Is there any other fanbase as toxic as the monogatari fanbase?

Is there any other fanbase as toxic as the monogatari fanbase?

I have not seen a single gatarifag do anything but attack other shows, shit on characters that are even i the slightest similar and I've never seen one talk about good points to any of the gatari series I've only ever seen them talk shit about other shows

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Clearly you haven't seen shingeki not kino


Best girl threads always seemed like mostly harmless banter to me, at the end of the day everyone can respect everyone's preferences even if they have their own.

As long as it isn't crab, fuck crab

>using "toxic" unironically
>caring about fanbase wars
Maybe Leddit will be more to your speed my dude

>fuck crab

>dissing the banter chad harem master (AKA: best girl)
There's a reason why she had sex and you will not.

>fuck crab
yes pls

Attached: crab x cat.png (1920x1080, 2.67M)

>people are liking a thing I don't like, toxic!

All we ever do is fight over the girls though. You've clearly never been in a single thread.

t. le 4channel hive mind

Milf Acerola is best girl.

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There are only two genders OP.

Always makes me laugh how mad they get at Bunny Girl Senpai being the superior version of their shitshow.

Tbh most of cancerous elitist I've seen in internet is a monogatari fan and most of them really have no respect for other series and other people opinion, so they just bash them.

I can feel ya and agree with you halfway, but I see no reason for caring about the fanbase.

Just watch the show in your own, and have you own opinion and stand on it user.
Ignore those bashers.


I just started watching bakemonogatari. It's really enjoyable so far. Hope they don't abandon the someone with a problem comes in and gets fixed with the help of the mysterious cool guy thing later. It's pretty cool.

Toubon is reaching peak cancer, as are bnha and snk fags. But still nothing tops the ultimate faggotry that is the hunterfags also known as whisperfags

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I don't even go there and honestly dunno what you even mean.

have you been in an oregairu thread lately?

fuck off samenigger monogatari has been an Yea Forums mainstay for 10 years and your shit taste isn't going to change that

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You win, seriously what the fuck is that?

Shaftfags are the biggest pseuds on this board

Define pseudo

I haven't watched any monogatari since nise and I still think you should do a front flip off of a building for using that word.

When a term gets popular Yea Forumsnons have to shame everyone who isn't putting all their efforts in becoming the most pathetic contrarians possible.