Is JoJo literally unreadable without color? Even with the HD scans, I still don't know what the fuck is going on

Is JoJo literally unreadable without color? Even with the HD scans, I still don't know what the fuck is going on

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Araki's paneling is a mess unfortunately

It used to be all there was, newfag.
Are you being serious right now?

yes OP

tl; dr

The scan quality is less than ideal but I've really never had much of an issue following what was going on. I feel like this complain is from people who barely read any manga and only really watch anime. If you're reading scans that small though I could imagine there being some issues.

If you're not already used to the low quality scans of the mid 2000s you really don't belong here. That's nothing.

Part 5 is just a fucking pain in B&W because it's all fights, some of which are extremely difficult to process without the motion of animation or at the very least color. I remember Grateful Dead being especially bad when I first read it.

ive been having a similar problem with a few part 8 fights. i had to read the vitamin c fight twice to follow everything

> literally unreadable
Yes. Its not even worth keeping up if I don't know what's going on.

The other parts are mostly fine in black and white, but 5 is really hard to follow for some reason

I definitely agree. I think the anime also did great justice to the part. There's going to be tons of fans who think part 5 is the best.

Believe me, its better if you don't get whats going on. Since Araki makes really shitty fights from part 5 onwards.

Is part 5 the hardest to read in BW?

Fuck off dude. Sports Max and Planet Waves are great fights.

Its the only part where I genuinely found hard to figure out what was going on at times, never had any problem with the other parts

SBR was pretty messy too, the complex character models combined with the crazy battles made it really hard to follow, especially during the D4C introduction and Tusk Act 4 vs The World

Unreadable? I dunno, although a lot of fights are a fucking mess in B/W.
Color dramatically improves the series. It's amazing how much more I enjoyed Part 1 when I re-read it in color, and like everyone says, Part 5 is a hell of a lot clearer in color.

>just lower your standards bro

In shitty scans like the one you posted, yes, and that's part of the reason why part 5 was hated before the anime, as well as the poor translations.
If you're having trouble reading HD scans, then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe read slower.

read the colored scans or watch the anime.

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It’s the difference between physical and digital. Physical copies are pretty easy to follow, but Araki’s style doesn’t lend itself to being read from a screen very well.

Yeah he can't direct your eyes for shit. The position of the panels is just wrong half the time.

The problem with the scans you posted is that there's no way to distinguish the blacks since it's all a really dark shade. Normally if you were reading this physically, the dark parts like Sticky Finger's head would have varying gradients of black, which would make it less overpowering.

Araki is one of those artists whose stuff just doesn’t translate to digital very well. Some manga look perfectly fine on a screen and some don’t, JoJo is the latter. Something about Araki’s composition just doesn’t work on screen, it’s composed to look good in print and nothing else. Kind of a shame though since the English physical releases are only just now starting Diamond is Unbreakable, so most of the series is still only available digitally (and via fan translations).

It's just the quality of the scans like said. I've seen a comparison before and the difference is really noticeable. I wish I had the image. But like that user was saying, the dark shades aren't as distinguishable as they should be in the scans we have. I don't know if the Jojolion scans are like this since they might come from an official digital scan instead of fans scanning things themselves.

This. Araki is shit at directing the eye.

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So what would a fight with Diavolo, Dio, Bites the dust, Heaven Pucci, and Ringo roadagain look like?
>Dio stops time
>Ringo rewinds the time that dio stopped
>diavolo erases the time he reminded + 4 seconds
>Kira sends them all back an hour
>Dio stops time, but time is faster now, so he didn't stop as much
>Ringo rewinds time, but now his six seconds are almost instantaneous
>Diavolo sees 10 seconds into the future, and skips that time to keep himself alive
>but he didn't see Dio's stopped time in that time
>bites the dust activates again, but the hour they got sent back felt like 50 seconds
>gay priest boy finally shows up to the actual fight while king crimson was skipping time
>at this point only his powers matter, slaughter them all
>bites the dust again, undoing heaven for pucci or something

Great scans dude

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Araki is a hack

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What was he thinking???

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He can't draw for shit

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Dio would most likely win, no amount of time manipulation can prevent dio from stopping time. He basically has free reign over the playing field.
>diavolo can predict the time stop but is ultimately powerless to it
>kira just gets killed before he actually can do anything meaningful
>Ringo would be at the mercy of the time stop too
The only threat is Pucci because he's overpowered compared to everyone else here. However, Jotaro almost beat Pucci with his gimped timestop. Full power Dio with even more timestop and no Jolyne to hold him back would most probably destroy Pucci.

I don't necessarily think Dio is the strongest out of all of them, but he definitely counters all of them.

Part 5 with the old scans and translations was almost incomprehensible at times and not in a funny way like part 4 was.

>He doesn't buy the manga

>this thread
Yea Forums is officially dead

>reads pirated, poorly scanned old manga on a screen
>complaints it's hard to hard

Jojolion is easy as hell to read.

>Araki can't compos-

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>reading jojo
just watch the anime bro


this but unironically, only stardust crusaders is better manga wise
phantom blood and battle tendency are well directed, have a great OST and VAs, no retarded wonky manga art. diamond is unbreakable fixes retarded storytelling choices of the manga, makes shitty arcs serviceable thanks to good direction and gives kira a charismatic VA to offset the utter retardation of his character. golden wind adds more detail and offers better pacing

>dude black and white sucks
>here read these gaudy fan colors, they're so much better
Does any other manga get treated like this?

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Part 5 is pretty unreadable without color, but each part improves a little bit

Garbage post, Parts 1-2 are ugly as shit as you can see in the OP image. Gone is the Gothic charm of Phantom Blood, replaced with hideous neon anime colors and soulless digital shit. Johnthan's development is butchered, rendering him a one-dimensional gentleman.

>diamond is unbreakable fixes retarded storytelling choices of the manga

Smashing together arcs because DP was overworked and needed to rush the pacing isn't fixing anything.

>makes shitty arcs serviceable thanks to good direction

Apart from the quality the directing was the absolute worst part of the DiU anime. Arcs I enjoyed in the manga were a slog in the anime. And while it's little Araki's artstyle during DiU added a lot to the atmosphere of the part, whereas DP once again waters it down to something more generic.

You're right that Part 5 is better though and DP has always been great with the OST, but Roundabout isn't enough to redeem the early anime.

>the way blood is handled in the colored scans
Genuinely awful

>Garbage post, Parts 1-2 are ugly as shit as you can see in the OP image
Turns out I'm a dumbass and was thinking of this thread

But my point still stands. Hideous.