Boku No Hero Academia

could she realistically defeat all might? I mean, could he somehow resist getting mushrooms in the throat?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The janny fears the mirioCHAD

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why would a janny fear a janny

A stiff breeze can defeat all might now

I feel like full power All Might could just use OFA breaths to clear his airways, but Small Might would be fucked. He'd probably die of pneumonia

CHADrio will destroy Eri's cunny

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She doesn't have to kill him through asphyxiation, she could always just spawn a Death Cap in his system as a guaranteed victory

Attached: Implied.jpg (561x480, 28K)

If All Might is remotely serious he would probably be fast enough to pummel her 100x over

Shoto in his prime can realistically defeat All Might in his prime. He was literally made to do so.

Just because something is made to serve a purpose, don't mean that it will be able to. Shouto in his prime could not realistically defeat All Might in his prime

All Might just needs to use a OfA powered-up cough to dislodge the mushrooms.

But could he?

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How often does she give her shroom to the other class B girls?

Yes he could.

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shouldn't you be working right now Enji?

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Cute and Canon.

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I want to fuck apocrypha

>Eri-chan your cunny is so tight!

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deku is a massive slut and has been fucked by everyone in UA

This is the last thing you see before you die

I wish I went to UA then

kiribaku is canon thpugh

by using his Quirk effectively.

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if only All Might was strong enough to break ice

Cause of death?

Kirideku is better.

All Might has a powerful gag reflex.


same, i want to have sex with deku so badly

>Flames and ice
>Beating a guy who could punch so hard that multiple buildings were caught and raised in the resulting wind pressure change AFTER he lost most of his power

A solid 'no' from me

wouldn't matter. the explosion from his Flashfreeze Heatwaves would btfo whatever All Might would throw at him.


Attached: dogs.jpg (480x360, 16K)


massive internal tearing

>An actual Todoroki power levelfag
What the fuck?

they're unironically cute together

So this is the power... of Shotards

user you can't just spam that meme willy nilly. It's a powerful tool that you need to learn to use carefully. Only one (1) of the people you replied to fucks dogs

Is this the most retarded plot point in the manga so far?

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the explosion he used to counter Deku's shit in the sports festival was untrained and uncoordinated. if brought up to scale it would btfo All Might.

no, not even close

please stop, that's not funny at all and also really gross


He already trained it if you read the most current arc, and it just got smaller and easier to control. There is nothing Shouto could ever do that would match even half of All Might's power

>taking the post seriously

Attached: canon.jpg (774x1200, 127K)

Lusting after Deku who's underage while you yourself are an old hag roastie schizo who has taken at least 100 dicks is what is gross.

based. I can't wait until Hori btfos the schizos with Toga and Twice's wedding

Attached: togatwice11.png (540x465, 242K)

I gotta admit, the idea of her 'accidentally' placing herself under the effects of a libido-enhancing mushroom and barging into Setsuna's room is pretty nice

>100 dicks, but none of them were human
pretty incredible

How do we make him more popular among nips Miriofrens?

you're being sexist, i bet you don't think it's bad when men do the same thing

So you admit to fucking dogs? Shame on you.

don't forget that she wants Deku to end up with Toga because she gets off on innocent young boys getting tortured, raped and murdered
shipping Toga and Deku together is the moral equivalent of believing that John Wayne Gacy did nothing wrong

>togaschizo confirmed for literal roastie slut
No wonder you're so mentally ill. Being used as nothing but a cum dumpster must fuck up your head real good.

Women having sex with dogs is based and hot.

Of course not, but we're talking about you aren't we?

You're just a hole with a malfunctioning brain attached. At least the neighbourhood canines can appreciate you

Get out of here, dickhead

i'm not a slut, if a man has lots of sex, they don't call him a slut.
if anything, you're the slut.

that's messed up. this schizo user needs to be admitted into a ward.

Enji go back to bed and take your medicine

Humping your pillow whilst playing an MP3 of dogs barking is not having sex, you freak

You have the mind of someone who would spread their legs open for validation. The fact that you always type "i love everyone in this thread" is proof enough. Slut.

you're a dumb roastie and a waste of oxygen, only worth a shit as a human toilet. Go, put on your strap on and peg guys as degenerate as you.
You disgust me.

From now on, every time the schizo types "I love everyone in this thread" I'll just call it a slut.

whoa, this is my first time hearing this about togaanon. i liked that user but they're actually degenerate like this?

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>Liking Toganon
What the fuck is wrong with you? Yes she's a complete degenerate scumbag who deserves nothing

why do people call him sunshine

Look at this
This is your toganon

i wouldn't want that, i want them to have a cute and wholesome relationship, i don't like seeing deku get hurt
don't listen to them, i'm not gross like they say i am, they just make up lies about me to make me upset

His boyfriend calls him that

Stop coming back to these threads you disgusting cunt. No one want you here

we both liked deku, so i thought they were innocent enough but nevermind. that user is completely mental.

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if you didn't want Deku to get hurt you'd ship him with a girl who actually likes and cares about him, like Ochaco, and not a girl who wants to kill him and drink his blood

Prime All Might moves so fast that status effect or crowd control class heroes are defeated by default

Yeah, the fact toganon isn't a reserved maiden like toga and instead is a literal roastie that tries to pretend she's pure and innocent is really fun. She's a total slut.

no no no don't listen to them, i'm not crazy and gross like they say i am
i love you

he is gay?

>those posts
wtf. i've been away from these threads so i'm just now catching up.

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That's not an excuse. You knew she blogposted, the character she attaches to that does not matter.

Repent, call her degenerate garbage and do your part to make these threads a better place

many times a day, to all of them


You should listen to those voices

How excited are you? Ready for more kino?

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quit it, you're going to make me cry

>I love you

Stop avatarfagging, nerd

>arc without bakufag or todofujo
Count me in

call me when the TogaTwice chapters and chapter 160 get animated

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>Eri's voice

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this never would have happened if you listened to the tarot reading user and stopped posting here

>Welome home, user

Attached: 27a.jpg (564x432, 31K)

fucking spit out my water
you realize all might threw out 1,000,000% smashes as his 100% in his prime, right? He was on some One Piece levels of fuckery back then.

Don't respond to me you creep. I think it would be best if you left the thread, nobody here likes you

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please don't reply to me anymore, you're really gross and sick.
i'm logging off now bye anons and thanks for the heads up.

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stop it please, don't listen to them
i've had so much fun with you, you're one of my best friends in this thread

>Last person in the thread who even remotely liked the schizo called her a gross freak
What a nice thread

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>Schizofag scared away the only dekuavatarfag
Wow, and once again you've fucked things up.

>dekufags drama
This is kind of cute in a cringey way

>no dekufag to bully, ever
thanks schizoanon

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I won't forgive them for this!

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You're welcome. Togafag recently came out about fucking dogs and pegging little boys so all of this is still pretty new information. I'm sorry you had to find out about everything this way.

shut up i don't, please stop

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Yeah, I only just heard about this too. I always knew something was off about that poster. At least now I can call her out for what she really is

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Honestly? A best.

stop listening to them, they're lying, please don't

Yes she can suffocate him.

>foreplay with schizoanon

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What the fuck is honestly going on

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Don't respond to me, filth. I don't understand how people like you aren't in a hospital. You're sick

Just fucking stop, It's over! Our one and only Dekuavatarfag is gone and it's all because of you. Just leave already for christ sake!

this is what happens when mentally ill avatarfags are coddled

kek, the schizo scared away a dekuanon

Attached: akamaru.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

it's not my fault, it's not

Have you ever noticed that she makes everyone who ever 'liked' her disgusted and then they leave?
It must be such a lonely life, at least she has dogs to keep her company

Why are people sad about an avatarfag leaving?

We aren't. We're just hamming it up to fuck with the schizo.

Not just any avatarfag, it's a Deku one which are pretty rare.

>Have you ever noticed that she makes everyone who ever 'liked' her disgusted and then they leave?
it happened to me too. I used to think she was kind of amusing, but then she kept saying rude things to me and accusing me of trying to hurt her feelings just for posting opinions that had nothing to do with her. No matter how many times she says that she loves everyone in this thread, don't ever believe her. She'll stab you in the back as soon as you drop your guard

All avatarfags should be purged, no exceptions

Looks like the Blu-ray and AMERICA fixed the anime's prude censor

Attached: LaHZaip_d.jpg (640x360, 11K)

I know what you mean. I remember thinking she wasn't too bad, but then she started calling me disgusting for my opinions. Now I know she's one of the worst people in the threads
I wish she'd just go

Is that all it takes with you sensitive bitches? If I were to share my opinions, everyone in the thread would call me disgusting.

The schizo purged that Dekuavatarfag themselves so all is good.

Deku avatarfags are cute

Camie is nude again!
Yeah underage nudity for the win yall

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the original censorship didn't even make any fucking sense. Did making it look like she was wearing a bodysuit really save any innocent children's eyes?

i'm sorry, i'm actually really sorry, please

>full on larping
Hunter chads where right

How do we tell the difference between humans with animal quirks and animals with human intelligence and shape quirks?

Do it, nobody cares.
But when you try to act all nice just to be a bitch then yes, the silly anons who fell for it will be pissed.

you won't come across another one so thank the togaschizo for that

Attached: man-reading-on-toilet.jpg (350x250, 16K)

the only animal with a quirk is Nezu, so everyone else is a mutated human

Eh, I'd make an exception for the Nemotofag but he only posts like once a month so it wouldn't really matter

Why are you still here? Why do you keep coming back? Everybody here hates you, and you'd make everyone happier (yourself included) if you just fucking left

>Nobody cares
Yeah, that’s what I thought at first too, but the moment you let slip that you ship KiriBaku the whole thread turns into a shitshow.

Probably not the reason. Japan is in the middle of its "lusting after children is wrong" phase. So its probable that camie whose 17 I think, can't be shown as naked on national tv

That is because faggot shit is gay and bad and you should be ashamed for your roastie taste.

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I fucking hate the olympics and westerners
Nihon doesn't give a flying fuck about this shit
Look at the idol industry for fucksake these niggers are just putting on a facade for uncle sam

Americans ruin everything they touch

I’m not a roastie, I’m just a faggot.


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>Look at the idol industry
No, i want to keep believing that humans are in general decent beings.

what the fuck is happening in this thread


>the only animal with a quirk is Nezu,
Incorrect. There's a cat in Vigs with a similar quirk to Mimic.

I'll have you know the uncensored version was the one shown in american tv.

Attached: KLEgUaX_d.jpg (640x360, 21K)

Just as bad if not worse.

Even if that were true, that doesn't answer the question.

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I love them...


And a bee with a body possession quirk.

This happy couple

Which miriofag am I responding to?

The one in your heart

user is cute, CUTE!

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>That Shoutofag from earlier
That was weird.

This is pretty tame for these threads actually

Yeah, the thread is going by smoothly actually.

thread climate: chaotic good

Should I add more dogs/dog mutants to the manga in the coming chapters?

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It'll be confirmation that Hori browses our threads

The hunter lays a trap for his prey it's the VA for Dekuck

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I love it when sjws eat each other.

I kinda want to see more Doubutsuen characters making a cameo, but that's just me

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At least Deku is properly cast in the dub.
It'd be wrong for anyone other than a complete faggot to voice him.

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Attached: ENG-Everyday-Miracles-9.jpg (900x1360, 347K)

>I read the manga darlings
Kek, it's funny because don't those faggots go,
"Um, sweaty?" Why do they all write the same damn way.

>Momo's ENG VA is an open fat fetishist
>Deku's ENG VA is a speedreader, and a child of s_y at that
Why do we have to deal with this shit. Is there anything I've missed. God I'm glad noboy here has unironically watched the dub. Right?

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Based Kirishima

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What did his dad do to him?


I missed the fun, but I gotta give a shout out to these two fags though. Here's the thread theme that I've missed;
>Anons dancing to the shitschizos meltdown

Attached: shoutopowerlevelfag and dekuavatarfag.gif (498x399, 1.75M)

Yea Forums cares about those

Rappas gonna make mirio his onahole in jail
Chisaki has gotten kinda loose recently
Needs time to let him heal

been reading dorohedoro and not sure about power levels but she could do some fucked up stuff, minor spoiler but when someone immune to the powers of a mushroom ability guy meets them, that person turns the air the immune one is breathing into spores which after getting inhaled grow rapidly, exploding his chest from in the inside out

Attached: En.png (793x779, 619K)

Yeah people have been doing En jokes ever since the chapter with the mushroom girl

This is why, Japanese or English, I never look deeper into these people than I need to. Cringe like this can ruin a character if you can't disassociate.

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Sorta fitting for decuck though
The actual Deku would be even worse

This would be Deku.

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>dekuhater is a soiposting Yea Forumsshitter
Surprising nobody.

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>why yes, Monoma is my favorite BnHA character, how could you tell?

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>tfw Bart Simpsons VA sounds more masculine than Deku's VA
>>tfw Bart Simpson is voiced by a woman
You don't even need to have an opinion on the character to see the comedy here

Because you can't touch your dick

i love everyone in this thread, even if you're mean to me i'll still forgive you

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Isn't Goku voiced by a 100 year old granny?

If you truly loved us you would let us go

Goku sounds terrible. I wouldnt be surprised.

Naturally a american women is going to sound deeper than a Japanese man.

Lack of ability to disassociate is perfectly in character for the retards who frequent here though.

I think he was talking about western Deku

I will castrate this man

but then i'd miss you

I think he was talking about the dub. Less he is a fucking retard.

Yes, but to be fair, she's voiced Goku since Goku was a kid and she wasn't a granny, and VA contracts are for life in Japan.
She's not being kept around because she's the best fit for the job.

Just a few more months till the twitter spergout. I cannot wait.

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The chemicals in the American water supply already beat you to it.

Then why not just watch the sub then? Unless he is too retarded to read.

Based OverCHAD putting trannies in their place.

Goku is voiced by a person of the correct age and gender in the dub.

>Implying Sean Shekel isn't a lying s*yfag.

Because he has to use the pozzed up western dubs to make a case for some stupid shit.

Attached: i seriously hope you main characters don't do this.jpg (800x800, 91K)

Deku's Japanese VA also sounds like a faggot, although I'm not sure if he actually is one like the English VA or if he's just putting on an appropriate voice to play Deku.

>best part of the arc is right near the start of it
Gonna be hard to beat that peak unless they manage to save some of those fights with pure sakuga

Anything else in this arc that's really worth looking forward to? Maybe just Kirishima being based and Fatgum.

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Jap VA sounds perfectly normal you autistic faggot.

Shiggy's assault on the road.
Everything with Mirio and Deku is going to suck

>ignores Rappa
Imagine being as gay as this user.

It's just the baiter that always comes here, I'm guessing trying to instigate miriofag didn't work today.

It's gonna be pretty sweet.

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Some user brought up the idea of Kinoko dragging En along to a parent-teacher meeting with Vlad. Still makes me chuckle

Attached: en.jpg (552x615, 217K)

Miriofag is completely autonomous now. You don't even have to poke him for him to shitpost threads to death
I am so proud of him

Aw fuck you're right I forgot best boy, I am gay

Seems I didn't even need to make more than one post to get you to expose yourself. I'm so proud of you.

Oh no. Whatever will I do now?
You think I am the only one shitting on Deku in this thread?

2.5m of pure HIGH TEST lion-man

Can you be proud of me too? It's been a roughy day

Does not matter at the end of the day my little puppet. You dance so willingly and get manipulated so easily.

All of you are retarded faggot that have been btfo multiple times now. You are just jews so you keep going.

Unironically yes

Alright user I'm proud of your tenacity

I didn't know you wanted these threads to be shit
If so I am perfectly willing to dance

>Western fandom hate Endeavor
>Nips love him
What did they mean by this?

Attached: HB.jpg (758x1200, 161K)

Thank you, I appreciate it

what the fuck is that thing.

i'm proud of you user, no matter how bad it gets always remember that i'm rooting for you user

The quality of a thread changes by no amount regardless to your presence. All you do is grant me a thrall all too willing to do my bidding little puppet.

>The quality of a thread changes by no amount regardless to your presence
I knew BnHA was always this dogshit
A manga this bad could only ever produce bad threads.

Thank you user!

Nips can consume fiction without making it a moral issue

you're very welcome!

Congratulations on wasting hundreds of hours accomplishing absolutely nothing

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It's our water I keep telling you guys.

That is fine
I got you to admit BnHA is shit

You forced that conclusion.

yeah I did.You had to admit it was shit because your hate for me overwrote your denial of BnHA being shit. Isn't it nicer on this side? Where you can openly see BnHA is shit now

Close this tab right now and go play vidya, or focus on a hobby of yours. Don't be a loser.

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someone post the paintfag laying down the pipe image

You think I am not? You think I can't alt-tab spend 5 seconds write a post and then go back to what I was doing?

That wasn't me you stupid faggot.

That wasn't me you stupid shit

Nah, you are shitposting in some other thread.

I am not

based and harempilled

Yes you are. I'm 100% sure you have multiple threads open (many on Yea Forums) and are multi-shitposting.


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I would admit and link to the threads if I was. I am an open book

Sure you are.

deku is cuter than eri

Yes he is. Uraraka is a lucky woman to have that cutie as a love interest.

she is, i wish i had a deku.

The more see posts like this the more I enjoy Endeavor, truly the real savior of the manga

How long until nalvas?

Mirio x Eri = cute, canon, and wholesome

Deku x any girl = self inserting virgins

Any fujo ship = degenerate trash

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Manga with Mirio as the MC = wholesome and cute

Manga with Deku as the MC = dogshit for self inserting cucks

Fujo manga = degenerate trash

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Today I will remind them

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I'm worried, the animation for S1 - S3 wasn't always amazing but it was pretty fun to look at
they're changing animation directors and I am extremely fucking worried because that trailer didn't show off alot of animation
is the new guy good?

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he has a pretty good record. He worked on FMA a lot. SnK as well I think

I'd be happy if they actually put a leash on nakamura.

She's cute. How come nobody talks about her?

Attached: Yanagi_Reiko.png (144x576, 62K)

I just hope B gets roles in the next villain involved arc.

what's with the autism hands

Based Endeavor managing to get into the spotlight and piss some idiots off on father’s day even though he hasn’t been in the manga for months

She's into creepypasta's, and her quirk is poltergeist, so she walks like a ghost.

She's a ghoooooooooooooooooost!

Her hands don't actually work, so she has to use her quirk to control them. Most of the time she just holds them up by the wrists.

Attached: return.gif (500x375, 321K)

That's hot. Imagine getting a handjob from her.


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I love you too, togachan!


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His character is pretty crusty to be frank.


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theres just something so fucking cool about Yoroi Musha

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If I take that mask off will she die?


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It would be extremely fungy.

No, you'll just make her angry

She's a stacked girl.


Mina's Dad doesn't fuck around, especially since his wife got smashed into a pavement

Hawks showed up and probably killed jeanist so some drama could be coming between him and endeavor

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There isn't much to talk about. We know she is even more quiet than Yui, when she does talk she does so in an odd, verbose, slightly archaic manner, she has an amazing quirk, and she holds her hands in the way ghosts, zombies, vampires, and other undead creatures are depicted as doing in Japanese folklore. Her hero name, 'Emily' is so far unexplained, and all we know she likes is internet surfing.

She's cute though. Wish we had more fanart of her.

Attached: Yanagi_Reiko2.jpg (600x900, 42K)

Mirio and Eri out on their honeymoon consummating their marriage

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I wonder who's behind this post

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What board do you think she browses?

Watch this actually happen so Todoroki can stay relevant.

/x/, obviously

Miriochads are why I even come to these threads

Mirio is pretty much the only reason to read this dogshit garbage manga

They pay well for the cleaning services, señor

Attached: mirio.jpg (1280x704, 115K)

this one is a cute background character from the anime

>Catching up on the mango
>Culture festival
>They let the sperg on the drums
>When they have a guy in the same class with basically an infinite amount of arms and is strong enough to nail drumming
>>>>>This unadulterated Bakuwank of him being able to play and teach the drums better than Jirou of all fucking people is actually a major plot point later to justify another Stu powerup
It's like you want me to hate him. At least they got Iida right for the performance.

Attached: nah.gif (245x281, 2.12M)

No way faggot, Deku is way cuter than Vaultguy.

Imagine being attracted to Tintin on roids.

Pretty much.

Attached: 1558148315346.png (638x1018, 730K)

Imagine being on Yea Forums and being threatened by cute loli romance

Mirio's existence is a joke, man. He lost his quirk, He lost his master, and the loli he rescued likes Deku better.

>This unadulterated Bakuwank of him being able to play and teach the drums better than Jirou of all fucking people is actually a major plot point later to justify another Stu powerup
user, you're drunk. His "powerup" happened because he learned to play with others in a band, not because he plays frums well. Which is quiterealistic: Learning how to play together is a really important thing in music.

>and the loli he rescued likes Deku better.
That is why she is clinging to Deku all times now
Oh wait
Fucking decucks

Real easy to imagine. Eri is not for lewding.

Attached: images (9).jpg (640x480, 53K)

Maybe if you are a normalfag who should be on twitter or tumblr
Hori is doing the romance

>Who was able to make her smile?
>Who was able to cheer her up when she thought she did something wrong?

cope, señor.

What a supportive nice guy supporting their relationship

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I ship her with Minetta

speaking of festival did/will deku ever tell anyone about gentle? i would've thought he'd at least talk about him to AM but iirc he's never mentioned it- he's pretty shit at keeping secrets and it seems fucked to just have literally NO ONE talk about it ever again but it looks like that's what's happened since he seems to have already moved on

Man, hori must be into some degenerate shit with how much rock and kaminari are getting cucked

More like next month when they show it at Anime Expo.

No, a real hero like Deku will be humble about it and not mention it at all. He did his job, which is exactly what was expected of him.

Dunno, user. Calling me a normalfag is sort of retarded. I love my healthy dose of gore, rape and retarded megumin memes, but your particular fetish and the way you force it is pretty annoying. I don't know why are you so proud/butthurt about you MiriEri ship.

You should ask yourself why this innocent wholesome ship offends you so much if you aren't a normalfag?

It was funny once or twice but now that we're ~300 threads further it's only annoying.

I really like this covered eyes character design

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Then don't come to this website or these threads.

Yeah because I'm going to let one spic ruin the entire thing.

Because you shit every threads with it and because poor Eri is not a character I would ship with an 18 y.o.

Deku is a mexican?

No but you are, Miriofag.

>poor Eri is not a character I would ship with an 18 y.o.
That is because you are a normalfag fujo

And the reason he played with others in the band was because he was so sugoiiiiii at the drums.
So I would in turn be correct in saying that this was used to justify the later powerup of sweeping an entire team with a reccomended student by himself...becasue he learnt teamwork.
Even than, on top, that makes no sense since half his team had nothing to do with the music part of the performance (Sero was on effects and Satou was with the dancers). Sure if he had some part where he split off and worked well with Jirou (or actually listened to her when she said to his face he was leading them into a trap) then it'd make sense; but he didn't even do that. In fact, I don't even think he needed Satou; why couldn't he just AP shot the beams?
Bakusperg might have some interesting parts of his character written well; but fuck me his existance still a net negative to the story as a whole.

>I should be allowed to openly break the rules and if you have an issue with that, you should be the one to leave
Nice logic you've got there. Almost the exact same as beaners crossing the border.

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>>I should be allowed to openly break the rules
Which rule am I breaking?

>I do not agree with his pedoship so I must be a fujo
S-so this is the power of Mexico?

Again, calling me a normalfag is stupid. There's still a difference though between being weird and being a cancerous degenerate. I'm weird. You're a cancerous degenerate.

Take your disagreement to the author. He made it canon
and take your offense to twitter or tumblr
Yea Forums loves loli

The idea is that Bakgou powered up by trying to work together with others, not because he's especially good at playing drums. I bet he's a shit drummer.

Speak for yourself redditor.

>this post is extremely low quality
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.
>You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.

I'm sure there's more.

I never once got even just warned for discussing MiriEri

You see, bud, this is Yea Forums, as you might have noticed. If you're posting shit you'll be told you're posting shit. Your "BUT NORMALFAGS DON'T LIKE ME TOO" is not an argument here.

>It's like you want me to hate him
That's part of the point, user. Bakugo does everything well. He is an annoying, arrogant git. A superman. And Deku near hero-worships him because of his capacities, his courage, his determination. But not his personality.

RE Shoji: Having six arms doesn't mean you automatically have the talent and training to play drums. Bakugo did; indeed, he was apparently an excellent drummer. Hence why he was in the band. And learning to play well with others.

>post is extremely low quality
>spamming or flooding
>nsfw image
>any of the following outside of Yea Forums
>Complaining about Yea Forums (its policies, moderation, etc)
>Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts

>Complaining about Yea Forums (its policies, moderation, etc)
>Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts
Right, those are the two I missed. Thank you.
Just because you haven't been warned doesn't mean it's not against the rules.

>playing into the baiter's game
Screw that, he's probably replying to himself.

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Does Hori also want us to hate Deku for his worship of Bakugo?
Because mission accomplished

We Dekufags must protect him from degenerated shit

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You're too focused on his external competence and missing all the times where he fucked up according to his own standards
-Deku's victories
-Not being chosen by AM
-Not being "aknowledged" by Shouto
-"Causing" AM retirement and so on

>I bet he's a shit drummer.
They specifically wanted him for drums because whoooooaaaaa he's so talented!!! How did you miss that part?

Is there a single person who likes Deku and isn't gay?

I like him and I'm straight.

>I bet he's a shit drummer.
He is literally the fucking best
In Japan and all of the planet
t. Hori

Welcome to the MHA general

He probably told a version of the story to the police, and the UA higher ups - I'm sure Hound Dog got it out of him even if he had to beat it out - and more of it to All Might. But that would have been off camera. To the other students, it was just "Deku ran into a prankster and almost missed the performance; GEEZ, that kid!"

So miriofag hasn't answered to you in a while and now you pretend to be him?

So he keeps fucking up to his own standards and doesn't think he ought to change?
Is Bakugou actually retarded?

Wasn't Deku covering for Gentle?

I just assume they're newfags.

Western VA's are pretty damn cringy. This faggot was screaming trans rights like a retard saying Deku endorsed all diversity

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Considering he's in prison? I don't think so. I wonder if Ra Brava is in prison too, or if the cops recruited her for her hacking skills.

Well, if I forgot that Bakugou was perfect, you'd forgotten that he took music lessons. And knowing his sperg attitude I can see him succeed.

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I honestly think Deku covered for him.
He even hid the fucking tape

I bet Deku chuckled a bit when he heard that Magne got blown to bits.

he's right, Endeavorfags are cringy retards who didn't have a father growing up

He's 16. 16 y.o.s are retarded. And he acts pretty smart so far.

>Eri is not for lewding
She's a loli and she's damaged. She was literally made for lewding.

>And he acts pretty smart so far.
t. Hori

That's ok, but don't harm Deku

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I bet you act way smarter in your own life, user.

I appreciate the D/B dynamic, and I like that since it's slowly being shown that Deku indirectly 'created' the sperg by effectively being *that kid* and giving positive reinforcement to sperg acting like a sperg. I like his inferiority complex at first by being grounded by Deku; then by indirectly leading to the collapse of All Might. They are well written aspects of character that justify his existence as a personality and is logically and internally consistent.
What I don't appreciate is the entire class going from openly mocking him on the bus and being pissed that he couldn't even be bothered to learn their names after weeks of education together, to becoming the same ''sugoiiiiii baku-chan so amazinguuuuu'' that Deku is (despite the fact that Deku has a reason both from the narrative and from a meta standpoint). I hate sperg for being an arrogant cunt who has no chill already, I don't need to meta-hate him because of the writing being set on fire due to his existance.

There is absolutely no reason why Satou and Bakugo should get aong to the point they make an 'infallible team'. Mineta and Sero had more of a freindship going on over a longer period of time before the Midnight fight - and their team dynamic got shredded near instantly. Same for Kirishima/Kaminari in the first match. There is no reason why a good chunk of the class doesn't still openly mock the sperg at every point; since the sperg is far from the top spot of his year at this point. Now I'm supposed to believe that everybody loves him and nobody would goad him out of comedy or spite? Nobody would trip him up or challenge his asserted authourity?
None of it is internally consistant and is excusively for wanking off a character that has never had blue balls in his life.

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His jap va can scream like a damn maniac, I'm looking forward to his CHISAKI!!!!

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Obviously. Even when I was at tard-age I didn't engage in any acts that would have a high chance of getting my ass expelled from my dream school. Like, say, I don't know, unnecessary violence or disrupting the peace with my autistic screeching.

Why wouldn't you ship Eri with a 18 years old? Besides, that'd be easy to fix due to her quirk. Age doesn't really matter with her.

When will Deku and Ghiaccio have a shouting competition?

Attached: ghiaccio.png (350x322, 99K)

Because it makes no sense character-wise and is just some fetish fuel for a selected few.

>People are getting mad at an English VA saying Endeavor is a shit father
Endeavor is one of my favorite characters and even I know Justin is right. Enji being a shit person has been an integral part of his character. Do people forget that even Endeavor knew that the damage was already done.

You were just a boring kid, user

Why wouldn't it make sense? You think Eri will fall for some who? Given her past? No way

You would have to ask that question of Hori.

Yes, to the rest of the world Bakugo is the colossus who towers above all. To himself he's a teeth gritting near failure. Which is why he reacts with such anger and vehemence all the time.

I think the problem is more that it's always, ALWAYS the exact same fucking posts.

Well, following your logic, she can easily fall for deku. But that's stupid too. It's not about a kid liking someone, it's about turning it into a weird ship.

I know, and it was great. Wish I could go back.

Oh then that is okay.

Yes. Given the amazing popularity of the show, I'd say a lot.

If YOU hate him, user, what does that say about you?

>Given the amazing popularity of the show, I'd say a lot.
Most fans literally love the guy who is defined by hating Deku
I'd say I am in good company hating Deku in this fanbase.

He's pretty well liked

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>Most fans literally love the guy who is defined by hating Deku
Only fujos like him unironically. The rest are just along for the memes, which, honestly, I can respect.

>Only fujos like him unironically

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You mean the guys who's feirnds with Kirishima. Cause everyone loves Kirishima

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I mean the guy who told Deku to kill himself.

>he posted it again

And nsfw images

Justin isn't right though. There isn't a single page in the entire manga that indicates he was anything more than overly stern. Saying Endeavour is abusive would legally hold up in court as slander.

Yeah, she can easily fall for Deku or Mirio, that would be easy to see because those are the two men who changed her life forever. She'd never regard anyone to such an standard because of her past. No matter who she comes accross, they simply won't be able to compare to either one of them.
But Mirio is the one who is willing to take her to dates while deku is weirded out by it. I'd see the answer for who Eri's partner is as obvious.
>weird ship
Why care? How is loli romance weird?

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I could dispute against your statement but I honestly think your baiting

>And nsfw images
I did consider that, but they're all cropped so I don't think they count. Besides, Miriofag is hardly the only one guilty of that.

I love how Jirou pretty much tells Kaminari off while everybody else are being cute together.

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He told a story that minimized Gentle's guilt and didn't reveal what he was really planning. Deku also swiped La Brava's camera so there was no hard evidence. But the grounds were torn up, there was at least one eyewitness to part of it, and Deku and Gentle both looked like they'd been in a fight. The police probably figured out most of it, but were willing to ignore that part to keep Deku and UA out of it.

>and didn't reveal what he was really planning
So he was covering for Gentle

>How is loli romance weird?

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Just keep your lolitrash on Yea Forums or Yea Forums containment threads if it's sfw.

It's time to re-read the Bible, you're going to discover plenty of details, I promise you

Did you know Mary was still a child when she gave birth to Jesus and she married a man who was, like, 3 times her age?
Also all the nieces that married their uncles. Christianity isn't a good example for this

No, Eri is a BNHA character who happens to be a loli with a very specific relationship with a grown up male. It belongs here.

Sounds like something a sinner would say

Attached: ibara shiozaki.jpg (183x275, 10K)

Waht? Shitting the threads? Pretty sure it doesn't, no matter what your fanfiction says

I wouldn't resist getting her mushroom down my throat if you know what I mean.

Dub VAs are easy targets for hate, after all.

Of course, since she's actually into Bakugou.

I like how you've immediately understood me, user

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bakugou is amazing

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Goddamn heathens and their heretic logic again

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If Ibara is a true christian girl she should marry an old man, hopefully her uncle.

>>When they have a guy in the same class with basically an infinite amount of arms and is strong enough to nail drumming
>This unadulterated Bakuwank of him being able to play and teach the drums better than Jirou of all fucking people
fucking retard.

we also know she like deku

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wasn't that an error?

Fuck this is cute.

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Someone just earned himself a crucifiction

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Well user, if you don't like it you can always filter it. Though rather than doing it because you're annoyed, it seems you don't like "weird" things so loli isn't for you.
A shame, loli is best.

>it's the VA for Dekuck
He's not. That's a fucking amerimutt.

I'm completely serious. Give me a single page that shows he was abusive. I don't care about the anime or VA comments; it's a minor but importnt detail that is overlooked because the trope has been done before; one simply expects it to be there.
The only page in the entire mango that could be argued is the flashback during Match 3; which even then is just as easily construed as him overworking his kid because he's so autisically stern.

I have asked this question numerous times before, but nobody can give a single page which shows he was abusive.

user, if was on my screen at work; I'd file a formal complaint if I ***wasn't*** fired on the spot. I don't need to search the archives and post the other images spammed constantly for you to know similar ones.
On principal it's still against the rules and bannable; from everything-bar-Schrodingers-nipple to heavily-cropped-but-still-lewd. If would get one in trouble at work then by the rules it shouldn't be here like from Day 1. It's not my fautlt that the mods are fags and can't be bothered defining their stance outright and enforcing it; I've said since day one that the end of selfmoderation was a bad idea. Rules are rules, regardless if nobody listens or can be bothered to enforce them any more.

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>you can filter it
Don't change your filenames if you want me to be able to filter it.

Who said it like it was a bad thing

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Man I remember the idea of Shoji drumming was brought up really early.

Only the baiter does while he pretends to be a miriofag.

Drumming with four arms sounds uncomfortable

There's no real difference between him and the "real" Miriofag as far as I'm concerned. If the latter one wasn't an autist, the former one wouldn't be able to shit threads as easily.

You are aware abuse isn't just physical right.

Attached: Enji abuse.png (976x1622, 1.6M)

Worried? The guys in the new team are as experienced in Sakuga as you can get

Dumb baiter.

Dumb baiter

And yet he's being completely truthful. Hero work is a profession in which one fuck up can very much mean death, if he wanted to be abusive then he could have said much worse things. Once again, it's just him being an autistically stern about training his kid young.

I wouldn't resist getting her Muhroo-

Attached: Shrooms.jpg (480x640, 49K)

Not that user, but you sound like you'rd willing to give Endeavour a free pass even if he actually did those worse things and then some. That said I'd be keen to read about Endeavour even if it was him who personally burned Todoroki's face - even if he never found his redemption in the future. Bad people struggling to find their better selves makes for an intriguing spectacle - in all their clumsiness, wrong turns, and failures.

Forcing a five year old to undergo intensive training against his will to the point you physically attack him and neglect your other children is signs of being a shit father and an abuser. The fact he did the same to Toya as well just cements it.
Again, I love his character and I think he's one of the most tastefully executed depictions of a self-realised abuser trying to better himself.

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So I'm Jesus are you're a Jew

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That's just your fanfiction.
Hori is pushing him as a hero and he never did anything wrong.

What happened to your trip? Realized it was shit?

I'm detecting no brain activity at all

Don't worry, I'll set it on fire so you won't get confused

Attached: ibara shiozaki4.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

sasuga avatarfagging jew

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I've never post here with a trip.


Heathens are so racist

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>redestro dies this week

Just don't cry in the threads when you're wrong

>implying destro is against people freely using their quirks to kill negroes

I hope this arc is like the Training Camp Arc where it directly leads into the next one.

We'll probably get a timeskip

>the final battle of the arc ends in a single chapter

>arc so bad hori is forced to finish it in one chapter

We already had a timeskip in this arc. Next arc needs to be timewise right after this one so we can see the societal impact.

no, we haven't had a timeskip.

You have any idea how fast you were reading back there, son?

We had a month and a half time skip where Gigantomachia training supposedly happened.

>Sure if he had some part where he split off and worked well with Jirou (or actually listened to her when she said to his face he was leading them into a trap) then it'd make sense; but he didn't even do that. In fact, I don't even think he needed Satou
>Sure if he had some part where he split off and worked well with Jirou (or actually listened to her when she said to his face he was leading them into a trap) then it'd make sense; but he didn't even do that. In fact, I don't even think he needed Satou
Reread chapter 208, slowly this time.
Satou not only helps Bakugou to not lose momentum but he also restrained glue dude.
Bakugou does listen to Jirou words and even request her assistance and the point of keep moving is so the other team can't create a perfect situation to fuck you up.
Without Sero they wouldn't have found Setsuna main body and he helps jirou to move faster around the area. His tape is also used to trap the welding faggot.
The efficiency of the team is built more on mutual trust in each other capacities than in deep friendships.

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Nsfw means peen or vag showing. Maybe titty.
Most of your anime feature scenes that are like cropped porn but posting that won't earn you a ban.

Giganigga hasn't even caught up yet

I wasn't speed reading.
That was a month before the events that took place during the high end fight. We're still in December, not January.

Yes I know the timeline of the manga, what I said was that there was a time skip IN THIS ARC. To which you disagreed with despite it being objectively true.

But how can it be considered a timeskip if time hasn't changed in the timeline?
we had a flashback, that is different .

>physically attack him
Never shown
>and neglect your other children is signs of being a shit father
>and an abuser
>The fact he did the same to Toya as well just cements it.
Again never shown. Your head is simply filling in blanks for what you expect; the same way many expect Shouji to be impactless because he's stays in the background because that what background characters are or expect Mineta to be a moron because that's what perv character are.
Enji is a shit father, a man who has a complete lack of social experience and a generally nasty guy to be around. But he isn't an abuser.
Abuse is a criminal offence, being a shit father isn't. If Enji was indeed an abusive person and I'm talking from experience here he wouldn't be ecstactic for Shoto after the Sports Fest. And he wouldn't re-evaluate nearly his entire worldview after being told to fuck off and taunted immediately after.

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you're so damn stupidly dense. Just because it wasn't shown doesn't mean it never happened, it is still implied.
Unless you think AM never fought toxic chainsaw because we didn't see the fight.

>Never shown
heavily implies that he punched shota shoto.

You think abuse can only be physical (which endeavour is guilty of)? Psychological abuse doesn't exist in your mind?

>Implying Bakugo wouldn't be able to deal with Bondo in the tens of minutes he had after
>Implying he couldn't deal with Setsuna when she was already reforming and her focused attacks did barely any damage to him anyways
>Implying he wouldn't have been able to deal with Awase without Sero
And no, he doesn't listen to Jirou. She's practically begging him to stop bcause they're walking into a trap befroe sperg reaveals that walking into the trap was his keikakku dori all along.
Clean up duty does not equate to good teamwork. Sperg still 4-0'ed an entire team; if you want to go down this path then I'll say the Endeavours' two hand-quirk assistants were vitally important in taking down High End using your own logic.

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Talking sense and facts to a hater?

Righteous user!!

>T. Women

>Unless you think AM never fought toxic chainsaw because we didn't see the fight.

>t. Incel

In fact, he SAYS he just hit Shoto, in the gut, hard enough to double him over and make him throw up. Anyone who doesn't get that can't count from 1 to 10 even with people telling him the numbers to say.

Stop making strawmen. My only statement is that there isn't a single piece of evidence that Enji was an abuser in the entire mango. I don't care about implications, I don't care about your feelings or theories, no matter how strong you think they are. In a court of law, if you were trying to prove the statement that Enji is an abuser; you would have no evidence whatsoever - which you have just agreed with by saying ''Just because it wasn't shown''
And no, All Might certainly did fight Toxic Chainsaw, since he says it outright and is reaffirmed multiple times. And as I am repeating to your face, there isn't a single line in the mango which comes anywhere near to somebody saying outright that Endeavor was an abuser. You are making a false correlation, a logical fallacy.

I don't care how much you want to hype me up as some dense ebin retard to poison the well. My only point is that there is no evidence in the manga; which now you are (as everybody always does when I pose this question) moving your goalposts to change it to implications since you cannot deny that I am correct.
If you want to play the implication game; then you can't argue with a fujo if they say that Kirishima is a homosexual and loves Bakugo deeply. Then you can't deny the Mirio/Eri spammer that Mirio loves Eri in a romantic manner. Then you can't deny nearly any theory, no matter how dumb it is (Since from their PoV, it's heavily implied. Just because it wasn't shown doesn't mean it never happened)
Because from whoever is asserting it, from their subjective view it is >implied.

So I'll repeat my first, very basic request again. Show me a single panel in the entire manga which states or proves that Enji Todoroki is an abuser.

I'm aware psychological abuse exists. And once again I will re-iterate, show me any point where it is said and that he wouldn't be ecstactic for Shoto after the Sports Fest

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Naw, even incels have more sense. This is either a shitposter deliberately causing trouble, or one of the mentally ill who haunt this board.

fuck off with these Reddit buzzwords


So you're from Reddit?

Maybe you should go back there. And stay.

T. Justin.

He's also halfway across the room, so unless he's got extendo-arms I'd doubt he'd have any reason to attack his own kid when ther entire point of all their intense training was for their quirks.
Unless you didn't notice, Shoto isn't ripped, there's no indication he ever trained physically. I'm half thinking it's Caleb being a faggot again and half thinking it's lost in inferrence and communication.

Go back you insufferable faggot

>implying 'hit' can't mean anything else other than punched in the gut; because you can't be hit by a hardship, hit by a wall, hit by reality or anything in the metaphorical sense
>implying you can't be sick from the stress of your abusive mother screaming at your father for no reason and trying to make herself out to be the good guy
Just because it wasn't shown doesn't mean it never happened, it's heavily implied.

You’re being baited. And that retarded VA didn’t just point out Endeavor is a shit father, that much is obvious. He also dissed the fans that were pointing out his development, like a true professional.

>Women and faggots crying over abuse
Right, see you in the spoiler thread lads.

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Do people only assume abuse is physically beating up someone? Endeavor is a man who terrorized his family to the point that his wife went insane and a son is gone, and he admits himself that what he's done is unforgivable. The abuse definition isn't really important, he's portrayed as definitely doing wrong towards his family and his character arc, development and his family's reactions makes sense. He's meant to be an uncorrupted hardass autist who is good at his job but who has done far too extreme things. It's not like you're supposed to find him either completely morally right or wrong and decide if you like a fictional character based on that.

Good post

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it doesn't matter he cause he set a monster on fire and it was hella fr*ckin epic


Who cares? He's hot.


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drawfriends pls

Repeat after me user: One. Two. Thr- no, no potato, don't bring potato in on this, just say the words, I know you can do it, prove your neurons aren't disconnected and you actually CAN think. I have faith in you.

One. Two...

The green text says one thing, the black, another.

Twice? Is that you?

I'm so glad he got the glorious golden mane he deserves

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that can't be true I drink like 3 litres of water a day and I love endeavour

The Todoroki's are black?

Stop talking to yourself, AND calling yourself names. Just go back to where where you'll feel at home. We'll all be much happier.

No shit. Thanks for pointing out stuff that’s explicitly said in the manga and even a 5 year old could understand.
Can you all stop taking the bait now? This shitshow happens every fucking month or so.

Depression comes as the response to this, as they get called out that they're just changing the goalposts to what has been said all along anyways in a weak effort to come off as right and have the final say. And no, there's nothing that says that Enji was responsible for Rei's psychosis while he was married to her or for Touya not being present in the narrative.
Acceptance comes next time this gets discussed and they realise the normalfag that walked in unintentionally makes the exact same points and comes to the exact same conclusions with the exact same rebuttals

I'll give props though, at least this one is arguing in good faith - as oppose to the other one who's just trying to use condescension, obliqueness and mockery in a weak attempt to prove themselves correct against myself and others (ironically trying to argue by not making an argument at all). The leddit spacing is only garnish to their stupidity.

he's honestly the fucking worst
I prefer the first version of hi

Attached: bakugou.jpg (1066x1600, 168K)


Attached: truly a worthy rival.png (371x244, 66K)

Exactly. At least this way Deku's cocksucking would make some sense. Deku would know better.

you ever read that one doujin about the guy who gets isekai'd as a sex homonculus and the first girl he impregnates looks like that? is good shit

it probably won't happen, but it'd be nice if Hori was 4d chessing us and Bakugo just gets killed off at some point to push Deku over the edge into madman mode

electro stim

Attached: af475cf39eb61ef70f744e4a5d162af2.jpg (640x3360, 506K)

>he doesn't listen to Jirou
There are images of Bakugou requesting and listening to Jirou indications during the battle.
And begging? That is hardly the case and Bakugou gives his reason to why they shouldn't act like sitting ducks
> Sperg still 4-0'ed an entire team
It may look like that because Bakugo assumes the first and most exposed position in the team but the battle had an inner complexity where all member played a key role.
How would Bakugo counter Setsuna quirk alone?
> I'll say the Endeavours' two hand-quirk assistants were vitally important in taking down High End using your own logic.
you mean the lads that soften his falling? If you want a more logic comparison it would be Hawks assistance in chapter 189.

Aw, is someone's widdle nose out of joint?

The idea of the quiet, verbose autistic girl from the other class having a crush on the cute and friendly and open Deku is honestly adorable.

Name pls

Doutei Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seifuku

he's 16. and also not real.

>he's 16. and also not real.
That just makes it weirder honestly.

good post

God I hope so.
The tears from fujos would be fantastic.

>Thanks for pointing out stuff that’s explicitly said in the manga and even a 5 year old could understand.
Well that seems to be the average age for these threads though

There's a small chance that Bakugou being captured was a set-up for Shiggy to have a revenge kill in the future.

>the Mirio thing
Dude, how is the honeymoon thing not an objective example of romantic interest? How can you bring that up for implications when it is blatant, unlike everything else you mentioned?

What baffles me is that people like Stain, Muscular and AfO stay alive even though they likely killed before.
Doesn't Japan have death sentences?

In addition to these points there's also the fact that Bakugo just feels like a forced rival at this point. Ever since Kamino he has done jack shit storywise, and Deku is starting to get control over the world's most OP quirk that he inherited. There's no believable way for Bakugo to still be keeping up with him so it feels like Hori has to have everyone bend over backwards to suck his dick to make it look like Bakugo is still anything impressive. But as you said, it's neither believable nor consistent. I would much rather prefer Bakugo struggling with the fact that Deku is leaving him in the dust than have everyone pretend he's still at the top of the class.

Yes but they take a couple of decades to carry out.

Deku hiding or not talking about his accomplishments (like beating Chisaki and Gentle) doesn't help.

The bakuwank isn't even directly from Hori, mind you.
It's just fujos rating him so far up, it's just key for it to have more screentime/power level.
It backs him into a corner and makes it so people get more Bakugou
Iida suffered that but in reverse, he wasn't rated too highly up now look at him.

True, but that's also part of Deku's appeal. He's incredibly humble about his achievements. He should be more smug sometimes, I agree. But the humble approach is a direct opposite to Bakugou who feels the need to shout his every accomplishment from the rooftops.

No but just having his classmates and teacher keep berating him for being a sperg goes a long way in keeping the character interactions believable. All Might praising Bakugo's conversational skills has to be the worst of it, I actually rolled my eyes when I read that panel.

Yeah, I defend BNHA's writing a lot and am of the opinion it's a lot better than it gets credit for (on Yea Forums at least), but that bit was cringeworthy.

I think it should be universally agreed upon that that panel never happened. We'll just ignore it. Nobody will ever bring it up again.

Hori, I know you lurk these threads
Please kill off Bakugo in the future, it'd benefit everyone

You can't ignore the truth

all might is not wrong

He absolutely is, there is literally nothing impressive whatsoever with a 16 year old being able to keep up with an extremely basic conversation.

> decuck self inserters

That'd be kino honestly.
>Training match goes awry.
>Deku accidentally fatally injures Bakugou.
>Bakugou dies on the operating table.
>Deku scared shitless of his power and is desperate to get rid of it.
>Mirio might become relevant again.

it's impressive because it's bakugou, a notable sperg

But no one treats him as if he's retarded. If it had been mock admiration then fine, but everyone acts like he's genuinely amazing.