Figure this one out.
Figure this one out
I can safely assume there are at least 3 cups, one of which is not visible.
>3 cups
Fucking Cardassians
i-i dont get it
Cringe and fuck Shitmin
1 mug 2 cups
2 = 2, my friend.
Math has imaginary numbers too!
It's not wrong though. "There are two cups"=/="There are ONLY two cups"
It's quite obvious, really. What the picture is referring to is not the three vessels on the table, as those are actually mugs. If you look closely you'll notice this isn't your standard table. It's actually just a piece of wood resting on, what exactly, ahh yes two cups.
the cups are underneath the table and are holding it up, those things on top are mugs
Maybe the speaker is excluding his own cup?
However, it must be implied that since the table is not partially sitting on the floor tilted up at an angle, there are one or two more cups on the opposite end.
The mug is a lie. Don't believe what he says.
Fair observation my friend, but I think you are assuming too much. While it is true that three points make a plane the same does not have to apply for three cups. We can make an equally strong assumption that there is a forth mug completing this structure of wood and porcelain.
I don't see a problem.
You make a fair point, but the possibility remains that there is indeed a third cup. Consider that the mugs remain seated on the plane without sliding. Disregarding frictional forces, we must assume that the third point is of the same size as the cups in the front. The mug, as we can roughly see, does not have the proper characteristics to hold up the table.
I then propose that the last point to be an unknown object X, which could be a cup or any other similarly sized object. Therefore, it is not a fair assessment to say, from our viewpoint, that there are only two cups. A safe assessment would be to state that there are at least two cups.
When you guys are done figuring that out try this.
I got it.
There are actually ZERO cups. Those are mugs.
While this one always seemed a little strange to me on first glance, once you see that he's grabbing his nipple the rest of her body shape comes into proper proportion.
I understand where you are going with this line of reasoning, and it is indeed tempting to say there is X number of cups and insufficient information provided in this two-dimensional representation of three-dimensional space to determine exactly what is X. However, put yourself in the shoes of the speaker for a moment, and you will understand the world the way he perceives it. From his reference frame it is impossible to state that there can be more than two cups. We cannot assume that the speaker can adjust his reference frame to alter what he sees. Therefore I postulate that there can only be two cups because the entirety of the world that is presented in this image only shows two cups.
The total capacity of the three drinking vessels is 16 ounces, hence 2 cups.
Reasonable. Too many assumptions must be made regarding the world encompassing the image without being presented further information. I accept your position that there are only two cups, at least until the time that further data can be gathered to confirm or deny this theory.
You don't happen to be the same user from the Tonari no Kyuukestuki thread, are you?
There are three cups. Three.
Sorry, I'm just some rando.
Ah that's fine, just the presentation was similar to one user's thesis on vampire butthole tightness. That was a fun thread.
Each of us lives dependent, and bound by our individual knowledge and our awareness. All that, is what we call reality. However, both knowledge and awareness are equivocal. One's reality might be an other's illusion. We all live inside our own fantasies. Thinking that the cups are on the table, is merely an arbitrary assumption that you've made. In exactly the same way as you once assumed, that mug was your kind and gentle cup.
Too easy.
There are two sluts
This is gay
No no no, the brown patch at the top of the bra completely makes no sense
Except there are two girls. The one with her uniform still intact, is covering out the other, whose boobs are being grabbed.
its the inner lining
The table represents the complex space. The vertical axis is imaginary, the horizontal axis is real. There are 2-j cups: 2 real and one imaginary situated below the real axis. The subtitles are referring to the real part obviously
ITT: newfags
Remember when demotivators were funny? Me neither
There are two cups/mugs. It is literally not wrong. Nothing says there are ONLY two, no more, no less.
that's because you are a newfag zoomer
If you can see the inner lining, you should see more of the flesh. it's still a goddamn nonsense
It's one of the following:
1. You're off by one. Heh programming joke.
2. There are actually 2 cups [of coffee] as in the unit of measurement.
3. There is no spoon.
is it because those are mugs on the table and the 2 legs of the table that are visible are supposed to be cups?
2 of the cups originally shared the same body.
no it doesn't make sense
1) Why would her entire tits be a different colour than the rest of her body?
2) you can see her spine and scapulae, but her face and arms are in complete sideview, and her left arm is beyond her right scapula.
what cups?
it could be mesh lacey shit but poorly drawn. think like pic related. in regards to 2, it's pretty obvious there has to be something going on with the proportions to look like this regardless of wtf is going on
If you're referring to what's on the table, those are mugs. There are only 2 cups and they are both holding up the table.
Yes, Illya is pure and is being saved for her Oniichan Shirou.
so what do I win for figuring this out anyway?
Then why is she wearing a thong?
here you go
The subber made a mistake.
Maybe you should go out sometimes, it's called a swimsuit.
well the first "cups" is in the first sentence and the second "cups" is the big caption. do i win?
also adding that those liquid holding vessels are called mugs. not cups.
Got any proofs to back up that claim, friend?
Is that hot coffee
Can't anyone just find the fucking source and inspect that? At least see her portions for reference?
Actually it's iced coffee. I has Genus make it cold.
There are two full cups of liquid evenly distributed amongst three cups. Thus there are two cups.
There are no cups.
Where did you take them?