Jaiminis Q&A


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Other urls found in this thread:


>pay for slack when they could use discord for free
>paying that much for hosting

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Remember, its a hobby, not a job.

Fucking disgusting.

>2300 for raws
>700 for "other stuff"
all lies by the way, they're exaggerating cost to bait pity donation from gullible idiots (r*dditors)

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THIS don't be a fucking idiot. Cost saving is business 101.

Also this

>2.3k on raws per month
Who actually gets fooled by this?

Why do idiot otakushit weebs donate to these literal thieves anyway? If they want to waste money why not learn runes and buy legit?

itt people bitch about jb while simultaneously read their translations on their website.

>2300 for raws

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I honestly have no idea how much raws leakers charge.
Didn't one of the korean leakers go to prison for it?

>2300 dollaroos just for raws

Do they order them with 1-day delivery or i'm missing something?

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I don't even think buying an entire month's worth of releases would cost that much.

lolno, I just dropped all their shit

For those wondering, the cost for raws is high for series leaked before the published date.
wsj is not released until sunday and they get it by Wednesday.

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4 days in advance delivery for Jump. That's still only $50 a week.

>$2300 for raws
Even if they were wiping their asses with manga it wouldn't cost that much.

Literally who

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>$2300 on raws per month
You can't honestly expect people to believe this

early raws leak cost aside,
>700 on other stuff
It's plain impossible unless they're like scanlating 100 ongoing manga on 100 different magazines or something.
that Q&A is full of blatant lies. If you still fall for that... well, natural selection, I guess?

>muh power of friendship
You're not fooling anyone, you fucking jews.

I found an article where old Japanese man was sent to prison for 10 years for leaking magazines to Chinese early.
He got paid ~$500 a month and chinese were paid ~$3000 month by pirate scans site owner form Indonesia.
This was apparently 100+ distinct magazines he'd leak early.

The rest is dumb though, they're probably doing some stupid pricing plan with digital ocean droplets or some shit.

Why do scanlators lie so much?

If this Raw Provider thing is true then he must be laughing his way to the bank every week.

I have to ask, why are they spending so much on Raws? Most of their shit is just sniping official WSJ releases on Manga+ anyway. Are they legitimately too stupid to realize the chinks that supply their early low quality magazine raws are ripping them off and overcharging them because they know they're dealing with retards?

mr raw provider makes as much as a peasant full time job (~30k/year) TAX FREE (because his work is illegal)
Because it's not taxed money, it'd be the equivalent of making $50k/year just buying shit from the store and scanning it.
Holy shit.

You know in Japan, 30k/year is literally a full time respectable office job.

I don't since thankfully I don't read entry level shonenshit for normalfags. It's just fun watching greedy fucks like Jewmini expose themselves as low IQ simps.

In all likelihood mr raw provider is """making bank""" at a pachinko parlor.

that's fine because Jewmini is also dealing with retards (their fanbase who give them money)

>$200 for fucking WSJ
>when it costs 2 fucking dollars and is sold on every other convenience store
Either they are lying ther asses of or are the most gullible retards ever

That must be a lie

>translate the same big three titles two or more groups are translating
>act like you matter

They're paying out the ass for stolen early copies because they have no reason to exist if they're not releasing before the official translations.

>we do it for hobbies! we want to support the industry!
also jewmini
>snipe mangaplus

>$200 for young jump
Lies. They use standard raws for Kaguya, not early leak.
only WSJ leak is believable and what the fuck is "weekly shounen MONDAY"? I've never heard of it before.


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The only stuff on this list that I care about are Neverland and Dr. Stone, which I usually read on Yea Forums whenever they're dumped.
R.I.P. Birdmen though. I heard they were sort of behind on that one anyways.

I think they meant weekly shonen sunday. Either way it's a bullshit price.

>please pay us to pirate
How fucking stupid are these people?

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>Spend $2 on some dumb shit weebs read.
>Spend about an hour scanning it.
>Make $200 profit.

Holy shit why isnt everyone doing this?

post more so I can make a compilation so the user who posts solo leveling chapters and the other user who wants to snipe kaguya with korean TL* can use it for their credit page if they want to

*can this fucking user at least post on Yea Forums for PR because you didn't even bother fixing the grammar

Someone at some point of this chain is lying their ass off (and possibly even multiple people, each one inflating the cost at each step for their cut).


They use the easy to grab Korean raws.

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Too bad they can't pay for good translations. Both their Black Clover and MHA translations are terrible. With some lines so fucked up I feel they used google translate.

Hopefully their bitchfit will make them slowly fade into obscurity, but sadly there are too many idiots who support this kind of scamming.

>The rest is dumb though, they're probably doing some stupid pricing plan with digital ocean droplets or some shit.
Unless they are paying for the 2TB droplet there is no way they'd be spending nearly the ammount they are claiming on hosting

Only the merchant inclined ones do.

People complain about these teams and say they're not needed now Manga+ exists, and there's some truth to that.

However, I'm glad for the scanlation scene, and I always will be. Not just because it's how we've read manga all this time, but because it keeps the official translations (more) honest.

Look at basically any other industry, the official translated products are all """localised""" to hell and back, censorship is the name of the game.

You rarely see that at all in manga, at worst you'll see honorifics left out (some prefer this) and a slightly more sanitised translation. Even terms from the scanlation side become official, "Quirk" in MHA was from FA, other groups had their own take, but theirs was what stuck. Again, keeps them honest.

One day I'll only be able to read official translations, and that'll be a sad day. But hopefully the culture is fully engrained by then.

>only be able to read official translations
I honestly doubt that. So much niche or obscure manga that doesn't even get TL'd in the first place. There's just so much shit out there user that it'd be too difficult to license even half of it

They have active supporters on MD that try to shill JB's site. MD staff keep having to remove links that those people keep trying to post.

A few really annoying shills keep trying to lie and say the groups posting Solo Leveling have bad translations. As pointed out it's JB's translations that sometimes sound like they came from google translate. Either ESLs can't tell how bad those lines are in English or they assume they are correct since they sound awkward.

Manga translations get a fair amount of localization too, most editors would rather butcher the dialogue than adding some footnotes/endnotes.

The official manga publishing scene could be destroyed overnight with sufficient usage of client-side manga aggregators and VPNs.

Slack is better at archiving and indexing a billion messages over the last 10 years. When you vaguely remember a conversation you had with a manager 6 years ago you can find it, even if you don't remember the channel or even which company's workplace the chat happened in. You can't really do that with Discord.
The whole reason Slack displaced self hosted stuff in the first place is how easy it was to collate data relative to one managers BBM group, the nerds irc channel, the salesdudes dick waving sharepoint site.

I hate to say this, but many fan TL translators have a very poor understanding of Japanese. Or even worse, some are very adept at machine translating. Either way what might look like acceptable to even decent TLs on the surface might be very inaccurate to the source material.

They're not a business though.

This is really only the truth for web novels, because the text is already in a form that can be copy-pasted.
For manga, you still get those SEAmonkey TLs where the translator doesn't understand either Japanese or English, but they're incredibly uncommon, despite what Rapeman would have you believe.

Meanwhile, even amongst skilled translators, there are phrases that elude absolutely everybody, like how "[a woman] has good style." Nobody can seem to figure out that it actually means they're sexy and curvy.

>because it keeps the official translations (more) honest.
This is total bullshit. Plenty of scanlators completely butcher the original Japanese, either because they're trying to localise it or just don't know enough Japanese and have to make shit up.

That's no less true for official scans. And many of the best groups are almost autistically thorough with that shit.

Helvicta scans were especially good.

>This is really only the truth for web novels, because the text is already in a form that can be copy-pasted.
You haven't found those Japanese blogs that post all the dialogue of the entire chapter of a manga yet? They exist. I've seen them.

And there are apps that let you pull the text from the image.

I'm just saying slacks' value to a user depends on how decentralized/cross function/cross organization their usecase is. If you're just running a glorified chatroom then yes slack is a total waste of money. If you're using it to herd several different flocks of cats then that's what it was built to do in the first place.

>either because they're trying to localise it or just don't know enough Japanese and have to make shit up
I'm guilty of both and I apologize for nothing.

Funny how the retards who shill for JB suddenly bitch and moan about translation quality when they wouldn't know in the first place if they're already reading fanfic by the scan group. You bet your ass it's been spoonfed to them on their discord circlejerks which they in turn disseminate to MD/reddit, actual useful idiots

>japanese blogs that post all the dialogue of the entire chapter
nope never
do they also do the handwritten parts too?

I'm a regular user of Kanjitomo

Maybe, especially in the lesser groups, it definitely happens.

But they don't remove or change bits of Japanese culture for the sake of their readers comfort. And they don't change or sanitise the story for the sake of appealing to western sensibilities.

Check out the Phoenix Wright games and imagine that logic applied to manga translation. It doesn't happen because people are largely already familiar with the series/world from scanlations.


Most manga translators in scanlation are dirty N3.

They do a summary of the major actions and post at least 80-90% of the spoken dialogue in the chapter. That's how I make my machine translations so fast.


This whole thing reads like them finding excuses to cover up their shit. Just straight out say they want money, everyone knows. They should shut the fuck up otherwise.

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Scanlations are fine for series which aren't going to be getting picked up anyway which is most of what I read or some stuff like Watamote (Yen Press volumes are slow as molasses to come out, far behind and overpriced) or Kenrantaru (because I'd rather have physical tanks than an e-reader, plus the scanlator goes the extra mile with the languages).

But when you're reading normalfag WSJ shit there's no reason to bother with or pay Jewmini Cocks when you can just pay the $2 a month for Mangaplus, get an official translation a couple days later and be satisfied with the possibility that at least some of your money is going back to the creators instead of ESL pirates.

>But they don't remove or change bits of Japanese culture for the sake of their readers comfort. And they don't change or sanitise the story for the sake of appealing to western sensibilities.

Maybe not, but you shouldn't assume that the translator doesn't have their own biases. What if the translator has a waifu in manga and downplays every interaction the main character has with every other girl but her?

Flying to japan right now.

>TL has a waifu in manga
Fucking 5toubun

More like they say they bought it early but in reality buy it from the konbini and pocket the change

Well, even using a screenreader like kanjitomo is probably better for you in the long run.
I find that translations take the least amount of time... it's the rest of the bitch work that takes so long.

When exactly did the scanlation bubble enabled these kinds of groups who think they are "professionals" and should be paid as such? I remmember 16 years ago scanlation was pretty much just a hobby, people helped each other out just for fun, I only faintly recall some hentai scanlators already trying to get comissions.

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hope everyone enjoy the upcoming lawsuits.
Shueisha and Shogakukan are going to be at the forefront of it. the chinese in tokyo have been getting arrested regularly for theft.

Early for WSJ only. for Young Jump and WSM, they definitely by the normal release date version or maybe even the free public rip ones that come out like 6 hours later.

I have a serious question for machine translating anons.

Did anyone ever notice or call you out machine translating? If they did, what excuse did you give to cover it up?

i honestly wouldnt mind these faggot discord circlejerks getting disbanded. i miss when fansubs / scanlations were actually good

sure id have to wait an extra 2 days for one piece's official Viz release, but we'd still get spoilers at the same time. I wouldn't care.

When Patreon made it easier to turn anything into a full time job

Add to that I say more social media plataforms turned everything into a race for internet fame, some scanlators want to be e-celebs as well.

>Depends on what it's meant by "make money".
The IRS would have a field day with these guys.

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I'll never understand wanting attention when what you're trying to get famous for is illegal in a lot of countries.


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Some people want any kind of fame, regardless of the consquences.

Sniped Virgin:
>tries to immaculately translate to the best of his N5 Japanese ability
>one chapter a month
>takes donations
>pays money for raws
>throws hissy fits when other people decide to translate the same manga as him without undergoing an obscure transfer ritual
>creates a discord chat, attempts to spend all of his time maintaining his autistic kingdom instead of translating
MTL Chad:
>Just throws everything into Google Translate, doesn't even speak English or Japanese
>caught up to the raws in one day
>doesn't even know what donations are
>steals raws
>causes hissy fits by poorly translating works claimed by slower translators
>doesn't even know what discord is, just throws their work onto a blog or directly into the aggregator

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>The IRS was completely defeated by the Church of Scientology
>Them and the US Govt was forced to consider them a real church and give them a pile of tax breaks

You Americans overestimate the IRS too much.

irc has these features free of charge for decades

>profit vs revenue is a profound concept

You forgot this in the MTL section.
>Actually tells people to put their stuff on leecher websites, they just don't care.

I recall MangaPanda Scans now, those guys just didn't give a damn about anything, their translations were broken as fuck but they sure didn't have any unwarranted ego.

>Just throws everything into Google Translate, doesn't even speak English or Japanese
My advice from experience is to toss the lines into at least 3 different online translators to have a point of comparison. And of course, you should at least have a decent grasp of English. And you should use an online editing tool like grammarly.

I was wondering how the fuck can someone be "adept" at MTL, this is amazing

>an hour
takes the guy 10 minutes if he has a decent scanner (paid for by these morons).

I don't get it, why can someone openly charge money for illegal work? Surely Patreon must have some kind of regulations they're going against.
And why isn't anyone reporting them to licensing/publishing companies or the IRS?

If you don't know Japanese and can't figure it out with machine translation, just make something up that sound right and say you chose to localize the line.

The majority of people who supports groups like JB and by extension those who MTL novels/games/ect. are ESL's, native ENG speakers with horrible ENG skills(a rising trend), or those who simply support them because they want to fit in.

I swear to god somebody that could coherently write english at a high university level could use google translate and do a better job than half the garbage that gets put out there. Its like the only people that do TLs failed out of junior high.

>claim they would be okay with becoming part of MangaPlus or Shueisha to go legal
>claimed they were leaving MD because the admins wanted to go legal (which was a lie, btw)
What's the logic here?

this may come as a surprise to you, but many people who read manga are in middle school

>wanting to read shit clover

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>55 per week + 40 per week
>equals 2300 per month
They probably haven't updated this in a while but how the fuck do you make a leap like that?

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Using the Church of Scientology as an example is sort of unfair considering the breadth and scope of influence it has. There aren't too many other psudo-religions that could just tell the IRS to essentially "Fuck off" and win.

Loads of waitresses/waiters don't report tips.

They also claimed they were 3k in debt to the yakuz-I mean, their raw provider at some point.

Professional multilingual people usually work for big boys for law-related stuff or diplomacy.
Only leftover failures work as professional translator, especially in otaku media and video games scenes. They hate their job.
And amateur fan translators are even worse because most of them do it for practice or to motivate themselves to actually study the language.

My college English professor said I was eloquent. And so far nobody has called out my machine translations. I guess the lesson is that if it looks good on a surface level most readers won't notice, or if they do they think it was intentional to make it sound better in English.

You might eventually get a nitpicky autist who disagrees with even accurate translations, in which case just say that's not your translation style and politely brush him off as to not draw negative attention to yourself.

>$2300 on magazines A MONTH
>$500 - $700 on hosting A MONTH
This is such fucking bullshit I swear

Read up on the DMCA.
You can violate copyright as much as you want as long as you remove it when asked, and these guys never ask because fuck gaijins.

So you're saying I can go to Japan to live and just scan Japanese magazines all day for $580 a week?
Sign me up, that sounds easy as fuck.
I can scan a week's worth of magazines in a day then spend the rest of my week doing whatever

Fucking this. It's not like in anime where if you have some japanese knowledge you can sense a disconnect between audio and text. As long as the manga sounds good in English 90% of people won't care, and yet most scanlation groups can't even manage that.

No, you would be doing that for like 20 bucks while they keep the rest.

Yakuza controls it.

Anime going mainstream = fat dosh
It's big boy business now. Hobbies are for troglodytes.

It wasn't a lie though. Mangadex does want to go legal. Provided they had billions of dollars to buy the licenses for every manga they're hosting and hire all the scan groups that scanlate those mangas they host

I don’t read their shit because manga+ exists

>if it looks good on a surface level most readers won't notice
As an EOP I'll never know whether a TL is wrong or not, but I will notice glaringly obvious homophone misuse and grammar mistakes. Some of the shit I've read reads like some spic plugged some English words into a Spanish sentence without even trying to make the grammar look remotely acceptable.

Fucking bullshit on Raws.

The average manga magazine in Japan costs less than 3 us dollars.

What if I ask them?

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It was a lie because it was presented as if the staff were in the process of going legal or were planning to do it in the near future when it was more like "if we had a billion dollars and every japanese publisher company were okay with us, we would buy most of he licenses and hire scanlator groups to do what they do legally" which is obviously a retarded and impossible idea.

Fuck off shonenshitter

$2300 per month is 2300 x 12 = $27600 a year.

Fucking bullshit. And these are inferior magazine raws and not high quality tank raws.

Sounds like they are fucking lying.

I wonder how much it costs to just get these three magazines 1 day courier delivered to burgerstan then scanning them themselves or hiring an illegal mexican to?
They'd probably save at least 50%, assuming they were being honest
$30 for the magazine, $50 for overnight delivery, $20 for spic scanner

It's $3 + a $2297 tip to the yakuza.

The best way to get caught mistranslating or machine translating is if your translation contradicts something shown in a panel. Kind of a scary thought that someone might mistranslate a series of things just to hide their initial mistranslation. As long as it seems to match the pictures then EOPs will never know.

Jaimini bribes either Koreans or some magazine shop owners in Japan to get copies that 'fall off a truck.'

It's all about the time. Shipping is too slow. So you need someone with early access to magazines who can pilfer some and then have someone there who will scan them properly and send you raw files.

Just pay the 50 bucks to some desperate nip and have him buy the magazines and scan them for you.

Story of guy who did same thing at his job in CD factory and leaked loads of big albums early.

For $2300 a month, they could have the best Japanese translator in the world, you know the kind who translates Haruki Murakami novels.

Well fuck them for trying to go legal and not letting me link to my malware infested bitcoin mining website. How dare they have the audacity to dream of doing legal when they'll stop at nothing to prevent me from shilling my patreon account. Fuck MD.

If I was Japanese IRS agent, I would love to raid this Raw Provider's House.

seriously? yeah this is stupid.

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The funny part is that they weren't really stopping them from doing that, they even extended the upload delay from a maximum of one week to two weeks just because JB demanded it.
They did what they did either to fuck over MD and replace it with their website completely or out of spite towards the "toxic" readers who called them out on their faggotry.

When Chinks and Gooks arrived to the scene.

In the early 2000s, manga scanlators were still primarily American not from Asia.

Is there a point to JB anymore? Even if you ignore the shitty incomprehensible translations, their scan quality is garbage and ruins the art. Just read WSJ shit on Viz.

I think they did have some sort of rules in regards to linking to their websites with overabundance of ads or directly linking to their patreon account. But yeah for the most part, they were really cooperative with scanlators but you know, if there's at least one person who's willing to wait those 2 weeks that's money lost. And JewBox can't have that.

Their story is full of holes.

If anything, shouldn't the Raw Provider be worried about JB ratting him or her out to the Japanese IRS?

Their excuse makes it sound like this Raw Provider is the actual leader of the group and JB are his slave bitches.

I'd rather read half-baked translation than viz's localization.

This explains being shit at japanese, but not being shit at english, which I guess is just the american education system.

JB is actually a yakuza money laundering operation.

>2k per month
Niggah I made that money in two weeks working as interpreter for some company and I haven't even finished college yet.
Just get a real job as a translator if doing this shit really costs this much (which obviously doesn't).



Maybe just don't read shounenshit. Oh wait you can't do that since then you can't keep up with your pals on reddit and discord.

That's besides the point.

Spoken like a true chink/gook WN "translator" with his own wordpress blog+Patreon

Well yeah, it is common sense the best Japanese translators translate stuff like medical textbooks, legal documents, and technical manuals.

No one argue about that. I wonder how much a United Nations translator makes though.