Kaguya and Prez are a solid block of pure love and that's one of the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time
It's perfect
Kaguya and Prez are a solid block of pure love and that's one of the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time
>tfw there'll be more annoying drama shit between them for god knows how many chapters
That's literally the opposite of what's happening Otterfag
Ishigami mating pressed Iino so hard she broke her arm.
Who the fuck uploaded the tl'd gook to MD?
So they're having sex in the council right?
Or is kashiwagi just projecting her slutiness into others?
what is this? where is it?
so how would you guys feel if Hayasaka and Fujiwara actually became a thing, as unlikely as it is?
>haysack and f misunderstanding
>lino causing misunderstanding because of the arm sprain. she probably got drunk and blamed ishigami
top sluts
Tl;DR: Kaguya and prez are flirting in the council room, Hayasaka tried to kiss Fujiwara, some MAJOR shit happened in the party where Ishi and Ino were..
Ishi isn't denying it so he probably unintentionally did it
>ishi is miko's pet now
Nice, femdom doujins when
RIP in pieces /ourgirl/ Maki. May she find happiness in her next life.
He got her drunk because he forgot to not use alcohol in her drink
>a new chapter actually came out
how the fuck? we got the last one not so long ago
I knew I should stick here more often
Hi. Maki Shijo here. Well, this is my last post, it all has to come to this. Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day in which I will have my revenge against humanity, against all of you. For the last year of my life, ever since I hit teenage, I've been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection and unfulfilled desires all because guys have never been attracted to me. Guys gave their affection, and sex and love to other girls but never to me
I'm 16 years old and I'm still a virgin. I've never even kissed a boy. I've been through highschool for 2 years, more than that actually, and I'm still a virgin. It has been very torturous. Highschool is the time when everyone experiences those things such as romance, kisses and pleasure. Within those years, I've had to rot in loneliness. It's not fair. You guys have never been attracted to me. I don't know why you guys aren't attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it. It's an injustice, a crime, because, I don't know what you don't see in me. I'm the perfect girl and yet you throw yourselves at these obnoxious whores instead of me, the supreme tsundere.
Gook scans on mondays and Japanese scans on thursdays. JB isn't holding the series hostage anymore so any retarded user can upload gook scans on mondays
this makes me so happy inside
AAA post user
Make sure to tape the magazines together, you'll get more that way.
What the hell? This chapter was actually good
>miko with her broken arm
>femdom doujins
mmmmmmh YES PLEASE
Fugiwara already has a crush on Hayasaka when she dresses as a guy, its not too crazy honestly
I want to break something more than IIno's arm
The biggest drama will be for the rest of the cast now.
Of course there will be drama for Prez's mother and Kaguya's father but that can be easily be fixed
> Kashiwagi makes Hayasaka and F flee by out-dyking them
Clever girl. No wonder she's a Shuchiin V.I.P.
It's probably something even more stupid
That's literally what I do with my bros when they start having fun by pretending to be gay.
Good, JB can choke and die for all i care. I’m glad they left as long as they didn’t wipe chapters that weren’t TL’d by others groups due to the scanwars shit.
>Either of these being actual drama instead of comedy
Come on man.
Not a /u/fag but I wouldn't be opposed to it, gonna wait until we get to their flashback though.
Why aren't Momo and Ishigami a couple? They seem to have a fair amount in common.
>both are/were seen as delinquents by some
>both disregard the school rules
>both play videogames
>both have been school treasurer
If Ishi thought Kaguya was going to kill him, he would never be able to sleep if he was dating Momo
Momo should enter the Ishibowl and kill Lino
Best ending and everyone's expectations subverted
>Kaguya and prez set in stone and happy
>Iino and Ishigami arc
>Senpai BTFO
>Shittywara and Hayasaca going turbolesbians
>Maidfags BTFO beyond recover
Holy shit I love how this arc is literally shitting on every single doujincuck and otterfags. Absolutely glorious.
so how long till she starts going for the harem end with Maki and Tsubasa?
>manga sales are tanking
>Aka has to resort to yuri to prop up the series
When were you when Kaguya died?
Do you have a list of shitposts saved on a notepad that you just copy paste at random every single thread?
I just want prez and ishi fucking kaguya and miko together, like good bros.
How do you even know that's the same person
Much as I'd like, there's more than one shitposter on this board
>Shitposting with no information at all
>Lying because of being desperate
He's not called "stale" for being creative.
>the only dyke in the series is the turboslut
Nice. Also, look at this. Look at all the development we can get if Aka the hack didn't delay shit and hack everything up. You fucking hack Aka, you finally did something decent.
>Hayasaka and F
>Ishigami, Miko and Maki
Pick one and only one
For what?
>>the only dyke in the series is the turboslut
Erika is a turboslut?
next chapter
That's a fair point. Even if he didn't feel threatened by her, her family and family underlings would apply some pressure. I'd just like to see an alternate universe where he romances her and eventually earns her families respect, kinda like Seto No Hanayome.
what is this face trying to convey?
For me, it's the glorious and lovely senpai.
It's confirmed to be Ishigami but ill rather have the /u/ missunderstanding explained
Also wouldn't Tsubame be directly connected with Iino and Ishigami
That's not flirting, user, that's couple being lovey-dovey. Flirting is done between people who aren't a couple
We know it's the same group of people because they literally post the exact same bait every thread.
Look forward to the return of "remember when this manga was good?" user and "152 chapters and nothing happen" poster.
>Kaguya now rubs her head on his chest like she owns it
She has come far.
But she owns it now
>wouldn't Tsubame be directly connected with Iino and Ishigami
Looks like it won't be that connected
one step closer
Prez belongs to Kaguya
Something significant apparently
Where are the 4koma's previews?
A better translation is going to come out later, right? The one uploaded to MD today was painful to look at.
Why is Miko blushing? I don't get it.
Fuck off JBshill go suck their cocks on D*scord.
Kaguya is probably going to help Ishigami pick his Christmas gift to Tsubame next chapter.
Wouldn't she ask him how the confession went?
Thursday is when the chapter normally releases.
>New Game arc
Now we'll have to see who sees the current situation as a game (or a new game different than the one they previously were playing)
The easy, fastest choice of who would consider this as a new game would be Kaguya and Prez. The second, immediate choice would be Iino because she can "play" (use) Ishigami however she wants.
But, knowing the author, the correct choice will be someone unexpected (like Tsubame)
I know it's early but fuck it, we finally won Otterbros
The remainder of this volume will be nothing but flashbacks, by definition NOTHING is happening and the plot won't advance from this point at all for at least 2 months.
The Korean speed-tl usually isn't uploaded but was just done this week as a middle finger to JB's scanlator drama bullshit.
Just wait for JB.
Hayasaka deserves better.
Because she actually kinda liked about what happened
I'm pretty sure there will be lots of drama with Kaguyas father.
He's super powerful and is bound to make an appearance soon considering Kaguya is going to go against his wishes for love.
He was probably grooming her for an arranged marriage to some billionaire heir
post canon fanart
What if after all this buildup he turns out to be literally just Prez's dad with dark hair?
You go girl. Teach them a lesson.
That's usually on Digital raws dump. Wednesday. We only have Korean scans right now.
And by wait for JB, I mean, wait for the dump here and then download the chapter from the goddess. No need to suck JB's cock.
Why the fuck is manga translated into Korean instantly but not English?
I would assume the English speaking consumer base is a lot larger
Well yeah, we know she enjoys being physically assaulted
Why does kashiwagi makes my dick hard? fucking slut
How long till kaguya goes for sex advise to kashiwagi
Korean scanners get magazines and scan them earlier than normal. They probably have access to a distributor or something to get them early.
There's no way Ishigami isn't the one who secretly gave her that note and flower either.
those sneaky koreans steal the raws and translate them don't ask me how they do it. sometimes it's the chinese who do it
>JB's scanlator drama bullshit.
wait what happened
Hmm come to think of it, has Fujiwara ever expressed interest in any other guys?
She said that hard worker guys like Prez are her type
>Mikado all my friends are getting lovers I'm so lonely, at least you don't have a GF
>Maki the main house called and said I have to marry Auntie.
Why have these threads been filled with more hateful shitposting lately? I understand not liking things, but at this point it seems like complaining about things that are completely within expectations and not even really that bothersome at all.
why did Yea Forumsnonymous feel the need to do this
Miko’s smug face is fucking hot. She’s got Ishi right where she wants him.
But she has zero feelings for Shirogane despite going through a lot with him. It’s suspicious that she’s not attracted to him at all even though he’s supposedly her type.
or this
Never said she had feeling for him
She just likes hard workers guys, probably with less flaws than Shirogane
Is pretty vague but thats what we have
Where is this from need to read more
Shitposting is proportional to popularity not quality. For example, the SnK manga is pretty good still but the threads are the most unholy anus of shitposting you could ever imagine due to its popularity.
that would be funny
Do you think they haven't done it yet? I'd honestly be surprised if they hadn't. Kaguya has probably been fucked for so long that she had a full storage of semen to last her for her visit to the main house.
Also probably Hayasaka watched.
Hayasaka would be thirsty about sex instead of kissing if that happened already.
It's the Otter Revival!
Prepare for utter darkness.
Kashiwagi (embarazada) is the best girl after this chapter.
Why are anti-Miko fags so upset about something they don't know yet?
Anti-Mikofags have always consistently been the saltiest posters in these threads, even when there's nothing to actually complain about.
fags in general get upset about something they don't know
what did Yea Forumsnon meant by this?
Someone did actually post a single panel from the new 4koma. But otherwise, we won't be getting it until Wednesday.
This is the natural state of Yea Forums during a shipping war, the main girl always attracts the most negativity. It's all fucking stupid but that's just how it is.
This is just user using the translation.
I'd be ok with it.
Iceguya pissed off the same easily offended retards who got triggered by Miko a couple of years ago. It's the same old tired shitposting, it just changes labels every now and then.
In the end it was the braindead nisekoifag who plagued the early threads the one who birthed the otter meme and spearheaded the shitposters.
>Pretty good
You keep telling yourself that.
It's hard to believe Miko has full control over Ishigami. It's like she cast a spell on him
JB makes MD wait a week/2 before MD can publicly release their chapters on MD. This makes MD users upset and MD just plainly says it’s JB’s request, making JB mad at MD for not taking care of the complaints that now come to JB, and now JB decided to remove all of their stuff off MD.
Yeah, there's no way Kaguyas father would allow a relationship between her daughter and the "powerless" prez. Nippon is really backwards about love. To keep it a secret makes this matter only worse, like I said. It's a common move for upcoming drama and suffering.
Ishigami is a good dude, and he broke her arm. Guilting him into helping her is for the best, actually. That way he can't brood on it in private, and he can't feel like he never made amends for it later.
it's a pun you idiot
Ah. I suppose it is. Ah well, I still wanted to post about that some time.
Somebody stop her, she's clearly drunk with power!
She seems happy about it, the abusive relationship meme was real but it was the other way around.
some other group uploaded 151 to MD so perhaps it's being picked up by them? I dunno
Why don't you stop mentioning otters every fucking time? It's not funny anymore, the chapter is good because it's good, not because 'hurr otters are ded :-DDD'
Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojomangadex.org
A relationship that advance at the pace real human relationship does.
Finally, the worst arc in manga history is over.
but this isn't one piece's fishman arc
Just play cm3d2 or koikatsu
I was just looking at it. It looks like they just copied JB's script and did the cleaning and typesetting themselves.
I wonder if anyone is going to complain about it.
What a bunch of petty bitches
Did you read the last arc of Shokugeki no Soma? Probably not because I'm sure everyone dropped it.
I'm too emotionally invested to ever drop Soma unfortunately.
What, you didn't think Miko was capable of being smug?
It's actually nice to see this. Has she ever treated Ishigami in this way ever before? She's not yelling at him, assaulting him, or anything. She's just teasing him and being smug as all hell about it.
Real relationships =/= teen relationships
I had the same crush for about 5 years when I was a kid/teen, and I only got my first hug / grew some balls right near the end of that because kids are retarded and awkward
Do you also shout like a retard?
All the flavors and you choose to be salty
>But what if he actually saved her from something very bad and yet she's making him feel guilty for breaking her arm while everything could have been way worse?
At some point Ishigami's habit of "I will help this person even if it makes me look bad and take all the blame to not bother them" stops being selflessness and just becomes a martyr complex. If that's the case I hope Aka actually deals with it.
Wrong. He domestically abused her.
Domestic Abuse.
Ishigami is Momo without her hat. Prove me wrong
But in this case, she really isn't actually being mean. Miko usually would just slap him, lock herself in the bathroom and start crying if she really thought he broke her arm by being either negligent or ill intentioned. Instead she forced him a very light punishment, and with a face like it's likely that she's enjoying herself.
Miko knows how low is Ishigami's self esteem. If she hadn't 'punished' him, he would never get over it. For some fucking reason Ishigami is very protective of Miko, and I'm willing to bet that accident was a result of him trying to whiteknight her. She most likely know the shit that happened with Ootomo and doesn't want him to break down again.
So you're saying Ishigami in his underwear = Momo in her underwear? I can accept this
How long does it take for signs of pregnancy to start showing up anyway?
to the idea of romance yes, to a particular person not really
We'll see when she misses her period
6-8 weeks before real signs start showing usually.
>flashback arc
>last chapter start with the 4PAGES
confirmation is only a matter of time
That was fast. Either this guy made this very quickly or he can see the future.
Probably in like 15 chapters more
>kashiwagi urging us into the teen pregnancy arc
What is the artist's name? I can't find them on danbooru, gelbooru or other websites.
I'm not saying Iino is wrong, and we are really just guessing at what exactly the situation is since we have no contex. What I'm sayin is that Iino may think whatever Ishi did was an accident when he may had actually "saved" her from something serious but isn't telling. My main reason to think this is that we seem to be getting flashbacks for each character PoV, so it should be something different from each of their perspectives and not something straightforward. Maybe I'm thinking too hard and is something dumb like him carrying drunk Miko on his shoulders and dropping her by accident.
I was wagecucking the whole day, does anyone ha a link to the live thread?
Usually missing the period by 10-15 days is a major red flag.
While I like the fast and dirty translation, I wished the series wasn't held hostage by Jewmini Box. I'm still so fucking jealous at how dedicated those shitters at 5toubun the threads in translating and typesetting the manga.
nahh,Iino will be protected by the prince and the other classmate.
It is too much for ishigami harem.
bumping for this. Couldn't find sauce either
I think I saw it on Pixiv once
I want a Quint to join Ishigami's harem!
Would a reversal of Ishigami's first incident work with Miko here? Like instead of doing the right thing and everyone thinking Yuu is a villain stalker, he didn't do anything right but everyone thinks he's a hero. Though I can't imagine what actions and happenings would actually work with this kind of reversal.
Fuck off with your shitty shounen trash.
Naah there is nothing going on between Hayasaka and F, it was just the mood of the room
>But what if he actually saved her from something very bad and yet she's making him feel guilty for breaking her arm while everything could have been way worse?
Maybe she was about to get isekai'd by Truck-kun for one reason or another (like being drunk, but I doubt Aka would portrait drunken minors), just for Ishigami rush in and push her out of harm's way, but breaking her arm in the process. That would explain why she blushes when asked about the incident while Ishigami still feels kinda guilty about hurting her.
Or for added comedy value, Ishigami pushes her out of harm's way, fully willing to sacrifice himself for Miko, just for Truck-kun to stop just in time, making the whole broken arm thing his fault, in a "The road to hell is pathed with good intentions." kind of way.
I want Nino to kek Ishigami away from the fatty and and the normie senpai!
She was so smug on this chapter that I'm sure next arc will be teen pregnancy
>I doubt Aka would portrait drunken minors
He already did once with some tongue in check narrator notes saying "they are obviously sleep deprived and not drinking alcohol at all", on that sleepover where Kaguya and Fujiwara call Shirogane. Aka seems to believe that pretending highschoolers don't get drunk and have sex is stupid.
Weren't they drinking during the christmas party?
I thought they were all 18 by now so that's kinda natural
Who will she come to ask for advice, a dork like Kaguya who has barely kissed a man?
Drinking age in Japan is 20.
That's actually a good idea. Miko is bored and gets "sleepy" after several drinks and then has a date with Truck-kun.
Wtf is up with the latest chapter
Is this a trollsub or something?
Suddenly Ishigami is eating lunch with and feeding that bitch, and the maid is trying to kiss Fujiwara
>speedreading so hard you missed the timeskip at the beginning
Timeskip smoothbrain.
Miko is not a bitch. She is a very good girl.
Christmas to New Years is like 4 days though?
Miko is immature and would make a poor partner. No amount of cuteness makes up for anal retentiveness that would make Freud blush and a childish idea of justice.
Imagine being such a repressed stuck up cunt that everybody hates you so much you need to listen to paid recordings of people telling you nice things otherwise you'll collapse into despair
A dash of netorare would really spice up this manga. Anyone else agree?
first thread
I will kill you and your entire family
Keep reading, Tsubummer is about to get cucked.
She doesn't even like Ishi
More like something will happen and she'll be let off the hook because Ishi doesn't like her anymore
Webm source?
>implying it won't make her fall for Ishi so she eventually cucks the midget
So Kashiwagi right now is pregnant, right?
was she even interested? she implied that she only hung around with him to see if she actually was
Netori with a surprise childhood friend of Prez would be interesting
You guys know that Shindol doujin with the quadruple amputee?
I want a Ishi x Miko doujin with that premise
She never considered him a romantic partner until he confessed.
Which is why she told him she needed time to decide.
She'd be better off with someone in her own year or meeting a guy when she goes to university
She and Ishigami are both first years though
yeah i am sure the most popular kids in your school was so cute.
>he doens't want her to fuck the guy that's basically three years younger than her
>some development happens
>suddenly CHILDHOOD FRIEND, who was never mentioned before, suddenly appear just to become a rival
This shit happens way too often in this genre, and it's absolutely garbage everytime
this guy gets it
Yeah Onodera needs love too
I feel so alone....maybe I should stop reading romance manga
I know, but Aka needs to drag the manga out for more Otakubux. While it may be bad, most of Jap Otakus will lap up that shit
Who will be on the volume cover next?
found chapter thread senpai
Kaguya's fiancee was just leaked. How does Prez stack up?
I want Hayasaka to dance in the next season
>in 150+ chapters
that would be weird
>implying the reason you read romance manga isn't because you're alone
I'm not alone and I love romance manga more than any other genre
I do kinda feel like I'm cheating if I get too attached to a character though, which is weird because my partner doesn't gaf
Aka hinted to an onee-san that taught him how to study.
She's a final year, he's first or second year
MIKADO soon my brother.
This cutie is Prez's oneechan sensei
>none of the quints is flat
shit manga
you have your own thread, why are you here?
A few years from now every series will have their own general if we prevent little bit of cross posting.
But we are discussing a new chapter over here, please go back.
Go back to where? were both on Yea Forums.
Did you somehow forget the Quints are as dumb as bricks?
Maki is not enough?
She will be smart once she reaches college...Hopefully...
>Go back to where?
to your waifuwar general thread, user
and please, do not shitpost kaguya thread again
Which chapter was that again?
I wasn't the one who posted the quint though.
is aka on twitter or something or is he a total hiki neet
how does he look like???
Quints is so goddamn shit compared to Kaguya.
Kaguya is fresh while to me Quints seems nothing but a bunch of stupid tropes thrown together
>for the time being.
Is that mistranslation or what?
Please don't bully us Itsukifriends... We are nice... I'm an Iinofriend too...
>the state of Kaguya threads in 2019
What went wrong?
this is a nice cover
Reddit made this series too popular.
Ice Kaguya is the best Kaguya
Tourists and crossboarders who think that Yea Forums and /pol/ are examples of how you're supposed to behave.
New Kaguya>Normal>Ice>Baka
Add /u/ to that. That board is shit tier full of shitposters
Lmao our Negi is more kino than Aka. Aka really milking this shit manga for money.
New Kaguya is the Normal Kaguya though.
Normal Kaguya fainted in proximity of prez without her routine.
This one is a lot more daring and lovestruck.
Based /aa2g/ poster
>Subverts you expectations.
The character presets were probably already made. It's super quick to put them in an existing animation from that point.
Actually, the member of student council somehow inherited some specific nature of their predecessor.
look at the theory that i made on the image.
>no dead eyes on Ice Kaguya
Where's the rest?
We weren't able to stop Kaguya threads from turning into a general. Generals are always filled with shitposting, no exceptions.
I blame newfags and funny retards who keep trying to force memes like the otters and this idiot.
pretty much shitty on clean translations by adding their comment to the work.
it's no different than those obnoxious watermarks on the pages, i'd say even it's even worse.
The prez fears this
the other just screencap from Yea Forums
about bamboo cutter and stuff.
and look at this one, well.. theory about who will inherit General Officer.
Honestly, just for the fact that he gets no sleep and does several part times jobs, it's impressive he got second.
not just
missed opportunity
opps mistake.
not theory about who will inherit General Officer.
but about that guy who i suppose who will inherit general officer
Am I the only one who thinks that the Mikado arc will just involve Maki helping Miyuki take on Mikado?
Without Prez, how OP Mikado will get. The third guy only get around 680~690 in comparison
where is the pasta of The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter?
any new theory after this chapter?
Holy Trinity
Wasn't the third one Kaguya? That's a big gap.
Don't think Kaguya participated in the mock exam
This is probably the best explaination. It's like they think that's the "cool" and "fun" behaviour.
I think it was the sleepover or the rap battle, might've been both
Or maybe ask him for help to get a gift for Prez.
Fucking boring. I want my Ishigami haremshit. Only fags and femanons care about this Shojoshit.
>Maki helping Miyuki take on Mikado?
Oh yeah, does Miyuki even know that he's friends with the sister of the guy he wants to kill?
>Inb4 Aka needs to keep repeating that Hayasaka and Fujiwara are straight to tell /u/fags to fuck off like the multiple personality shit
He's gonna bring out the narrator again, I know it
His fans are brain-dead
>make relatable character
>turn him into panty wetting stud with a harem of babes
What did Aka mean by this?
That we will become the thing we wanted to destroy.
Making a /u/ joke was dumb and he'll reap what he's sown
Ishigami becoming a normalfag is fine, I don't think anyone expected that his romantic subplot would be so shit though.
Calm yourselves, Ishigami's subplot has barely been touched upon.
The boy is denser than a brick, and is in the middle of a love triangle.
Eh, I feel that the complaints that it gets are mostly valid though, the "triangle" feel that it gives off is already pretty bad, Tsubame and Miko being pretty meh overall doesn't help either, and Ishigami of all people becoming a dense harem protagonist out of nowhere was weird as fuck.
Bull fucking shit it is. If that was the case no one would be a virgin.
I don't think LGBT stuff is quite as "big" in Japan as in the west?
Beta uprising soon. All hail The Supreme Tsundere!
>Ishigami becoming a normalfag is fine
>the mood of the room
Yeah, and when they end up in a love hotel together through wacky hijinks and they end up rubbing eachother to multiple orgasms, that's also just the "mood of the room" lol
That Ishigami's gonna have hard time
literally and figuratively
Psst, hey.
Maki's in the house
Hayasaka just wanted to know what scissoring felt like, no lesbo
I really hope it won't, the only "/u/" I'll allow is kaguyasexuals like Erika and Kei.
>Middle schooler
Nah, prez will be fine.
I want to think he'd try to defend himself and cause his death accidentally.
When is somebody going to tell her to lose her stupid current hairstyle? I want sexy Maki back Hayasaka needs proper dicking, not a yuri licking.
It would be really stupid and sad at the same time when Hayasaka has become so desperate that she has to resort to lesbian shenanigans. She deserves better.
She's officially been befriended by Fujiwara, there's no way out now.
nino should have been flat. flat tsundere are always best
>Kashiwagi managed to redirect Iino and Ishigami, beat both Fujiwara and Hayasaka without breaking a sweat to let Kaguya and Pres have some me-time together
What a boss, no wonder Tsubasa is pussy-whipped to oblivion. How can Maki can ever compete?
She' can't, Kashiwagi is literally a goddess.
Kashiwagi is all-powerful, yes, but note how Fujiwara ruthlessly threw her under the quarter Irish kissy bus. That's cruel.
Not really against the idea of /u/ shit but with Fujiwara of all people
>kind of a cunt
She's perfect.
I miss when everyone hated her
We got too cocky...
> beat both Fujiwara and Hayasaka without breaking a sweat
She's a Shuchiin VIP, her power level is high as fuck.
> What a boss, no wonder Tsubasa is pussy-whipped to oblivion.
What's more impressive is that Tsubasa conquered her and was able to keep her around with the power of hot dickings. He may seem like a wimp, but credit where credit is due.
> How can Maki can ever compete?
She can't. Despite being a Shijo, she isn't a VIP and her influence seems pretty non-existant. She's all bark and no bite.
Is Tsubasa's cock the only thing that can defeat Kashiwagi?
Well, most hated her because she flaunted her relationship in front of the main cast (which inadvertently struck a nerve or two on Yea Forums) and kinda ruined Ishigami's plan (and that bit about Maki suffering but who cares about her anyways), but she is a great wingwoman + secret keeper to Kaguya-Pres's relationship since she seen it first hand.
Tsubasa's cute boy
I think his willingness to publicly display affection and the fact he's the one taking initiative there also help to keep Nagisa around
also he has the Curse on his side
I hoe we get to see them go on double dates before the inevitable pregnancy announcement.
>What's more impressive is that Tsubasa conquered her and was able to keep her around with the power of hot dickings.
Tsubasa must be a sexual monster if he manages to get someone like Kashiwagi attached to his dick
Maki you're not in the house
You're nowhere
I still hate her. Sluts deserve the rope
Considering his grandpa slept around quite a fair bit during his youth, it probably runs in the family - big dick genetics. Would also make a great doujin chapter:
> Maki Shijo can't handle it
the demon knows
It still feels so surreal that this is a thing that's actually happening right now and not a delusion or fantasy
Kaguya's father would never agree for marriage so otterfags can already start shitting.
What worries me is we still have further of their respective Persona chapters upcoming. And I doubt we get flashbacks within flashbacks, so it might be future arc stuff.
what the fuck is this supposed to mean Aka?
AA2 wish it looked like that. That's CM3D2.
she's bi-curious
What if Maki rapes her brother out of desperation?
>heterosexual for the time being
literally the virgin miyuki
>Abusing her position to torment a man
lawfags are hypocrites
>the demon actually managed to make them lesbian
>stuck in a lesbian relationship with subject F
Is this good or bad?
is Kashiwagi actually pregnant?
isn't Tsubasa being cvcked? how is this shit allowed?
Isn't that just political correctness? Cause outright stating you'd never be gay would be "rude" or some shit
Only butler-san can save us from /u/ degeneracy by giving Hayasaka a good dicking
I kinda been expecting them to develop something for a long time but never thought it'll actually happen
>my wife Hayasaka is kissless virgin and 100% pure
I'm glad
What does sympathezie mean?
probably symphatize, but she was stressed and it became something else
It means that Toyomi is trans and Chika doesn't mind them and won't try to discriminate.
Stop othering transfolk.
Please watch
Well according to romance tropes, the one winning would be the one who had more interactions with him and also the one he is always looking out for.
I mean, even tsubame seems to have realized that something was going between the two of them.
Everybody says that Hayasaka is extremely pretty (take Kei for example), that doesn't mean much.
Hayasaka not having ANY suitors despite being hot as fuck is questionable, though. Sure, she's often absent or busy due to Kaguya, but everybody instantly fawns over Hayasaka as soon as they lay eyes upon her.
Highly doubt Hayasaka doesn't have a single suitor
Aka probably hasn't shown shit because he doesn't think it would be interesting or because it would add nothing really relevant to the manga
user, there are ways to circumnavigate parental decrees
for example, eloping
not for long
Fujiwara and Hayasaka are good foils for each other.
She wants to fuck Kaguya
She probably had some and shot them down immediately. There wouldn't be much relevance to her duty, and it would be a pretty big risk to take in consideration.
With that said, now that a. she's about to get more time on her hands thanks to incoming reinforcements, b. she's been told to be true to herself by the king of fakes and c. she's become madly curious and possibly a tiny bit jealous that her master is going to get 4-paged real soon, Hayasaka is probably on the verge of some character development herself.
If ishigami chooses bitchy and manipulative ilno over cool and bubbly big tiddy oneesan, then he's no longer /ourguy/
Imagne the hatsex though
Miko also packs a decent rack. It's just that her body mass is more compact. And she isn't as flexible as Tsubame.
She gets bigger with each new chapter. Of course she's pregnant
Kaguya and Miyuki have plenty of people angling for them, but we hardly ever hear about it because it's hardly ever relevant. And they're the mainest of main characters.
Hayasaca has all of what, 2 or 3 chapters to herself? We haven't had time to go over them.
She is literally the polar opposite of that
But you can break her wrists easily.
Post neko.
Post kawauso.
>guilt tripping someone because of an accident
Textbook manipulation.
I can't wait for Maki to evolve. She's going to be the perfect aunt to Nagisa's kid.
And every day, when she returns home, she'll have to come to terms with the fact that her life won't ever go beyond that. And when she reaches 25, she'll wonder - what the hell happened? Where did I go wrong? What should I have done to become happy?
king of fakes has dethroned himself
She will groom their kid because he will look exactly like Tsubasa in his best years.
and she will get pregnant when that kid hits 17
>33 years old
She won't make it. She will always be that cute tsundere girl that's nice and helpful on the inside, but can never be anybody's special someone. This girl will be visiting lostallhope.com by the time high school ends.
>people actually think this manga will have a happy ending
Hello I'm from the future
Tsubame breaks Iino's arm because she tried to steal her man
Mikado shows up and there is an arranged marriage but it's with Kaguya's dad
WW3 starts and Kashiwagi's boyfriend gets drafted as a combat medic leaving behind a wife and kid
The 4 pages are Maki and a fat ugly bastard
Prez and Kaguya get married and live underground with their baseball team of children in peace like hobbits
Haven’t followed this shit for months. What happened to everyone being mad at ice kaguya
tone down the cocaine, user
Why wouldn't it? There's been some drama recently but overall it's always been a lighthearted romantic comedy
iceguya a cute
So you've just been reading the threads instead of the manga?
Read the Tale of Princess Kaguya and remember that Aka wrote the angsty ib before Kaguya.
>manga goes to shit
>forced otter shit and memes
>anime adaptation
>Fujiwara dance
>Top in reddit rank
I wonder
otter memes don't even fit here
What's up with this translation
>>manga goes to shit
citation needed
Maybe theyre translating from the korean
they're shitting on JB
because JB apparently went full retard
>Middle schooler
>Prefers well endowed teachers
Not a threat.
Did people really think Kashiwagi was bi?
bi for Maki
I can't stand this manga. Those shouts are annoying.
Should I mot come tomorrow?
what breast size of kaguya-sama girls ?
>I got drunk and fell down the stairs oh god oh fuck this is so embarrassing
>Ishigami has betrayed her
>Auntie and Miyuki has become an item
>Fucking Fujiwara may even go gay with Hayasaka (unlikely but hey)
She's the only one in the cast who has yet no romantic inclination. Truly there is no solace from the suffering of this world
It had to have been something bad if Ishigami is willingly going along with it instead of being unapologetic like usual. Anyway half the characters in the manga can be manipulative assholes so idk why that's a problem now.
Ice stopped being obnoxious in the 2nd half of the previous arc.
It's a thing called a joke.
jailbait? monster dick?
seriously who are these people i don't follow weeb circlejerks.
So this series is still trash after that shit confession? what a shame.
>because JB apparently went full retard
what'd they do, specifically?
I thought OwOposting would get you shouted off the board in this day and age
as far as i was told, they delayed uploads to sites other than theirs, and got mad when one of these sites redirected complaints for these delays to them
I can't believe Aka had the yuri route all planned this whole time
Wow, I'm a kissless romanceless virgin at 27 too! What a coincidence!
I understand how Hayasaka feels. Imagine listening to a great, cute romance story and a passionate innocent kissing scene all day. It probably feels like when I'm reading this manga: I want a romance like this too, at this point any romance, this manga makes me happy at the same time depresses me that no woman likes me, that people scoff or awkwardly laugh at anything romantic advances I do.
tl;dr I want to kiss Hayasaka.
Translator group and manga site respectively.
JB = jaimini's box, the scanlator's.
MD = mangadex, a manga-hosting site
I wouldn't be surprised by this.
Is Miko all that meh? I feel like Miko's just been left on the backburner for a rather long time
I mean, it is Yea Forums that is over reacting. It was obvious that it was a joke.
I like her, she's full of character if you are not a speed-reader.
Her problem is mostly that she hasn't really had focus since the elections and needs more interactions with Shirogane and Kaguya, it's the opposite of Hayasaka honestly where with her I wish she interacted with more people other than them.
I do like her though and it's looking like both her and Hayasaka are getting what I want from them so they're cool. Most of the bashing is people waifufagging so don't take it that seriously.
I can't believe this was just a week ago. Feels like it was a year ago
I'm neutral on this but I think their flashback will show how seriously this will be treated so we just have to wait a few weeks to see.
>Move to USA for University
>Mikado's also a lucky international student on the same course and modules as Prez
>Kissless virgin
>Shit job but a good amount of money to freely spend on anything i like
>Boss is annoying
Hayasaka is unironically me
except that she is a cute girl
She says weird shit all the time. It's for humor.
Do those idiot scanlators actually think that makes them look good? I'm already annoyed at being forced to deal with "streaming" for the sake of their cash grabs instead of being able to download chapters and they want to try and resort to holding manga people ALLOW them to translate hostage?
So JB has a beef with mangadex? Why should we care if scans get uploaded somehwere else?
>not kissless
>not a virgin
>had a gf
>still lonely depressed loser
let's hope it gets better bros
What's your job and how old are you
At least you're ahead of us in the romance department, it isn't all that bad, user
What the hell is all these scanlator drama lately?
Maki please stop
Why hasnt anyone put Maki out of her mosery yet?
Looking at the responses in that thread? You shouldn't. Scanlators are shooting themselves in the foot to the utter confusion of their readers because they're choosing a soft target to try and scapegoat for ad money.
29, just a generic boring office work for most of my day
>Looking at JB's patron out of curiosity
>Went down 4 dollar compared to last week
> ara ara
Kashiwagi no! only milfs say that.
>needs to keep repeating
He's the one who forced this stupid situation to start with though?
everyone's asking why even the fuck was Fuji and Hayasaka hanging around to start with.
Just accept he put some bait in there to get a few more readers and stop acting so triggered over a few shitposts in the thread.
she's practicing for being a mom soon
Recent events reminded me of this. Some drawfag want to take a shot at it?
Looks like they happened to meet in a cafe during vacation
Wonder if it was just Hayasaka going on about kisses or Fuji already had some baggage in that direction when they talked
>turning chika into a dyke
Fucking dropped
A theory suggest that she was tasked to keep Fuji out during Kaguya's date with Prez
That hat looks pretty dumb
I want to steal it from her
Would Kaguya actually manage to be that cautious when she was caught by Kashiwagi easily in this same chapter?
Certainly seems more that it was just a chance meeting.
isn't that the point you dumbo
you're being a little vague
who would be what in this scenario?
I want to think prez and Kaguya started talking about kissing, then Hayasaka covered for them.
It's just her talking about how she wants to experience a "FIRST KISS" since Kaguya probably won't stop talking about it.
Then asking Fujiwara about how she wants to experience it too.
Standard humorous misunderstanding.
She was probably told to distract Fujiwara while Shirogane and Kaguya were on their date and they ended up having an earnest conversation about kissing/feeling left out before Hayasaka tried to go /u/ with her. So yeah I think this situation will likely be more than just a gag.
You're right, Aka should have removed her entirely from the manga instead.
Will Aka give Hayasaka a happy ending? Why does Kaguya get good things when she's done bad things?
Darcy/Elizabeth = Miyuki/Kaguya
Aka will give everyone a happy ending.
Not enough male characters for everyone to have a happy ending.
you don't need males for happy endings cis scum
Not enough guy's in the cast so the girl's start getting ship teased. What a madman.
Thats what polygamy is for user
>Be Miko Iino dying of thirst in the desert.
>Ishigami appears and offers a drink of water.
>Smack it away because it was touched by Ishigami.
>Fujiwara comes by, laughs, and pees on you.
>Praise based-Fujiwara for lifting your spirits and offering you water from her own body.
>Everybody says that Hayasaka is extremely pretty (take Kei for example), that doesn't mean much.
Kei is a bad example since she is the most /u/ character of all.
I want to make a Fremen joke but I can't come up with one.
Iino's and Ishigami's relationship seems to be getting better
but yeah, Fujiwara can go fuck herself
mainly because noone else would fuck her lol
New game isn't referring to Kaguya or prez anymore, it'a referring to Iino and Ishigami.
Ishigami and Iino are the new love is war players.
>Kei is a bad example since she is the most /u/ character of all.
Threesome doujin with Kaguya and Hayasaka when?
Although Erika is by far the most /u/ character, even if she's just Kag/u/yasexual.
That's a one sided war though.
A session ends another begins.
But Ishi is not much of a player. He's pretty straightforward.
In the name of The Emperor, I would fuck that CHOAS with the mighty power of my penis, until I turn Fujiwara into a Living Saint.
Ishigami is Shaitan and Fujiwara is Muad'dib
Miko will get crazy with Ishigami as servant right?
She'll probably end up having a lot more fun with it than expected and be surprisingly disappointed when her cast comes off. Cue awkward attempts to hang out more.
Ishigami doesn't like Iino
There is always ol' good boy Pez
>Doing anyhting but purging chaos
Sister can you follow with me for a second
> mainly because noone else would fuck her lol
She has plenty of suitors, she just needs to stop shooting everybody down.
And not for atleast 1 or 2 more months in manga time
She's a politician's daughter, she will never get together with someone of a lower standing.
Meanwhile, Toyomi is riding the cock carousel.
It's sounding more and more like Hayasaka is perfect for Fujiwara.
you mean never.
Miko shipper are beyond delusional
This makes me mad
>both are sarcastic, a bit cunty at times, likes to keep their true selves a bit close to themselves
I think they're way too similar to be together
I fucking wish
A shame that Aka will just push Ishimiko down out throats
>a bit cunty at times
what the fuck?
I'm guessing it's ending soon
Not really.
He is setting up for Ishigami to reject Miko.
>shitting on and teasing your sister with NTR and her insecurities
Yes. Not as bad as Fuji though
All for the sake of her actually getting together with prez and it worked out, she's a angel.
The whole last arc is PURELY her fault, it couldn have gone way smoother if she let baka rampage for a couple of days more.
Short term yes, but then they wouldn't deal with their insecurities. Prez would still try to one up his previous stunts, Kaguya would still be eating herself because Prez doesn't love all of her. They're better off after Ice.
Baka would have disappeared in a couple of days and it would ahve still happened, but they would have been in a relationship and prez wouldn't have died as a result.
>but then they wouldn't deal with their insecurities
They'd probably HAVE to deal with it one way or the other but no telling if this would have played out better or worse
I'm a bit confused about this part why are they running?
They're running in fear of Kashiwagi's extremely slutty gayness
Her sluttiness and openess to bisexual depravity scared them
Gay panic.
How thirsty will Hayasaka be once Kaguya starts talking about se...x?
It's like you never ready romcoms in your life, those status-quo can stay forever if nothing is done about them.
To kiss each other off-screen.
To escape their gay thoughts.
For srs. They were trying to clear up what may or may not have been a misunderstanding and Kashiwagi implied she was fine kissing them and that it was understandable why Hayasaka wanted to kiss Fuji. Successfully making this situation even more of a mess.
Haha... yeah... who'd do sometihng like that...
Justice takes a heavy toll on its executors
So, how much do you all think Miko is going to change over the course of her character arc? Is she going to go full mindgame smugcunt bullshit? Hell, how much will Ishigami change in response to all the shit she's sure to put him from? Will she end up helping him study, because she wants him to help her with her books?
>Will she end up helping him study
At first that will be a big no
Only Kaguya can teach Ishi
Probably change in a way that makes her stop being so stuck to rules, and actually learn to ease up and have fun when appropriate.
It was literally not supposed to be uploaded to mangadex, it was supposed to be shitty intentionally to turn away the reddit crowd, like WTN tls for 5toubun.
Kaguya's busy making out with Prez, and Ishigami is being blackmailed to stay with Miko. This is how Miko will develop a reputation as a man-stealing whore. Other than the Tsubame thing.
please don't call my translations shitty, i don't care if they make it on mangadex
I feel bad for tsubame, hope she get a good ending.
Miko was never one to really engage in the underhanded mindgame shit so I don't see that happening, Think it's more likely that this'll lead to them coming to an understanding and stop antagonizing each other so much so that they can actually start being friends.
I see Miko's development leading up to her maturing and becoming the next President so it'll be pretty gradual, though this is where it'll probably start.
Big thanks for hard work.
No user, not the TLs. The TS.
I'm pretty sure he meant the sloppy work on the Typeset.
easy yous desu
Sounds like my 28 yr virgin kissless life amd anime telling me to escape reality
No she is not. She needs to be beaten by her husband.
Why would I hurt her?
>Miko was never one to really engage in the underhanded mindgame shit so I don't see that happening,
Neither was Prez or Kaguya until a reason for mindgames came up. Miko never guilt tripped Ishigami into embarrassing shit with a smug shit-eating grin plastered over her face until she suddenly did. Normally, she gets angry and resorts to violence and shouting as her primary means of control.
because she asked you to
Dude, Chika Fujiwara could walk into a monastery and come out ten minutes later with one boyfriend, four hopeful orbiters and six broken-hearted admirers, and you know it.
>not the Tyranitar Lord but the Trans Sexuals???
More power corrupts
Especially true with Miko.
I-ishibros I'm scared.
aka doesnt give a fuck
Miko has always been an easy target for corruption which she masked with her false, overzealous sense of justice.
Ishigami is going to call her out on her shit sooner or later.
Miko's just a simple genius girl who has only recently boosted her social skills and learned to control others through means other than blunt force. There's no way she would ever abuse such powers.
>Three weeks later
I can already see it.
I guess you're not wrong there, I just don't think that's the direction this is going in rather than she's just happy she's in a position to be coddled while messing with him. I think the change is that she is still interested in improving things between them, like this came off as more her teasing him than anything.
Wouldn't she have been a legit contender for Prez if she hadn't started seeing him as a troublesome son?
she probably just really likes Ishigami doing things for her because her parents are away and she has to do everything herself normally
Simple. Like the headmaster said, both look like they are completely incompatible, but are actually good together; they both complement the other, are good at heart, help each other out and protect each other, become better.
That's what I expect from Miko and Ishigami in this arc. They will become better people, maybe Ishigami with his self confidence and studies by Miko's tendency for righteousness, and Ishigami helping Miko with her self esteem.
I want Miko, best girl by the way, to become a better person.