ITT Anime Brands

ITT Anime Brands

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Other urls found in this thread:



The one in yagaye kimi ni naru, I don't have the picture though.

macrosoft winding XO

Attached: Pizza_Hut_2012_logo.png (400x399, 132K)

>he doesn't eat a WcDonald's on the regular with the boys

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Poteto Chips

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>the 50 deviations on Google

Most of these are just rip offs of real brands. Example: WcDonalds is just McDonalds upside down.

>This is what Japan considers "large".

Attached: large_beer_cans.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

You don't say!

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Based nonelly

Well no fucking shit sherlock

i never understood
was that an actual paid ad?
the green haired bitch ordered it almost every episode

>the green haired bitch
Watch your fucking mouth when talking about your Empress


Attached: kaiji_beer.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

They picked the wrong brand.

Attached: CiCis_circular_logo2.jpg (600x600, 55K)

Pizza Hut and Pizza Hut Japan are listed in the credits, so yes

Which do you prefer - Mr. Peter Banana Taste, or Dr. Vinegar?

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In fact, Pizza Hut seems to donate a lot of money to anime productions

Pick yer poison.

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Is off-brand Dr. Pepper the drink of choice for Chuunis?

>ywn cum inside cc
Truly, why even live?

On-brand, too.

Shit, Dr. Pepper's the only soda I like does this mean I'm a closet Chuuni?

what?, code geass had a game?

I wanna cum on her pizza and then eat it.

user I think that's kinda gay, dawg...

That looks like a bottle of clothes-washing juice.

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user what the fuck
Seems like every anime has an obscure jp only game

Attached: Code_geass_lc_ps2.jpg (352x500, 73K)

>jp only
I don't get why it's always JP only what did we ever do to the Nips?

Outside the US thats normal.

Drink Works
Doc P

Kaiji made me try Asahi, as far as nippon beer goes i've only had it and Sapporo and I do like Asahi a bit more, but neither are a go to beer for me.

Does any user know a good /jp/ beer?

I think we beat them in the olympics one time, otherwise I don't think we ever did anything to them

Attached: NG25.jpg (540x410, 69K)

Drink one or two strong zeroes and get shitfaced.

Because they don't intend to release it in the US? Why do you think everything is about yourself?

>Dr. Spice
>Spicy Cola

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imagine unironically being a mutt

Quit being so sore Tojo. Look at the bright side, we gave you your Rising Sun...twice even!


How is this related to the topic, shitposter kun?

the final fantasy mascot?

Everything's about me, I get everything I want. And right now I want your sweet lil' user cotton candy ass.

Of course the mutt only considers stuff from his perspective.

Fake and dumb. Nice try user but you’ll have to try harder next time if you wanna fool me

I was half-joking in that post user, don't take it so seriously.

I'd let Rikka guzzle down my Mr. Peter cola

rent free

>she'll never crack open a Mr. Peter with me
It hurts so much user

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only feed top quailty pokee to nugs

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You're worse than that guy is.


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>imagine unironically being a mutt
You don't pick where you're born, user.

Is this a german sub or is there an anime that actually used that phrase?

The umbrella really gets me.

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Protoplasmic meme you have their friendo.




Well, this thread derailed quickly.

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Because most anime games are cheap easy to make lowest of the low budget last minute titles. No one wants to localized that shit, cheap shitty anime games are as common as EA sports games.

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Why are there so many coke ads in older anime?

FUCK that shitty Milo product placement from Yotsuba

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what about morning lescue?

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>Mountain Wew
Kek. Can't wait till we see a Bepis.

Dr. Thunder because it easily has the best graphic design, the font reminds me of a car ad you'd find in a magazine from the 80s

Congratulations, you just chose the Walmart brand.

There's a lot of Sony ones in anime and manga. I've been watching Hidamari Sketch and they have a Pony brand TV.

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I don’t know why but in this scene in Kimi no na wa, the dude had an off-brand Sony CRT. But earlier in the film, the Sony logo was blatantly shown on the Yunika vision building in Tokyo.

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my god stop being such a baby. he didn't say anything like that

hell he didn't even say he was a burger in that post, so you sperging out about the US is on you.

back when i was living with my dad and we were poor on special nights he would buy a case of dr thunder to have with dinner
now both of us make dr pepper money

>Because most anime games are cheap easy to make lowest of the low budget last minute titles. No one wants to localized that shit, cheap shitty anime games are as common as EA sports games.
wut? Youre equating anime games with shitty sports games?

They really are not that similar at all

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thats a weird word to say as an english speaker
how the hell do the nips say it?

I'm an English speaker and it's not that weird. I'd say it "dels-nee". I'd think it would be harder for a Japanese speaker to say. No idea how it would have been written in hiragana. "de-lu-su-ni"?

>WC is short for water closet
>which means toilet
enjoy eating shit

oh fug :DDDD

H&K G11

Attached: 600px-Jssdfhk1.jpg (600x338, 64K)

Man, those Japanese vision charts look so hard compared to the alphabet kind.

In hungarian popsi is the childish way to say ass.

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I've had Dr. Shasta, and that stuff is toxic as fuck. Could use some more Mr. Pibb, though.

Install Mindows

Is every brand in the anime dimension created by the finnish?

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The genuine article for me thanks.

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I wonder if they asked or just didn't give a shit.


Probably the latter at that time. I'm pretty sure all the permutations of famous brands is more a joke than anything - most companies would probably take the free advertising and leave it unless they were literally selling and making money off of 'Haruhi at Mcdonalds!' keychains or something like that

>Dr. Becker

Attached: ???.jpg (400x485, 32K)

Attached: snickers.webm (1920x1080, 808K)

Probably my favorite

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Dr Thunder is legit
i also like Big K Dr K, its my fav off brand Dr Pepper
i think i had Dr A+ and Dr Bold before but not sure

Attached: 8a6.gif (480x291, 803K)

>anime knock-off os has a more appealing design than the real one
The absolute state


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Dr. Tremor looks like a bottle of dietary supplement pills for old people
hell, it's even named as such

ebin :DDD

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Reminder that it’s Dr Pepper, not Dr. Pepper.

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Filthy Frank did some serious shit before his career as a youtuber

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product placement for a real cigarette brand in urusei yatsura

Attached: mild seven.jpg (1280x960, 722K)

Another one

Attached: deka_pepper.jpg (853x480, 53K)

>Real Dr.

It's not always JP only, even for the obscure shit. They translated Gregory Horror Show, for some reason.

does this count

Attached: 205 snapshot_19.52_[2018.07.21_10.59.43].jpg (1280x960, 676K)

>no mr.pibb

>company with pizza in its name supports other companies that make stuff pandering to pedos
i-it's just a coincidence, right?

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NEC had their logo in the credits, and I'm pretty sure Microsoft was also listed.

This thing is shown so many times in that episode i couldnt get over it
Stardust crusaders ad

Why is the logo upside down?

>pandering to pedos
oh user, its like you don't know...

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>holding hands in public
>not a sexual act

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from the same anime

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Fuck, I want that bottle.

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If I recall it actually said Heineken in the HxH language

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hunter X Hunter - 49 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.57_[2012.09.29_21.26.14].jpg (1280x720, 134K)

The best OS in the world, Mechasoft Doors MX

Attached: MechasoftDoorsMX.jpg (1366x768, 344K)

I want to cum on her pizza and make her eat it

Why do people love heiniken so much
Im Dutch and over here its seen as one of the worst beers especially for its price

It's also considered bad in Poland, but
>US is obsessed with EU's trash beer
Draw your own conclusions Dutchbro

Britbong here, we think it's shit as well, it's the sort of stuff old ladies buy as a thank you for people who've done their gardening or something

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>Food Club

Is that the fucking Iron Butt?

Attached: Fungary.jpg (359x404, 48K)

Their global marketing is succesful it seems
If any amerilards read this try amstel instead, or literally any german beer

Sagrada Reset kit-kat

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