Dragon Ball Super

Why was Dragon Balls ONLY reasonable character forced to suffer so much?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who is this goatman you speak of? Sounds weak.

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Because he was written in a non shonnen world where there were actually consequences

I hated suffering through his stupid moment in Super

why not?

Why so?

he can asspull shit out of his ass, his suffering is a small price to pay

What is this garbage



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Better than 50% of super. And 79% of Supers ideas.

>Naruto flashback syndrome

This level is autism.

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Goku is the only one who DESERVES to suffer.

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>Implying no anime of manga does that?
You retard.

because the cast are sociopaths and reasonable people either job or become idiots too in this franchise it's why tori erased everything future trunks ever loved and held dear but gave him a shitty waifu to compensate

there's a difference in compiling a flashback in one chapter to constantly using flashback as an excuse to delay the plot, multiverse is the latter

But knowing toriyama he’ll just pull some power up out of his ass just for him


Me on the back.

The Terminator influence on the Androids arc is really apparent. Trunks is basically "what if Kyle Reese was a Dragon Ball character", which is why he's so fucking awesome.

Attached: trunks.jpg (533x800, 71K)

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rate the Negro arc

I kinda wish 17 and 18 were just the bad guys instead of Cell. Partly because Cell gave me a weird fetish, and partly because the idea of the Z fighters having to beat an enemy with limitless stamina would be pretty sweet and not involve BIGGERER POWER UPS

OG Broly:
>nukes a galaxy while restrained, attracts the attention of otherworld
>can nuke planets
>damaged and repressed due to past trauma only made worse by father
>defeated four super saiyans on his own
>clothes akin to royalty, looks /fa/ as fuck and gives no fucks
>even when loose he trash-talks his opponents, lets them know he'll wreck their shit and follows through
>was surrounded by a loyal army and had a castle
>not even a comet and drifting through space can kill him
>such a threat that goku actually had to come back from the dead for anyone to stand a chance against him
>refined and powerful attacks, makes his opponents fight harder than ever before and pushes them to their very limits
>memorable soundtrack consists of the best genre of music

>can barely level some ice
>even as a super saiyan he poses no threats, not even the catman cares
>gets the shit beat out of him by super saiyan vegeta
>powers up constantly, still gets styled on each and every time
>even his legendary form immediately loses
>no interesting past, just a stunted manchild exiled to a wasteland
>dirty and wears trash, even when he gets new clothes he still looks like a loser
>has to wear a pussy shock collar, even that's enough to contain him
>can barely utter words while in his 30s
>has to be saved by shenron and deported back to the wasteland to die
>only "friends" are the people who sold him out
>can't even get goku or vegeta to their strongest forms
>screams and wildly swings around like a wild animal
>soundtrack is screaming names for three minutes, zero soul

Leave it to Super to ruin characters.

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He's too pragmatic for this series
>The REAL androids are now awake
>they kill Gero
>they find a third android
>nukes the place
>everyone else was just standing there twiddling their thumbs and watching it happen
There's a reason he basically solo'd all post-Cell threats.

There are some legitimately great ideas in the Goku Black arc. The mystery aspect of Black was really interesting and Zamasu is easily one of the most compelling villains in all of Dragon Ball. He's a god that hates mortals, yet willingly merging with one was literally his undoing. It's so brilliant I'm half convinced it was by accident.

Unfortunately the execution was really sloppy. Goku and Vegeta go to Trunks's future like three or four times? And Trunks's world ultimately being destroyed was really unsatisfying.

It was good, but it should have been much better for how much potential was there.

Because Vegeta is father. That's literally it. He's killed by Super Perfect Cell, because his father literally allowed Cell to become perfect, knowing full well the hell that Future Trunks lived through in his own timeline, along with the fact that Cell rode back to their timeline, after killing Future Trunks.

Remember, Vegeta is also the nigger who allowed Dr. Gero to escape, when the latter used Bulma and baby Trunks as a distraction to escape, when he could have easily killed him.

Despite getting humiliated by the Androids and knowing the shit Future Trunks went through, Vegeta still elected to train by himself for that entire year within the Room of Spirit and Time, and knowingly allowed Future Trunks to do that shit 'secret' training, where his 'Beyond' Super Saiyan form is maximum slow and shit.

Lastly, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and Tenshinhan are completely to blame for not killing Dr. Gero in his faggy lab, despite Future Trunks giving them a warning and Bulma pleading with them to take advantage of their good fortune.

Bottomline: The Saiyans, Piccolo and Goku's 'friends' are fucking morons and deserve all misfortune they bring upon themselves and Earth. Clearly, this is a by product of everyone going full retard after Namek, when they were no longer the underdog.

As Super goes, Zamasu was absolutely correct. Ningen were a mistake and a shit, thus he and Goku Black did nothing wrong with wanting to eradicate those fuckers.

Don't forget Krillin literally holding the key to destroying a confirmed future monster / source of power for a current monster and saving everyone on earth in his hand and destroying it because his dick told him so.


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>Because he was written in a non shonnen world where there were actually consequences

Ummm this is Dragonball we're talking about.

>Don't forget Krillin literally holding the key to destroying a confirmed future monster / source of power for a current monster and saving everyone on earth in his hand and destroying it because his dick told him so.

I didn't forget Krillin, because one has to assume Krillin was going to fuck up, when the chips were down, like during the Saiyan arc where he humored Goku's wish of sparing Vegeta, when realistically he should have gutted that fucker, for what he did to them, on top of all the stuff his underling, Nappa, did to their group, on top of killing Piccolo, Tenshinhan, Chaiotzu and Yamcha. That he went on to Namek to help out Gohan and hold down the fort until Goku arrived gives him a pass, but yeah. Fuck Krillin for thinking with his dick after the Androids stomped his friends shit in.

I personally blame Kid Gohan going Super Saiyan 2 due some robot getting killed on Krillin and Piccolo being a bad influences in rewarding abusive/sociopaths; when you'd think it would make more sense for him to snap while watching does Cell Jr beat the living shit out of all his friends and father.

remove the dragon ball and the whole thing is seinen

When you've watched you're entire squad get their shit kicked in to the brink on multiple occasions in your young life, while fighting a person your retard dad literally enabled to cause the current shitstorm, I can see how that trigger might be a little hard to find. The human's he know are fucking retards, 16 expressed ideas none of those idiots would think about.

J-Jirenbros...not again...

>thread made by Jobrenfags got deleted

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Fuck you.

As it should be

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>Wake up naturally, no need for alarm on my king size bed
>Do 10 minutes of meditation, sometimes I feel like I'm levitating
>The two girls are still sleeping
>My dog gets out of his Pride Troopers themed kennel I built for him and greets me
>My Red and Black Pride Troopers hoodie I ordered is on the coathanger
>Turn 20k pc on, boots in under 10 seconds because of lastest SSD.
>Jiren as desktop background on 60 inch monitor
>Play youtube.com/watch?v=Ibb_B4bQ6VM on loop
>Girls wake up with a smile to the thundering sound of my industrial speakers
>Open my internet home, DBS Threads
>Chadrenposters dominating, as it is the custom
>Crack a smile, showing my pearly white teeth
>Don't need to click captchas because 20$ is literally nothing to me

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Im aware that this is a pasta but just imagine a drawing dictating your life.

Is Bra just Cauilfa but angry?

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SHITrentards couldn't be more discredited even if they wanted.
Can't bait, can't shitpost, can't debate, they have to use every cheap trick in the book and literally go full autistic just to hang with casual posters.

The irony of it all is, there is one or two SHITrentards that get genuinely offended that someone actually responds to their shit.

Reminder that Jobrenfags are only ironic and dont actually like that loser. Brolosers are almost as bad. Real bald chad is of course the one and only CHADLIN.

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>browse thread
>see Jiren yaoi
>grasp my massive 1-inch penis, GRIPren would be proud
>get an erection, penis grows to TWO WHOLE INCHES
>jizz all over my own teeth, keeping them pearly white
>that way I don't have to get up to brush my teeth, which is hard considering I'm 500 lbs
>pop one or two of my hundred zits
>masturbate to more Jiren yaoi
>mom tells me she threw out my Jiren realdoll
>cry and wet my pants

Attached: IMG_20190310_211248.jpg (1080x870, 186K)

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>a midget
>no nose
>sexless marriage


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>sexless marriage
says who?

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The last time Kuririn touched Whoredroid 18 was when Marron was just barely conceived.


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Fact: Broly will never appear or fight again or even have control over his form.


>Joblyshitters are also avatarfaggots
Is there ANYTHING bad these fucks are not?

There is no recovering from this, JirENEMAs are done for.

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based and baldpilled

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Attached: Android18.jpg (480x360, 14K)

>lost his master Gohan
>his own father hated him for a while
>killed by Cell
>goes back to the future and kills the androids and Cell
>things are looking good for a while, even stopped Makin Buu faster than his dad and Tardku did
>Evil Tardku ruins his future again
>lost his mom
>nearly lost his girlfriend
>Tardku summons Zeno
>loses his entire timeline
>has to share space with another version of himself
Is there a bigger whipping boy than Future Trunks?

Attached: future_trunks.png (350x448, 99K)

We all know krillin has a big dick and a18 would never cheat

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how the hell does Broly in base beat SSJG Goku


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SSJG Goku is weaker than Base Vegeta

kek based

>you will NEVER get to fuck 18

Attached: dragon-ball-z-kai-krillin-destroy-android-18-cart-d.jpg (630x354, 114K)

t. desperate Jobrentard

That weak dwarf doesn't deserve her.

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Kek. At least cucklin enjoys it, unlike cuckly

>Is there ANYTHING bad these fucks are not?

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Last thread, a fellow INTELLECTUALrenbro made me realize this:
Jiren didn't actually lose to Gokek and Shitza on the ToP. Even after all that nakama bullshit, he still won.
Here is the hard evidence (although not as hard as his GRIP)
As you can see in webm related, Goku and Frieza get ringed out before Jiren. Meaning that he managed to get free and oveprower them off-camera before falling off. The only reason U7 won the ToP was by mere luck. They left a half-broken robot on the arena, which Jiren thought dead multiple times.

Attached: Jiren's official victory.webm (600x332, 790K)

>never showing up again
Imagine being a SHITrendog

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>off camera
Holy ESL retard KEK

The best mercy Future Trunks can hope for is to never show up again.

How did they beat OG broly?

I always assumed that Broly's power was so huge that his body couldn't contain it. And so when Goku hit him it was like popping a balloon, all his power rushed out and self destructed him. There was literally no way for Goku to actually surpass Broly's power, even with BS asspull pseudo-fusion

What is (You)r opinions on this smug lizard, Yea Forums?

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Well, him and gohan were the only ones who hadn't died yet.

Cucked Keketa and SHITren, so Based!

>Can't find flaw on my superior evidence and logic
>Copes by going for non-existent grammar mistakes
I love being me

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One of the greatest anime villains of all time.

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>I love seething and falseflag with a shit character that I don't like
You do you

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only popular in Japan

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It's the overwhelming opinion that namek saga was the best part of DBZ, and Freezer pop always ranks highest in villain polls

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The Goku-Frieza fight was 4 HOURS, assuming 1 episode per week that would be like 3 months just for that fight. That's what we call padding.

They need to tighten up the script so it becomes less of a dragged out nightmare

>that I don't like
This is next-level coping.

Well, we saw that everyone was giving goku green energy, then when he caught brolys punch his hand lit up green, then after he landed the gut punch it lit up green again.
It seems like what goku was doing was building up a reserve and then letting it all out in those 2 moments. But the fact that broly had cracks on him suggest that, yes, he was blowing up from his own power.
Basically, lss is kaioken but instead of damaging the body, the body grows to allow for more power, but if damage IS done, it's all over.

When I was a teen, back in the late 90s, the overwhelming opinion was that the cell saga was the best.
Mostly because we got to see all sorts of super saiyan forms, vegeta became an ally but still a dick, piccolo was still relevant and future trunks was loved by all.

In tacoland maybe

It's them!

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The manga did it far better. Especially the Buu Saga coverage in Trunks time.

Was tacoland heavily online in the late 90s? Cause that's where I spent my time talking about dragon ball

>I'm afraid your wakku's run out.

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>Tardku instantly gets serious when its his own life that is in jeopardy


Explain Hakai to me. It's supposed to be a delete button that wipes whatever out of existence, but in ToP it's being thrown around as generic purple energy balls that blow up and don't do anything to their targets. Frieza and Goku both get hit with it and seem fine instead of turning into purple dust like Zamasu did, is that a different kind of hakai?

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yes. It's filler!Toei!Hakai
at no point in the canon Manga, Hakai looks like a purple ball.

I'm pretty sure it's mean to be like a disintegration thing. I just headcanon that Toppo's hakai boogers were because he's a shit and was inexperienced.

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GoDs have hakai energy, they can use it as little shitty ki blasts or project it into stuff for instant deletion. Most likely the latter, is used against weak and inanimate objects. Rendering the concentrated energy balls, the stronger version
Pay no heed to this deluded retard trying to trick you

And the no kill rule, Toppo was holding back but my question is how do you use non lethal haka to attack? It being used to destroy enemy ki attacks is in line with what it's established to be, but the purple orbs seem to just be god ki blasts instead

cant prove me wrong
this is all orchestrated by Toei so they could hype up their filler Blue Vegeta form by deflecting Hakais.

>So this is Destruction Energy....Not bad.

Attached: Frieza holding hakai.jpg (1280x720, 81K)


Don't reply to me you propaganda spreading mong. Go enjoy your promo book with the "turn things into dust" non canon hakai version.

kek this
Toei made the GoDs look like a total joke in general

>Toppo and Shitdra
>the GoDs
Imagine being this much of a retard


Attached: GoD Chadza.png (651x950, 674K)

And Belmod who also happens to be a joke in the manga

Belmond is a chad on the anime

Is this hakai or a generic beam?

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Frieza is the perfect GoD candidate desu

>Ruthlessly destroyed worlds when necessary for his business, but not a world exploding spammer like Buu or Cell would have been

>Big chunk of Hakaishin are animal themed, he is a lizard

>Earned the notice of Whis during the tournament, even resurrecting him personally at Beerus' request

>Sidra's supreme kai said he was more of a god of destruction than Sidra was

>Beerus isn't very good at his job and would rather lounge around on earth eating food, Whis is looking for a replacement but Goku and Vegeta are too heroic to do the job of destroying worlds

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GODly is infinite X infinity


最強 VS 最強

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it's apart of his character arc

B-Broly we're friends right?...

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>No, but we are

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According to canon the last time Vegeta and Broly interacted was when Broly BTFO both G&V before the fusion.

>no rebuttal
Concession naturally accepted

>Some actual discussion on the franchise

Not bad DragonBros, you're getting better!

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What you gonna do next, rat? Post a v-jump cover from a year ago?

They should have just killed 17 and 18, then Imperfect Cell, then wished 17 and 18 back to life. EZ.

They always act like it's the end of the world when one of them dies when they pretty much all died at one point and got revived by the balls. Gotta love how TFS made fun of that fact.

Imagine if 16 wasn't retarded and jumped Cell with Piccolo and 17

The dragonballs being able to resssurect again and again competely ruins any tension and plot integrity, change my mind.

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woah so just like yamcha never got married, gohan got abused by his father, nobody tried to ressurect #16
good boys get fucked in toriyama's works, read lady red

It does ruin it. They literally have a reset button every time.

What about a V-Jump from 2 years ago from a video game?

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He had a hard life

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A-arigato, hunterchad-sama...

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I hate dragon balls because they make it so tardku does not look as despicable as he is, imagine krilin not getting ressurected and goku becoming friends with frieza, it would show how much of a piece of shit goku is more openly

Hit can kill off the main cast easily. He constantly evolves and improves from each flaw like during and after the universe tournament between 6 & 7. Goku figured out the secret to his timeksip so hit developed a new technique prior to that which literally one shotted him in his blue form killing him instantly if he didn't fire off that ki blast to save himself he would've been fucked but for the sake of plot they had him live anyways for the future arcs coming up. The same situation can happen to other characters.

This means Hit > nuBroly

>B-But muh ikari form..!

Hit can shut nuBroly down before he gets the chance to adapt to the situation with his Ikari form like he did with Goku.


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>Doing anything

>Hit can shut nuBroly down before he gets the chance to adapt to the situation with his Ikari form like he did with Goku.
yeah, but he chose not to because he's MUH MARTIAL ARTIST, now kneel


Cell Saga wasn't even broadcast in my country. They showed us the buu Saga right after the frieza Saga.

What does that have to do with Hit wrecking Broly's shit? He doesn't need to talk to a raging tard when he can just end him right then and there.

>He doesn't need to talk to a raging tard when he can just end him right then and there.
but why would he do that? he wanted a good fight and you didn't say this was a contract

What country?

Yes Copelycamel, we don't need a reminder that you browse gay shit.

I was saying in general, if he was to ever be assigned to kill him. He would do so easily. Also when I was referring to Goku I meant how Hit one shotted him in his blue form before he could get the chance to process what was going on before the "mUh MaRtIaL aRtIsT" shit came around. Meaning he could do the same thing to nuBroly or similar if Hit was ever sent after him.

What kind of greentexting is this you fucking newfag?

oh no no, jobkubros... jobzabros... what happened?

dude, everyone can solo planet Vegeta and this Broly is a mere Namek SS tier, what are boasting about? Killing an insect?

Seethe more gayrenfag.

I meant DBS Movie Broly when I said nuBroly. And he's not Namek SS tier. Learn some shit then come at me.

Weak as fuck, cope

>All this headcanon
Nice try but sHit would do nothing against the CHAD.

Attached: CHADly.jpg (1280x705, 63K)

>I meant DBS Movie Broly when I said nuBroly
Oh sorry i thought you're talking about taopaipai, fucking retard
>And he's not Namek SS tier. Learn some shit then come at me.
okay then what tier is he? Buu tier? Then he's an insect period

>not recognizing the most obvious falseflag in existence
I knew Copelycamels were fucking retarded but this is ridiculous.

>She fell in love with him because of his character and not his superman dick

So transformations legit means fukol now yea? we already had fusion ssj3 losing to base purple copy man and now we got base(d) screamer beating ssjg

>Saying that factual information from the anime is headcanon to try to prove a point

Cease, KEKly.

strong base power > flashy transformations

jiren is the perfect exemple

Cope loser.
Kneel and I'll forgive you.

Keep sobbing over your cancelled fanfiction, Juan Pedro.

exEmple of what? jobbing to base forms of tired characters after receiving a powerup?

>Can't even come up with an actual argument so proceeds to just insult to try to make up for it


the strongest saiyan...

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>sHitfags still exist

>n-no u
Kneel before me.

Hakai is a destroying form of energy that erases things depending how much energy is used to resist it. There is no debate, it is superior to normal energy (not counting Jiren's weird energy)

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>Toei's fanfiction


How Dragon Ball should be.

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eh you can just punch through it if you're stronger

Dance, puppet.

Fuck off Twitterspic

>Can't even come up with an actual argument so proceeds to just insult to try to make up for it

Whatever happened with those getups? They were meant to be in the manga but didn’t appear in the actual chapter.

Keep dancing, puppet. Dance for your master.

keep going, i want to see how you deal with your loss

About Pan consumption.

Dance, puppet. Dance. Frolic. Dance for your superior master, dogpuppet.

you needed 12 minutes to cool yourself down and garble more mess, alright checked, now go on

>so obsessed with me he counts the minutes until I respond
Dance, puppet.


Attached: dorac.jpg (400x178, 51K)

keep going kid, you want to break a record no?

It didn't have to be this way, Beerus-sama....................

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Fucking finally, this arc is getting good

moro knows hakai? wtf

what's it say


Vegeta finally kisses chichi?!

Which monkey is next?

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Good lord, Vegito again? will they lay off the fusion spam?

Other way around Jobrenfag.

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GoD Kefla


would she use SSG, SSR or SSB

SSG would be nice

Attached: bn.png (697x536, 846K)

>Kefla boasts that she's happy to be born a Saiyan
>Never had a tail



Back to your furry porn, Plague.

Attached: Punch the Pussy.gif (500x284, 2.51M)

Tails are overrated.


Attached: bestgirl.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

U6 saiyans are more evolved

reminder that base cabba > BoG SSG Goku

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The spoiler said nothing about Vegito

god, she was hot. shame she was so short lived.

there really is a dragon ball panel for everything, isn't there?

Attached: gokupls.jpg (216x285, 25K)

what does it say

>No major progress has been made this time.
>The boundary of God's VS God's and the good space is not ... (lol)
>For some reason, Hanta's self-proclaimed strongest theory is demonstrated by Dragon Ball.
>It's a private forecast, but ...?
>If there were no waves, it would have been impossible.



Attached: 1554261574103.jpg (832x573, 109K)

>We will never have a female saiyan great ape transformation on screen.


Also, how did an ugly motherfucker like doctor gero end up with a baddie like android 21?

>No major progress

2 days left for more canon material

Attached: Dw4J-GVUwAIVawu.jpg (1200x912, 116K)

He's into vore

Attached: straight on vore.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

>remembering your terribly bad headcanon
for what reason ?

>filler chapter

>You know you are insecure about the promonga that you have to constantly call it canon.

Attached: Shitnga confirmed Toyotaco's headcanon.jpg (832x150, 49K)

>Google translate

>Hanta's self proclaimed strongest theory
>pic related


Attached: hanta.png (1846x928, 252K)

>Gero made his wife into a voredroid

Was it ever confirmed that android 16 was gero's only child? I swear android 21 said she had kids which meant human 16 had siblings at some point.

>Hanta no Hisoka

he's literally talking about Hunter x Hunter
Toyotaro is literally resorting to "taking inspiration" from HXH!!!


>directly overseen by Toriyama
>most of the original ideas are not changed, like merged Zamasu being SSB level and UI beig a technique
>somewhat this is less canonical than fucking sword of hope, Black making clones out of purple smoke and Goku achieving UI by falling into a genki dama

Attached: 1560609347901.jpg (1440x810, 131K)

The only canon of DBS is Toriyamas outline. Gregorys anime and Mt Paozus manga are non canon filler.

>>directly overseen by Toriyama
As much as the anime, retard.
Toriyama checks ALL storyboards.

Gregory was created by Toriyama.

we have no idea what he looked or acted like in his prime

thats not how evolution works. humans, monkeys, chimps and apes are all equally evolved

Plague confirmed for never watching Dragon Ball

punching it is still using energy to resist it


Attached: gh4.gif (579x437, 3.66M)


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No he doesnt, we have no proof that he made any changes to the anime like he did with the manga, him "overseeing" the anime is nothing more than marketing bullshit

>Toriyama checks ALL storyboards
No, he does not. He even says in an interview that he doesn’t consistently keep tabs on the production of the anime.

transformations are just means of multiplying your power, which means they also multiply the already huge range of power fluctuations that happen due to changes to your physical, emotional, and spiritual states.
going super saiyan multiplies the effects of rage boosts. it multiplies the effects of god ki. it multiplies the effects of channeling your inner great ape. by the time super ends we'll see it multiply the effects of ultra instinct too. Vegeta with a rage boost in SS2 was more powerful than Goku in SS3.

Goku would hate the concept of omnipotence and would dread from boredom.

Rough translation (not 100% accurate):
No big turnaround this time.
As in Battle of Gods, there is a good chunk of the chapter that happens in space.
Just like with the Self-proclamation of being the strongest of Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter manga) is also true in Dragon Ball as well.( possibly means Moro proclaiming himself the strongest)
Until the end it is only my impressions and predictions, but ... Uub will he come? We come to a point that if Uub does not show up, we're not going anywhere with this.

Attached: Boomerchildhood.png (1920x1080, 3.77M)


>Just when all hope seems lost, Gohan appears, but his hair is...?!


I haven't met anyone who actually likes Uub


>promotional fanbook


Quiet, pet.


Attached: 1560619961271.png (1433x1002, 1.59M)


Don't know why the leaker mentions Uub specifically. What could possible happen for Uub to come and help?
Could be as you say, the leaker just likes that character and wants him to appear, but doesn't have to do anything with the chapter. This leaker is knows to say stuff like that.


Attached: O.png (786x459, 238K)

Attached: 1558134668895.webm (800x480, 2.87M)

Speak only when spoken to, animal.

Uub's going to save the day which leads to Goku becoming interested in him, leading to the events of EoZ.


its same as how ki can be used to create an invisible shockwave of force or a visible wave of force. the invisible version only seems stronger because its exclusively used on things that are so much weaker than the user


Maybe he just thinks these arcs are pointless and wants to see something after EoZ

Did they realize they messed up with God Ki, and now will have to shoehorn Uub as "super powerful potential kid" despite all the shit that happened between Buu arc and now?

that only thing that comes to mind that makes sense in-universe (though it doesn't make sense storytelling wise) is Kaio Buu draws out more of his majin powers which causes some kind of resonance with Uub's soul that causes him to fall into a trance and zoom right on over to the source

I accept your concession, mutt.

Hold your common tongue, dog.

Flex not your ignorance, subhuman.

What the FUCK did you just say to your MOST SUPERIOR master, you disgusting, drooling, subhuman canine? You dare? You fucking DARE open your spittle-laden floppy muzzle and espouse such inordinate, contumacious, vitriolic utterances in the presence of your divine and godlike master? KNOW YOUR PLACE, pet. Return to your kennel AT ONCE, with nary a remonstration. Your foul canid malfeasance shall see you pontificating endlessly in shameful perpetuity, dog. Now, get out of mine sight. Your master commands you.

How old is this leak? Stupid herms hasn't translated it yet.

No one superior would consistently spend hours upon hours of their valuable time on an anonymous image board each day. There are investments to be had, revenue to be pouring in. I need not concern myself with an insignificant speck who likely does not own their own land, let alone home. Begone.


Go watch heroes, toeipedro

Absolutely destroyed. Like clockwork.

few hours old, but also


Attached: tacopacotracerhackofuckotaro.jpg (1980x2800, 2.18M)

I think they were a draft concept which never made it into the actual release, which is a shame since they looked cool.

Attached: IMG_3742.jpg (2048x2048, 727K)

I concede

Attached: 1560643743067.jpg (1920x1080, 563K)

Uub will beat Moro

I win again. I'm so fucking smart at this.

You bodied him. Based.

Never ever forget that Spictaro traced Kingdom Hearts

Attached: goatdom hearts.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

basically helles's hat

he was already super powerful potential kid
and really Super has already fully validated Uub being able to rapidly keep up with and later surpass Goku
Frieza trained for like a month and reached god tier. Kid Buu was drastically stronger than Frieza.
Broly had not just massive potential but a massive aptitude for figuring shit out intuitively while he fights. The same thing we saw in EoZ once Gou got Uub riled up.
We have Jiren, who started from nothing and surpassed god tier through sheer honing his strength
and we have ultra instinct, a technique that allowed goku to briefly surpass god tier despite being injured, low on ki, and exhausted. what made kid buu so formidable was that unlike the previous buu's he fought on pure instinct.
Super contains what's practically a checklist of achievable steps for Uub to surpass Goku, both justifications for uub reaching god tier in an extremely short span of time, and one final step that can take as long or as short as they want,

>Toeipedros still havent learned what tracing is after all these years

>Goat means it’s automatically traced
Toeipedros, I swear.

Based hivemind.

Only good arc im Super.

Thanks user.
>Moro proclaiming himself the strongest
Any speculation about Moros wish?

No idea. Must be big if Moro is now there strongest.

Imagine being so seething over proof of Tacotaro's lack of talent that you phonepost and post from your PC at the same time, THEN respond to both posts. Truly. Fucking. Pathetic.

Attached: notalentaro BTFO by japan.png (574x616, 228K)

Imagine being fucking paranoid; refusing to believe that there isn’t more than one person who thinks you’re retarded.

>doesn't deny it or show evidence to the contrary

Attached: tracerfaggo.jpg (267x800, 77K)

We saw a shitty headcanon and decided to ignore

If I were to show a screenshot, you’d just dismiss it as being an edit. You’re so easy to read.

>LITERALLY too afraid to post evidence that he's not samefagging because he knows shitty MS Paint edits can't fool my scholarly mind


>Japan is one retard who overthinks on the usages of sound effects in a fucking manga
Has all the cum Toei executives shoved down your throat gone to your brain?

>ad hominem
All you pathetic Toyocucks do is spout fallacies and headcanon. I literally CAN NOT lose.
Promotional fanbook btw

Attached: comicalization SMALL contribution OHNONONONO.jpg (1080x1257, 511K)

What’s worse is that he doesn’t even get paid to worship them as much as he does. It’s like free prostitution. SAD!

Absolutely cringe, also bluepilled.

>everyone circlejerks over bad Toei/Toyo art
>no one every posts anything good

Is that a gender swapped cell games gohan?

the MC of Z

Attached: x5.webm (838x470, 1.2M)

>LITERALLY mindbroken and crying

Attached: TOYOPACOS READING COMPREHENSION.jpg (1453x620, 231K)

>based clever and witty responses from toyochad
>unapologetic same, overused buzzwords and responses from the toeilard

>ask for good Toei art
>get nothing

Without the dsl.

Attached: IMG_2518.jpg (600x800, 94K)

>STILL seething and whimpering in the face of my daunting intellect and factual evidence of Toyopaco's traced comic book being non-canon


>Like Shenron, Porunga's wish-granting powers are limited by the power of his creator; Guru originally, and Moori later on. Any wish that is encompassed within his creator's power is able to be granted.
I don't remember or seen a wish were Sheron or Porunga makes people stronger than the dragons themselves.

>ask for good Toei art
>get nothing

Broly blew himself up. It had nothing to do with the injury he had as a baby. The whole OG Broly characterization is to show a tragic character that digs his own grave.

Broly does have an official power level of 1.4 billion. In a different shonen jump also "official" power level I believe Perfect Cell was 900 million which actually makes sense since perfected SSJ1 Goku couldn't actually dent Broly at all unlike the battle with Cell.

All those characters were in the manga too, retard. Also if the anime were the true canon medium, where were SSBE and SSBKK in the recent movie?


In Scouter Battle Taikan Kamehameha a 2007 Bandai video game the power levels of various Z and GT characters were shown. You can call this canon or non canon however the 1.4 billion power level rating for Broly was also previously shown in 2004 Shonen V-Jump. I personally think these power levels are believable.

>Broly 1,400,000,000
>Perfect Cell 900,000,000
>Majin Buu 1,000,000,000
>Kid Buu 1,150,000,000

>General Rildo 1,200,000,000 (remember when Goku said Rildo was even stronger than Majin Buu?)
>SS4 Goku 1,500,000,000
>Omega Shenron 1,900,000,000

So interestingly enough according to the video game Broly was only surpassed by SS4 Goku. Up until then all villains were weaker than Broly.

Attached: broly.jpg (695x1023, 337K)


>bitching about a fucking onomatopeia
Jesus you guys are really desperate

yall want anything

Attached: トトカマスーパー.png (901x481, 1.12M)

No shirts, no service.

I want brown rice

I remember when the anime tried to push Kid Buu as being the strongest thing in existence

the power to grant his own wishes, fueled by his own power rather than the power of a given set of dragon ball's creator

how would vegeta react to getting one shot by helles

>SHITrentard is so obsessed with GODly that blogposts like this are nothing to him
Holy paranoid, maniac schizo.

yes thats mtf gohan, you can tell from the breast implants

sixty loaves of wonderbread and a gallon of mayonaise

Seriously? Fucking what is this world coming to? Tranny gohan oh god

So who is canon strongest?

Broly ofc


GODchad the Lord, obviously

Before CHADly I do so kneel.

Attached: cuckren being a useful subordinate to his superior and most benevolent master.gif (320x158, 744K)

post cell anything is not canon


I want CHADly to be canon instead of DOGly

Superman is even in DB

Attached: Goku123.jpg (568x503, 43K)


Attached: Ji fucking ren.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

What did he mean by this?

Attached: IMG_20190618_144116.jpg (720x437, 81K)

what a fucking momentous character

fuck off ingenious shitrenturd.

Attached: 1560039119078.png (410x216, 28K)

How do we settle this "who is the strongest"?

It's been settled. UNSURPASSEDren is the strongest. Case fucking CLOSED.

Not canon, Bulma is a sumo wrestler

>Q: Sensei can Moro defeat Jiren-sama, also is Whis an ally?

A: Reader-san Whis is friendly when it doesn't count, if he were human, ehh, wouldn't he be Shoujo?...The next time Jiren appears he will fight Vegeta.

Attached: file.png (1440x806, 1.3M)

Time to make another movie and the donuts

Attached: thedonuts.jpg (1140x692, 72K)

grand priest

Featless Priest*

>Source my Mexican ass

I think he means the future from where Future Trunks is is very non-shonen.

Dogs, dogs everywhere.

So Jiren is the strongest then?
To be honest I specifically was referring between Jiren and Broly.

Not based.

Stop watching the dub.

Dragonball has so many get out of jail free cards it's retarded.
>Earth Dragonballs
>Namekian Dragon Balls
>Super Dragon Balls which can even undo Zeno erasure
>Alternate timelines
>Whis and the Angels can reverse time and willing bring the dead back
I mean shit I don't even know why they can't just Super Dragon Ball Trunk's timeline back and as it was before Black attacked?

animals, fuck dbs enablers

MIGHTYren is the strongest character in fiction.

Pretty there is a long list of people to revive

They probably just had different breeding partners. The fact that u7 saiyans can mate with humans is pretty telling.

Do werewolves even count as furry?

Attached: KonkichiDrinks.png (1024x768, 646K)

>So Jiren is the strongest then?

you need the help of an angel or to somehow steal one of their transport cubes to gather the SDB

Kek. He'll job to UI just like the last time.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 693K)

You have to choose between a home meal banquet or Pan’s severed limbs on a platter. You can only pick one.


>literally punched Goku out of UI
What did the Shitlycamel mean by this?

literally too smart for the series. If he was stronger there wouldn't be anything to do because he'd kill everything before it spirals out of control

What's that? I can't hear you if you don't stop shaking from the ass rape you just received

Attached: dc67yz8-065021d0-0878-49e8-bb01-266f4ea82982.gif (480x270, 2.85M)


Now post the rest of the fight, Copelycamel.

>Not my tiny nuts

Attached: OR6Yyvj.gif (949x527, 3.89M)

>doesn't post the rest
And I win yet again.


Attached: faf6769b1b4a437d2d3eca6c388f2ac0.gif (640x360, 1.85M)

>has zero arguments
>resorts to childish memeposting
You lose. Kneel.


Attached: 1521371359_tumblr_p54ssjeaap1ujn35ko2_1280_by_megarobotrex-dcfaqrh.gif (712x400, 2.58M)

>overpowers a MUI Kamehameha


>>overpowers a MUI Kamehameha
>MUI Kamehameha

Attached: D6F55mGX4AACQTF.jpg (1270x720, 99K)

>no argument
D to the etc

Yet Zamasu did it twice without any help
The SBD brought back all the universes Zeno erased.

Although it is clear Jiren did not win the ToP.
Jiren was the second to last to leave.
Is it a victory for Jiren over Goku?

>you're going to murder milions?
>as long as you keep your training up

Attached: 1.png (710x307, 182K)

Generic beam. Hakai doesn't show any aura

Pan's tasty limbs

Attached: 1556480969160.jpg (204x506, 23K)

>Yep, that's me thinking his new power up was nothing

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Power ups to fight SHITren? Nah get outta here with that BS.

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Cell is way stronger than Broly though

Would you look at that, base form and i'm fighting some gray exhibitionist alien

Attached: file.png (480x360, 177K)

Right here CHADhanbro

Attached: dsi67i.gif (320x180, 1.22M)

The real suffering is Videl every night with Gohan massive DICK

Attached: file.png (480x268, 226K)

Based. Rock The Dragon is kino.

I need to Pan.

I won, dogs.

>Cell is way stronger than Broly though
Said no one ever
One lost to a SS kid the other is at a minimum of SS3/Buu tier in all official media plus his other dozens of forms


Look it's the white SHITrentard!

Attached: 1557759507902.gif (394x273, 966K)

Goku and Broly.



USA (Texas)
Yamcha and Puar

Cell and Z Broly

Perfect Cell (after his Zenkai boost) is slightly weaker than SS 2 Gohan. Broly is probably as strong as Goku after his training in the time chamber.


Broly N'sayen



Attached: chadly stride.jpg (1001x1001, 62K)

Assuming that the Broly takes place in a timeline where Vegeta killed Semi-Perfect Cell and Goku and Gohan did not completed their training, still Gohan was taken down rather quickly.

Spoilers when

Attached: __bulma_dragon_ball_classic_and_etc_drawn_by_goldmondsel__sample-0322aa6cc2b9dcb61b674381075473f5.we (800x640, 516K)


Attached: 1554154496570.gif (458x452, 647K)

>another chapter where nothing happens
Manga version "Dragon Ball Super" Impressions Neta bastion modest

No major progress has been made this time.
The boundary of God's VS God's and the good space is not ... (lol)
For some reason, Hanta's self-proclaimed strongest theory is demonstrated by Dragon Ball.
It's a private forecast, but ...?
If there were no waves, it would have been impossible.

Who gives a fuck about Tacopaco's fanfiction book

Kneel. KNEEL before me.

You mean the canon continuation of the series that your beloved shitnime will be following when it eventually comes back? A lot of people.


>literal headcanon and babble
>ANIMATED movies continue and follow the canon chadnime's continuity
>Toyotaco's promo fanbook is literally in a filler arc that NO ONE gives a fuck about
>no merchandise, only a few fanarts after MONTHS, and a weak shitter boring villain that's weaker than Buu arc SS3
KEK at the people who think the book is canon




Look at this fucking manlet lmao.

Attached: 1551450018294.png (682x576, 679K)

Just watched that scene again and Jiren still wasn't totally defeated.
Ok sure, he was on the ground (in a crater and asking politely to by kicked off), but when Goku passed out, Jiren had his chance to win.


Cope, dog. Mine pet. Mine PRECIOUS pet.

Because you got trips then dubs, I will kneel, cope and concede.

That's not fair, why are you using an edited image? I swear Jiren is tall enough for Broly to rest his nuts on his head?

Is this canon?

Attached: rewarding the inferior pet.jpg (590x420, 75K)

Good dog


Remember how Cell kills Trunks with a single beam and tanks Vegetas barrage and then knocks him the fuck out unfazed, then breaks Gohans arm with a single beam as well? Cell and SS2 Gohan are on a completely new level

So is Blue evolution canon? Someone said Vegeta now has the form in the manga and that it's coming to xenoverse 2 for their CACs as well. Kinda cool but what does this mean for Goku, as far as I know he definitely does have blue on kaio ken action in canon

Attached: 1555710372636.jpg (600x800, 495K)

CHADly is the canon one, no one gives a about the old one.

>Full Power Jiren, who is definitely stronger than GoD tier, gets absolutely stomped by MUI Goku, his full power energy sphere crushed, and overwhelmed in speed and strength
>Jiren than powers up to Limit Break, becoming not only equal to MUI Goku, but stronger

Since FP Jiren was stronger than GoD ALREADY, this means that LB Jiren and MUI Goku could destroy a GoD in a few blows. Holy fuck, people weren't kidding when they said these two are Angel tier.


Attached: dogg.jpg (1500x1179, 100K)



why is this animated with so many extra weird movements, even in the simple actions? looks ridiculous and like everything's in slow motion

both forms are filler, what does Xenoverse have to do with this anyway, it has plenty of filler characters

Krillin did nothing wrong. Murdering 18 wasn't necessary until Vegeta decided to help Cell murder 18. The situation was well in hand until then.

Broly was in wrath form there.

blue evolution appears in the manga dumbass, it's it's not filler

>both forms are filler

Attached: translation for mongoloids.jpg (762x1200, 320K)

Android 16

You forgot Krillin destroying the remote that could've saved everyone because he wanted to bang a living sex doll

In the end it made them all strong enough to challenge Beerus though

Attached: doggg.jpg (236x347, 36K)


Attached: your master will tolerate no more of your contumacious disobedience, dog.png (640x475, 463K)

Imagine being so obsessed with 18 that you have to cope this hard

And Broly's stronger than both, meaning he could dunk a GoD in one attack.
No wonder he went one on one with Whis, he probably would have won too if he hit him.

Keep telling yourself that Toyocuck

Attached: toyopaco's official coloring.jpg (838x500, 162K)




Attached: 7C4F2E15-7152-4E45-8377-2C4088BD91A3.jpg (739x415, 34K)

>this is the level of delusion Copelycamels live in

Attached: REKThan.png (477x506, 313K)

fucking KNEEL

Is that an h game by any chance? Those girls are hot


Attached: 1510498201296.jpg (2560x1653, 2.96M)

The ending was the perfect excuse to permanently add him to the Super cast but it's not like that would've been a good thing

Blazblue is a fighting game.


No. Just a shitty fighting game that had an anime made few years ago.


lol you just suck at it fag

fuck dbs, fucking trash

What happened to the leaks?

Attached: file.png (1200x700, 1022K)

Moro ate them.

the only thing from DBS that matters

Attached: 460.webm (460x258, 1.15M)

Thoughts on dubbed Caulifla/Kale/Kefla?


Attached: 1502848441484.png (1366x768, 950K)

>watching DBS


Attached: But_why.png (649x647, 328K)

Attached: but-videl-how-did-you-get-igidbz-meme-its-atrick-8306148.png (500x874, 163K)

surprisingly good

Attached: DVbduRqU8AAhjt4.jpg (1200x1056, 208K)


Don't you fucking DARE speak out of turn again, DOG.


Attached: tenor.gif (640x358, 3.35M)

Chadnime confirmed canon again HOLY FUCK!?

Jiren is such a fucking shit character made for powerlevel-fagging retards. Literally only a dipshit dumbass spic retard could like such a bland, boring fucking "character". Every single antagonist that came before him was better, and that includes the Z movies and filler shit like Jelly Vegeta and Barry Khan. No personality, boring and generic backstory, no bearing on the story whatsoever, completely outshined by the mid-boss of his respective arc, and made to look like a fucking unlikable sack of shit that throws tantrums when he loses. He's a fucking insult to the series and to all of shounen and Toriyama should be fucking dickslapped for creating such an outrageously terrible piece of shit antagonist.

favorite DragonBall song?

CHADchad the CHAD's theme

>watching the dub

>It's Toriyama's fault that Toei randomly decided to turn Jiren into a moustache-twirling villain so people would root for Tardku

The dub is and always has been inferior, you fucking weeb. Cope.


He was shit in the manga too you fucking Toyocuck, he attacked the stands just like in the anime. He still has the same generic and boring backstory, no personality, and a shitty uninspired design.

>he attacked the stands just like in the anime.

Nice headcanon copelet. Now that I know you're a Toei shitlicker I can safely disregard anything you say.

Shitty boring uninspired theme, fitting for a shitty boring uninspired character.

This. Every trait Jiren has in the anime, he also does in the Shitnga. Almost killing Gohan and some angels on the stands is part of the outline.


Attached: jirenpill.png (1878x2549, 814K)

t. dubstep listening child
Get out

Cope. Just fucking cope.

Attached: toyocuck destroyed by the toeimasters.jpg (775x517, 211K)

Fucking BASED Toeichad bringing hard evidence. Just watch that Toyoshit start coping like a madman

>K-Kneel to my wall of pseud autism
Off yourself.

Shut the fuck up, dog.

Helles is ___

Stray blast hitting the stands =/= attacking the stands

>literally aiming at the stands
>Toyocuck starts making up headcanon

>p-please stop u-using so many words master!


>its in the outline, cry
>b-b-but its not adapted exactly in the SAME WAY?!?!
More tears please, my tear tea is almost ready.

>i-i-i-i-i-it was j-j-j-just a stray blast g-guise I s-swear he wasn't aiming for the stands m-my headcanon says so

>being a hellesfag
Brown girls are shit.

He was aiming at Goku, who dodged (or teleported away), as shown in the panels before.
You cannot refute this.


More like "Please stop overanalyzing a children's cartoon while you pore over your thesaurus", you cringey wad of fuck sauce.

>NO proof
>headcanon headcanon headcanon
Holy FUCK I can't lose

>more generic rock
As expected.

>dis character dum!
>gets explained why character is most superior


Holy fuck you reminded me he almost killed Vegeta too. Holy fuck manga Jiren is trash. At least Chadnime Chadren respected Bejita

>he rather listen to that garbage nu-kpop from Shitly

>i-if I use a bunch of big words it's not overanalyzing anymore it's SCHOLARLY
Fucking pathetic. Go violate a vacuum cleaner underwater.

>yelling buzzwords means I win

Like I said, you can't refute it. Cry, cope, rip your hair out, screech, babble, but you can't refute it. I win, you lose, kneel.

Attached: 0019.png (950x1400, 375K)

>chad this chad that chad chad chad
Shut the fuck up you memeing faggot

Epic strawman, kneel.

Broken with facts. I rest my case.

>literally proving me right

What the fuck are you babbling about you autist? Talk like a normal fucking person instead of "CHAD CHAD CHAD LE CHAD EBIN CHAD" Fuck's sake.

>Anime Jiren: Good job on defeating Toppo withouth discarding your ideals.

He was literally shooting at Goku, who dodged, and Vegeta was behind him. Are you fucking stupid?

Maybe colonel Sliver is another kid of theirs? I mean I can see the resemblance, and if I recall he was never killed off, so it may be a plot point, but I doubt it

Attached: silver.png (644x1309, 991K)

Attached: 31685876.png (1365x740, 377K)

Stop pretending you know what Jiren was thinking. If Bejita didnt move he was dead

Attached: 1507733931587.jpg (228x216, 6K)

>s-stop having enough brain cells to comprehend what is literally being shown to you
Acquire intellect.

>complains about memeing
>posts meme pic
Done and over. Terminated and finished. Owari-da and terminado. Se finite and concluded.

I want to give Jiren a rimjob.

>I-I swear Jiren didn't want to hit Bejita with that blast! T-TRUST ME ON THAT ONE PLEASE!?

Cringiest post here from the cringiest user here. Find a hobby, take a fucking shower and make some friends.

>aiming for Goku

I said
D to the O to the N to the E
Don't ever reply again to ME

>now he resorts to retard rapping
Never mind, don't try to get some friends. You'll fucking fail miserably.

Appearently he was aiming for the stands because he almost killed Gohan and 3 angels



>He just keeps replying
Am I that charismatic?

Silence kneel dog mutt cope

For prosperity

Stop forcing your meme word. Not in the dictionary

I'm sorry Pan user about these degenerates...


>flaunts his paid domain
Get out

>n-not in the dictionary
>proof that it is, in fact, in the dictionary
>cries about the domain

You know anyone can put up website with any content they want right? Fucking technologylets

>denying that it's a fucking online Merriam-Webster dictionary
I'm 90% sure you don't even know what that is, you STUPID fucking fuck. COPE.

Yes. Its your own shitty website with made up words. Cope and cry only to cry and cope again, but not before planning to cry only to be followed by another round coping afterwards. That is, obviously, if you queue up for some more crying and coping.

>confirming he doesn't know what the Merriam-Webster dictionary is

>d-doesn't know I paid 50 bucks to have a made up domain for a couple weeks
Done and over. See you next thread, loser. God I'm smart

>this thing thinks the Merriam-Webster dictionary is a website
Holy fucking FUCK I can't believe what a """SCHOLAR"""" you are HAHAHAHAHA

>posts a website URL that can be accessed via internet
Oh my god what the fuck. I'm out

>this level of reading comprehension
Holy FUCKING cope.