Go-Toubun Hanayome

So how are other quint fans now that the Yotsuba flashback is over? Do you feel more threatened by her potential with Fuutaruo? Less? Let’s talk about it

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Other urls found in this thread:


Also that size difference in the second last panel, Fuutaruo is such a Chad

>reddit tl


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Her arc cemented that she learnt absolutely nothing and she will keep cucking herself in the future

Fuck off and go back discord tranny.

Yotsuba is a red herring. Ichika's meeting with Fuutarou was hidden because it was what left an impact on him, not Yotsuba.
Ichika is actually the kisser.

Good thread, here's some Nino for your troubles.

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Any version up already? Or some dump from a based user?

thanks i hate it

I don't know about you, anons. But I come to the term that I cannot bring myself to accept Yotsuba winning out with pity or sympathy, mainly due to the reason being rooted from my issue with Itsuki pulled out "Rena" in Sisters War arc who later revealed to be Yotsuba's partner in-crime.

I'm beginning to be aware that Itsuki was trying to push Yotsuba to make her move, even though she intended to give Fuuts to other sisters who could be better than herself, knowing that he probably already let go of his past.

If she being the kisser, that action would completely contradicts her self-loathing tendency intentions which don't add up well together. It's as contradicting as Itsuki asspull win.

I'm sorry, but with all due respect, both Yotsuba & Itsuki are guilty as charged for screwing Fuuts' childhood memories. She couldn't even bring herself to come clean to him to confess when she could have the chance.

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Those DEAD eyes, holy fuck

DESPAIR is confirmed

Ichika wins

based and best ending

Go back.

The autor can play the "kiss of goodbye" thing and I am fine with it.

Proper raws aren't even fucking out in japan yet you retard.

>reddit spacing
Go back you cancer.

You have to go back fag

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And what it OP pic?

Glad to be of service.

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Ichika and Slytherin win!

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Despair makes her beautiful

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> Proper raws
Now fuck off and go back

Speedscans from reddit.

Ichika a best
Nino a second best
Yotsuba a third best
Meeku a shit

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Reminder that fatty had no qualms about crashing Miku's date.

And let me tell you why that's the reason she will win.

I can't wait the legendary thread when Nino will be revealed as the kisser and the bride

Well, Yots is gonna win and I can't really be mad.
Who am I kidding, I'm a bit mad but Yots is my second favourite

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Go back retard.

harem ending soon

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2 or 3 Flashback will not justify that Yotsuba can win

Never post here again retard

Go back.
Go back.
Go back.

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If you thinks that Negi puts this sentence with this panel without not means your are really baka

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>Miku - sweet lovemaking
>Ninu - rape fat oldman
All is right in the world.


Wtf I like Itsuki now

>blitz still dead

Enter CHADno!!!

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Fuck off esl asshat

This is just karmic retribution for acting like such a special snowflake cunt as a kid.

Nino is implied to be special?

Whats with the sudden invasion of discord trannies?

This is what 5toubun general has always been

Unironically, Nino could beat up most of the faggots in these threads.

I want Nino to break my nose and feed me my own blood with her toes!

Why is nino so sexy lads?

That artist sure is seething.

Disgusting. I'd post that reaction of Nino calling Fuutarou a pervert but it'd probably excite you even more.

Fucking disgusting, why can't they stay in their shithole.

Haven't seen that one in a while, just proves to show most of the old guard has fucked off from these threads.

Exhibit A

I know her, she's ninodera's sister.

No one gives a shit about how you feel though.

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because why participate in furthering a no-content discussion when raws are so close and TL to go along with? come back tomorrow.

It’s pretty sad how far the threads have deteriorated. I distinctly remember things souring shortly after seven goodbyes finished and shortly before the anime came out

No yotsuba, you also deserve happiness

What a sight for sore eyes

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This has nothing to do with post-spoiler days. Exhibit B-kun.

Go back
Go back
Go back.

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Nino's toes

In my mouth!

Sure you can bake in Futaro's and Nino's weddings day


What, you want all the colorfags except mikufag, kimetsubros, both ninofag TLs to come out? As well as WTNanon and KRanon who's now lurking?
Everyone's lurking and lowering their avatarfagging to liven up the threads since they don't have to anymore, it'll still get to bump limit and more

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Fuck off back to redd!t, nobody gives a shit.

Back then yotsubafags were so cute and docile you'd want to fuck them in the ass.

I was gone for like 4 months and coming back and seeing how far these threads have degenerated was very depressing. Suddenly there’s a bunch of obnoxious yotsubafags, mikufags and the constant autistic ninofags

Even during the date chapter they were cute. Now they're full of bandwagoners and it shows.

Let's see. Yotsuba wouldn't just suddenly decide to kiss Fuutarou and completely let go of her feelings. She needed at least a push and the only significant thing happened to her is her talk with Ichika. That might be the first time she directly supported her sister's love (she already knew about both Miku and Ichika's feelings so I'm pretty sure she understood the situation). I wonder if that's enough for Yotsuba to officially bow out and fully support her sisters, or if chapter 72 is the true reason


When will the healing begin?

Feel good when I'm the fat old man.



When she's dead

>crawling in my skin I'm not allowed to be special or even like the guy now because reasons, I hope I get cucked
bravo negi. stellar writing

I want to ask Yotsuba to be my girlfriend and then neglect her as I go out with other women

I just wanted to be back to the present. Nothing really change to me. I don't think the OG Lolikano can win.

Terrible taste.

Yotsuba's issues are all caused by no one but herself, having her win just because she's such a fuckup is no better an argument than having Miku win because she's pathetic

Have faith.

A-tan lost. Tenri lost. Onodera lost.
But this pattern will be broken soon.

Yeah sure, fuck off ESL.

I'm going to marry Nino!

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That's precisely why i said to come during the usual times 4 months ago or longer: when the threads are only alive during text spoilers(which is now dead)>ants>gook>raw+tl threads. You can spot a few of the ones you usually see there
Threads has become a truly 24/7 general now, thanks to anime getting an undeserving popularity despite the quality

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never post here again, faggot


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Tenri and Onondera are meek and revolting shit, don't put those two clowns together in the same sentence as A-tan.

Fuck destiny! Fuck childhood promise! They can't win the bowl with these cards!

The kisser is Nino.But the true question is the bride is the kisser?

And her final mother's words.

Will Yotsuba still be relevant after this arc?

5toubun no hanayome is the official romanization.

So let me get this straight

Ichika - Slytherin
Nino - Gryffindor
Miku - Hufflepuff
Yotsuba - Not sure if Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw
Itsuki - Ravenclaw

Embrace irrelevance

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She was the main girl.
In the first 3 volumes

>second dumbest quint

>Yotsuba wouldn't just suddenly decide to kiss Fuutarou and completely let go of her feelings.
Yotsuba have ready Lolinakano identity card so Negi will not gives h
Er The kisser identity card


That's why I'm not sure because Ravenclaws posses wisdom, wit, academically motivated and talent but at the same having intellect and pride themselves as being original.


destroy by Yotsuba plot

Go back, tranny.

I'm talking about Itsuki, Yotsuba's clearly the dumbest.

a special child

>I'm talking about Itsuki,
I know, but does not Itsuki posses the same qualities as a Ravenclaw? She's definitely not one of the other three houses.

She wouldn't go to Hogwarts then.

>there's no way that would happen
This line has more meaning to Yotsuba than we previously thought.


>This line has more meaning
Not really, it's pretty straightforward if you ask me.

I going to post here whenever i want, fags.


Fuutarou is hot

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Yotsuba deserve happiness

Calm down Yotsuba

It was straightforward then, but now bolstered by the entire weight Yotsuba's been carrying unveiled in these flashbacks
>guilt to her sisters
>her way of paying off those guilt is her playing cupid for her sisters
>while still concealing her true emotion after being literally shot down mano a mano

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Where the fuck are my chapters

I have been waiting forever just to read the latest chapter and I fucking hate staying on these threads getting my pinned threads bombarded with 900 posts of waifu faggotry.

Give me my chapters already and fuck off God fucking damn you all


wait for about 3 to 4 hours.

I deem bowlcut as the single worst thing in a MC, but strangely i can appreciate how Fuutarou rocks it, dude oozes confidence despite not dying it with flashy colors like P4's MC

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Then just fucking wait at mangadex you dumbass. Why the fuck are you staying here and torturing yourself?

It's the tiny bunny ahoge

Lolitsuba would for in nicely with Slytherin, but after failing and "muh sisters" she's become a Hufflepuff.

Because I need WtN scans so I can finally go to sleep

We didn't know Yotsuba loved him then and was suppressing it. We didn't know she was lolikano.

At least learn to wait for Japanese midnight retard.

Fuutarou is one of the few MCs that I can buy that he fucks 5 chicks on the side.

My brain is about to burst

Miku is Ravenclaw
Itsuki is Gryffindor
Yotsuba is Hufflepuff
Ichika is Slytherin
Nino is Hagrid(both best girls)

Chances of being the Kisser:
Ichika = Yotsuba > Itsuki = Miku >>>> Nino
Deal with it faggots especially that Michlan ninofaggot

Wtn is dead. Unironically there's speedscan in reddit

>We didn't know Yotsuba loved him then and was suppressing it
Everyone with half a braincell did.
>We didn't know she was lolikano
It was a popular theory.

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>Itsuki is Gryffindor
Not really,

>Miku is Ravenclaw
What the hell are you smoking? She's literally the opposite of a Ravenclaw.

nino a shit and worst girl

No I don’t.

>Yotsuba was the only quint who was willing to study with Fuutarou from the start because she's the only one who remembered him
Holy shit, Negi planned this 90 chapters ago

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*best girl

thats just wrong

Is the shape of the face. Most generic MCs look like teens compared to the "beautiful characters". Fuuts looks like someone who came from a Korean Drama

Miku is Hufflepuff, Yotsuba is Gryffindor, Itsuki is Ravenclaw.

Nah. It's true.

A lot of people didn't buy in, many people claimed she didn't like him and wouldn't come to. The lolikano thing was up for debate and most weren't certain.

Hopefully Yotsuba is eliminated this arc to shit on promised girl tropes. If ending is some sort of generic nice girl from past vs new girl then Negi is a hack.

don't mind if I do

>A lot of people didn't buy in
Yeah, It's funny how fatfags were so invested in defending that she was lolikano.

Why do you think negi introduced ichika as another lolikano?

>generic nice girl from past
This is how we know you're a dumbass speedreader.

To make Yotsuba suffer because she isn't Fuutarou's special person anymore

Not him, but how is Yotsuba not a "nice girl from the past"?

Well I don't like gootobun no hanayome but I respect anyone who watched tsugomomoe

>If ending is some sort of generic nice girl from past vs new girl then Negi is a hack.
Didn't you read Nino and Miku's talk in Sister Wars? It is irrelevant. Fuutarou knows the teenager quints much more than he knew Lolikano.

To eat up all possible loser flags associated with the lolikano status instead of yotsuba.

Why do you fags keep giving ESLs attention

LOL that's retarded because being the OG Lolikano is the loser flag. She is the one he met first and made a promise with. Ichika didn't even remember.

Promised girl never wins so this would actually be a new take

That shit was hinted at for ages and only the most unrepentant of waifufaggots didn’t realize it. Regardless doesn’t change that scene at all

Chitoge though.

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Hippofags have nothing but muh first girl and muh main heroine despite her not being the main heroine for 60+ chapters now.

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How do you retarded speedreaders have the audacity to post here?

Daily Reminder. Nino is not the kisser.
>Go Getter

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His hair barely look like a bowlcut,now even his bangs get longer that it often cover one of his eye.

Zetsuba was a bitch, always asserting her dominance over her sisters. She was hot and should’ve won. This new yotsuba is lame and deserves all the cucking and despair

Wasn't Onodera the promised girl? Not sure, but it's been so long since Nisekoi ended.

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Another example of her feisty personality.

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Meanwhile, the kisser
>Leaning forward too much
>Does not close the gap between her and Fuutarou
>Closed Eyes
In conclusion. Nino OUT. Only 4 choices remain.

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She was fine until her mother death.

No. She was great until she failed and her sisters had to follow her. They shackled her with guilt.

Anything to discuss?

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How is this bait? The one who really matters is the OG Lolikano ie Yotsuba. The flags, wether you consider them winner or loser ones are for her. Ichika meeting her breaks the theory that he met all of them so it's a nice thing. The fact that Shotarou didn't recognize Yotsuba also affected Yotsuba who had that desire to separate from her sisters.

Let's also not forget about this. Fuutarou would've been able to tell if it was Nino.

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The significance of Fuutarou's minibunny ahoge and the similar shape Yotsuba's ribbon is in.

Nino might be confident, but that was the quint's first kiss.

Thanks. I'll be adding this to my list. Ninofags need to settle down accept their quint is not the kisser.

I want to tie Fuuts' minibunny ahoge with yotsuba's ribbons!

Sure but it's the body language that accounts. It's different from how she confessed or when she tried to kiss Fuutarou.

>tfw yotsuba's bunny ribbon only has 2 leaves
>she needs Fuutarou's bunny ahoge to make it 4 leaves to form a lucky clover.

Ninofag here, whenever Nino isn't the atleast it was Yotsuba

good start, I'll finish it
>Leaning forward too much
>Does not close the gap between her and Fuutarou
>Closed Eyes
>on the previous page, the kisser ran up to Fuuts
So in conclusion: Miku OUT, Ichika OUT, Itsuki OUT. That leaves one

>didn't want to be mistaken for her sisters
>every sisters have disguised as her at least twice


My wife Chino!

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Will she ever be unchained from the swings?

How the fuck did both of those end up in such a state anyway
>no ahoge, chad hair

Futarou's hairstyle was probably not natural.

Is the order a Miku?

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>he was great until she failed
lmao getting 31 point for a test if far from great

Sorry to burst your bubble.

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>How the fuck did both of those end up in such a state anyway
They wished for it.

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I bet Fuutarou'll play together with Yotsuba on the same swing and break the chain

Who jumped ship here? If you did you are a terrible human being.

She was outspoken and she found what she was good at (athletics). Not everyone is good at rote memorization, which is all nip schools test for. She was ruined when her sisters selfishly followed her when she was trying to escape them and then they used their dead moms words to shackle her with guilt. Nino,miku, ichika and itsuki are truly the worst. They killed zetsuba only for yotsubacuck to be born.

Dude PARALELLS. Look at me I’m the ninofag now

>She was ruined when her sisters selfishly followed her
What the fuck? That's what saved her and made her understood what is family. She is still a mess now but she would have been worst without that. She was haughty and didn't want to be with her sisters.

Yes when she embraces the smooth caress of the rope. I’ll also accept her dying from the incurable disease her mom died from. Remember they all go to the hospital semi frequently.


What did Miku do? She actually tried to help but Yotsuba rejected her

Then according to the laws of inertia where everything should naturally go back to their initial state, the follicles should start going blonde like his dad, right?

>gets a wish
>wish for matching features
>it's an ahoge
I bet it's Yotsuba

>he found what she was good at (athletics)
Being good at sports doesn't excuse her to abandon her study which led to her failure.

i am the original despairfag, takebayashichad and hopechad
I do hope Yotsuba doesn't suffer for much longer

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Her family is the source of her despair and problems. She was already doubting her existence as a kid because of them. Bet you’re gonna argue “muh family solves everything.” Nah she’d be much better off with space between her and her cancerous sisters and their despicable ways

>The moment she fell in love with him.

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Unbiased thoughts on who could be the kisser out of the remaining 4.

Potential kisser given her attitude and her feelings during that time.
Implied to have attempted to kiss Fuutarou.
Has a prominent girlish mannerism.

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She was doing fine though. Her sisters following her and using her mothers last words to shackle her with guilt is what made this mess

>Would of used it to destroy miku.
Based Ichika

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Anyone can be good at athletics with enough effort. And if she breaks her leg, it's over for her. She effectively has no natural talents that matter. She has nothing. She is nothing

Raiha was the kisser.

>She was doing fine though
In your headcanon that is
Even the teacher and her sports buddy shat on her retarded way

Huge potential however it is still left to chance(Negi) as her knees can easily buckle under embarassment.
Mannerisms appear to match the kisser's body language.
Has made up her mind to make a move after their 1 on 1 talk.

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>not the starcrossed pattern ALWAYS seen when she's looking at Fuuts, both past and present
This is a symbolism

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And her family is also the source of her happiness. Plenty of her decisions have not been wise and she is the one who burdened herself with these edgy thoughts. Even now she still doesn't get Rena's message.

>Potential kisser given her attitude and her feelings during that time.
Yeah, I had my eyes on Ichika being the kisser too, her reasons for kissing him were better than Nino's. My only problem is, the kisser ran after kissing Fuutarou, something that Ichika wouldn't be able to do with her injury.

Ninofag here. Nobody knows who is the kisser until the end

How come there still no korean scan?
Did i miss it?

Mikek still delusional that their waifufaggot is the kisser

Yes. It's always on Monday

Nothing for Yotsuba and Itsuki so far since we have not touched their side too much.

Highly unlikely due to the recent developments.
Can still potentially do it as Itsuki appears to be pushing for Yotsuba to open up.
Has shown that she does want to be noticed by Fuutarou despite her facade.

Cannot comment so far but out of the possible candidates, she has shown to have some.interest in Fuutarou.
Cannot be ruled out due to lack of information but has a possibility due to body language match.

Stop shitting on Nino & Ninofags, or you'll be no better than Ninofags & will be a painful sting
You have a problem with Nino being a kisser?

>She was doing fine though.
>Bad at kanji
>Even with the top student as tutor she has results like this and those are the best results she has ever had

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Stop false flagging you fucking retard.

Nino is the kisser.

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Promised girl is still really common in older manga though.

This is the kisser. Say something nice about her!

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>claimed to be biased
I'll bite, but clearly, you really do have issues with Nino being a kisser. #AnyoneButNino

Weird. I can't find it on archive.
Can you link me?

Kisser of my ass?

>thinking anyone but Nino is the kisser
And then you woke up.

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Yotsuba loves him, Itsuki doesn't. Itsuki being the kisser feels like something you'd do only for shock value. Yotsuba being the kisser would lead to something very fflowcharty, the reason would be "I'll be selfish at least once" but it works, barely, even if her talk with Ichika would make it a bit weird. But as long as you win...


Here's a smooch for you.

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he's a literal Kpop idol

>Highly unlikely
If she can kiss Fuutarou's cheeks while her sister are all present, then kissing Fuutarou's lips should be no problem, especially when she has a disguise.

I hate Yotsuba

She wouldn't give you a glance, Jamal-kun.

>Implying Negi wouldn't do something for shock value


Go away Yotsuba. You aren't fooling anyone.

>Confessed even though she knew Miku and Ichika had feelings for him
>Went on a date with him
>Kissed him
It's right up Yotsuba's alley to snek her sisters then pretend it never happened.

the only things that prevent him from having GF is his shitty behavior and his expression, if he fix those problems, girls automatically flood him
I mean, look at nino

Negi and Yotsuba, stop posting here

That was not on purpose.


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Some threads got nuked because OP was a fag. I think this is the one

Not after the recent developments.

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>implying negi, lover of symbolism and parallels, wouldn't back up every move some ten chapters in advance
I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Miku win purely because chapter 5^3 lies close to the end point.

Can Editor-san save Yotsuba from Negi?

Based. I think Ichika and Nino's inte toons to kiss him were too obvious and Yotsuba's recent developments about liking him but being guilty about it are too cliche and would make her a boring kisser as well. Miku and Itsuki being the kisser are the most interesting options as their motives for doing so are unclear yet intriguing.

Dont mind him Mikufriend

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Reasons why they are the kisser/Reasons why they are not the kisser.

>In love/Don't want Fuutarou to be with anyone besides her
>Sprained ankle

>Brakes are broken/Madly in love
>Self-conscious that she might do a bad job kissing him/She wouldn't do that in a disguise

>In love/Because he figured out nwho she was even with a disguise.
>She wouldn't do something daring like kissing him

(Going to far-fetch a little with these two)
>She saw the events with Fuutarou and Miku. Seeing that he figured who the disguised Itsuki would trigger the memory of seeing Shotarou and Ichika together. Also Raiha called them.

>The ultimate wingwoman going for the kiss for Yotsuba's sake.

>Miku and Itsuki being the kisser are the most interesting options
I'd say there were the most boring ones for being the candidate. Itsuki hasn't be been doing anything significant for Fuutarou to notice him and Miku has been force fed to readers ever since the fucking manga started, and she's not even as interesting as Onodera and I still think Onodera is shit.

Someone intellectual explain to me why Mikeks are still in this thread while their waifufaggot is already been BTFOed

>The ultimate wingwoman going for the kiss for Yotsuba's sake.
I didnt know Itsuki was a despairfag

ignore that shitposter.

I'm trying to figure out when Yotsuba lets go of Fuutarou. Anyone?

Those don't count as sneking because she liked him way before the others did. She has the privilege.

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This fanbase went crazy. And after that they call quints dumb

>Implying Negi isn't a hack.
Please explain Ichika and Miku's development along with the entire Kyoto arc then. Ichika's betrayal was pure shock value, Miku got nerfed into being a wet blanket because Negi made her too powerful in early arcs, and Kyoto was ass-pull central.

Why should we NOT be in this thread? Its not over till its over, I have no reason to give up hope yet.

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7 Goodbyes.

This chapter.

Yes, the despair oozing from her eyes in the top-right panel. I want to bathe in it

>Sprained ankle
She was injured but it was not sprained.
>>Self-conscious that she might do a bad job kissing him/She wouldn't do that in a disguise
Irrelevant after what she said in the same chapter.
>>She wouldn't do something daring like kissing him
I agree with this. But I also think that she wouldn't do something under disguise like that after already troubling him with a quint game.

Yotsuba would be a lone moment of weakness where she allowed herself to be selfish and Itsuki's reason is really retarded. But as much as it pains me to say so, Itsuki does a lot of dumb things on impulse.

Which kpop idol looks the most like Fuuts?

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According to spoilers, she asked Itsuki to meetup with Fuutarou and break his ties with her during Seven Goodbyes Chapter 42

>those posts came from "anyone but Nino"

>Looking like a gay fuckboi
Choose one

With Yotsuba confirm out. Nino Itsuki and Miku are only one left.

> i am the original despairfag
Lies. What did you do while playing the despair role?

Then why wasn't she making any moves?

Kinda amazing how she asked her to do that when Nino and Itsuki were fighting and Futarou was at his worst because of Nino and her drama. It's in this arc where he considered killing himself.

>Itsuki does a lot of dumb things on impulse.
Man, if Negi manages to pull this kind of shit on the viewers, I'll forever be butthurt about it.

Quads for chads

She did though. Negi just made it look like comic relief user.


she's inconsistent about her feeling, I mean she even confessed and kissed him, as a "joke"
look at the swing symbolism in this chapter

>It's in this arc where he considered killing himself.
You're reading way too much into this. He was just incredibly depressed because he thought he wouldn't be able to meet Rena anymore.

Ichika's betrayal was signposted from the getgo -- we knew she liked to monopolise what her sisters had from the Yotsuba conversation, and her first arc had her trying to sneak out from a important-to-family reunion. There's been lots of nods at her being a liar and duplicitous -- if you can't see them, that's on you.

Miku had never been pushed outside her comfort zone in the early arcs -- we saw signs of her being outside it with she asked Nino for cooking help and didn't bounce back to banter like expected, and her constantly setting up little challenges to try and egg herself on into actually making a move. Miku folding shouldn't be much of a surprise to anyone -- how quickly she turned around was, and is down to Negi going at breakneck speeds through the story.

So no hope for another run of Delincuente Fuutarou?

I don't know what to feel or think anymore, it's conflicting & confusing AF with contradicting speculations & opinions circling around.
For one, 428 already prepared to bow out from the bowl & give her other sisters a chance to win his bowl. But on the other hand, 428 being a kisser will completely contradict her selfless intentions when it was Itsuki who kept pushing her to claim her victory.
After reading the triggering word of "be on his side" for a few times in the story... I'm torn, man...
I need to be left alone for a week or two... Until a refreshing chapter comes...

What is this?

holy shit!! what a rare phenomenon

She was in the date chapters and the rumor chapter. She just didn't pull the lolikano card because she thought that would be unfair to the others ("I can't be the only one special"). But after Fuutarou gave her the no way fag she just threw her hands up and started putting her weight behind Miku.

I kinda want itsuki to win now since she's such a bro. She doesn't even like fuutarou

For now...

Regardless of the bride's identity. What quality or traits do you think made Futarou fall for one of them?

Anyone can be good at academics with enough effort. And if she busts a blood vessel, it’s over for her. She effectively has no natural talents that matter she has nothing. She is nothing.

Imagine being this much a brainlet probably a fatfuck too lmao

Miku is for Takeda

I frankly don't see how she was making any moves during their date. She didn't really try anything. Same for the rumor, she became too conscious of him but didn't try to woo him.

The amount of bending over you do for Negi is quite impressive user. Ichika being a snake was foreshadowed, her being a retard was not. What was her endgame? Keep lying and pray that none of her sisters (Miku esp) acted in a way that invalidated what she was saying? And then when she DID get caught out, she just kept lying until her credibility had been shot to hell before finally pulling a sudden 180 to restore the status quo. Sasuga Negi. Miku on the other hand has many extremely confident moments in the first half of the manga (like when she thought Fuutarou had asked her on a date) that now seem entirely out of character for her. Her character changes only make sense if you justify them in hindsight like you're doing now, but Miku started the manga as a brazen character who said what was on her mind and tried in her way to get what she wanted (a lot like Nino actually) and she turned into the exact opposite of that, a wet blanket needing to be literally carried to her own confession. Negi isn't some brilliant master keikaku writer user, so stop eating out of his hand. This is his first time at the helm and it shows.

>taking tests is a guide to happiness and success in life

advocating the fall and saving of best girl since forever and coining the bob ross quote for yotsubro to later TL into one of his works. also, quintorare

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Volume 12 is the last volume.

Maybe not making moves specifically, but at the time she didn't have the idea that she doesn't deserve to be with him yet.

Why don't you talk to the thousands of college athletes who failed their chance to get into the major leagues. They regret getting their botch degrees and receiving low income jobs

Are you, I can't believe I'm saying it, a Zetsubafag?

>coining the bob ross quote for yotsubro to later TL into one of his works.
But that was me.

Yotsuba deserves happiness but she must not be the BK.

and as for the other girls?

This. Yotsuba has a dichotomy between genki yotsuba and selfish despair ridden alpha zetsuba. Every so often she’ll make a power move and then hold herself back. I can very much see her being the kisser but not the bride. Negis a hack

raws out

i do remember one other user replying to yotsubro to TL the quote to the "is there a problem?" template which means we're both early despairchads

Learn japanese or spanish, I already read it yesterday.

Everyone but Itsuki could be the BK.

Buzzwords the post. Please try to make a coherent point next time.

Fucking based bros

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Same reason ichika and ninofags are still here, cope. Yotsubafags are here for despair. I’m here to laugh at you all especially when negi either hacks his way to itsuki being the bride or he goes full KUBO and ends with an ambiguous ending

Can anybody find Yotsuba somebody to love?

snif snif

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>her being a retard was not.
They're all retards, user. That's the founding premise of the story. Ichika's actions in the first place were serendipitous, not planned out -- the next disguise was because she feared being found out. And yes, it's stupid, but that's how liars under duress act: keep on doubling down long past when it obviously won't work.

Miku has confident moments that aren't about the same type of thing: accusing Fuutarou of stalking, telling him to fuck off and contesting with Nino are all different from confessing your feelings. This is the same girl who asked Fuuts not to look at her when Nino accused her of being soft on him due to her feelings. The closest she comes to being brazen is when asking Fuuts to meet up on a date with her.

I'm not saying he's a master writer -- his pacing is too fast for that. But he is clearly throwing in foreshadowing and planning things out rather than going for shock value as you said.

At this point all the quints have strong reasons to be and not to be the BK. Sasuga, Negi.

Those were the better days.

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She realized he was still pining for past her so she had itsuki set him free during seven goodbyes. But she didn’t let go of him, not really. She kept trying to and supporting her sisters. I think she’s trying once again this chapter, but failing once again as she admits her love to herself

This is the most solid proof I've ever come across ngl. Fuutarou was in prime position to notice her pedicure which would have been pretty obvious to say the least.

You're right, user. Don't let all the others bully you.

Nope not biased when I have presented evidences. Feel free to present yours.

Lmao. Degrees mean nothing, unless you go into very specific fields. Also implying construction work is low income lmao. Your low iq and fat is really shining through your posts.

What this user said


It's obviously Itsuki.

Are you not? She’s the best incarnation of any quint. That long beautiful hair. Perfect chest and her pits are heaven sent. She takes no shit from anyone, gladly shitting on that dumb miku slut. Beloved by all other students for her latent talents. Zetsuba best girl

If you kiss someone on the mouth when he is sleeping won't he notice?

Loving someone doesn't mean you have to be with them. You can be perfectly fine watching from afar.


>Ninofags coming out of the woodwork after being presented with substantial evidences ruling out their quint as the Bell Kisser
Like clockwork.

Is this what goes through yotsubas head before she kicks the stool out from under herself?

Yes but Yotsuba is clearly suffering. Look what happened to Ichika.

Do Mikufags now see Itsuki as the enemy? Unfortunately Yotsuba cockblocked us out of some good drama when Itsuki tried to ruin Mikus Kyoto date. Would’ve been legendary.

Mentally tortured pony.

Sure that’s not pathetic or creepy at all. Either go for your love or let it die even if you have to smother it or neck yourself

Nino hands pose (chapter 65) kill all Mikufags shit pic

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While watch from afar when you can be much happier alongside them?

Helping Miku confess to him

This is shit as the poster

The thing is she is conflicted. She feels if she goes after Fuutaruo that she’ll be making the same mistakes of the past where the assumption is that she thinks she special so she should be with Fuutaruo no one else. Not to mention the guilt of her sisters sacrifice to transfer schools with her because she made that mistake. She wants Fuutaruo but she’s shackled with guilt and regret.

The only way she makes a move is if Fuutaruo approaches her I think. Fuutaruo has to become Maradona in a sense and tell her she’s special.

it's pointless, their selective memory won't recognize its existent

You're right. You can't support them if you only watch.

Maybe she did that ONCE but her other mannerisms do not match. She is not shy enough. If she also kissed him she would have a different reaction.

>present evidence
>Uhhh uhhh... Y-you're just b-biased and s-scared of N-nino and and..!!
C'mon user, you know what answer you'll get from them retards anyway.

There's 3 parts of her letting go of the possibility of Fuutarou's love, thus There's No Way That'd Happen
>1. sensing and confirming 1 and 3's love
>the ponytail """""gag""""" chapter where Fuutarou directly questions which of them met him in the past, which leads to the question, "do i have to be the one for him? would i not be a deadweight for my other sisters?"
>2. post-nuclear fallout that is itsuki vs nino slapfight, which has yotsuba seeing that their "let's study together" results in the worst thing that can happen even 5 years later
>so, she coined Rena with itsuki as executioner to Fuutarou's lingering memories of the old her
>3. after all is said and done and Fuutarou saved the entire semester for them, 123 fell for him and yotsuba's martyr sentiment gets bolstered
>the rumor happened, Fuutarou acknowledges the possibility of love and she's both happy and sad about it; this triggers the final push for her letting go of the possibility, culminating in THIS scene

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Yotsuba is fine.

Ninofags once again in denial. Trying to vent their frustrations to Mikufags that are not even trying to stir shit. Look again and face the evidences. It's time to stop.

I can't believe that this quintfag thread discussion is peaceful as fuck

>reddit spacing boogeyman

So you're gonna start spamming this every thread now? Ignore getting shit on and then rinse repeat as if nothing ever happened. I want to see your dedication and fear over Nino. Dedicate your life to her. Become a pseudo Ninobro. You are in the right direction. It puts a smile on our faces.

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The Ninofags have come out of the wood work though. They're about to shit up a thread due to their immense asspain.

>draws x's on buttons as if they're sparkling
What the fuck is it with artfags and fucking up the little details, especially anything that has to do with buttons or symmetry? Is it because they're good at art but also really fucking stupid?



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>Ninofags once again in denial.
Sorry for denying your delusions Mikeks

Stop spewing your retarded headcanon

Cute hints

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Ninofags sure are masters of cringe.

Fuutarou doesn't deserve Yotsuba.

>still bringing up Mikufags
Rent Free.

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Rude. Love isn't something you can switch on and off you know. If it doesn't interfere with your life or anyone, why kill it?

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She never let him go though. She’s tried all those times, but in the end she just ends up on the swing admitting how much she loves him.

Ninofags everyone give Mikufags a peaceful discussions atleast it is their only way to cope

I should also add there's 2 sides of this letting go situation. The despair side was what i said, and the hope thing is another else entirely but contributes to her current stance
>she acknowledges Fuutarou as someone who made good of their promise
>he also stuck with the quints to the bitter end, contrary to her belief that they're too troublesome in the end
>she fully enjoyed the date chapter, content with only his wholehearted laugh
>he's the only person to have appreciated and helped her make the study effort bear fruit
All of this and more is partly Yotsuba's fault influence but she doesn't acknowledge it herself, instead putting the figure of Fuutarou on a goddamn pedestal and is the basis of her reasoning that she's not worth the guy. Which will be a plot point to be turned over by Fuutarou himself. please negi

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Fuutarou learnt to let go Takebayashi,Yotsuba will do the same sooner or later

>implying we're not here since start, like always.

>Says "masters of cringe"
Look in the mirror.

Because love releases chemicals in your brain that will make you do some crazy shit if left unchecked. Stuff like knocking out a sister on her wedding day and marrying the man she loves and getting pregnant by him

agreed, let them enjoy the thread before the translations come.

>career arc

This. I'm just lurking and enjoying my day off.

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Lol, those situations are a bit different

Fuutarou likely wasn't that deeply in love with Takebayashi, or at least not for that long. Also, he met someone else within the day the had to get over her. Yotsuba's been in love with the guy for like 5 or 6 years and has no one to help her get over it.

He didn't love that basic bitch.

Nino win soon.

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Be patient. It's coming but it will take some time.

I just want negi to crash this manga with no survivors. I want it to be so bad that not a single one of you fags will make a thread about it months later because of the asspain you feel

*No one else to move on with.

>Get presented with facts
>Gets BTFO
>Everyone against me is a MEEKUFAG

Attached: stop.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

So... Ichika win?

But that's because he moved on from Takebayashi to lolikano
he only got over her post-7 goodbyes

Yes. Everyday so that you Ninofags have some fucking humility instead of shoving your shitty quint in everyone elses faces.

Well depends really. I'd reckon for heavy sleepers, a light peck would hardly do anything. Also tangentially related, Ichika's favourite routine is jogging. Wouldn't put it past me that she could jog/run despite her (minor desu) injury.

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no, its takebayashi

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>Yotsuba helps "quint" to confess
>Goes to despair park
>Suddenly, Fuutarou kisses Yotsuba

Any quints just kept quiet about the kiss anyway, so ultimately he wouldn't know just yet
>tried to be unbiased, yet exclude Nino as a possible kisser
>double standard
Hypocrisy at best, like you

So basically you're just upset that a Nino win seems likely? I guess that makes sense.

The tears are delicious.

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They are classmates you know,he probably likes for a pretty long time,enough to take shitton of sneak photos.And he was pretty depressed about it too.

Ichika wins, but purely out of pity after she was raped by some fat old men in the film industry

I wonder what flavor if I put Meekufags' tears to my coffee

Ninokeks in Maximum Delusion

>t. totally not yotsuba
How many times has she masturbated while thinking of Fuutarou fucking her sisters?

Damn nice coffee parallel bro

I would feel sorry for Fuutarou if he got with Ichika. You know she's going to be having sex for roles. No matter what, I don't want Fuutarou to get a used hole for a wife.
Any girl other than Ichika, please.

>pretty depressed about it
This arc contradicts that.

Hey, smart-ass. Perhaps you should consider looking at your mirror & keep indulging on your narcissism of how much a genius you are

People are actually afraid of this?

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To think if this was a doujin Fuutarou would have NTR Takebayashi away from jouka

>Suddenly, Fuutarou kisses Yotsuba
He is first going to hop on the swing and jump from it to kiss her.

Why delusionals calling Ninofags a delusional, so it means that they're in denial!!

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She is the biggest threat to Fuutarou's chastity.

>But I come to the term that I cannot bring myself to accept Yotsuba winning out with pity or sympathy,
That won't happen since that's the reason why Yotsuba doesn't enter the race or tell Fuu she's lolikano because she doesn't want Fuu to show her pity or give her special treatment. If Fuu ends up with her it WON'T be because he feels sorry for her.

>If she being the kisser, that action would completely contradicts her self-loathing tendency intentions which don't add up well together. It's as contradicting as Itsuki asspull win.
Not really. Knowing that her other sisters love Fuu at this point this would have been her one and only chance to get to kiss him as a final goodbye.

Her name name is Yotsuba Nakano. For five years, she tries hard to change herself with only one goal in mind-- getting good results (and)then a high paying job for the sake of her mother. But after Rena died, she fell into the despair of change for the sake of change and incidentally drag her sisters into her self-created problems. Now she tries to repay her sisters -- by giving them her everything, including boy she made a promise with. To do this, she must become someone else. Yotsuba must become something else.

It's for "Suspense". Hell it would be shitty to say Yotsuba did it but that's like a shitty curveball. As stated in my posts, it's up to Negi.

What I presented are just observations of likelyness. I don't care if Ninofags are unable to accept it. They can believe what they want. It's just that Negi carefully crafted the quint's personalities and mannerism that it is hard to ignore.

Fuck Yotsuba, if you're not gonna act you deserve to lose

Super asspained. Holy shit. Do Ninokeks just resort to these measures instead of displaying some sort of intellect to present plausible counter arguments?

plus kissing and making out scenes.
at some point she has to sell some gravure photos, too.
imagine her naked body will be seen by millions of fat smelly otaku. Shit is so disgusting

choo choo~
Full speed into Fuut's heart!

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But she's acting already, she's giving what the quints want.

Negi will drop the Ninuke to a bunch of delusionaltards like Mikufags and everyone will seethe like immatures


>Knowing that her other sisters love Fuu at this point
She knew about Miku and Ichika for more than 40 chapters.
Found out about Nino after the kiss

Why do you have to use Nino to bait, Yea Forumsermin?

>It's just that Negi carefully crafted the quint's personalities and mannerism that it is hard to ignore
This desu. Gramps also said this.


Frankly I'm proud of her. I was a Miku/Ichikafag at first, but she was always my third little girl. Seeing her go from bottom to the top is incredible.

No brakes!

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Nino: Fuutarou, I love you.
Negi: You don't want an answer though.

Nino: I'm going to kiss him!
Negi: No, you're not

Nino: Fuu-kun, get ready

Itsuki disagrees with you.

Stop blaming to us that we are in asspain but it's literally you and atleast be honest to yourself okay? KEKEKEKEK


Nobody cares what the fuck Itsuki says.

>one & only chance to give a final goodbye kiss
A final goodbye kiss was not like that. Not to his lips, but supposed to be on his cheek . I don't know how being a kisser is a red herring, unless Negi really decides to retcon the bell kisser is not the bride.


>all talk
>no counter arguments
No wonder some anons call you Ninoniggers.



Why the fuck a brainlet like you needs a counter argument?

Are you okay Yotsuba?

Just say it
Just be honest

I hate Yotsuba

>>no counter arguments
Sorry, I don't argue with such SHALLOW muh hand gestures

Seriously, you should stop belittling whomever you deem inferior to you, or you won't succeed in life if you keep behaving like a condescending bully like this. Never mind any fags shit flinging on each other, but your attitude is something else

What chapter was this panel from? It's when he got sick from eating too much, right?

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Shut the fuck up Itsuki. I already made up my mind.

Looks like anonymous translations dropped if someone wants to dump


Would an Itsuki ending really be so bad?

Make a new thread.


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look in the catalog, we dont need 2 dump threads


Yes. She has basically no romantic development at all.

Too shallow like your brain

We know you hate yourself Yotsuba.


Just make your own.

now this thread can't be dumped into

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Hey. I'm the one presenting evidences here. Meanwhile you still have 0 counter arguments. Stay mad chimp.

the absolute state of non-428fags

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>the same retard
pathetic Nino fag

>everyone has the right to hope for happiness

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We fucking told you, you shit. To the user who kept saying it nobody was hiding in the bushes that night, that it was a fucking "red herring"...

Fuck you.

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This just confirms to me what I had suspected all along - that either Yotsuba or Ichika is the kisser. You know it's true too Yotsufag.

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I couldn't bring myself to accept or support Yotsuba winning, she's too mental for a stable family life. The mental scar is too deep that it can never go away, her happiness can never be whole again even if she's happily married. All these destiny & childhood promise things would leave a bad taste in my mouth, regardless.
I'm sorry for my cruelty, anons... I can't sway my heart, my loyalty stays to the bitter end

want Fuutarou to marry [/spoiler] me

Will Yotsuba be a good mom?


>Quad 4s

God have mercy...

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wait yotsuba was playing the guy from the start?

I don't think having quint-tier IQ is enough to make you become Nakano-san

Can't you all get along and discuss calmly despite our preferences?

The bestest mom

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Congratulations! You've managed to guess correctly

But they are all the same besides Itsuki's.

What's there to discuss? Just some pity chapters for 4 fags before their quint goes back to irrelevant zone.

Might not be all healthy for the child for the long term, if her chronic self-cucking tendency is still there


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Itsuki also made that face.
It's just proves that neither of those three is the kisser.

Nino and Miku know this too. In this manga you don't win the game by not playing it.


Kill yourself subhuman

Sorry, I'm just bitter. I even had the user's post saved just for this moment. I'm fucking savoring this right now.

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She's not worth it for him whenever she cuck herself


It was obvious. Only speedreaders would miss it.

>Nino and Miku know this too
Miku literally said she won't play if she's not sure it will have an effect
>You don't win the game by not playing it.
Isn't that how it usually works? Why would it be different this time?

I think it's the detail that Negi puts into the hair. Most typical bowl cut MCs have very large bangs, Fuutarou's hair is detailed and you can see many smaller bangs, this gives off a more stylish/styled impression. Either that or we've all just fallen for his charms.

Cringe. Fucking Ninokeks.

Them fucked over Fuuts' childhood memory was the worst thing they did. Guilty as charged

Just like only speedreaders would miss that Yotsuba was obviously Rena? Oh wait...


Imagine If Fuu jokingly said yes here to get back at her from Chapter 21.


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>'Whoever Uesugi-san falls for' panel over Miku

>In this manga you don't win the game by not playing it
Except in this manga, whatever the quints would do, doesn't mean shit, because it will all come down to Fuutarou's decision.

>tfw called it out like 8-9 months ago
>people were saying JUST KIDDING TROPE FUCK NEGI
Who's laughing now? not me, i'm just sad

>yfw this is the ONLY time Yotsuba called Fuutarou by his first name as a teenager in her whole life

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The what?

What if we're the speedreaders all along?

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And yet playing 4D chess shenanigan instead of playing an actual fair game is something not everyone can sit well with it either

Are you retarded? Everyone knew she wasn't kidding.
She still used the "just kidding" trope to run away

Delusional Meekufags are no better either

>playing 4D chess shenanigan
Does anyone give a fuck about it, though?
She just asked Itsuki to tell Fuutarou to forget about her. That's it


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>8-9 months ago

there were yotsuba niggers calling this shit from the beginning. I can't believe I doubted them

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Yotsuba porn when

I think it's already pointless whatever the past was. Right now, 4 of them are living in the present and working on their future.

LOL, he can have his (You)


This chapter has pushed me past the event horizon of despair. I don't even feel like going to work tomorrow. I just want to curl over and collect myself. I don't even root for Yotsuba, but this fucking hurts.

Can't believe I would ended up caring about 5toubun so much. I love this series with all my heart. I both dread and anticipate its ending.

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fuck this depressing shit. even the shitty "biological father theory" is better than this. I don't think Negi can heal her broken mind properly.

Yotsuba did it for his sake though. It made him depressed for a while but getting over Lolikano made him change for the better.


Same here, brother
Don't forget to play your saddest anime music to go along with it, preferably from something relatable to Yotsuba's current situation with certified AudioTechnica headphones
>Omoide wa Tooku no Hibi
>Distant Everyday Memories

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As Mikufag I can acknowledge the possibility of Ichika. However her winning is going to be difficult to win the audience's suppoet. A lot of people despised her actions.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful music. Here's mine youtube.com/watch?v=fVAYeZn93Yk

>audience's suppoet
A good writer doesn't care about this.

It's one of the messages of this manga. Yotsuba is doing wrong. She's going to regret her decisions later

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Yotsuba doesn't get to decide what's better for him.

I feel this would be the main thing Fuutarou will scold Yotsuba for lovingly

Chapter 21

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No, it's going to go like this:

>Yotsuba in maximum despair
>Wants to drop out of the race for good
>Goes to despair park with Fuutarou
>Tries to set up her sisters with Fuutarou
>Gives monologue to Fuutarou while swinging
>Fuutarou reads in between the lines and figures out Yotsuba has inner turmoil
>Yotsuba jumps from the swings with a melancholic face
>Fuutarou catches her in midair and embraces her in a hug
>Gives her a speech that heals her soul
>Yotsuba cries into Fuutarous chest
>Credits page

Not really. I'm not saying he should totally sell out to a crowd. The hard part is to convince or entice people about your ideas. If you are not even thinking about this then why are you even sharing your sentiments?

At this point I can't imagine what kind of redemption story Negi will be doing in order to put Ichika back in the game.

>Yotsuba is doing wrong
Nobody said otherwise.

>She's going to regret her decisions later
She already made her decision. Regretting that decision will be totally up to her but from what I've seen so far, she's been doing great at keeping up with the despair.

I just want Yotsuba to be happy.



Rest in peace sweet princess. I think I'll just have to accept the fact that she already lost.

you've just ruined it

I have literally posted nothing but 5cm/sec things after spoiler dropped, Yotsuba is LITERALLY the Tohno to Fuutarou's Akari.

Attached: Let_it_snow_llet_it_snow....gif (500x281, 276K)

Bell kisser user, please.

Sounds like something that would come out from reddit.

I have my fair share of hate boner for reddit, but the dumbest terms are easily Rena, Young Rena, and Adult Rena. First two refers to Lolikano, and Adult Rena is Itsuki in the disguise.

She's not in a similar place to the two from 5cm/sec though, she may very well be the one this time

Well, at least you know how shit their naming conventions are. Just stop it with BK or bell kisser because you can just simply say kisser.

The end of Sister Wars was just about that.

Right, so abbreviations now come from Reddit. Great.

Yes, you can now fuck off back there.

What do you mean? She hasn't done anything yet to make up for it. In front Uesugi that is.

I do to. But you have to brace for the eventuality that "happiness" does not lie at the altar.

You're even more retarded that I though.

Nakano Itsuki, will you take this Triple Whopper and become my lawfully wedded wife?

Attached: 03299-89_BK_Web_Triple%20Whopper_500x540_CR.png (500x540, 80K)

Noone can decide what's better for anyone except themselves. That doesnt mean they will be bystanders and do nothing. Oh look someone gets hury, better let them take care of themselves. They are perfectly fine.
Fuck off with that logic. Fuu gets better after getting rip of lolikano. What Yotsuba did, while is temporarily painful for Fuu, is permanently right for him

After reading the current chapter. There definitely is no way Yotsuba is the bell kisser. It's going to be an ultimate curve ball should Negi reveal it's her.

She is far too shackled by guilt.

Attached: C12.png (1115x1600, 748K)

>bell kisser
fuck off reddit.

>It's going to be an ultimate curve ball should Negi reveal it's her.
>implying he'll not do just this

As much as hate that shitpost about Yots not being a bride since she's already lolikano, it kinda makes sense. What's the point of all mysteries if the answer is always one?

I mean he could. But it's eyebrow raising and is fucking out of nowhere.

Honestly speaking, the way she fell in love woth Shotarou was tongue in cheek cliche. Maybe we'll see more but I'm still not sold.

Yeah, no way it's Yotsuba. Otherwise, we would've been shown that in this chapter.

With the Kisser, it was always a toss between Yotsuba and Itsuki for me, with more money towards Yotsuba. So, yeah, I'm putting all my chips on this fatso now.

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I'd say this manga handles the first love during childhood really well though, it's very fucking rare you see a childhood friend gets fleshed out this much
Usually it's just cocktease bits without any keyplot reveals, but it's a trope very well utilized here

>What's the point of all mysteries if the answer is always one?
Blame Negi and his kisser = bride shit