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Apollo is a faggot
Danmachi 2
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Is that supposed to be Ishtar? She's ugly as fuck
I honestly don't know what happened.
The others seem okay but they really fucked up Ishtar.
Also, fuck Lili and Hestia. Thanks to them Aisha didn't join and won't be devouring Bell every night.
Ryu is better anyway.
Wasn't Ishtar supposed to be beautiful to the point of only being overshadowed by Freya? Why does she look like a cheap whore?
Because it's clearly supposed to be her looking down at something in an unflattering way, sort of like when Freya does that yandere face shit a couple times in the show. Granted she could still look fucked up in the more general sense, but I don't know if anything more with her has been shown
>Why does she look like a cheap whore?
In a manner of speaking, that's the point. Freya's beauty is, or at least is supposed to be, an all-encompassing beauty, one that captures not just the mind, but the heart as well, while Ishtar's is a base beauty, fueled by an intoxicating aura of lust. I don't think her anime design really does her beauty justice from a purely aesthetic standpoint, but thematically I think it's pretty on point.
IIRC they're not exactly the same kind of love goddess, Freya's form is more holistic while Ishtar's is more lewd.
Posting in this thread because I fucked up creating the other thread without checking
The origin of the dungeon is shown as an event in game
>Bell's ancestor was a famous hero named "Argonaut,"
>Bell and Lefiya is bloodrelated
>Other characters' ancestor was random heroes
>The Amazon ancestor however seems to have created the dungeon
>At the start "I hate everything"
>The creator of the dungeon seems to be related to Argonaut
The last PV only showed Aisha, Haruhime and some random amazons, no Ishtar yet.
>Bell and Lefiya is bloodrelated
But they're not even the same species
They share the same ancestor, could be that once upon a time one of their ancestors start being a human fucker
Lefiya's hometown is one that's more adjusted to dealing with humans than other elf towns. It sort of lines up, though only because I can't think of a single other detail about her hometown that has ever been mentioned.
>fox courtesan prostitute is a virgin all along
looks like it's gonna be super bad. then again, what did I expect from native isekai to begin with
Tell it to me straight, are they the endgame?
Unlikely. Bell's been pretty straightforward the whole time in terms of his goal. She's had a lot of focus in the LN lately though. If she's endgame it's probably a harem end
Both could be blood related to a fucking swan if Zeus is involved.
I choose to... sacrifice
Will best girl be getting more screen time?
Wonder if her and Bell are still the most popular ship.
It'd make sense, Human male and Elven female is practically the standard for fantasy stories since it's so popular.
I want to see Chad Thadius Thor "THUNDERCOCK" Odinsson dom Loki in the most roughest anal sex ever, with a little bit of choking and ear biting.
I thought Zeus was adoptive grandpapa, as in one or more of Bell's parents were part of his familia.
Sounds like he might be their great granddaddy.
But they still won't ever develop this any further or give it any importance, because Lefiya still hasn't appeared in the mainline story.
So Bell's Argonaut skill was actually a bloodline skill like Crozzo blood
So, Bell and Aiz are related?
What? His skill "Argonaut" is because his ancestor is Argonaut. What does that has to do with Ais?
>Bell and Lefiya is bloodrelated
That sounds really retarded to be honest.
More than likely not, but I wouldn't say it is out of the question.
The fact that she still didn't join his family after all that probably means her focus is done, and she'll just be another background girl who shows up once a volume to briefly lust after him, then be forgotten again.
It's been hundreds of years, at that many stages of separation everybody is related to somebody.
Where can I download the lastest PDF volumes?
right here
*unzips dick*
Why are there even people on this site that can't figure out stuff like this?
>he fact that she still didn't join his family after all that probably means her focus is done
I thought that was set up as a future possibility.
It would certainly suck balls if that's pretty much the end of her relevance.
Especially since the readership and the author liked her enough to get her a spin-off.
but this volume is a filler volume
does freya fuck her familia?
There's been so much development in Oratoria that it would be really jarring to main story only readers if PTSD Lefiya were to be parachuted into the main story now.
what do you think it's like being the last in line?
Why do you think that cat guy is angry all the time? The real question is if those group of prumes do it at the same time
>PTSD Lefiya
What happened?
They're clearly different species in that trailer, though.
She is half elves in the trailer, apparently their parents was other species fucker
>What happened?
Lefi a shit, that's what happened.
>What happened?
Remember Filvis? The black haired elf she’s friends with?
She became monster chow and the entire Dionysus Familia is dead.
I thought no one here played the game
I wish I met you useless fucks earlier
that must be awkward for the mobage putting her into recent events.
>Bell and Lefiya is bloodrelated
What the fuck Omori? You were pushing hard BellxLefiya in game events and Oratoria and now you come with this? Did your shitty editor obligued you to pull this shit?
Give it to me straight lads, am I forced to watch the other anime with the sword chick to fully enjoy the second season? Regarding new characters, interactions, events, etc.
Only share a common ancestor user. They're probably 10 generations apart, it's okay to fuck. It raises the question of why Bell inherit Argonaut but not Lefiya though
There is zero need to watch Oratoria to enjoy the main story. At best you might appreciate the Loki Familia characters more, at worst you might actively hate them more.
>tfw you are a Ryufag
Why do I always like the girls who have no chance to win?
No, the Oratoria shit was barely anything to do with the main series and it has a shittier MC and shittier plot.
The only good part is when they show you Bell fighting the Minotaur from the party's perspective.
Read the manga if you actually like Ais instead of that butchered JC shit original content garbage.
Excellent news! Now I'm really anticipating the start of the second season even if it ends up sucking.
I've probably been spoiled by Fate Grand Order but Danmemo's combat system seems really, really simplistic.
Oratoria is shit.
Author thought too highly of himself and thought he could pull a Railgun spinoff but Ais is not Mikoto and her friends.
Aiz could have been like Mikoto if the story actually focused on her instead of following around that shitty elf. It's quite telling that the best parts of Oratoria are the ones where the story fully focuses on Aiz and the shitty elf is barely around.
Imagine if Railgun was mostly told from Kuroko's perspective.
Now did you actually read the manga or did you just watch JC shit rewrites
>some john spends thousands of valis to fuck primo fox puss
>she faints when she sees his dick
>he doesn't fuck her unconscious body and leaves without getting a refund
Yeah because that's definitely what happened.
Lefiya isn't that bad a character when her character is properly focused on instead of sperging out at Bell.
Well the material for second season is many of my favorite parts of the series, but that doesn't necessarily mean it will work as well animated or it wont just get a shitty cranked out anime due to being a second season JC staff LN adaption
Oratoria gets a lot better when it distances itself from being "This is what the Loki Familia was doing at this exact point of the main book" shit. That doesn't really happen until after where the anime ended though. Also the anime put extra focus on Lefiya and took it away from Aiz for some reason. Overall I think it's a pretty big step down from the main book though
Danmemo feels like a clusterfuck of random features to me. The only thing I would say it really has over FGO is auto-battle for the boring parts and it's generally a lot more generous with gacha currency to the point where I've never been tempted to pay for anything. I'm replaying it for the upcoming story, but I'll probably just drop it again right after
When she isn't sperging out at Bell she is acting like an annoying dyke around Aiz or whining about not being of more use to her. Plus her special skill is some retarded bullshit.
I compared her to Kuroko but at least Kuroko is cool when she isn't busy being a dyke and her fight scenes are great.
Aiz is the mc in the manga though. Did you really expect anything else from the studio that constantly rewrites source material in their LN adaptations and inserted all that Hestia pandering in the first season?
>Plus her special skill is some retarded bullshit
She has a big assortment of spells. That's it and it matters not a lot.
She is the MC in the anime too but both the anime and the manga put way too much focus on the gay elf, specially the anime, which gave her even more focus for some dumb reason.
Removing Aiz's inner monologues and showing her being a silent autist as always was also a shit decision.
Being able to copy spells at will is a great deal when most magicians in the setting have like two spells they can use.
This is the same studio that literally turned a side character in Sakurasou into a main competing love interest what did you actually expect from such a shit studio user
Hmm, yes, deep lore.
And it barely plays a role. She is not strutting around solving every problem because she has every spell.
>turned a side character in Sakurasou into a main competing love interest
You mean the voice actress or whatever the fuck she was? So she wasn't part of a love triangle in the source material?
She isn't because she is fucking retarded and would rather gush over Aiz than learn how to use her ultra-broken special skill properly.
I really don't think it's that OP in practice, since the best magic is basically the stuff she already has without it anyway. I'm not a fan of any of that "my skill is having all the skills" bullshit in general though
No, she was just a side character. JC staff butchers the source material of any LN adaptation they touch and I’m pretty sure it’s intentional at this point. Enjoy watching JC shit original content instead of the actual LN adaptation you want to watch, they’re literally on the same level as localizers who rewrite source material in video games because they think they know better than the original author what readers want to read.
I started reading the novels in like 2016 but had completely erased the last arc of the anime from my mind because it was so boring that I stopped when the novels got to that.
Should I just give it another try?
I think I did the same.
I started reading the novels when the anime was just introducing the hobbit girl and reached till the point where the anime eventually ended (the goliath thing) and dropped the story right there because I got bored (and it's possible the translations weren't that far yet at that point).
The Apollo games volume was really good. But the amazon sluts volume was surprisingly disappointing.
Honestly, I’m betting that they’re either adopted siblings or she’s doing the whole “younger girl calling a close older male friend nii-san” bit
The anime ended at volume 5 iirc. The wargames and pleasure quarter stuff are volumes 6 and 7 which were good and okay respectively. 8 is basically filler short stories for better or worse. 9 10, and 11 are all pretty heavily connected and I thought was overall kind of meh, but had a good payoff at the end. After that it's back to dungeon stuff which I liked, but if you didn't like the second half of the anime you probably wont.
It might be better animated. A lot of that book was just "bell keeps fucking running", but there's some interesting stuff that happens aside from that weird cop-out ending
I remember the end of the anime was they get to some big 'pit stop' town in the dungeon and then they fight some boss monster.
There was also something that took up a few episodes before it I think? Like I said I had completely erased it from my mind until I looked it up because it was so bad.
The minotaur fight heavily overshadows the rest of the season in general. You're not really forgetting anything major other than them almost dying a few times getting there and a group of people that formed to find them
Bell and his party are exploring the dungeon and some faggot party from a nip god dumps a mob of monsters at them by accident, they manage to flee and reach some safe haven town in a deeper level.
Faggot party tells Hestia and her + Ryuu + Loki's Familia + Hephaestus and his second-in-command + the faggot party and maybe someone else I forgot go down there to help them.
I don't remember exactly what happens but they all meet up, have some SoL moments and an onsen scene, Bell gets in trouble with some thuggish adventurers and then Loki's Familia fucks off.
After that I think the thuggish adventurers kidnap Hestia and kick Bell's ass using some helmet of invisibility that Hephaestus gave them and Hestia uses her godly powers to scare them, which triggers some self-defense mechanism that unleashes a giant in that level.
All the remaining adventurers team up and kill the giant, with Bell delivering the final blow. After that they all become friends and go back to the surface.
That's all I can remember, I watched and read this shit years ago.
After the minotaur fight it's obvious everything else was going to be shit in comparison.
I don't think that part was so bad, the blacksmith shit that came before was much more boring.
At least JC Staff were smart enough to keep the blacksmith shit to only one episode.
>Imagine if Railgun was mostly told from Kuroko's perspective.
>dyke antics
Huh, you're right.
Oratoria novels are far better than Danmachi. So is the manga.
Anime was just a JC abortion.
The surface stuff is entertaining but I couldn't give less of a fuck about the shit that happens in the dungeon with the humanoid monsters.
Ishtar is the goddess of sex, war and a bunch of other things.
Zeus is involved, don't think too hard about it.
Goddess of prostitutes ohohoho
I tried reading the novels and fell asleep, I think the last thing I read was somebody got murdered in the dungeon. When does it pick up?
5 or 6. I'm not really sure why someone would think it's better than the main book unless they're only going by manga adaptions though
Movie bds when
Why do this so late? Why didn't you air this over that stupid fucking knock off.
They wanted to replicate the Railgun success, probably.
Anime movie BDs normally land about 6 months after the theatrical showing, as far as I know.
otherwise imma be mad as fuck because they make the best couple in this series by a longshot
>locking important story into into a mobile gacha game which will shut down in a few years
I guess everyone's trying to be Fate GO.
I still suspect he's going to go harem ending somehow, because that's what Zeus told him to do.
that would be a cheap cop-out and a waste of great development
but then again, i have seen it multiple times before so i should just learn from that mistake and stop getting emotionally invested in things
i'm ready for best girl's animation debut
>Bell and Lefiya is bloodrelated
>revealed in the same mobile game that makes it seem like the two would be all over each other if it wasn't for the fact they both want to bone Aiz
Kind of an odd decision to make honestly. Distant relation or not.
There's also the fact that she can only copy the spells of other Elves. Who are (supposedly) a rare sight to begin with. Hence her somewhat silly title "Thousabd Elf." Still should have more stuff under her belt imo, but the limitation is pretty clear.
>Thousand Elf
I wonder if Fujino Omori had just come off a Negima binge read before coming up with that name.
copying from elves isnt the only limitation, remember that copied spells cost double mana for her to cast, and unless she grows those mana tanks copying a crazy ultimate magic would probably put her in a coma
No. Oratoria LN and manga is good though. The anime is pure trash who promoted Lefiya as MC and ignored Ais herself.
>she’s doing the whole “younger girl calling a close older male friend nii-san” bit.
>Now roles are reversed and he is the younger one.
Lefiya nee-san when?
They better not fuck up Haruhime's story.
It's actually my favorite volume.
ugh production values look on par with the crappy sword princess anime
The author fucked it up himself when he decided that Haruhime, whose entire character arc revolved around learning not to give up her self-worth from being damaged goods, was actually "pure" the whole time.
I didn't actually mind, since it implies she thought she was being raped.
But why pussy out and make her only hallucinating? That cheapens her development and hardly makes any sense.
i think that the editor chimed it and made him do it because of how out of place the reveal was, not like it mattered anyway
mikoto getting serious is a highlight
i think you've just awakened something in me, user
What arcs are going to be included in this? Is it going to be another 13 episode 1 season show like last time or what?
please no
Apollo wars and the amazon district are on the trailer and i hope it's just these two
War game, Apollo and Haruhime
That's what I ment, 14 was her big volume, and in 15's side stories she's back to being a waitress lusting after Bell. 16 is going to be a new arc, so her chance to join the family has basically passed. Plus there's the whole fact that she can't, since she needs her God's approval and that would be a whole arc trying to track her down.
Is Hestia still cucked?
BellxLefiya is OTP
Eh not really though everyone constantly compares him to a rabbit with pretty much everything he does and we all know how much of little fuck machines those guys are also even if he's trying to hide it his desire for a harem was deeply ingrained in him by Zeus, I can honestly see it going either way without the harem feeling like a cop-out since it's plausible
Its a shame there's so much Lefiya hate in this thread when she was such a badass in the Grand Day Event (currently on its re-run).
There's no hurry for her to join their familia
Her smile is pretty
>more hobbit daughterwife
I'm okay with this.
Not anymore, their ancestors were siblings .
Come back when the Grand Day event is adapted to LN or anime.
you say that as if that has ever stopped japan.
Are there hobbits in this series?
Lefiya in the spin-off series is pretty much her worst rendition, which also where most here know her from.
That just means it's pure love
They're not allowed to use the word hobbit for copyright reasons, but yes the short girl with the huge backpack and the shota captain of Loki Familia are both halflings.
Oh I just thought they were the obligatory potato race so popular in japanese fantasy nowadays with how the were described
That would require people to have actually played the mobage, of which I doubt many of us have.
What the fuck is a potato race? Irish?
look up Terra Elin, Final Fantasy 14 Lalafell, Etrian Odyssey 5 Brouni and Grandblue Fantasy Harvin
A hobbit by any other name would still be short.