Characters main problem isnthat she's too pretty to make friends

>characters main problem isnthat she's too pretty to make friends
Fucking really?

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>OP is a faggot, and that's the least of his problems
Fucking really?

What? She doesn't want friends, idiot. She wants to be a loner.

Literally who?

>it's this ironic shitposting topic thread again
Every week is a repost.

It's because she's a bitch with a soap opera family, literally doing everyone a favor by staying out of people's lives and not letting them into her's.

Except that's not true. Yukino is one of the kinest and most selfless characters in Oregairu YPF.

Her main problem is that she has a deeply troubled childhood. if you read the ln she was raped and beaten by her father and psychologically fucked my her mother Her sister constantly playing games with her is actually her saving grace in life trying to get Yukino to grow outside of the family. Along with the sister taking on the family responsibilities and even Yui forcing her to confront her feelings at the risk of ruining their friendships. My issue is that the main chracter is supposed to be H8man when clearly the author revolves the entire show and supporting characters around a cardboard cutout broken teenage girl.

She looks a lot like Mai Sakurajima, doesn't she?

Literally not a single thing that you wrote is true.

you're waifu a shit

Your mother and entire family a shit.

Yuckino is a shit.

>irowhore a shit
ewwy a shit

>Yui's birthday is today in Japan
>makes 5 threads with Yukino as the focus out of massive butthurt
What did Yukino ever do to you?

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>if you read the ln she was raped and beaten by her father

what the fuck? might have to pick this up now.

>cringy samefag

No, Haruno and Iroha were beaten and raped

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Have sex

He was right wasn't he?


Not really, now get over your incel problems

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>4 minutes to make an edit

You might as well just admit you were samefaging.

That is a problem men will never understand, I don't fully understand it even being aware of the fact it DOES exist.

My imouto is very good looking and despite being a complete sweetheart all through school she never had any luck with making/keeping friends because girls are fucking insane. They would always get jealous of her and put her through shit.

It's only as she's been getting into her mid 20s that she's finally started making a few friends because some women tend to calm down a bit by that age.

Liking generic shit anime girl, LMAO

tfw no yukino gf

>I could open a terminal on phone
It must feel very frustating to have 0 girls and also 0 neurons


A lot of girls have shitty personalities?
What a shocker.

She isn't generic, nice try.

Yukino shows no development over the course of the entire light novel. Her only appeal is that she's bitchy, has a quick mouth, and is flat.

Yes, yes, you’re a phoneposter. We got it. You’re samefagging

Not this one though.

She shows more development than Hachiman, Iroha and Yui. Dumb secondary.

Yukino is wuite literally the character with the most character development. Where do you retards come from?

>It must feel very frustating to have 0 girls and also 0
>0 girls and also 0 neurons
Is this bait, it could also be summer, maybe you are just retarded.

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Hey it's another Oregairu thread where Yuckino fags spam their virginity

>hey it's another Oregairu thread where Iroshitters and Yuicancer spam their cancer

no new IP ... come on at least show some sort of commitment


Cringe and samefagpilled

Hachiman really should have fucked the trap.

>Read the LN, Drama CD's and all extra content for their favorite character
>pathetic anime onlies, don't care enough for their favorite character to read source material
It's obvious who cares more about this series.

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The trap is garbage