishigami having his love triangle bullshit would be much more entertaining if it was happening with Tsubame and Chika.
Hell, it would be much better if it was literally any other girl in the cast aside from Lino.
At this point, anime directors have completely abandoned trying to pretend that they've never seen a boob in real life and have embraced the water balloon theory.
>nastsy woman
Trump pls go and stay go
I love Chika!
Why? He is a hero against the normies
I think she is based
She is the cutest
Holy shit plug that mouth with a phallic object already
I wolunteer my phallic object for the good of everyone!
Words cannot describe how much I resent Fujiwara Chika, her voice makes me lust for blood more than anything has in my entire life. Every time i hear her high pitched nonsense I just want to pummel her to the ground and completely wipe her off the planet."
I want to annihilate her so bad, the absolutely disgusting smile on her face and her retched pink hair makes me want to bash her skull in and make it so she'll never move anything below her neck again. I hate her with every ounce of my living existence. Fuck you Fujiwara Chika.
Let the crusade be declared! ONWARDS!
she is super cute
You're right
I want to titfuck Fujiwara.
Post more pink slag
Hey bud you mind sharing those COM3D2 models
They may have a strong scent but I don't think it's going to be nasty!
This one?
Why does that boob look so weird? It's like it's way too high.
I was just poking fun at OP's wording.
she's a gimmick
I agree with everything she says here