Why does Yea Forums hate it so much?

Why does Yea Forums hate it so much?

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it changes from a really wholesome slice of life with good characters into a melodrama with everyone crying all the time in such a stark manner that it's hardly bearable

Many anons loved it. Threads just turned into shitposting fests.

I remember how comfy threads were during first couple episodes. It's a shame this show is now a hostage to Yea Forums and their retarded us vs them culture.

VEG cultists hate it.

Because we have a better example of drama, Violet Evergarden

Because it's better than VEG and sold much more

One vocal group of shitposters =/= all of Yea Forums

Why does an obsessed shitposter hate it? They don't but pretend they do because they are a shitposter. They probably didn't even watch it. Only an actual retard would take a shitposter seriously.

Because it's actually good.

It says it right there on the fucking picture: It's Penguin Man.

>It's a shame this show is now a hostage to Yea Forums and their retarded us vs them culture.
Especially since most of them are always shitting up threads here with powerlevel and ranking arguments for any series.

Because it's legit good and Yea Forums can't stand that.

Zombieland was better

I enjoyed it but it was NOT AOTY like those crunchyshitters kept clinging to just because the NYT said so.

It's a time flop and VEG was much better

If you're gonna be a full-time shitposter, especially on multiple sites, at least remember to cover your damn tracks, EGK.

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It's popular and this board/site has a lot of contrarians.

Because its a melodramatic shitfest.

tried like 4 episodes before dropping it
the art was really well done, but I just couldn't care about these girls.

It's just the salty contrarians who weren't able to sign the friendship contract

How much are kusoanus and their sugar daddy Lantis paying that spambot?

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So it's actually /pol/ crossboarders that hate it then. Good to know.

>retarded sniffling dykes lead
>plays like a fucking soap opera
>gay plot
they didn't have to go further than the universe to find a gutter to land in

I like it.

I didn't watch it when it was airing so I don't know what the threads were like but it's a genuinely good show.

>It's a shame this show is now a hostage to Yea Forums and their retarded us vs them culture.
all of the hate for it is bait made by crossboarders who want to spread their console war bullshit everywhere

I don't hate it I just think it's pretty meh and consequentially very overrated.

>haters still obsessed

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It's the Gurren Lagann of SOL

that's k-on

quick rundown on this guy?

The only anime that made me fall asleep

becuase this board is populated by 70IQ shonen fags who can't understand a series without any fighting

>tfw 200IQ
>tfw can't understand shit series that resort to CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT in the ending

watch Hyouka so K-On won't be lone

>time flop
Stop trying to make this happen.

The threads were generally good. It got about halfway through the season before any major attempts at shitposting started, and even then I recall it usually getting drowned out by episode discussion.

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only vegtards hated it

Someone copy-pasted that Gridman review in a Gridman thread. It's unknown if that guy is active on Yea Forums, but it's still a fucktarded move considering how many anons are on MAL despite pretending to be too cool for it.

>Yea Forums tier retarded hyperbole

.... Yea Forums?

What have I missed??

videogames rot your brain and turn everything into retarded console war shit

>blaming Yea Forums for retardness of nu-Yea Forums
yikes incels, have sex

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Sure faggot, bend over.

Fucking this. Letting salesfags and shounentards run rampant with their forced console wars further killed what was left of this board.

The only ones who hate Sora Yori are the kyoanifags, but they hate everything legitimately good so it's understandable.

It had a promising start, then dropped in quality every episode thereafter.

why would they?

well that your opinion, just because you say so isn't the real answer

This; basically just another forced drama.

i'm a sucker for kyoani but i consider this show better than everything they have produced

it was okayish, Yea Forums is just being retarded

I didn't think most of the drama was that bad, but the scene where all of them start crying after they find the laptop was pretty weird. Like I got why Shirase was crying, but the rest of them just sobbing was creepy.

Fuck off FLCLtard.

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Same here. It's stupidly overrated.

So it's a cringey and massively overrated piece of dogshit? You got that right.

It's ugly forced drama.

>false flagger is still spamming his own profiles

Fuck reddit lagan.

Yea Forums expremely overrates it though.

Again shitposting schizo? Take your FUCKING pills it's been more than a year already

This. Fuck that insane flcltard. Imagine irrationally hating kyoani so much that you make these threads and false flag in them to force conflict with the studio.

It's ugly moeshit.

Are you new? Yea Forums would circle jerk this crap all the time when it aired. Mods would even babysit the threads and give people 3 day bans for the slightest legitimate criticism.

What do you expect? Yorishits are some of the worst salesfaggots in Yea Forums history.

Seecase in point

It's a time flop. Pic related.

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>i'm a sucker for kyoani but i consider this show better than everything they have produced
Don't pretend.


not him, hang yourself flcltard

Considering it was top 5 for AOTY in pretty much every Japanese poll I saw as well it wasn't just us.

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>not him

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It's not going to happen. Ever. Give it up.

It's the most disgusting normalfag cancer.

Kill yourself, Yori shill.

Utter Garbage for easily manipulated feeltards
>"SOL" for fags who don't like SOL
makes sense

Fuck FLCL and fuck you, you autistic spammer.

>he's schizophrenic

>flclturd is still trying to use this shit to further his ludicrous agenda
holy fuck, seek medical help