What is your favorite soul-destroying anime/manga...

What is your favorite soul-destroying anime/manga? Casshern sins wasn't a perfect product but god damn if it didn't do a good job of portraying a super bleak atmosphere and I love it for that. Blame! also had a similar kind of vibe to it, all empty mechanical wastelands and everything. I'm super addicted to the most fucked up scenarios possible when it comes to fiction.

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Strongest Legend Kurosawa

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>rewatch Casshern for the first time in a long time
>first 4 episodes is him killing everyone trying to eat him but wanting to be killed by anyone saying it'll save the world

It was the first anime I ever watched so it shaped my perceptions of the genre a lot. i know if I watched it again I'd probably notice a lot more flaws so I've decided to keep it pure in my memory. Maybe some day I'll re-watch it though.

The Skullman.

It's a slow, very neo-noir tale, but then shit gets real. Everyone loses. EVERYONE. Even the bad guys lose, but then the second batch of bad guys win.

would you say the manga or the anime would be better?

>the anime and manga storylines are significantly different.

Which one is the one you are talking about?

Nothing in manga had made my soul hurt as much as The Eclipse and Bokurano.

definitely going to be checking out bokurano

Texhnolyze was better aka more fucked up moments imo.

Yoshii did nothing wrong tho

Bokurano went too hard into depression that it started to feel ironic. That finale could have been great but you get so desensitized by the rest of the thing that it has no impact

It reminds me of the rougher days.

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the gay boy was hot tho

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M3: The Dark Metal started off super grim

Casshern is so damn underrated, I don't even get why, its not like there's some kind of barrier to watching it. Though I still think the show is a few episodes too long for its own good, the middle-section of it has a lot of episodes that keep hammering the same point and that probably could've just been left out instead

That said Texhnolyze still has the most messed up finale I've ever seen in anime completely ruined by a god-awful engrish song at the very end

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Some very artful and unique single episode arcs, but man I got tired of that main storyline after about 20 episodes.

Why did Casshern have many dropped plot points though? The Crystal for one, whatever happened to it. They acted like it's something sacred, yet it did nothing.

I sorta want to read stuff that destroys my soul, but on the other hand I think being a pussy that reads only comfy is nice too. Is it worth it?

I mean, define "worth it"
Unless I'm already in a bad mood in general I don't see the issue with watching "depressing" media

This is going off my own experience but I was turned off from watching Casshern because he looked too "clean", like a superhero or something. I also hadn't heard much about it but to be fair I didn't really look for any information either. I actually started watching it a few days ago and have been enjoying it a lot, though I've only been watching a few episodes a day so I haven't reached the point where it feels like it's dragging on. And I completely agree with you about Texhnolyze's finale, that song was the only dud on an otherwise amazing OST and it really took me out of the moment. It's still an incredibly powerful scene though.

>I was turned off from watching Casshern because he looked too "clean", like a superhero or something.
As a matter of personal taste, sure, but its obviously kinda the point in the show

Only happy shows really make me sad when they end

Also watch the original Casshan, it's absolutely excellent
You aren't supposed to binge it

I actually tried watching it and I was pleasantly suprised by how solid the start is, but as soon as Friender turned into a plane I kinda just zoned out again

It is made by Tatsu "Speed Racer"noko, but stick with it. Casshans humanity and the themes of the show are incredible, and outclassed Gundam which came out a few years after