I despise him

Attached: egregerg.jpg (348x383, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


A cat is fine too

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The fact Integra couldn't respond proves that the major was the good guy.
>Immortal vampire gets ERASED from existance with LOGIC and FACTS


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that proves he was a great character

He was a good guy all along. He was planning to wipe the world clean of those perfidious anglos.

censor that shit

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you just mad his right.

>despise him
It's what he would have wanted

So, a cyborg. Why?

Machinery aside, I am just as human now as I ever was, fräulein.

Because german science is the best in the world

It was self defence. He did nothing wrong.

He did us all a favor by razing that Protestant shithole they call a capital.

He was the best character.

He did everything right except its not enough

Go to bed Maxwell


literally me

gib double immortality pls d0c

Some villains are defined by some greater goal they want to achieve that puts them at odds, some villains are made to be all too redeemable.

The Major meanwhile? Irredeemable, driven by will and hate, his great goal being just going out with a bang and dragging Alucard down to hell with him and his army. A beautiful simplicity and his mindset nobody in the story even could argue against as he was the monstrous human to Alucard human monster.

The Purity of hatred that defines the Major along with his charisma is something you only get once in a villain, making him one of the finest villains in all of Anime/Manga.

Attached: The Major.jpg (1192x670, 87K)

u not german enough

>t. While other kids played fortnite, I was writing this post. Because I’m 12


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He's right, though. The Major IS a great character.

Couldn't respond to what?
>Immortal vampire gets ERASED from existance with LOGIC and FACTS
But that's not what happened

He's still so fucking fat! He's like a nazi Louis C.K.!

Attached: alucard laughing.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

to his ebin speech about how he is the ubermensch

I think her response was very clear "that's nice and all but here's a bullet between your eyes"

Post more Schrodinger

rather a cyborg then a gay vampire.

Yeah ik, he’s honestly not wrong.
But you gotta hide ur age better than that

not an argument libtard

About how he is human despite being a Cyborg. How ones individuality and will is what makes one human, while vampires sacrifice it and give into it in fear of death and sacrifice their individuality to take anothers soul to survive and it being a show of weak will. How no matter how she puts it, its a human that defeated the monster (Alucard) and despite whatever he did, he is human.

Integra had nothing to say against this, she only finished him off then and there.

A great argument. The major had no answer for it. Also, don't be an idiot and label people first things that came to you small brains. It reveals their size.

It's nice that you're having your little Nietzsche discussion, so excuse me while post things that really matter.

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Cant argue that one. Seras is top tier.

thanks, antifa

i'm hard now
I was suppose to be him saying that. Oh well... My communication skills are not great so i'm not surprised.

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You're supposed to despise that guy, he's a Nazi

>despise that fictional character
wew lad

Then why did I answer "yes" to all his questions in his speech?

Why would I depise Kouta Hirano's self-insert mechanical Aryan nazi OC?

Attached: kouta hirano.jpg (267x200, 12K)

I have been looking for this song for YEARS, does anyone here know the name? I've looked everywhere I could and listened to all the Hellsing OSTs and nothing.


Attached: girlycard_by_wobblingdock-d7k509s.jpg (600x675, 199K)

Probably from some opera.

And yet he's the sanest person in the whole series

They used Der Freischütz opera for the other ost so it may be from this. It pretty long though 1.5 hour i think.

Time to listen to the entire thing then. It's almost been a decade and i've yet to find this song.

I'm almost tempted to fly out to Japan and find out.

Only mistake major made was not erasing the Anglo from earth

Shame the crusade failed.

Nah, his mistake was trying to use Alucard to kill Alucard when Alucard can only be defeated by a human.

Wasn't it more like Alucard wanted to be defeated by a human? He wanted to be humbled didn't he?

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What the fuck was his problem?

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>Shrodingdong catboy

Is that a boy or a girl? My dick needs to know and cant wait any longer

It's a boy(girl)..... or a girl(boy)... only your dick can discover the truth.

He could had become a monster like alucard, and we are shown him rejecting that power.
Major is based.

Shit char in a shit anime

>a shit anime
what did he mean by this?

he's a coward. terrified of actual power.

Grey hair

Attached: Hellsing Ultimate 04 (14).png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

Ok nice and all but are catboys humans?

This was explained pretty clearly. He fancies himself a man with the trappings of a monster opposed to Alucard, a monster with the trappings of a man. I wasn't on-board with the reveal at first, but honestly it's pretty thematically brilliant.

I want to say there’s more to it but eh yeah pretty much

Wtf lums a Nazi??

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Alucard makes far less sense desu, what did he ever want?

Besides not sending in a unit to Los Angeles to do damage there, that NatSoc cyborg did nothing wrong.

Alucard was a boring edgy monster that only exists in universe because how impossible it is to permanently put him down combined with how he’s barely useful enough for those in charge to not really bother to look into ways to just shoot him into space or nuke him

Overrated. Rip van winkle is the patrician choice.

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Ivan fuck him up pretty good during the fall of Berlin.

Seras' Seras

>faggot nihilistic sadist that slanders the ideals of national socialism
Hitler would have despised him and gassed him like the degenerate he is.

i agree

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Finally, an user with sense.

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tfw no tall vampire gf

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If the Major really wanted to kill Alucard, why didn't he just scuttle the aircraft carrier once he had Alucard trapped onboard?

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Built for anal.

Nice get.

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isn't the cyborg with a dog head an URSS thing?

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So you're complaining about Johnny Quest, seems legit.

Schrödinger is the patrician choice

I think Hellsing is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills vampires and doesn't afraid of anything.

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I'm sure lots of people hate you, too.