Is there a bigger Mary Sue in all of shonen?

Is there a bigger Mary Sue in all of shonen?

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Sakura fags are mentally ill


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Why does NOBODY apply "Marry Sue" correctly?

You guys as well

Fuck off Sakura faggot. She Cute, She Won. Pink Lost, Get over it.

Someone explain to me the appeal of Hinata without making a comparison to Sakura.

>mary sue
She barely does anything the entire series. How is she a mary sue?

Legitimately worst girls in all of battle shounen.

Nobody does eventually. Over time, insults become so diluted due to over-misuse new words have to take their place. "Incel" is just updated version of "Virgin". "NPC" is just an updated version of "Sheep"; etc. etc.

Big titty waifu-material that exhibits genuine romantic-loyalty.

Tig ol' bitties and more importantly unconditional love.

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How are they marry sues?

OP has a point. Go rewatch The Last.

Orihime >>>>>>>>>>>> Hinata

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Based Kubo isn't afraid to draw a proper milf.

Fuck off with your spamming, Narutard

Rent. Free.

They're not. OP is just buttmad their ships lost.

>titties get nerfed
>rest of the body is now a refrigerator
Hinata confirmed for awful

>a character arc of developing and overcoming depression,social anxiety and self confidence issues because of clan treatment,which also related to protagonist on him overcoming his insecurities.
>mary sue


god I hate this worthless cow slut
what a boring ass character and being super timid did literally nothing for her


If you've only read/watched 3 shonen series, then sure

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Breast reduction,because they were too big.

She doesn't even fit the physical aspect of a Mary Sue. Like Erza, we all know the 'because she's Erza' meme, but Hinata? Her best feat was pushing the Ten Tail's front leg with an air palm while amped by Kyubi Chakra. It's not that detached from Lee kicking Madara in half with the same buff

>being super timid
What manga did you read? Orihime isnt timid

I've never watched Naruto, but
>big tits
>weird cute eyes
>purple hair
7/10 based on appearance alone

I know. It was a rhetorical question

>is one of the only 3 people who cared of Nardo from the start.
>was too kind to seriously attack anyone so loses to her sisterin the heir match. Hiashi see this as lack of resolve and disowns her.
>bullying,disowning,bieng unable to keep upto clan expectations,lack of love and family triggers social anxiety,crippling depression,confidence issues and a high level inferiority complex.

>see nardo who is the same but desperately tries to overcome it.
>gets inspired and wanted to change herself so attends exams.
>Development in vs Neji
>a lot of stuff happen(blood oath,proud failure speech,hebi arc stuff,pain arc stuff,and Nejis death provides further development)
>changes finally overcoming her issues.
>the last movie questions her beliefs and if her love is above everything.(static character arc)
>picks hanabi over Narurto(saying no to it,very important since Hanabi is the source for her to have anxiety)
>later beats hanabi in a fight showing that she have finally overcome it all

Stop this before I destroy Sakura for you faggots.

Those are some obscene milkers

check the filename and proceed to dilate

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And that's her in late 30's.

Shrinking Violets aren't the definition of Mary Sue characters. Mary Sue characters are perfect in every way absolutely possible, usually as an author insert,, Hinata wrestles with her insecurities all the time and is far less talented then her own slave house cousin.

You're talking about Shrinking Violets in her case mostly. An exaggerated shy person who gets attention solely for that singular adorable purpose to the point where the trait gets flanderized over time and becomes the one recognisable thing about the character.

Sasuke is the more definable Mary Sue (or Gary Stu) character since he gets given everything in the plot on a plate for himself time after time after time, is clearly Kishimoto's inserted character with absolute priority and is usually considered the best at everything and tolerated for everything he ever does to an egregious point.

Sasuke is probably the most depressed characters in shonen. He was suffering for eternity.

how the fuck is Eri a mary sue?

she used to have a personality

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She did become retarded powerful in the last though,She restored all of Naeuros chakra(which toneri absorbed) within seconds,a feat that took Sakura 3 days to do exhausting her byakugou completely. Not to mention the Hamura amp and the 20Km vision(24 times stronger than shippuden Neji,and that was before the amp).

But that doesn't mean she is a mary sue if she has character development and internal conflicts.

Eh, almost the entire main cast of One Piece had a worse upbringing, save Zoro and Luffy. Hiei was fucking chucked off a mountain the day he was born and was trained as a killer by a bunch of marauding demon bandits but even he turned out alright. Sasuke was just a giant pussy.

Which makes her perfect for Ichigo since he is a dumb non-character in his own series.

Hinata is so cute

She’s kind, understanding of others, brave, and has massive willpower deep down. The reason she loves her crush is because he inspires her, not because he’s strong but because he’s weak but proud nonetheless. What’s not to love?

>get Naruto off my back so I can be with Sasuke

Filler Hinata was good, but she was just filler

She has more of a personality than ever in Boruto, the fuck are you on about?

>entire family and loved ones killed by your admired brother out of nowhere right after your graduation and left to live in solitude for eternity,cursing your own lack of powers,training everyday to kill him out of revenge.

Yeah,no I think he suffered the most.

She overcame her insecurities.

>IMMEDIATELY brings up Sakura in the first fucking post.

You Hinatafags cannot get her off your minds.


Go cry over your self-insert,

Ichigo is the anti self insert MC. Cope

Get the fuck out of Yea Forums, you underaged Narutard.

>She has more of a personality than ever in Boruto

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Pinkshits hate Hinata the most user,it should be pretty obvious.

Obligatory when people ask "How is Hinata a Mary Sue?" when faced with the truth.

>Special eyes from a special clan.
>Named the most prettiest girl in the setting.
>Given a quick power up to theoretically be on par with Naruto and Sasuke.
>Could always beat her little sister, but just didn't have the heart to.
>Gets whored out in filler.
>Have to knock down other characters to look better.
>The entire end of Shippuden was about her wedding and all the characters kowtowing her and how goddamn LUCKY Naruto was to be marrying HER.
>Called the "Byakugan Princess" to solidify how elegant and "best girl" she is.

>entire family and loved ones killed by your admired brother out of nowhere

Absolute small time suffering. Brooks spent like several decades wallowing among the corpses of everyone he loved alone in the middle of fucking nowhere. Sasuke at the very least had the entire village girl population eager to suck his dick with an endless amount of people he could talk to about his issues. I don't even want to get into what Robin had to live through, running from place to place with the world trying to kill her.
To say Sasuke has suffered worse than anyone else is shonen is just asinine, off yourself Narutard. I aint even saying the fags over in One Piece are the top suffering contenders either.

She honestly should have died in the Pain arc and Sakura should have married Naruto

>Special eyes from a special clan.
Laughs in Uchiha


But all of them found happiness in strawhats,Sasuke is still suffering trying to redeem himself.

i did NOT give you permission to quote my post.

>Replying to your own shitty Pro-Hinata post to "own" the Sakurafag boogeyman.

Sorry, no one was threatened.

Abusive shit character that punched Naruto to release her pent up stress,marrying Hinata completely shows how he matured over the story jumping to a better taste from an abusive relationship.

That Hamura shit was definitely fit the category of Mary Sue. At least Naruto and Sasuke were worked to where they are.

>"Here is some stupidly powerful chakra, Miss Female Character who barely appeared and lost every fight that everyone in the studio waifus!"

>But that doesn't mean she is a mary sue
Yes, it does.

Natafriends don't need permission to quote eachother.

>Given a quick power up to theoretically be on par with Naruto and Sasuke.
The fuck?
>Called the "Byakugan Princess"
Because she was literally the princess of the clan, idiot.

Sakura is a character.

Hinata is an idol to be waifu'd. A glorified keychain.

Is Hanabi a princess, too? I never seen her called that.

It's textbook waifuism. Might as well call Sasuke the Sharingan Prince.

>Abusive shit character that punched Naruto to release her pent up stress

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I want to bury my face in HInata fishnets and huff her crotch.

Haven't seen Naruto but I'm still posting this ugly thing
>Strongest girl in her class
>Powers out of the ass
>Everyone loves her
>No actual flaws (apparently the cold is one but this has never been shown affecting her in any meaningful way in the entire series)
>No emotional conflict between herself or any other characters
>Only time she lost was against another Mary Sue and it could barely be called a fight

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Mary sue definition,
(originally in fan fiction) a type of female character who is depicted as unrealistically lacking in flaws or weaknesses.

>lacking in flaws or weaknesses.

You have really good reading comprehension user. It's actually embarrassing user.

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No, you don't understand, user. That character doesn't count, just like Tsunade, because Sakura sucks!

>Might as well call Sasuke the Sharingan Prince.
Yeah technically he is

You know there are different categories of Mary Sues, right? Its not just a straight line. It's not all about being flawless.

>unironically defending the shit stain that is Ichigo
The absolute state of your smooth brain

Well, they never call him that in the series.

>Only time she lost was against another Mary Sue and it could barely be called a fight
When? Who?


>implying canon Kushina ever punched Minato.

Neck yourselves.

She punched her son.

Hitting your children to grow up is how actual mothers are user,Hinata and Temari actually does that.

It's not an abusive relationship is it though?

Excuses I see. I know if Sakura hit Sarada all of you would be calling her an abuser and how she should lose custody.

Boruto wouldn't be such a bitch if Hinata hit him

With the way Sarada dresses she needs a good beating


If Sarada was being a dumb bitch then by all means hit her, but despite her origins, she hasn't been.

Yeah, you guys say that now.

>Boruto is scared of Hinata,
It's shown multiple times through the series,How the fuck is Boruto a bitch?Naruto is clearly at fault for not visiting Boruto often(he even admits it).

You think out of all fags out there,we hinafags don't understand compassion? Anti's surely would do that though.

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>You think out of all fags out there,we hinafags don't understand compassion?
No, since I don't see it the moment Sakura is mentioned or Hinata gets criticized (no matter how harmless it is).

I didn't read a single boruto chapter
Can I quick summary of the story?

Trash Garbage

>jobbed to neji
>jobbed to pain
Retard. See

It's the anti-sakura fags. We don't actually hate Sakura unless they attack Hinata,Pro-hina posts barely mentions Sakura at all.
2 days ago we had a post only with 9 mentions of Sakura out of 500.

>Movei recap.
>Boruto gets this seal from killing Momoshiki on his hand called "Karma", that can increase his strength and absorb jutsus.
>Boruto saves the Damiyo's son from an obese cannibal who can steal people's appearance by eating them.
>Now evil organization called "Kara" is introduced.
>A blimp crashes carrying Kara's "Vessel".
Kara sends Ao, he survived the Tailed-Beast Bomb back in the war and is now a cyborg, to retrieve the Vessel.
>Boruto and the gang investigate the crash.
>They fight Ao, Boruto beats him.
>A member of Kara appears called "Kashin Koji" who shares similarities to Jiraiya shows up, kills Ao, schools everyone, and leaves after seeing Boruto's Karma in action.
>Boruto and the gang find the Vessel aka Kawaki.
>Another Kara member referred to as "Delta", a woman who is some kind of machine, goes to retrieve Kawaki.
>She sends minion called "Garo", whom Kawaki fights and kills.
>Kawaki has Karma, too.
>They bring him to the village, Naruto basically adopts him to keep him under surveillance.
>Kashin Koji and Delta enters the village to get Kawaki. Delta fights Naruto, Naruto defeats her.
>Sasuke goes to another dimension to investigate something Kara-related, he watches their leader, "Jigen" (who is very likely to an alien), take chakra from his own version of the Ten-Tails.
>Boruto and friends go to Sakura and Tsunade to figure out Karma,because it's similar to the seals on their foreheads.

That's it.

Bland trophy wife with no character.

How long will pinkshitters seethe?

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I don't know. How long will Hinatafags seethe from Sakura's existence?

till the heat death of the Universe

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Reminder that chapter 699/700, The Last and Boruto are not canon.

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Pinkshitters seethe from Sakura's existence the most user.

Laughing at you isn't the same as seething PSF.

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Reminder that Chapter 469 IS canon.
I shouldn't have to post the image. YOU know what it is.

Unironically this, I was fine when her power was 3 defense fairies. Fuck when she got god powers to literally reverse death and maiming.

>reminds me of the anal devastation.

Such fun memories user

I know and that's why I say all of you always seethe from Sakura's existence.

What I don't understand is why Sakurafags wanted her to get with Naruto when that isn't what their precious "queen" wanted.

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Losers are still seething, I see.

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>why Sakurafags
Majority of Sakurafags are SSfags. Majority did not want her with Naruto at all.

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Cringe and bluepilled,Hinata deserved better.

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Gross Id prefer if they were just friends with benefits Naruto fucking her behind Hinata's back.

>I was fine when her power was 3 defense fairies
She had the healing fairies from the beginning. And there are things her powers can't affect

He asked for a summary, not your shitty opinion user.

You mean real Naruto fans rightfully criticizing Kishi for ruining his own series.

The worst "characters" in their respective series. They are certainly winners in that department.

>And Hinasasu behind Naruto's back.
Based poster.

>Kishi for ruining his own series.
That happened when Pain revived the leaf village

It's been years, YEARS I SAY, and Yea Forums still hasn't learned what a mary sue is. What's next? You fuckers going to tell me you still don't know what counts as edgy, hunh?

>The worst "characters" in their respective series
Imagine actually believing Hinata and Orihime are the worst characters in their respective series. Imagine being that delusional.

>forever seething

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They are. Everyone besides their fags know it.

There aren't. Other than the original author's pet self insert definition, and the modern flawless stupidly OP that immediately renders other characters redundant (Rey from SW, Movie LoTR Legolas etc), most other "definitions" are just rationalized whining about characters archetypes internet hacks have a personal distaste for.

Mary Sue Then: Badly written character who is flawless and as a result boring
Mary Sue Now: Female character I don't like.

Worst bleach character is icefag

Please explain how any character in Nardo is worse than fucking Karin

When did she ever wear that look? She looks absolutely better than anything Hinata related I've ever seen with that slender build and haircut, she's usually with ugly big clothes and too bulky for my tastes but that's maybe because the picture is cropped. Either that or it's filler before Shippuden.

Boruto is Hinata's Infinite Tsukuyomi dream. She's got very vivid imagination, I must say.

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>Mary Sue
She lost every canon fight she was involved in, Neji even had to die for her because Kishimoto couldn't come up with a non-contrived way to add drama and up the stakes at the end.

why is Neji dead than?

No? Under what delusional bases could a series with Tobito, Sakura ans Karin in it have Hinata as the worst character? And have you actually read Bleach? Orihime is actually one of the few characters even among the main cast that received at least a modicum of fleshing out.

That's from the baruto anime

Obitobi is based, lad.

She doesnt heal she literally erases the existence of your injuries thats why Grimm got his number back.

Reminder that normalfags still think Ryuko is edgy.

Well, he did try to kill her once.

>dead fish eyes
>creepy stalker
>no character arc
>other characters like Tsunade have bigger boobs
>Sakura has a nicer ass
>responsible for Neji's death
>terrible mother
Why do people like Hinata again?

>a literally side character that didn't affect the bigger plot at hand
>worst character
This doesn't even make sense. Just say you're an assblasted shipper.

She had those episodes where she turned into an edgelord.


What the fuck then, she finally looks like a cute teenager while Sakura became too old and ugly and un cute.
If Hinata had looked like this though Shippuden it would have been more appropriate and I would have been a Hinatafag

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She was created to be idolized. Shallow waifu-bait at its finest. That's why her only character trait is having a crush on the character people self-insert as.

I love Obitobi

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>her only character trait is having a crush
Wrong, speedreader

They look the same.

How are blind people typing on Yea Forums?

That jacket is good at hiding her power level.

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2-3 episodes out of 24.
And it was due to an existential crisis.
AND it was during the last 3rd of the show, so no first impressions bullshit.

she had the perfect milf look then they ruined her with the ugly tomboy clothes and short hair

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>other characters like Tsunade have bigger boobs
Other than that, everything you listed was blatantly wrong.

best girl

That's what happens when you let a pedophile take over the series.

Everything listed was right.

the pedo has her in a different outfit though. isn't the tomboy the work of the studio?

Obito's retardation was sporadically fun, but he was a fucking mess of a character with the dumbest motivation in the entire series.

Let me put it another way she hacks into reality and goes "LOL this never happened :)" and your injuries are gone as they never even happened. Aizen uses this hax to activate the Plotyoku ahead of schedule.

Gotta desexualize the main character's mom for the kiddies you know?

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Obito just wanted to make his waifu real

That's not Aizen aka the faggot who ruined the series.

>Aizen uses this hax to activate the Plotyoku ahead of schedule.
That's not what happened. Aizen activated it himself with his reiatsu

>REE she's too strong
>REE she's too weak
Make up your mind, faggot. What do you want? Also, how the fuck did you manage to be so illiterate as to miss what her character arc was about? This alone qualifies you as borderline retarded.

user are you really trying to question a psf?

>daddy issues

>Anyone who criticizes Hinata is one person.

Get a load of these faggots.

>a psf

>Named the most prettiest girl in the setting
They always shoved pinkshit as the prettiest

>friendly reminder naruto grew out of his childish crush
>sakura never did

>hinata gets fucked at least once daily
>sakura is a virgin and had to have orochimaru artificially inseminate her to get pregnant.

Attached: hinata.png (1920x1078, 2.21M)

Its Karins daughter that Sakura takes care of.

Nice, user.

>Sakuraposters nowhere to be found
Sleep tight monkeys, you're in for another hard day of work in the favelas tomorrow ;)

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The fact that the supposed criticisms are all over the place already shows they're pretty trivial, specially since there are many things about the way Kishi handled her character that you actually bitch about reasonably. Also, Pinkshit does samefag and flood a lot. Like, he has literal sperg-outs about a single Suckura joke.

lolno, Naruto's too busy with paperwork to fuck his wife.

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Shadow Clones baby.

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>make Hinata more attractive in original
>make Sakura more attractive in spin off
What did they mean by this

Sasuke is genetically predisposed to be an angsty edgelord for the rest of his life.

Can a shadow clone get her pregnant?

Just think after fucking her once they poof Naruto in the office starts moaning and jizzing like crazy.

Yes, but if you kick her in the belly or if the child ever gets struck, it will disappear in a puff of smoke.

Sakura is suck a fucking cunt, I'm glad she got fucked over so much later in the series. Hinata was bland and Naruto was the usual plot armor protag, but I'm glad they got happy endings while Sakura got some shit thrown her way for all her bullshit.

They both look like shite in the spinoff. And have you seen the manga? Hinata looks like a completely unrelated Hyuuga, and Sakura looks like Ms. Potatohead making a derpy face.

>We are a collective and powerfull.
>more than 3 people like sakura.

Guess what faggot,95% of Narutards loathe pinkshit and that's not only in Yea Forums it's worldwide,a very few selected tumblr landwhales who has nothing to do with their lives are pinkshitfagging to make her relavant.

if Marry Sue means oppai then yes.


Strange, I don't see the load of venomous hate outside of here. You seem to be to accustomed to this place. There is a reason why Sakura has the most popularity and fan contributions out of every female character, unless you think all of that is artificially manufactured. Her haters seem to be more selected, but are super loud.

A sweetheart like Hina will never keep a grudge.

Go to youtube and try to watch a Naruto video with Sakura included,everybody calls her useless to the point that it's generalized that if you bring useless Sakura pops up to your mind first.

Most people who discuss the series concedes Sakura is a terrible character and operate under that assumption. She doesn't get bashed as much because this is Yea Forums, newfag, everyone's waifu gets insulted here.

It's a pretty general thought to think Sakura is a bad character. Almost every person aside of tumblr and reddit agrees with it.

Well in the anime she did smack around Obito and it didn't help, but he is a Uchiha and they're born with massive autism so I guess I can't blame her.

>Youtube comments.
Those are known trashfires. Also, there are plenty of people who like Sakura. You are probably looking at the explicit hate videos.

>Most people who discuss the series concedes Sakura is a terrible character and operate under that assumption.
You might as well say that about every character and the series itself if you want to talk about public criticism.

Still makes you wonder about how popular she is in reality and how much fanfare she gets. There is a dissonance here.

Why the fuck did they make have the body of Brie Larson?

The paradoxical thing is that outside of here (and tumblr) when people discuss the series at length Hinata and Sakura almost never pop up, because outside of very specific moments they're both pretty inconsequential in the overall plot.

Sakura is cute

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>in reality
Not much. Outside ir obsessed tumblr whales and waifuniggers like you, nobody would argue a character that struggled to make top 10 in several popularity polls and was constantly behind Gaara and Iruka is considered specially popular.

You're obsessed with Tumblr. Buddy, Sakura fans don't only exist there.

As far as being a female character is concerned, Sakura is the highest in popularity out of all of them.

>nobody would argue a character that struggled to make top 10 in several popularity polls and was constantly behind Gaara and Iruka is considered specially popular.
Well duh. The guys always overshadowed the girls in this series, but that doesn't mean Sakura wasn't/isn't popular. In terms of female character, Sakura is the most popular.

big tits
yamato nadeshiko
moon princess
shy, kind and brave

>You might as well day that about every character and the series itself
No. Even within a bad story (and I would argue Naruto only got actually bad post pain arc and specially around the war arc) people can recognize good characters and characters that are even shittier than the story's norm, like Sakura and Karin.

I wish I was her in this pic

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She is really hated to the point Kishimoto admittedly said that he regret writing her.

And there are a lot of reasons to hate her,Kishi wrote her to be hated.

>and I would argue Naruto only got actually bad post pain arc and specially around the war arc
Naruto went to shit way before that.

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How is she a Mary Sue when she gets destroyed by a child?

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She is still the most popular female character, user. That is a fact.

Also, Kisimoto regretted how he written her, not how you're insinuating about him regretting creating her in the first place.

Madara doesn't approve,bad dreams for you this night.

The Zabuza arc was the peak, unironically

>came across a Madara fugging a loli Sakura fan art

The art was nice.

>She is really hated to the point Kishimoto admittedly said that he regret writing her.
And Kishimoto obviously had no idea what he was talking about since she's still the only female character to get constant fan content despite Naruto officially ending 5 years ago. That doesn't happen with characters that aren't popular, it doesn't work that way. Even with trying to strip her of her heroine title, no one except the obsessed anons on here took it seriously because it's bullshit.

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Yes,with potential she could have been a likeable character,but kishi wanted to make her hated and wrote her that way.

Kishi should've had done a better a job, it's almost like he subconsciously wrote her to be more dislikeable knowing fully well the hate she was getting.

>you're obsessed with tumblr
No. Quite simply put, a nothing character like Sakura is only generally more liked than ignored or hated in a place like that, since it's where the ugly girls and perennial teenagers who want to fuck Sasuke by proxy gather. But that's specifically the type of audience she was tailored for. You'll also pop a blood vessel denying it and saying that's not the case, but the evidence points out at Hinata being just about as popular as Sakura but with much less haters, but she is too overall not that popular.

N-no please, I want to dream about him tonight!

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Kishi saw feedback and acted accordingly,like I said a small part of internet that are obsessed sith Sakura keeps posting about how they like her everywhere hence she might seem popular to you(especially you, selectively following that content) when in reality she id one of the most hated characters in Naruto and anime.

The fact a sideline female like Hinata(who has barely the screentime sakura did) came atop Sakura in the last poll,must tell you some things about Sakura's general popularity. And I think Naruhina Doujin are more popular than anything in the Fandom.

Instagram is where the most Sakura hate can be found. Sakurafags and those who cosplay as her get daily death threats.

Then again it shouldn't be all suprising since it's nothing but preteens in there.

>fan content
So does Hinata. In fact, she's the female character you see more often first when a new figure series or official merchandise is being sold, which in turn means there's a demand. And before you bitch about waifufag nerds obsessing over her, you have to realize those are the direct equivalent of the shipping obsessed Sasusaku fangilrl samefagging her "fan content".

>And I think Naruhina Doujin are more popular than anything in the Fandom.
Sasusaku has always been the most popular hetero pairing. You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

>,like I said a small part of internet that are obsessed sith Sakura keeps posting about how they like her everywhere hence she might seem popular to you(especially you, selectively following that content) when in reality she id one of the most hated characters in Naruto and anime.
I follow mostly nips. I don't care much for the West.


Huh? I was always under the impression it was Rukia.

In all of Shounen? Plenty.
>Mutou Yuugi/Atemu, King of "Bending Morality of Universe to Suit My Current Emotions"
>The Whole Cast of Fairy Tail
>Higurashi Kagome, Queen of "I'm Always Right"
>The Whole Cast of Baka To Test Shoukanjuu
To name but a few. I don't like Hinata either, but she doesn't exactly warp the morals of the universe that she's in to bend to her current course of action. In fact, I don't think Kishimoto does that for anyone ... unless they're center stage. I mean, when Naruto was the protagonist, his actions were hailed as "heroic". Now that he's essentially an ideological antagonist to Boruto, suddenly his actions are suddenly "old-fashioned". I think Kishimoto really just doesn't like parent figures by default.


>I was always under the impression it was Rukia.
Rukia was the deuteragonist. Basically what Sasuke was in Naruto.

Why is Madara x Sakura a thing?

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Sakura doesn't care, she needs to satisfy her Uchihalust somewhere

>So does Hinata.
She hardly gets solo fanart these days. Her popularity peaked when NH became canon.

>she's the female character you see more often first when a new figure series or official merchandise is being sol
Nope. In fact, some Naruto plushies were just announced, and Sakura was the first female character announced in the line. As for figures, Hinata has more one than Sakura and the Sakura nendo was announced before her.

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I'm more of a Sakura/Kakashi fan myself.

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>Sasusaku was the most popular hetro pairing?where?
As far as I know they are the 2 most hated characters in the series.

Nips love Yamato Nadeshko's, and they were the same people who said they hate Sakura that Kishi was forced to make her look good in the manga. Nip ytubers like eilene have Hinata as their top waifu of all time(sadly the ebola chan meme took away their monetisation).

Patrician taste.

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Uchihas OUT!

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>As far as I know they are the 2 most hated characters in the series.
Sasuke ALWAYS ranked high in the popularity polls, literally what the fuck are you on to think Sasuke is hated by the majority?

>Nips love Yamato Nadeshko's
That's not the only kind of tropes they love though. Some of the most popular waifus of all time don't fit into this trope.

>literally what the fuck are you on to think Sasuke is hated by the majority?
user is probably basing it off on that animelist top hated characters with Sakura coming at #2 and Sasuke at #3.

Only second to might tucker the child rapist.

Imagine being so delusional that you think Sakura is second to a man that experimented on his daughter.

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I just searched top waifus in all anime.
>almost every list have Asuna as number 1.



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best girl.

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Tell that to them user.

>pinkshits are still mad all these years later

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>Sakura being more popular still rattles Hinatafags.

I thought popularity didn't matter?

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> Sakura
> popular

Can't Digest

>That one unofficial poll invalidates all her popularity.

Lol, okay.

Best boys, cutest boys, winner boys

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from what episode is this?

>A poll in a general anime site reflecting general opinions.

Deny all you want faggot,it won't change. It pretty much proves that Pinkshitters are a very vocal minority within the fandom.

Filler episodes around 350's where it had nejihina stuff. Can't remember much.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

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>she hardly gets any solo fanart these days
I went into twatter just to see if this is you being full of shit as per usual, and it turns out she's getting just about as much new fanart as Sakura, porn included.
It has a higher number of participants than nearly every jump poll, so I wouldn't be so hasty to dismiss it, if I were you. Also, Japan is the country were Sakura was the only Naruto character that got mentioned and/or placed high in both a poll that listed the most annoying anime characters, and the list of characters you'd rather die than marry. Pinkshit's headcanon about her only getting hate in the west is complete bullshit.

Convince me how one poll on one site destroyed Sakura's widespread popularity?

>It has a higher number of participants than nearly every jump poll
Bots are a thing, user.

She is hated worldwide user.
Live with it,doesn't mean you can't like her.

Tobiko best waifu

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>She is hated worldwide user.
Now that's a stretch, user. She wouldn't be the most popular female character in the series if she was truly hated in the way you are implying. The Naruto series itself has a lot of hate, too, doesn't mean the series isn't popular as fuck.

You're confusing normal hate with backlash hate.

When is it stated she is the most popular female? Can you send me a link,I will digress if you are true user.

Prove it was bots, then.

user, you know she's more popular. You've seen the official results and fan content she gets. I don't need to spell it out for you like an infant.

Based hinatanon. Not that i have anything against sakura but please go in.

>I have no sources so I'll just act high and mighty like I proved you wrong

user, don't act like you never seen the evidence that was given constantly in threads.

I absolutely have seen none of her content as I don't follow much Sakura,all that I know is that she is very hated in the community. I'm giving you a chance to prove yourself right user. Hinata is definitely far more liked,since she have no characteristics or whatsover to be hated.

>I absolutely have seen none of her content as I don't follow much Sakura
So why are you going as far as o proclaim she isn't popular if you don't even bother to look into the character? Sounds your arguments stem out of pure ignorance.

Shitposting is not evidence.

I'm sorry user,I'm not using the PC right now. I only had the passion to right about how I loved Hina and I actually don't hate Sakura(ofc unless pinkshits start bashing hina). So I dont feel like destroying Sakura today,maybe later when I have time and enough passion to do it.
Today is absolutely not the date even if I had enough material to enter frenzy mode.

1. Sakura does suck
2. Kushina and Tsunade never punched their husbands/boyfriends
3. Tsunade had a whole character arc outside of Dan, which neither Kushina nor Sakura can claim

BECAUSE I dont follow much Sakura content and follow general nardo content,all I see is that she is hated,unlike you who follow Saku content who might have seen positive stuff on her.
That's why I'm asking you objective facts to prove yourself right.

>When Hinatafags bash Sakura, Sakurafags need to sit down and shut up.
>When Sakurafags bash Hinata, Hinatafags must turn into knights for her defense.

Real fair.

Look at the polls and look at the Sakura content compared to other female characters and you'll see all the facts you need.

Feel free to fuck off to some Sakura forum in some desolate corner of the interwebs to get the complete opposite experience.

It only happens here since it's Hinatafag Central.

op needs to learn what mary sue means.
She is just the shonen big titties end game that is it.

See now,my favorite character of all fiction is Hinata because I can relate(self insert to be more cultured) to her the most alongside with some other fictional characters.
So,obviously if someone start bashing Hina I will defend her even if I have to bash others,Not the case with Sakura(some of the time)although unironically she is one of my favourites from Naruto despite her attitude or development. When anti's bash Sakura sometimes I agree with them because that's how she is written by Kishi,anti's are moralfags that think selfish characters are bad despite their development. I defend Saku sometimes when I feel like the hate she gets is undeserved.
In general bashing one character to prop the other must be stopped but it's Yea Forums user,what can you do about it. I wish sakuhinafriends existed alongside eachother.

Why the fuck did I post such a gay reply.

I relate to Obito the most. Coolest guy gets a lot of hate, but I will defend him till the end of times.

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I like madady more but obitobi is definitely my 2nd favorite.

Obito likes selfies.

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Truly absolute best boys.

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They're so cute

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