Why don't we let it live instead?
Shingeki no Annie!
God look at that fucking beak. It does things to me...hnnnnng
She is going to comeback for one chapter, reunite with Reiner and then proceed to die in front of him while being saved again.
>"Six million? Doubt it, I think 200.000 is more than a generous presumption."
>Nile will die next chapter
>Pixis will die next chapter
>Hange ran away with a half-dead man
Are you guys ready for Commander Jean?
I rabu Jeanbo
I just want them to be okay
What does Annie's bread taste like?
Reiner will kill Shitren Uchiha
>Jean sacrifices himself to save Eren so that Eren too will think he is cool
I'm ready
>Muh six gorilion
>Jean sacrifices himself to save Eren
>"It's a phase" scene next episode
Imagine Jean dying for Eren haha. That would be the final fuck you to JMfags haha.
JM is endgame
>Jean sacrifices himself to save Eren
>Eren doesn't notice
Why are you so mad about JMfags when JM is dead in the water? Is it because EM is somehow more dead?
I’m more of a fan of Hange’s sniffer
Lmao observe the "haha" user, lol
wtf Dina was the smiling titan?
wow... addack on diddies is crazy...
Jean's going to live and get a better wife than Mikasa. One with long black hair and beautiful wide grey eyes that definitely won't look like Eren
He will marry Gabi Braun once Falco dies, to take revenge on Reiner for killing marco
>Eren's first boner for a woman animated
It's going feel weird
If Eren was a girl JE would be the most popular ship desu
is she a jew
One main character is going to die before 120 user, Jean already laid his thought about Eren and about how he will be the cause of their deaths. So this is a good time to kill him
It'll probably be Reiner, though. His purpose is pretty much over.
I'll always hope he makes it regardless.
I don't think that's the *only* reason, but one of his hidden motives is having a kid would explain most things. Insult me if you want but you should just blame Isayama
I doubt it. Reiner still doesn't understand Eren. Eren, Reiner and Zeke plot armors are still heavily intact.
Jean still doesn't know what happened to Marco. He'll probably never find out desu.
>Reiner still doesn't understand Eren
I doubt he ever will. His top priority right now are the kids and Falco is about to turn into a Titan. Either he eats Zeke (which I doubt because he has just been brought back by Ymir) or Reiner.
Once Gabi is 18 of course
Maybe he was talking about Sasha? But was Sasha even that big? And I don't think nips like Reiner too much
I miss Yumiru
Reiner is still one of the protagonist and a foil to Eren. Even if Falco is titanized, it is too early to reduce their asset in this crucial moment by giving Falco the ArT. Reiner is a jobber but he is a trained jobber with experience
I bet they'll look back fondly on the time Gabi killed Sasha and they both tried to shoot eachother in the head.
kys trannie
au reiner is the best boy by a large margin
We know, Hisu
end yourself /u/ncel
In that cade the ones that fit the most are manlet, Jeanbo or Hansi. EMA have plot armor till everything is over
We know, Benji
this twist hurts my head, theres no way this series gets unfucked from this convoluted shit
Stop fawning over animated characters and explain this bullshit right now I double dog dare you.
I think it'd be a nice parallel to Bort's death in RtS, but yeah, even if he's a jobber he's still a protagonist.
>*gasp* Jean, your penis is as thick as my wrist. How am I supposed to make it fit inside?
We know, Reiner
>Jeanbo or Hansi
Please not Jan or Hans
The Beast Titan is a different animal each time depending on the user, perhaps?
Eldioids are animals
>Let it die bro
did the Edians on Marley know that Paradise people are good now?
>Good heart
>Both are in the way of Commander Armin
Sorry, they have a big death flag
What did he mean by this?
>did the Edians on Marley know that Paradise people are good now?
Yes user. That's why Bert called them devils
>Hange compared Armin to Erwin
Oh no no no no
>Mikasa, I always loved yo-
These will be Jean last words
it’s not canon, so why would it have to be explained?
Armin's dead in 9 years anyways
>Become a Titan shifter after years of tough training
>Your titan form is a tuna
>Mikasa, I always loved yo-
>These will be Jean last words
>*Eren, I always think you are coo-
gesumin picked 5 deaths over 1
Chadmin will beat the curse
No, they're all brainwashed Marley bootlickers
They unironically think that the Walldians are what's keeping them in a ghetto
Those will be Mikasa's last words to Jean as she's dying and the Ackertism goes away
m-m-maybe the one who will die will be Connie or Colt. Or ZEKE
>Those will be Mikasa's last words to Jean as she's dying and the Ackertism goes away
Also disgusting
why? it's the first Reiss king's fault. they dont know their history and the state of their brethren overseas.
Scapegoats. Cucks like Grandpa Jaegar or delusional twats like Reiner's mom thinking that shitting on Paradis and being 'good' Eldians will get them somewhere someday.
they weren’t taught that.
Hansi has a big death flag but Manlet won't die. He's going to die alone and suffering unable to get over the past
1700 years of genocide
We later learn that King Reiss (nicknamed Carl the cuck here) wanted peace and was actually the one that orchestrated Eldia's defeat
Marley has been keeping the Eldians n ghettos so they could control the titan powers they got and have a powerful military advantge
Zeke will survive and play baseball with with his niece. Pieck will play catch with Zeke too with his personal balls if you get my point
Adds another 5 chapters to the manga and the possibility of Eren having struggled and sacrificed for nothing protecting Historia. It also makes a "Let's Talk" bullshit ending more likely, though.
no, I mean Eldians on marley and paradise people should team up.
I think it was suicide to give Eldians the nine titans.
If Hansi dies it would be to make manlet get over the past
>Connie kills Zeke
>Eren makes the same face as Yelena to Armin but with Connie
if you took the conniepill
>uh bloo bloo muh eren laughed at sasha’s death
>He brought up something interesting. Yeagerist is pursuing new research. He claims what they are doing in Shiganshina is the missing piece. A weapon to surpass Metal Pii
you are completely right
Wait, so the second guy from the top is Jean's love interest in the Junior High series? Gay.
What do you mean? To me Gabo ruined it
I wonder if Isayama forgot that Eren also "laughed" when Hannes died or he purposefully wrote Mikasa being retarded and not remembering.
Why doesn't Eren you know
The writing this arc is all over the place
>AMJC not asking about Historia
>They blame Eren but can stand a guy calling Sasha a whore
>Eren being the father or not doesn't justify him placing AMJC in the most dangerous place
Because he never had romantic feelings for Mikasa. They are more like siblings than anything and he always found Mikasa annoying
he just forgets things. he rewrote falco grieving over the liberio massacre in a volume release because he forgot to make him mention zofia/udo.
Gabi and Falco are shit, it was a forced Boruto
falco is based, gabi is cringe
Bertolt never met gabbers, fuck isayama
The two scenes seems to be intentionally similar though. Both times the situation was expected but still a huge blow to his mentality since it was his closer friends. Both times Eren laughes, seethes to himself then becomes more determined to fight
>Then there are those damned armbands. If the parallels to the real-world history of Jewish persecution weren't strong enough in last week's teaser, things get even muddier this time. When characters cry out that the Eldians are their “god's chosen people”, it becomes impossible to mistake Attack on Titan's appropriation of specific imagery and allusions as anything but intentional. Divorced from the context of hundreds of years of cruelty and violence against the Jewish people, the world that Attack on Titan is building would just be complex and compelling. But that history is inexorably tied to an experience that still affects real people living in our world today, and Attack on Titan simply hasn't demonstrated the tact and forethought needed to so liberally borrow this sensitive imagery for its narrative.
>While I don't think AoT is preaching anti-Semitism, its creators ought to be aware of how poorly a comparison between the Jewish people and a race of super-powered cannibals could be received. It's one thing to imply that this sordid history is propaganda being spread by the villains to justify their crimes. That can work both as real-world allegory and appropriate world-building for an anti-war fantasy story that's meant to stand on its own. However, what are we supposed to make of the fact that the Eldians are still literally man-eating monsters who've destroyed the lives of our heroes, who are also Eldians? Are we arguing that the victims of persecution are becoming just as monstrous as the ones committing that persecution? That would be a terribly tone-deaf and needlessly obtuse theme to pile on top of the show's already solid explorations of the politics of war.
>Why did you have to employ Holocaust imagery at all, Attack on Titan? Why couldn't you just tell the same story without the ugly racial connotations? The last thing I want is for season 3 to end by alienating the fans who struggle to reconcile with all these new precarious story elements.
Looks at this face
This is the face of a boy that is witnessing his mother dying a brutal death, then being eaten.
The reason this happened is because of Marley, Reiner, Bert, Annie and the rest of the Warriors.
The fact that any of you sick fucks can root for a side that did this to a young innocent boy just shows how depraved some of you bastards really are. Eren will get revenge for this day if he has to kill every Marleyan dog on the way. Thats including that cuck Reiner too.
i’m not even going to read all of this, but you’re pretty cringe for finding it wherever you found it and then copy pasting it here
>but can stand a guy calling Sasha a whore
Maybe she is.
you need to be a complete retard to believe the last part
>muh manga page crop
again, you have to be a complete retard to believe that last part
marleydogs will oppose this post.
i will kill every last marleyan
>We could have more Tybur
>We could have ZE in Marley
>More KINO Kruger
>Instead we are stuck inside a plot to wank la Gabi globina, saved a hundreds of times by everyone
>One fucking year only for the Gabo to learn a lesson
>Nicolo crying to fill pages and Sasha's death being just used to wank a lame new character "MUH FOOD"
>A pregnancy plot not going anywhere because Isayama shat his pants
Marley will kill Dogren, and all you pathetic devil defenders
I watched a couple of reactions to the latest episodes that were interesting.
It really speaks volumes about what a universal tale this really is when you have an African American woman and a South African white woman both identify with, and be deeply upset by, the plight of the Eldians.
Not a chance bootlicker
idk how anyone can defend the anime when they ruin such simple kino scenes like the dina reveal
And have seven beautiful babies
No, she is a cute potato
>decide to see people's reactions on youtube
>literally no one recognizes/remembers that's the smiling titan
>Plants Warriors family in all the danger
>Brings more advanced countries to a land full of resources
>Never dared to know they were moralfags
Paradis will never be respected, even if Marley falls the rest of the world will kill you chimps
he's pretty much right though, even if for the wrong reasons.
no matter where you stand on the real world issue, it was a mistake to evoke holocaust imagery because it can only derail the whole fanbase into pol arguments that cease to have anything to do with the actual manga, which is exactly what happened. It's also easy bait for normies and all sorts of retards who don't even care about the manga but are just attracted by the controversy and where they stand on it when no one gives a shit
Did people start hating Magath just for the sake of it?
>One main character is going to die before 120 user
post yfw one million colossal niggas walk all up on your land
>Brings more advanced countries to a land full of resources
How can anyone supports that faggot? He is brainlet as fuck, the moment they destroy Paradis the moment the other Countries will say FUCK YOU to Marley and get all the iceburst.
The retard also risked the own warriors in that stage
>this is a 10/10 in marley
They found out he was 5'9 and now they hate him
Did people even like him? I don't hate him, warriorfags are just annoying and Magath is just another cuck
You’re full of shit, plenty of them do.
you're black, I have no business talking to you
Yes please. But in general I'm okay with anyone's death except Hanji.
literally sub 60IQ post
The only ones that root for the Marley jews are trannies and niggers.
>only black people say nigga
i am a white male taking back my words
WOW sure it was worth to sacrifice your life for Marley, Annie ;) THANKS SO MUCH KEKGATH!!
BASED, only Peepedos would support a cuck like this ;)
bickering cutely and canonically
ZPfags are my favorite shitposters
I always thought the Titan in the second row was a female.
Also, Dina is the cutest woman in the entire show.
Are you fucking stupid? those people are all Paradis supporters. You are a monkey low iq Eldian sympathizer
Why do you think he gives a shit what the "fanbase" does? This isn't even considering that it's just the western "fanbase" that would do this.
good taste
>gets stepped on
magath, save me ahhhh
Only white people support Eldia because they are basically being shamed for their ancestors past aggression and oppression towards lower races.
Marley is literally the we wuz slaves and shiet reparations side. You are probably a butthurt tranny that Eren is a white nationalist with a white aryan lover.
Connie has his right to be mad at Eren. And people don't have to to take only Eren's point of view. Eren's behavior isn't nice and he has done some bad things not only to his enemies but also to Paradis Eldians and his comrades.
>The same face when his wife is "eaten" by the eaten curse
This slut sucked more cocks than Pigco
Connie is the most relatable character in the manga right now.
When were you when 118 dropped? Probably from leaker
>Kenny seethes when Annie claims he ever fucked someone raw
>Manlet is a grumpy goblin who was popular o-once he swears
>Mikasa's dad has to make do with an Asian
>Mikasa is Mikasa
Is Ackerman the incel clan?
This is the face of a boy whose ancestors did atrocities and kept the whole world in a horror.
*titan curse
So Eren’s country are a race called Eldians. Ironically a country that is now besieged by Titans was originally the founder and user of these Titans. And apparently they practised oppression and “eugenics” but of course that was ancient history and the King’s shying away from conflict ultimately led them to be oppressed…okay, it’s kinda hard to ignore some pretty obvious far right victim complex tropes here.
>Kenny seethes
More like Urifags seethe
I remember that the source was just some Japanese twitter account that I had never seen before. So I thought maybe you knew whose account it was.
Gary Sturen
the saddest thing that has happened in this series is eren not wanting to fuck armin anymore, what a beautiful ship, ruined
Don't judge him for the sin of his forefathers and father.
He is just ignorant and I mean literally.
For me too. He's probably going to die soon.
He's just acting like a normal person would.
But Arminfags hate Eren
You aren't right about everything you think you are right about.
Don't worry, he found a healthy young woman to be beside him just like Isayama did.
Terrorists and lovers
I like the marley stuff, but sometimes I imagine what the manga would be like if it didnt happen and they just stayed on the island, ignorant of the world
maybe eren/armin could have been real
>Play as Kruger squeezing Marleyan soldiers to death
it's not fir the benfit of the fanbase, it's for the benefit if the story. Assuming he's not a hack, presumably he's a mangaka, ir an artist more broadly, because he has something he wants to tell through his projects. injecting such potent imagery into your world will just overpower whatever message you are trying to convey and your story will niw just become an avatar for that imagery in the eyes of the readers.
case in point. If you ignore the holocaust stuff, and the who are the jews and all that stupid shit, it's pretty clear that this is a story that has no right side, certainly not as far as we've seen at least, which is actually way more interesting than muh jews
So Annie has royal blood and is probably gonna end up being super important at the last moment, right? That's how she could control Titans with her scream.
Armin is a shit character, Eren improved with Marley
how was it ruined
>Never betrayed Eren
Such a faithful wife
terrible take, user
>Control titan with her scream
Yeah and Erwin was a Fritz too. That's how he could control titans with his scream and horse, am I right?
Kang and kween you mean. He's not a terrorist. Just a king who is fighting for his people as defined by Kruger.
Seems healthy
>Armin is also a Fritz
Why? He has no character, only gays with pedo tendencies like him, not even fujos like him
Yes, that's why all of them have blond hair and blue eyes.
Annie was the bastard daughter of the forbidden union between Erwin and manlet wasn't she?
>Ocean Eren
>Now this
I don't want to spend more money on this shitty game bros...
>Note: I didn't have the courage to watch the episode. Reading it was bad enough.
Isn't the context she being annoyed by farmer's comment? You are acting like if she never had time to tell the others what Eren was about to do. She didn't even need to get pregnant
Just pirate it then
>Every human is a Fritz.
>not the heart king
Oh nononono
It's a dlc bruh
>it's here
Females of different age love him very much. I saw ~15, 20 and 35+ y. o. Armin's fangirls.
Can't believe LEpedo is right again
She looked like that before farmer spoke to her
Go finger yourself Eruritrash
lmao you've got me there
Yes, she was. Manlet is a woman actually.
Eren thinks he is the father and so does farmer, and Hisu herself isn't sure
You can pirate dlcs as well, brother.
Unless if you mean that you bought the main game and thus can't use pirated dlc, then in that case you are a fool and you should uninstall the j*wish copy of your game and torrent a pirated one to use the dlc
All these anons who can't understand even the most obvious joke and get triggered immediately.
In what?
That pic is actually more like the YH dynamic
Is the second half out yet? I don't think I'll get it since your character is just forgotten in the second half but it'd still be good to look at the cutscenes.
That is what I meant by "spend more money"
This is what we should do to Erenfags
The previous beast titan was a whale
>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>royal bloodline
>Ackerhax kung fu skills
checks out
Levi killed Erwin ;)
Lmao the Ymirpedo: Cumstoria likes cocks, stop shipping a grandma with a young straight lady
Between manlet and Traute
>Not Kenny and Traute
Annie did call Kenny daddy after all.
Are the oppressed jewish people actually the bad guys?
Why draw your ship with the dynamic of another one? Then again people also edit moments from other ships into making it looks like it was about their ship
And Kenny knew it was impossible.
Imagine being this triggered for a fanart
>ywn have someone look at you this softly
why live
Ackermans can't have kids after they activate
There should be 1 whole chapter of the Farmer planting his seeds inside Historia’s fertile womb.
You genuinely make me laugh. Pull that dildo out of your ass, granny.
Manlet only has eyes for Krista
Wow they are like Connie and Sasha
I just find it weird
so, now that the dust has settled
was Levi or Erwin on top?
Based. Pic related is their true dynamic
>Hans is manlet's freedom
Hans breaking his ackerautism confirmed
If you weren't a tranny you would be supporting our chad Eren
>Manlet needs someone to help him
>Mikasa did it herself
I know it wasn't intentional on animator's part but he looks at her so gently that it activates my LHautism.
Eren looks like Conchita wurst
I find it weirder when dynamic is exclusive. Eren teased Historia before so that pic isn't very outside of that "dynamic" of their friendship.
I like them but that looked more like error animation. They are still cute though
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas! We are canon and cute YHbro
>YHfags are so fucking toxic that they made an official AOT account delete a tweet
Hisu loves large thick Farmer COCK.
So many yumikuries :)
>Spend threads bullying EHfags, YHfags, LHfags and Zekefags
>Somehow believes PP is better
Pii rabu Zii, Sneed
Wasn't historia a lesbian, why is she constantly getting stuffed filled with cock
Missed a few
>Zekeposters nowhere to be found
Sleep tight monkeys, you're in for another hard day of work in the favelas tomorrow ;)
You forgot Yelenafags, YiiPii was cute
Hey guys!
I just got here from the Attack on Titan anime subreddit.
Can someone explain to me why y'all saying that Eren and Historia are a canon ship?
I mean, I get the parallel between them and Geisha and Dina buuuut...
... didn't Eren basically declare his love for Mikasa already in the last episode of the second season?
Also, Historia is like hella lesbian. She is never gonna like anyone except Ymir. Even if Ymir isn't coming back from Marley anymore, like the spoilers I read here yesterday said, you cannot seriously want us to believe that Historia is not lesbian or that she is bi. It's the friggin pride month for frig's sake.
I think that if anything, next episode will show even more how canon YH is. Historia is gonna cry for her missing lover and they'll have a touching LDR moment and it's gonna be hella lit.
Just wait till next chapter where she turns on louise and butchers her to take that stinky scarf back
Technically Eren helped her, though.
Mega based.
Imagine Farmer having sex with Pregnant Hisu.
>Plunging in and out of her wet cunny while holding her swollen belly
>You shift into different position until she feel comfortable
>You suck on to her wet areola, it being more sensitive than normal sends her over the edges
>She is disgusted while at the same time she can't control the hormone that has turned her into a horny furnace
>She has to be careful so that the dick doesn't break her amniotic fluid, constantly putting her hands on your stomach so as u don't thrust to deep
>The thought of sex with your pregnant is turning u on more than ever.
>She begs u not to cum inside so as to not dirty the baby but u do it deep inside her anyway.
>A mix of Shame and ecstacy fades over her
>U take your time to explain her that it is safe and normal to have sex during pregnancy and she should not keep her emotion limited to herself.
>After sobbing into your chest for a while she suddenly grabs your penis and gently stroke it, u look into her face and see her licking her lips, your dick becomes rock hard again
>Shame has long been lost and she has accepted her sexual desires.
>After hours of love making and exhaustion you gently spoon her from the back while gently rubbing her pregnant belly.
YH is hella lit
When, in the entirety of the series, has Eren not regarded Mikasa as an overbearing sister?
>Grisha's first wife ate his second wife
She was gay until she got straightened by multiple farmer cock.
And she did it completely intentionally
While Eren is watching of course.
I bully them too but sneed and eruritrash are the most annoying. But Eruritrash and Ymirpedo save me a lot of time with their Farmer posting ;)
Of course he helped, she has down syndrome
Yeah me too, you can see that levi's face is fucked a bit but I like them together so much it lowers my IQ and makes me ignore things like that.
>Farmerposting, slutstoria posting and YH spamming all happen at the same time.
Really makes you think
>all these butthurt farmer posts, because of some YH pics
Based LEpedo, I'm disappointed with YHfags, how can they be so cuck? Do you think they ever liked Historia?
Just wait until ErwLmod wakes up, it's only going to get worse.
Based EM bro gold and upvoted
ErwLmod/EMcuck doing her job again, she was samefagging with her cringe ErwL shit
How is your diet going?
>muh shippers boogeyman
Isayama somewhere said that he originally wanted to make an ending, like in the movies. Does anyone know what kind of movie it was?
The Mist.
Nicolo angrily flailing to get at Grior never stops being funny
Why do the YHfags hate Historia so much? This thread reminds me of the YHfag who said that Historia would be better dead
He says he originally wanted an ending like The Mist, but now changes his mind to Guardians of the Galaxy
That's the LEpedo, who got triggered by YH posting again
I'm going well, Zecuck
>the boogeyman word always appear when someone brings the Eruri name
You are so easy to read Eruritrash ;)
>>muh [x] boogeyman
revive him!
They are coping with the fact that their self insert dyke died and was replaced by Kara boğa cock
Yeah, I understand that it was an error. But it melts my heart anyway.
That's a surprisingly gentle manlet.
What a shame that he died just as he was becoming interesting.
>dance off bro, me and you
Lmao no one is triggered by your dead ship, Cumstoria likes cocks, just go back to your shop to spy highschool girls being friends, dyke predator.
>s-she was gay
Wow this really sounds like the Ymirpedo. Imagine blaming me for your cucks fantasies ;)
So this is it, I don't need to post farmerxPisstoria because Eruritrash, Ymircuck and PeedoSneed do it for me.
how much cum can historia's pussy actually hold?
>Eren jr will grow up without the Yeagerbros' shenanigans
You just proved my point, LEpedo
Just FYI, I don't dislike Eren's development at all, and I wasn't even judging it either. Just trying to explain what's happening with him because the user I was responding to (was it you?) seemed to be seriously deluded about Eren's agency or freedom of choice being limited. He's stated himself that he's been acting out of his own free will ever since that Yelena meeting 10 months ago, and confirmed again when Armin asked him if it was true. There's little reason to assume he was cornered in any way by Yelena if he made the conscious choice to fool her and Zeke and go rogue at the risk of dragging the SC and his friends down to hell with him and destroy his country from within after his return. He knew what he was in for, and he still chose that path. Now there's no turning back.
>Says the one triggered by one shitty delusional EHcuck fanart
Yea Forums boards is not the best place to level up inductive and deductive reasoning.
Kek, YHcuck really is pathetic.
You just don't have to be a dog.
Detective LEpedo strikes again
Histori-slut, as I like to call her
Or just "cockgobbler"
>2 more hours to go
>the state of the Ymirfag
Holy fuck this thread is mega shit. Didn't last thread end with actual discussion? What happened exactly?
Everyone knows Rick and Morty, right? That episode wherein Beth and Jerry had marriage counseling on alien planet.
Some anons here have their type of relationship. You hate each other, but also cannot live without each other. You depend on each other's abuse.
Because you was born into this world
EM cucks and some mentally illness chimped out
Move forward, cattle
Just some lonely anons expressing their need for human contact the only way they know how.
>Sneed and ErwLmod went to sleep
are niggers really ruining america? or jews or libtards?
He got a really cool development
if the meme about the wall titans facing the wrong way and destroying paradis comes true, how mad will you be?
These burgers I swear
I really wish Erwin Smith would conquer and crush Marley Regime
>Endless barking
Spare me of your thought. I shan't humour you or impugn the intellect of a dog.
Sneed is a manlet and a fatty. Of course he's in a perpetual shitposting mode.
Dumb LEpedo
It's really obvious it's you
Of course the pedo shit was forced by Eren haters. LEpedo got it right again. Reinerfags and Pieckfags were based before but I guess it was just one crazy guy
Don't worry. I usually know better than to interfere with codependent relationships, even the abusive sort. You need them to feel better about your current situation in real life. It's very understandable.
got his name changed, formerly chuck
Stop praising yourself, LEpedo
Erwinfag here. Unlike some of my brethren, I am thankful that Erwin got out of that mess with at least a dignified death.
Why does Eren hate them?
Those farmer posts aren't mine, this time those are from you and from EreMikasaHaven
Try to be less obvious for the rest, retard
She likes cocks Ymirpedo
Dumb YHcuck. I'm not a filthy fujo or a pedo like you and the LEpedo
for that one night, the queen became a farm animal
I'm quoting ONE (1) person aka the Ymirpedo
sorry, but this is the best girl. It's a tragedy she left the world unused. armin or eren should've hit her
>More gibberish
Yawnnn. A dog is still a dog with or without a brain.
Sure, LEpedo. I like how you are even contradicting yourself and prove again you are the "Hisu loves farmer cock XD" poster
I'm not a pedo like you, LEpedo
Sorry, dear user. But I'm just way way way out of your league. You'll have to make do with your current codependent relationships even though they're kinda imaginary. Oh well, that's what you get for settling for the bottom of the barrel.
Just imagine getting to breed the queen like an animal on top of a haystack just a few feet away from a pile of horseshit. The cool summer evening summer breeze and limited lamplight casting an atmosphere both calm and nostalgic, but also taboo and carnal.
You got that right
That her letal secret tecnique: the historian torpedo.
>Eren is actually with Zeke
>Eren is actually not the dad
What would cause the biggest shitstorm outside of these two things?
Because Hisu loves farmer's cock, but unlike you I'm not hiding it and shipping YH while calling Pisstoria a slut and posting farmerxHistoria. Those weren't my posts this time. I'm surprised at how can anyone be this cuck
It's a fact lesbians tend to be violent and obsessed, that's why you are treating Pissutoria like garbage while pointing fingers at me
Reddit rules this thread!
Good thing you are finally admitting you are the farmerfag, mentally ill LEpedo
Pathetic paranoid pedo.
Yaaaas Benji! Slaaaay! YH wins :)
Remember - YH = Farmer x Historia, according to YHfag himself.
Why would I hide it. The others are
>Eruritrash aka Downkasa
>YOU, Ymirpedo
Says the paranoid pedo
Stfu Amer. Let the roastie and the virgin granny fight.
He only likes game meat.
Prove that I'm the LEpedo.
Nope, but at least you finally stop denying you are doing it, despite it being obvious. I know you want to blame us for it, because you are still butthurt an YHfag called you a pedo. You seem to think everyone is a schizo like you
This thread is crazy. I'm wondering will somebody call me a pedo, kek.
You just replied to the roastie granny
something about this redneck really charms me
Women. I know right? *Rotating my finger beside my head*
But Eren is actually with Zeke and he fucked Historia, that's the plan purge the Eldians and purge the Marleyfaggots
What if Eren reveals he fucked Historia the same way Reiner and Bert revealed they were the shifters?
Think of it this way. If we can stay calm and somewhat amused while staring into the abyss of crazy, we should be mentally better off in real life. Besides, THIS is nothing compared to the real life bad news I subject myself to on a regular basis. Ex. China still using prisoners as body parts supply.
>YHfags fantasized about Historia grooming and molesting an orphan who looks like Ymir
Put that in your evidences file, LEpedo.
sir this is a mcdonalds drive thru
>Insectoid using another insectoid for body part supply
>Bad news
Kek. You're a mentally stunted adult or just a dog like that dogposter calls you?
>Yo Armin, sorry about that beatdown earlier, but would you mind becoming my child's godfather since I'm dying before you?
Specifically, it's how they don't even use anaesthesia. They just truss up the prisoners tight enough so they can't move during the operation. Snip, snip, snip, scoop.
>This thread
Are you illiterate or what? I already said insectoid
t. manletpedo
Shows really that the Chinese body parts customers don't even understand how immense stress degrades the body parts very quickly. Then again, I suppose China wants repeat customers.
First one since it would shit over all the hints Isayama's previously given about Eren not actually sharing Zeke's ideology. We all know the second one would just maintain the statu quo and EHfags would be bullied out of the threads and fade into oblivion as fast as they appeared.
I feel a shitstorm is coming though: this fanbase is gonna go up in flames soon and I wanna get a good view of the spectacle.
Do they sell these parts outside of China?
The news says a lot of Western customers because the waiting list in China is just 2 weeks compared to over a year in Western countries. Again, they just don't know that the Chinese body parts they're getting is already like... substandard due to the immense stress load. Not just during the imprisonment but also during the removal operation itself.
user... Are you interested in acquiring body parts?
titan seems to enjoy hugging her
>I feel a shitstorm is coming though: this fanbase is gonna go up in flames soon and I wanna get a good view of the spectacle.
Same, isayama since season 2 and specially lately has made the manga events coincide with the episodes (RTS, Eren vs reiner, Zeke saying "I will save you eren" and him saving him in the manga).
Next episode shoul mirror the manga chapters of Grisha/Dina having zeke, and the beginning of Eren wanting to protect historia, so I feel isayama will finally reveal what happened between then and if eren is the father in july. Besides that its exactly one year after 107.
That or next chapter pararel to the anime is just eren betraying zeke (mirroring to zeke betraying his parents), but I hope its the former
>EHfags would be bullied out of the threads and fade into oblivion as fast as they appeared
Shippers never disappear
>EHfags would be bullied out of the threads and fade into oblivion as fast as they appeared.
while I think eren is the father and its dumb to assume otherwise, even if he isn't EHfags wouldn't dissapear, look at the YHfags. Ymir is dead and rotting and Historia moved on and is pregnant. Yet YHfags still exists somehow
>Yet YHfags still exists somehow
I'm guessing they're people who are convinced Historia is a lesbian.
Isayama should have dropped the bomb, he waited too much and he didn't improve the situation
YHfags might as well be dead at this point, since all their posts boil down to the occasional "I miss Yumiru"/"Me too Hisu" and that one nutcase crying over muh male MC ever other week. If they're still around then they don't post about their ship anymore. Same happened with Bertfags after RtS and same would happen with EHfags if Eren were confirmed not to be the dad. Nothing silly about that prediction, it's just an observable phenomenon.
Yeah I was more referring to the latter part
I caught up with the manga. Which episodes in the anime are worth watching?
> in july
It looks like there was overmarketing to drum up interest. For now, the July event is just going to give attendees an overall mood of the last chapter.
Sometimes I wonder do they really like Historia? I mean, they want Historia to be sad forever because Ymir is dead instead of move on and build a new relationship.
I wish I had Eren's resolve.
I hate being so weak.
>an overall mood of the last chapter
What is this autism? Isayama should just focus in the manga instead of meta like events and anime, the arc can't hold anymore on warriors jobbing and Gabo and Falco nobody asked
>Cuckren fans are weak irl
who could of guessed
> move on
Shippers and moving on are like oil and water.
>Hiding behind Zekefags now
You are pathetic Erwincuck
Because moving merchandise is money. Check out the event website. It's mostly about the merc.
Why be like this? I am not being mean to you.
Just looking for someone to talk with.
>do they really like Historia?
I wonder the same not just from YHfags but from EMfags, mikasa is finally getting development and they want her to go back to suck eren's dick and end together.
She has been falseflagging as Android Zekechad for weeks now, its not new for her
>do they really like Historia?
I do
I noticed Erwinfags just cope with other characters to avoid hating the manlet kek
Leave Zeke alone, you fucking tranny.
Ugly merch, at that.
I still can't believe Eren would just let Historia take in so much Farmer Cock as much as she wants.
I unironically believe the "Isayama is waiting for the anime to end" meme. There's no other logical explanation.
Bro... why he is so handsome?
>manlet and hans will appear just when the anime ends
Get yourself a waifu, user.
What if he isn't trying to improve the situation but to worsen it as much as he can before dropping the H bomb that will destroy the fanbase for good because he's just a sadistic piece of shit?
>discount Erwin Smith
Nigger please
What are you guys talking about? I just post characters I like in the images, idk who this Erwincuck tranny is :D please stop calling me it
>LEfujos were memeing about Eren being worried about Manlet when he saw Zeke arrive
>turns out the only ones who cared were the other 104th
Every time I see LH fanart my heart fills with joy.
Become a manga MC with rage issues whose mother died in front of his eyes
Cucksayama,I hate that dude
Yeah you can tell he barely had material and chapters feel kind of stretched. He finally used Mikasa though
>Director asistant is an erwlfag
>Even LE marketing disappeared from the anime
>All those scenes removed
I really wonder how much the manga will change after the anime ends
Wonderful, now I'm tempted to ship those two together just to prove that it's possible to like both characters.
just a reminder that historia is no longer a virgin
your pure innocent waifu, defiled
ErwK would be the best ship for Erwin. They're aesthetically pleasing, they would get along, they have the same ideals, and both are ready to make the necessary sacrifices.
...Is this page supposed to be evidence of that?
Saved. Can somebody translate please?
Good morning Sneed
>Having sex in the missionary position while holding hands with the lights off for the sole purpose of procreation
You are technically a virgin if you are impegnated with a turkey baster.
>for the sole purpose of procreation
We don't know it
>Sasha got fucked by nicolo
>Mikasa raped Eren when he was a kid
>Historia got impregnated by Eren or the Farmer
>Ymir was repeatedlyraped by Marleyan officers
>Hitch sucked her way into the MP's
>Annie fucked her way into the Warriors
Yes, I like the warriors, so what? I'm not the rabu poster if you think that
>Mikasa, Ymir, Annie
Dumb Pieckfag. If you want to go that delusion, then Pieck was fucked by her tank squad
I'm glad. Bonus point if she won the Erenbowl when she wasn't even competing in it.
So Isayama is anti Marley!
There's a minority of anons who frequent this thread who think it's just them who visit this thread. They get so territorial it's hilarious.
Yes, she also got her head blown off by Jean
>>If you want to go that delusion, then Pieck was fucked by her tank squad
>implying she wasn't
I'll do you one better, LHbro
Thank you very much!
The last panel confuses me. Is that a hand on Hanji's hair?
That's very cute.
New thread
what a stupid fucking name
Mine was earlier
Yours is faulty because no greentext arrow
>70 posts early
Based retards.
Yep he's trying to pull her closer
I bet he was named by a halfwit with a stutter
I'd do ANYTHING for Hanji
Would you mutilate your penis and bash the skulls of palestinian children with a rock for Hanji?
Already have.
Don't be like Mikasa, manlet.
Then you are true nosefag and i salute you.
So why were there dinosaurs in season 2's OP?
"farmerchads" = desperate YHc/u/ck
Because a previous BT read about dinosaurs
La creatura del Florida
The fuck does my post have to do with Benji?
Imagine brutally fistfucking Pieck
You can do it too, because no matter how badly you fuck up her insides she can just heal.
So you and the rest of the garrison take turns doing the most degenerate shit imaginable to her.
Probably a spoilersafe rappresentation of the rumbling plan.
>Eren and zeke touching causes all Eldians to turn into animals
>the animals massacar the marylians who are now the ones who must avoid getting eaten
>P A T H S collapses in on itself
>Ymir dies or some shit
>the rumbling begins
Do all female titans have their hymen intact?
Ok let's settle this
who had the greater taste, Eren or his old man?
Rivaille is the father.
Bleed out and die
Of his future babies with Hanji
Eren. But Grisha got game for marrying two top tier cuties back to back.
Dina is way hotter. Historias eyebrows are thick, but they're too long and that thick
Dina in the anime looks better than Historia. Also Grisha had Carla who looks better than most of the female cast in general.
*not that thick
Both of course
He didn't post GODholt
What if all the shipperwars were pointless and Isayama is going for Eren taking his father's footsteps by marrying two top tier qts (hisu, and mikasa). Eren's current resolve is very reminiscent to Grisha's when he first joined the restorationists. Both Eren and Grisha were driven by duty more than love which led them to marrying and tearing royal blood pussies for the greater good of Eldians. Following that logic, the manga's final panel should be of Eren with his son from Mikasa, now truly free from any expectations, just like him.
Is that what EMfags have been reduced to?
why would you assume that?
Anyone not seeing the parallels of Hisu/Dina and Mikasa/Carla at this point is just lying to themselves. Forget it bro, Mikasa is end game waifu material whether you like it or not. Historia is at best a passing plot device in Eren's romance saga.
Historia is both Carla and Dina. Mikasa is just Eren's sister
Not sure if the fact that I was actually spot on back when I posted pic related is fucking hilarious or just plain sad.
Mikasa is Keith at this point.
Even that case it wouldn't be mikasa but a totally random person, Eren and historia like Dina and Grisha knew each other while starting a revolution. But carla was never Mikasa adoptive sister and lusted for grisha before dina
Kek nice you outed yourself as a EMfaggot
Mikasa deserves her man, she jumped out in a hurry worried at the mere thought of Eren crying.
Historia dont give much shit about Eren, honestly I will be mad if she won.
>The story becomes an interpretation of the WW2 Nazi Germany with the Jews in the concentration camps, and the holocaust.
Why is Japan so obsessed with fucking Germans and their story? Should I care for this series after the basement reveal? It seems like it goes downhill after that.
>the absolute state of EMcucks
>the absolute state of EMcucks
>brainlet sees a group of people being opressed
>series features oil as a resource
>devil is mentioned
This is why we can't have anything good.
Remember - if 'Ymir' (dark skinned hobo) was a normal African-Jewish male who didn't pretend to be a white woman, YH wouldn't exist. YHc/u/ck likes it only because it's a biologically male nigger MtF pre-op tranny.
Ymir is not THAT repulsive
Oh, that's right. The next episode is going to include some YH. I was wondering why the sudden focus on YH in the threads lately. I'm reminded back to the old old days of the X-Files fandom.
There was an X-Files fandom?
>This is why we can't have anything good.
That thing is getting repetitive, boring, and uninspired, you fucking brainlet.
>Implying about oil, and Christianity muhhh
Kys now.
Yup. Arguably the biggest shipping war over there was about whether Scully and Mulder should be a couple or not.
Falco will eat all 7 titans so Gabi wont have the chance of becoming a single one of them
My vote's on Armin being the last to eat them all.
Three threads
How can other threadlets compete?
Armin ist mein husbando!
Your thread was shit. Actually new thread but finish this one first
What's that?
Links are dead, create new threads.
I know. What is he doing in this thread?
it's an aot thread, reiner belongs in the thread
Newfag outed.
>t. /pol/ nigger
t. twitter tranny
Everyone is born into this world.
She is white
are there really people cheering for Marley? What are your reasons besides Magath being a badass?
Because I don't support the deaths of billions of innocent people because a couple hundred thousand want their genocidal empire back. Godgath is redpilled unlike previous Marleyan leaders and not a slave to (((Tyburs))), he will make Marley truly great for Marleyan BVLLS and Eldian qts.
What was the point of Ymir's character and the Ymir & Historia interactions and their relationship?
The Peepedo spamming