Where are my Fire bros at? It's looking great so far. We're getting the Asakusa arc too
Fire Force / Enen no Shouboutai
Other urls found in this thread:
>A show about firefighters
>Shonen structure MC
>Little girls
Looks like a ripoff of Promare
>fighting fire with fire
Yea Forums, you do realize firefighter's main job is fire prevention, not fire fighting. If they are fighting fire, it means they have failed their main job.
How come this shit got good animation while Black Clover didn't even though it's much more popular?
Japs are retarded
I think it depends if good Studios and animators like certain manga or material, Kimetsu got ufotable because is obvious they liked the manga.
know nothing about this but I like that black haired twintail girl
I like the overall aesthetic. looks fun.
Anyone reading the manga right now? I think this new arc is gonna be a turning point for the series. Maybe a timeskip coming up?
Controversy potential when the twin tail chick appears and then gets grope by 6-7 men everytime
So far new arc got my interest back.
If fairy tail and other anime got away with it I don't doubt this will as well.
Man, I hope these girls are as based as Maka or the Thompson sisters from Soul Eater in terms of screen time!
thats a fire opening song
>that urban aesthetic
>cute nun
picked up
it is a common thing in real life.
Maki is pretty cool. The nun doesn't fight so don't expect much and the cat fire girl is basically fan service and doesn't get a power up until way later.
If there's one thing the promo confirmed for me, it was my suspicion that Shinra's fighting style would look pretty cool animated.
Fire is regularly fought in real life. Explosives are extremely rapid fires and can extinguish fires by instantly consuming all the oxygen and creating a massive pressure wave.
Forest fires are fought with controlled forest fires to use up fuel.
Oil wells uncontrolled burns can be stopped with jet engines pointed at the well head which is just a directed fire.
So it is actually pretty logical to fight fire with fire even if it was magic based.
?!? Pretty sure your wrong fire prevention in cities is the job of building design, city bylaws, so on and so forth. The closest a fire fighter gets to prevention is doing controlled burns in forest fires or pre dousing a nearby building in anticipation of an active fire reaching the neighboring sites. In reality a bulk of what fire fighters do is fight fires hence the name. It literally is what it says on the tin.
unusual pupils are my fetish
She shows up a lot, but probably not in the first season up until the end
I understood this reference
the first season is already confirmed to be covering up to the rekka arc though
Because bc is the black sheep of wsj and I doubt it's popular tho.
Different production circumstances and different staff. Why even compare them though? They're animated by different studios and published by different publishers. It's not like the entire country collectively decided one would be good and one would be bad.
Why is she dressed like a porn actress
I thought the manga was going to cancel because nobody had interest in it. Glad its getting an anime.
>David Production
Looks interesting
I'm still stuck on Hajima arc. Has there been any good arcs between that one and the current one?
There hasn't been anything that has amazed me since the Netherworld arc.
There was an arc where they went to The Nether with Company 2. It was pretty useless for the overall narrative as far as I can tell aside from some cryptic shit from Giovanni about Sho. Other than that, it was mostly used just to develop Juggernaut and Maki further and start Tamaki's character progression.
Oh and there was a shorter arc about Shinra, Arthur, and Tamaki training in Asakusa and some more cryptic shit about the White Hoods.
Oh shit nice
This looks cool, but the manga is so shit I can't get excited about this. I hope the anime improves on it majorly.
Because if Black Clover fans can tolerate the crap writing they can tolerate crap animation.
I really like that the nun doesn't have special divine magic and is only there to do actual nun stuff.
This makes me wonder, if Bones is too busy to make Soul Eater Brotherhood (a more accurate version of the SE Manga). Would David Productions be a good studio to adapt a more Manga Version of Soul Eater
>All that sakuga
So, how did DavidPro suddenly got budget? This looks miles better than jojoshit.
Because WSJ wanted Black Clover to be weekly and only a few studios are willing to do that. They got Pierrot to do it, and it's was given to their B team since their A team is doing Boruto for the forseeable future.
Blame WSJ for not just doing a seasonal format like they do with all of their other recent manga adaptations.
They explain Preacher's plan.
This, dubs confirm
I like how they're bringing out Maki's witch hat from the start.
Obviously nun is best girl but who is second best?
Iirc they extingushed the Kuvait fires by exploding the root of the fire pillar to interrupt it.
Ookubo is on drugs again.
>those pants
tell me, how do they work?
Oh fuck me we've found the best girl right here.
What's her name and what does she do?
Trips and plants her boobs in people's faces.
I really want to fuck tamaki consensually and after marriage
I wish the manga had a better written story, because some of the paneling and fights the author does are actually pretty good, but the thing as a whole is so boring to read.
It's just a trailer, idiot. No way all episodes are gonna look this good, especially if it's gonna be airing forever like BC.
Black Clover has insanely well animated sequences sometimes though.
How come Yea Forums dont talk about this more? Its better than 90% of regular shit I see here every day.
No its not in fact ots actually quite shit. The only reason anyone started talking about it is because of the anime.
>Its better than 90% of regular shit I see here every day.
It's low tier shounen garbage.
People have been saying it has less soul than Soul Eater, is that not true?
Objectively no but it is a less character driven series
>Maki is pretty cool. The nun doesn't fight so don't expect much and the cat fire girl is basically fan service and doesn't get a power up until way later.
Soul Eater had a simple premise and execution but made up for it largely due to its style and character dynamics that made you want to keep following it despite its shortcomings because they were cool and well developed. Fire Force just has style and that's it none if the characters are compelling and the story feels like nothing us actually happening despite the initial setup having you believe otherwise. I'm generally perplexed as to why people arw hyping it up. Have they just never seen an anime trailer before?
>and the story feels like nothing us actually happening
Nice bullshit. This just shows you arent reading the series at all.
As if KnY, MHA and BC isn't
>A show about firefighters
>Shonen structure MC
>Little girls
>It's low tier shounen garbage.
what here isnt?
Black Clover
BC isnt, its better than this other average tier bs shounen.
Great argument
How to spot a butthurt fantard?
Greentexts a section of the argument and says its wrong without any evidence proclaiming that he needs to read the manga. Everytime. As someone who still keeps up with thiss garbage everything he says is true. The series is incredibly slow.
Cope more niggers. 85+ episodes, still as forgettable as seasonal harem shows. If it weren't for the HXH flaseflaggers, no one will talk about that lame series.
This preview alone has better animation than the entirety of magic naruto. Clovercucks btfo'd again.
hey, it looks way better with color
God the animation looks so good
>Black Clover
>Not complete garbage
It's beginning is incredibly bland and forgettable. No idea how it gets later because that made be drop it. Black clover is an apt comparison for how cookie cutter shounen it feels.
the best and pure to boot
>those differrently colored flames
I never realized
>tokyo for fucks sake
IS that the preacher?
my dick knew one day that I would see her animated
I'm here for sakuga flames and cute girls.
Cute hat
God damn, the animation and characters look so great.
I also can't wait for Obi to shit all over Soiboi Academy.
I hope it'll be a success so we can get best girl next season.
Then read the manga. You'll see basically every street sign turned into pupils.
She's cursed by the ecchi curse. Not even kidding, she literally is cursed to fall over and land crotch up on other peoples' faces and/or loose her clothes.
Isn't the last year of BC just people throwing elemental dragons and whirlwinds at each other until another character shows up and throws an even bigger elemental whirlwind?
Like literally, didn't the elves show up mid 2018 and every chapter is a lame fight were nothing really happens?
You can't even tell the power scales in this manga, because every attack looks the same and 90% of the the characters don't even move during fights.
I miss Maka so much...
Fucking perfect.
kys, wojak shitter
better report this cancer now, before these threads get run over by Yea Forumsedditors posting this shit and Pepe like every other shonen thread.
I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand i love seeing one of my favorite manga getting a great adaption, on the other hand i can't seeing threads about it on Yea Forums. All anime only waifu fags and even worse, fujo/yuri fags.
I love Ohkubo's style so much
So simple... Yet so perfect... Nothing can beat the OG
It's a really lame troll attempt too. BC has the most tactical fight sequences in Jump and he thinks nobody knows that.
Short answer is to use up all the fuel\air.
They got staff from Shaft
Also its probably a way easier art style to animate fluidly than JoJo's
Their uniforms are quite overdesgined though
Cute Gorilla Cyclops
Is there romance?
By anime standards, not that much.
I hope it gains some traction and lewd fanarts thanks to the anime.
based Maki will crush you with her upper body strength.
Is the preacher the entity they saw in AB? Then it is.
I wonder if there will be any BLACKED art with Haumea and Charon
Hope they get to kill IT.
Shut up, you stupid gay slav.
Fuck, for some reason she is so hot to me. Wonder what her eye design will be like.
I'd admit there is certain appeal, but she is like worst psycho of them all.
That is probably what makes it even better. Also the side boob.
Yeah, the other girl who joined their team is pretty awful too though. Didn't even blink when they murdered her comrades.
I hated Inca since she was introduced. I hope the dumb cunt gets killed.
Yeah, and this necromancer chick too.
Inca is just retarded but yea that is pretty crazy too.
Shonen-tier. Some villains fall for some good guys which leads to comedic relief.
Is this going to be as garbage as Kimetsu no Yaiba? I like the aesthetics but it looks like it's going to be more shonenshit.
It will be worse but with better aesthetics.
>Is this going to be as garbage as Kimetsu no Yaiba?
Shit taste retard
Fire Force is way better than Demon Slayer
Fire Force has a good character design, but a shitty writing
I really dig the aesthetics in this one. But I don't have high hopes for Studio David.
>using "retard" unironically
Yeah, it's Yea Forums alright. KnY is babby's first shonenshit. Basket imouto has more charm and personality than the protagonist and she is literally retarded. Even if Ufotable did a considerable upgrade in the visual department compared to the source material, it is still a retarded manga with incredibly bad pace and retarded progression that can't decide if it wants to be like all the other shonenshit or be something different (which it fails spectacularly). Astonishingly bad manga, almost offensively so. But I don't usually take recommendations from Yea Forums so I'm good.
FF is for madness.
Demon Slayer has shitty character designs and writing
>using "retard" unironically
>Yeah, it's Yea Forums alright
What kind of logic is this
Are people already trying to create fanbase wars for an upcoming show?
I think it's fair to say that Ufotable did a good job animating it. It definitely looks much better than the manga.
>babby's first shonenshit.
Try not using memes and buzzwords and maybe someone will take you seriously
Is it the same studio that fucked up the Soul Eater adaptation?
Looks like it.
>entire post is defaulting to calling someone "retarded" and accusing of "shit taste"
>not being a Yea Forumsermin
Maybe if the entirety of your post wasn't "Shit taste retard" I would concede. But you're just the type of user who watches this kind of schlock and gets defensive about it. Time to grow up, big guy.
The designs are good
You’re the retard starting console war bullshit, don’t cry when someone shits on you
Fire Force doesn't have anything as good as Rengoku death
>say something bad about X
>retard responds with retarded shit
>explain why X is shit
>retard gets defensive again
How very embarrassing. Just cease your faggotry already.
I believe Soul Eater was done by Bones, Fire Force is under David Pro who did the modern Jojo adaptations. I don't think the Soul Eater Manga was done though during the show's run so they diverged somewhere and did their anime original end.
It’s the other way around though
I cant decide which one is worse. Either the past practice where they started "endless" run show for incomplete series. eventually catch up and have to do original (usually bad) end. Or the newer where endless are pretty much dead, but now they pick something, do one season and never return to finish it all.
>anime named "Fireforce"
>not about Rhodesians slotting floppies
I am disappoint
Is there anything in Fire Force like Asura? Okubo got pretty creative in ways to visualize him and his madness as the series went on.
Funnily enough, Shokugeki no Souma is getting adapted to the end when if there's one series that the canon should go fuck itself it would be that one.
Evil nip church has some good taste in their female uniforms.
That depends entirely on length. If it's 1 cour, it's definitely just covering the rest of the RdC and ending there.
Yes, there is an evil god.
This is the closest thing. So far he hasn't appeared much, but it's going to get pretty crazy when they actually fight him.
Ohkubo portrayal of madness is actually incredible and the only reason I even keep up with this series. He should just hire a good writer because the story sucks balls compared to Soul Eater
How the seven hells is that even possible?! I'm not complaining, I'm just curious.
the "lucky lewd syndrome"
Calm down Juggernaut, you saved her life so she'll be putty in your hands (hand actually).
I hear the story in this series is awful, but between the designs and DP's animation it looks god damn incredible
who's the voice actor for the main guy? He sounds familiar but I can't quite place him
>DP's animation
He's Asta's VA
oh, I'm just hearing things then, cause I've never watched Black Clover
>main characters that fight using fire abilities
>they fight against evil spirits that consume people and turn them into fire
Soooooooo... it's Shakugan No Shana but with a loud shounen boy instead of a loli tsundere?
Looks like mob psyco won't be the best animated show of the year after all
It's better than that overrated piece of shit show KnY.
God even as a shounenfag, the love for it just doesn't make sense
>It's better than that overrated piece of shit show KnY.
No its not.
>That PV
OMG is that a TRIGGER reference, author confirmed for Bros with the most original studio.