Things you just realized

ITT post things that took you a while to notice. I'll start:

I just realized there is only 11 eps because a Ping Pong match is decided by only 11 points.

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I never watched monogatari but I just realized araragi's reflection isn't present in the mirror in the bath scene with bird because he's a vampire.

manga pages with black/grey between the panels instead of white indicates a flashback.

Alucard is actually Dracula spelled backwards

it took me 10 OVAs to realize this

It took me 10 OVAs and pointing it out to realise this.

every sunrise mecha show is just a repackaged 0079

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>How the fuck is berserk gonna end
is a question that plagues me.

I thought it was 11 eps because it was in the noitamina block.

Yea Forums is a board for anime and manga

I am a genius

Yu Gi Oh literally means "King of Games"
Bakemonogatari literally means "Ghostory"
Kakegurui and Shigurui are literally just "bet" (kake) and "death" (shi) + "insanity" (kurui)
Zombieland Saga isn't a saga, but it takes place in a place called Saga
Full Metal Panic: Invisible Victory is the 4th (IV) season of the series
Harukana Receive is titled after the main characters Haruka and Kanata
Miru Tights literally means "Look at Tights"
Toradora literally means "Tiger x Dragon"
Kenshin literally means "Heart of Sword", one of its EDs
K-ON is literally "keion", which translates to "light music"
The ef series contains a number of songs titled with the pattern "e____ f____"
It's called Trigun because the main character wields three different types of guns
UN-GO is literally "angou", i.e. "code"
It's called Berserk because Guts literally goes berserk when Femto fucks Caska in front of him
Gintama literally means "Silver Soul" and Gintoki's hair is silver
Gankutsuou literally means "King of the Cave", i.e. Edmond plotting his revenge while in captivity
Gosick is literally "Gothic"
In Tonari no Seki-kun, "seki" literally means "seat"
Hideaki Anno voiced the MC in The Wind Rises and did an awful job
In Ass Class, Korosensei literally means "unkillable teacher"
Yuri on Ice is actually Yaoi on Ice
The title of Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan elucidates Saiki's disastrous ("sainan") life due to psychic powers
Poputepippiku doesn't translate to Pop Team Epic but in kusoanime land, it does
The guy who wrote Azumanga Daioh is literally named Azuma
Pokemon literally means "Pocket Monster"
Nagisa dies at the end of Clannad, which means family

>Nagisa dies at the end of Clannad, which means family
explain didnt she revive at the end?

You have to die to revive

>watching mirai nikki
>realize yuno is the crazy yandere girl

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but she dies like half-way of the series.
woah user

>reading user's posts
>realize you're off by one

>watching cowboy bebop
>realize the "3 2 1 lets jam" op is from cowboy bebop
>realize spike is the "bang" guy

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wait what

depends on context but yeah this is very common. surprised if you’re being serious

>Harukana Receive is titled after the main characters Haruka and Kanata
Six episodes. Six fucking episodes till that one struck me.

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I just got that holy shit im dumb

It took me some episodes to realize that Chino's full name is supposed to be cappuccino.

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Took me forever to figure out what the yandere kanojo pun was
Yan(kee) dere
Delinquent love

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>Full Metal Panic: Invisible Victory is the 4th (IV) season of the series
>The ef series contains a number of songs titled with the pattern "e____ f____"
>UN-GO is literally "angou", i.e. "code"
>In Tonari no Seki-kun, "seki" literally means "seat"
These are the only ones I never really realized

Bakugo's name means explosion in Japanese

That Mormon Jesus is in fact canon in Jojo.