Do you prefer digital or physical manga?
Do you prefer digital or physical manga?
physical .
Digital is for review or reference material. Which you can get for free.
Physical because I like to buy raw manga from when money isn't tight. Also, smoking is bad for your health user.
Physical because I don't have to rely on another product for it and its better to read from. I've read tons of things digitally but when it comes to spending I won't buy digital.
I'm fine with either, though if possible I do like to read physical because computer monitors aren't made to read manga on. You either make them good for reading page spreads or good for reading single pages but can't have both without having issues. Unfortunately some stuff I read isn't licensed and even if it is I don't really have the money (~$12 per volume is pretty crazy for any series that's more than a couple of volumes, on top of wanting multiple series) or space to buy everything I want. I buy stuff occasionally but not that frequently.
digital for now, I don't have shelf space that isn't occupied by older manga I used to own and rextbooks
you better stop smoking user!!!
physical but I can't afford it
That being said, like I don't buy digital manga. If I read digitally it's pirated. I have bought some raws a couple of times because of slow scans (and I wanted to know what happens) but that's it.
I see you are a jordan “big dick” peterson‘s cultist, huh?
Physical, because I actually would spend money for some books I can grab any time, rather than go to seedy sites whenever my browsers decide to flag my gotos for something. I'm a dumb pleb who doesn't know the proper resources.
>though if possible I do like to read physical because computer monitors aren't made to read manga on
How is physical better than two pages side by side on sufficiently large display?
There arent even any complete stories other than the golden age. What's the point of owning any of it physically until it's done? What if your collection is never finished? You'll have to live with that for the rest of your life, a big what if.
I guess when you say that it makes sense. I usually have manga zoomed in on my monitor because having it zoomed to see the whole page seems kind of small (not to mention scaling issues if the images are too large) but thinking about it they would actually be larger than a physical book. Physical books still seem better for reading though to me. Maybe I could move my monitor closer.
What does Yea Forums have against smoking?
I feel like best experience would be a high pixel density large format tablet.
That market is still pretty pricey though.
Both, one physical for reading, one for archiving, one or more for lending, one digital on discs for archiving, one on HDD for storage, for reading copying from HDD to device.
Is the Deluxe Edition of Berserk worth buying? I don't own any of the individual volumes.
>three physical copies
Okay Mr. Moneybags.
Love reading physical manga but it gets expensive pretty quick and takes up way too much space when I'm probably only going to read the volumes once or twice anyway
If it's such a problem you can go with just 2 and print the rest yourself when necessary.
Because it is bad for your health.
But most people here wanna die anyway so who cares.
Fun fact the leading cause of death all over the world is life.
I prefer reading physical, but it gets expensive quickly and licensing can be an issue because I have been procrastinating learning moon runes. I usually end up reading on my phone and buying what I really like when it gets licensed or tacking volumes onto Amazon orders.
It's never gonna be completed.
digital, mangu & weebnovels are too fucking small
Physical obviously, few things compare to the feel of a good manga in your hands, but shit gets expensive quick so I usually wait for box sets or those three in one books (though I haven’t bought any of them yet thankfully, they’re a little to unruly for my taste) I’ve got the three one piece box sets and won’t buy another volume individually until 94 and I pre ordered the first four issues of Komi can’t communicate I’m thinking of picking up something more actiony but have yet to find a new series that scratches that itch.
Costs an average of $1500 per year, nearly 3x more than what I pay to insure my car. Also stinks, stinks up everything around you and lets me know just how much of a weak willed bitch you are.
Nothing annoys me more than some twat that keeps claiming they're quitting and never does. As if nicotine was anywhere near as addictive as heroine. I actually have more respect for recovering junkies, who manage to stay clean than I do for smokers.
People who smoke look 50 by the time they turn 30. When middle age hits them it's even worse, just don't do it to yourself
How shitty is your car that you only pay 500 a year to insure it?
Physical. That being said the new hardcover berserk volumes coming are fantastic.
2014 ford focus and my 2004 subaru wrx was about the same too. pays to live in a white neighborhood in the middle of nowhere with a clean driving record and be over the age of 30.
I probably shouldn't ask this but where do you guys download raw manga ? Physical manga is much better and it just feels right, but it's not the easiest thing in the world to get if you don't live in Japan
Physical. Something about having a book in your hands just feels good.
I got that recent Battle Angel release. It's wonderful.
Two of my close relatives died from smoking induced lung cancer.
>I got that recent Battle Angel release. It's wonderful.
Is it unflipped this time?
this desu I run a 90s buick that breaks down every winter, I want to pay less than this fucker.
I live in a relatively nice area and I still pay shy of a grand on my 00 Honda Accord
>Is it unflipped this time?
They even went in and fixed a lot of the translation changed Viz made.
Lucky you. In the northwest, wrx, 86 and civics are the top offenders. Insurance was quoted $350 a month vs paying $100 on my 16 mustang gt for full coverage. Only middle age men and older ladies drive mustangs which is probably the reason why my insurance is low.
Wrx would be fun to drive as a daily driver, just wish the insurance wasn't so damn high or I would have bought an STI.
I own 6 volumes of the Flying Witch manga in Japanese.
Definitely physical.
the civic and accord hold the top two spots for most stolen cars in america, which tends to put a serious dent in insurance premiums for most owners. besides which, you should always haggle with your insurer. if you do not point out what safety features your car comes with, they're not going to give you the deductions. never assume they'll automatically apply the deductions for your car simply because their computer system can see what options came standard and what options were added, based off your vin plate. because they won't. not once have they ever quoted me a price with any of the deductions applied. insurance companies are shady fuckers.
90% of the time digital but thats just because I'm poor and too impatient to wait for shipping.
I plan on getting the deluxe berserk volumes soon and maybe vagabond since my sister already got me one as a gift.
I live in the uk and price is mostly determined by the car and your accident free history, my insurance is £330 ($414) a year for my 2006 2l ford mondeo which is far lower than all those I work with who have small decent cars.
when I got my wrx back in 2003 my insurance company quoted me around $250 a month and I swear to god I would have throttled that cocksucker if he was in front of me. after pointing out what options came standard and what available options were included, along with some other shit, my rate 'magically' dropped to something like $94 a month. insurance companies are scumbags.
What kind of question is that? we only read digital because we cant afford to get physical. Give me any other reason and I will say you are full of shit.
Buyfags to collect but majority will read digital because its free and widely available. Most of the time, fan translations are better than the officials since its more of a passion thing with fan scanlations.
A lot of print manga has cheap paper quality, no margins on edges or gutter and mangaka don't seem to be super conscious of it.
Viewing a unbound volume would be better so scans of such look better.
For example, two nice ones on left from Fantagraphics and Drawn and Quarterly vs a more standard low quality one on the right.
Some people don't like to support licensing companies. I am the same but I still prefer physical because it feels better.
Generally when i can i would go for physical just cause it feels good, but lately getting a tablet of some sort makes it nice to be able to carry loads of stuff with you in a small format you can throw in your pack and read on the bus or what not. Instead of having to choose beforehand what your going to take with you. And a small tablet feels good to read the pages on its perfectly sized.
Digital on a 11" 1600x2560 tablet. Physical paper has its own benefits but standard volumes are too damn small compared to a 1800x2500px digital copy viewed on the tablet. Plus I can carry around the entire collection on a SD card.
>we only read digital because we cant afford to get physical.
I can afford it easily. In fact manga as a hobby is WAAAAAAAAAAY cheaper than reading western comics. A single volume is like 10 bucks for something like 200 pages. A western comic is only 20 at 4 and it's only a fraction of a story spread across a shitload of books.
The only reason I read digitally is because fan translations are either way ahead or the book isn't translated officially
Western is also fully colored.
>A western comic is only 20 at 4 and it's only a fraction of a story spread across a shitload of books.
You know that American comics get released in collections like tankobans right? Monthly manga in magazines are still way cheaper than individual American comic issues (1000+ pages for around $7, though that only really matters if you read more than one series in a magazine) but I doubt most people in the US would buy those magazines in Japanese. Comic collections are generally much larger (page size) than even American tankoban releases.
I wouldn't say that's really a benefit. It makes them more expensive and I usually don't like the coloring.
Who buys floppies?
Okay and? It's still an overpriced ad filled rag.
>You know that American comics get released in collections like tankobans right?
Yeah, the only time I buy western books is through the trade but it still doesn't change the fact that the monthly floppies are stupidly expensive for the amount of content they offer. And may god have mercy on your soul if we're in the middle of a retarded summer event.
Digital. I can print out physical copies for personal use and I don't have to worry about losing over $100 worth of items because of an accident.
Also, I use KissManga.
>it still doesn't change the fact that the monthly floppies are stupidly expensive for the amount of content they offer
Why does it matter if you don't buy them that way? If you were following a monthly series in Japan and only liked one series in a magazine you'd be probably paying ~$7 for ~30 pages.
>I usually don't like the coloring.
Well snowflake the majority of people do. Also yes as you said they release collections of comics so you don't need to buy each one separately.
Nice opinion dude. Its around $5.99 for a comic and you get a physical AND digital copy at least from Marvel.
>but it still doesn't change the fact that the monthly floppies are stupidly expensive for the amount of content
You mean like WEEKLY JUMP or something. You fucking tard. Japanese people actually pay more for manga than westerners do for comics if you read it legally every week.
>20 pages per month for an American monthly release
>20*4=80 pages per month for a weekly manga (20 pages is right for a weekly release right? I haven't read much weekly manga recently but the point stands even if it's 15 pages per chapter)
>30+ pages per month for a monthly manga
I don't know how much WSJ costs in Japan but even if it's more per month than a weekly issue in the US you're getting more content too. I've bought a few monthly (digitally) manga magazines and they were around $7. If you read more than one manga in a certain magazine too then that's even more content for the same price.
>Why does it matter if you don't buy them that way?
Yer kidding right? Okay let me spell it out simply for you. THAT'S WHY I DON'T BUY THEM! Back when they weren't priced retardley I was all to happy to take my allowance and money from extra stores down to the comic shop and buy a stack of comics.
Its costly, not just for the material itself but time and health cost as well. I personally don't get the whole drug scene tbqh. The money you spent on those drugs can be used for all kinds of good stuff that last more than 10 minutes. I know someone who spends ~$600 per month on marijuana, its just a waste given that they complain about not having money to buy anime/manga or upgrades to their latest computer parts. Its like we live in different world.
Have you considered the older Legacy GTs? They are bigger, but much nicer. All the engine mods carry over from the WRX and there is still a decent aftermarket. If you can find one of the GT station wagons I'm sure insurance will be dirt cheap.
These anons are going to make me take up smoking just to spite them.
I smoked for over a decade before quitting.
The idea of ruining rare books that I paid for with my tobacco-scented hands was too awful to bear.
I should add that I live in Japan and tobacco is incredibly cheap. But nothing is worse than buying cheap used manga that smells like someone else's flavor of tobacco. I just imagine sweaty old otaku and it's enough to put me off of the stuff altogether.
>gives you cancer
>makes you an addict
>makes you waste your money
>turns you into a smelly and annoying faggot
Mostly the last one. I don't care if you want to poison yourself (I'm a fat fuck so I have no right to chastize people about being healthy) but nothing annoys more than having to tolerate some faggot throwing his toxic smoke on my face or some addicted friend having to leave every 15 minutes to go smoke.
open the case of a smokers desktop computer.
now imagine that shit in your lungs.
But that's a good thing in my eyes.
Congrats, you have the mentality of an fifth-grader fresh out of a DARE speech.