So what's his bankai?

So what's his bankai?

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Having his glasses reflect light to confuse and scare his enemies while also looking cool.

The ability to kill the series upon being removed from the story

Are you under the impression that we didn't see his bankai?

I wouldn't be surprised if Kubo just says that Aizen never bothered to learn bankai since his shikai was already way to fucking op and basically better than every bankai in existence.

Ending the series
With no survivors

thatd be pretty retarded in of itself.
instead of that would be better to even say it was actually his bankai since its crazy fucking OP and he just lies about it for bigger scare/keikaku factor

Instantly reshapes the entire universe so that it matches his desires. He just doesn't use that ability because he's bored of autowinning.

Being pure.

What will he do once his sentence ends? Remind me again, how long do the Shinigami "live" for. The society be completely different after he's out, right?

they live until they die

The real bankai was the keikaku he made along the way.

What if his shikai was his bankai all along?

The heart.

To always have the biggest dick in the room.

Did Aizen ever once lie in the entire series? The only case might have been his "death" but even that was arguably just a big ruse rather than a lie. I don't think he is the type to lie about stuff

When he didnt is more like it. In fact he is so full of shit it manifisted in his zanpakto ability being creating false reality.

You mean to deceive by admission?

He literally lied about his sword's shikai and bankai to become a captain.


>Better than every Bankai
>When 9th Kenpachi, Shisui and Yamamoto exist.
Nah. And even among the Shikai, Ichibei's was the most retarded. Too bad we didn't know what his bankai really does other than permakill shit. Or was it just that?

That doesn't match up the Aizen's character well, to not bother having Bankai.

I bet it was the disappointment of his Bankai that partly made him go rouge.

Novel confirms it requires people to have seen the activation of his Shikai.
Literally nothing else confirmed.

his bankai allows him to indefinitely hide the nature of his bankai

After Soifon probably a nuke or someshit. Kubo the hack ran out of ideas and creativity after Byakuya's bankai.

We don't know. My headcanon is that going bankai undoes complete hypnosis and that's why he never released it.

Also in an interview kubo said that shunsui could have beat aizen with his bankai so the only canon thing we know for sure is it isn't as bullshit as that one

but he uses a shikai incantation whenever he uses it...

Wait does the LN specifically say this is a condition for his bankai

Ichibe's bankai? Didn't it just give him the ability to rename/give properties to it's target. (Yhwach was renamed Ant or something then he became totally helpless as fuck).

>Aizen doesn't lie, except for that massive lie, that doesn't count.

Autistic threads for girls with [no life]
> / can't do jojo brackets so deal with in mouse

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it's just a prank bro

atleast post a girl from bleach, dumbass

Senbonzakura Kageyoshi: Pretty much senbonzakura but bigger and more petals lol, oh also form an arena so we can do traditional swordfight without actually using the petal haha
That's actually the dullest bankai Kubo ever made.

Do you not know what personal character allows for mon dieu?

They live long but not forever. Aizen, though, has been rendered immortal and will be released long after everyone else is dead.

He won.

Check those Duel Monster porn videos, that asshole of hers is certainly...bleached.


On a very special episode about ADD.

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Mormonism is so fascinating.

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>Wait does the LN specifically say this is a condition for his bankai
It also mentions that all Bankai have big flaws in there abilities. Byakuya has a safe zone, A previous Kenpachi could only use his once a month, and not around any allies, etc

And theres the matter of it breaking as a first line of defense against itself's weilder dying outright, why I vote vampire party.

His bankai is the entire series as a work of fiction.

But that was information originaly provided by Aizen himself, so it may be just another lie.

Therefore what if comic book shop Aizen? Guys!

>all Bleach readers have seen his shikai’s activation

Byron. If the little umbrella dies due to your amputation fetish.
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