
I just realized that she’s a doe but she has horns... Wanna confirm her as a trap, lads?

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Was certain I'd declare her worst girl, by the end of season 1 she was my favorite.

Kys you fucking disgusting furfag

I didn’t say I’d fuck her, I’m just trying to confirm trap or nah. Are you wearing Moon Shoes? Because you sure are jumping to conclusions.

Female Thomson Gazelle's have horns, They are just smaller then males.

Ohh I thought she was a whitetail deer.

Fenneko stalks her because she is a closet lesbo. Fenneko x Tsunoda end game, mark my words. It's a Netflix show and they need to fill a diversity quota.

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Forced LGBTQ representation is not a good thing, fujo.

Nope, I think her horns are actually too small for a female her age.

>This is forced
>That is forced
> Its all forced
Aww piss off with your "forced" bullshit. Everything is forced to you people.

What makes an LGBTQ relationship NOT forced then? Enlighten me.

LGB for you bro, don't put that trash with us.

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When the plot doesn't require for it to move forward with the storyline, it's forced.


You saved a fucking furfag picture on your computer you fucking freak. There are no excuses.

Sanrio characters are not actually the animals they're shown to be
Hello kitty isn't a cat. That's why she has a pet cat.
Sanrio has stated this.
Basically, all the animal forms are the equivalent of stick figures, or country balls. They're visual jokes, not reality.

What? I can't even begin to tell what you mean. If its not central to the plot? Are you trying to copy paste the explanation for filler?

1. Phone
2. It’s literally a pic from the show you tard

So all side stories and any focus on the side characters is forced? It's not “required” to move the plot forward. Ever hear of “world building”, you hack?

Please know you are all ignorant of basic zoological information.

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So you admit you watch a furfag show? If i could, i would strangle every single one of you fucking freaks.

Depends. Is Looney Tunes a furfag show? Because that also has talking animals and I watch that. Take your meds and calm down you over-enraged 2006 edgelord.

It doesn't matter in any way if Fenneko gets in a relationship with Tsunoda, because it affects/helps Retsuko in no way whatsoever.

But for example, If Fenneko gets in a relationship with HAIDA, then it's important, because Haida's shown feelings for Retsuko, and the effect on the three's working/personal relationships move the all character's developments forward.

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Yes. Yes it is.

Well fuck. Off with my head I guess.

>Thinks all deer/gazelle/antelope are the same
>Doesn't even bother to take 10 seconds to google if some female deer/ungulates have horns
>Makes a shit thread because he wants the deer he jerks it to turn out to be a trap
For fucks sake are you 8? Are you so lazy you just automatically assumed the most asinine result, its not hard user google is literally 2 clicks away, fix your shit please before you make another thread, it'll not only make you look less the fool and allow you to gain a more concrete grasp on your talking points, it wont waste the time of others who have to correct your basic biology mistake.

Forced drama

>Resasuke arc
>Haida's failed confession
>Tadano arc
Fuckin moron

Nah, Tsunoda x Komiya for life.

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Just how many layers of redpill are you on right now?

you're the one who's calling anything forced in the first place, that guy was just parodying you, in realityland there are no strict parameters for this, what works works, simple as.

>Hello kitty isn't a cat.
Hello Kitty isn't a character. Are you thinking of Kitty White?

Komiya’s pretty obviously gay for his boss?

I thought she was a whitetail doe. I’ve grown up in a deer hunting family and does having antlers is a rarity, an exception to the rule. I made a shitpost. Kys you whiny pseudobiologist asshat.

He's not gay, he flirts with Tsunoda and Retsuko and brags about boning women. He is effeminate though.

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Cope, google is two clicks..

I don't know what this show is, but just from the thumbnail I could tell it was infected by jewflix. Kids, don't let them take over anime. Don't watch their trash.

She's an antelope not a deer? Obv.

Exactly. Maybe it's because I've spent time in the greener, less violent parts of the middle east but I immediately recognized her as a gazelle.