Why did it flop?
Why did it flop?
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Something something fewer episodes per BD but still more expensive than normal something 15,498th time something sage something
It was unfunny.
Not enough Nano, also the studio almost went bankrupt in production costs so they tried to Jew everyone out on BD prices to make up for it and failed miserably.
A shame really, this is unironically the only masterpiece Kyoanus has ever produced.
It didnt
Price, timing, and lack of humor for half the planet. Too hit or miss, some jokes drag on far too long.
English dub is coming this year with the current crop of English seiyu's. Make of that what you will.
>English dub
For what purpose? The humor, such as it is, highly depends on the Japanese language.
Violet Evergarden.
Japan doesn't buy sketch comedy anime blu-rays. There's no reason to rewatch if you already know the joke.
it was a pretty bad show
Wasn't good.
It aired during the nuclear disaster so no one in japan paid attention to it
Better question is why don't they push Mai in front of a fucking train?
She doesn't seem to make anyone happier
selamat pagi!
You have to be under 10 years old to even find half of the jokes funny.
I found the episodic nature of the show boring and the comedy was meh. I think I laughed at one thing throughout the whole thing and it was because it was funny I just found it comical how much they were rolling were the over saturated comedy
see Same reason Zoolander flopped in Murrica.
die tripfag
Don't call me dumb, but why is the water black?
she try eat poppycorny but it no go in and she angry funnee screem
dirt and such
Its like the year 2021 lmao WHERE THE FUCK IS CITY ANIME?
Cost a bunch to make, and then was sold for retarded prices on disc.
thanks to the re-release it's no longer true
Theres's a couple english VA's from Haruhi.
Why do you keep posting this?
did it really flop when the anime was revelant to the internet culture for several years? other anime lose they revelance minute after last episode airs
they probably made good merchandise money
she doesn't deserve this
It tried too hard/too early to be the next Lucky Star. Fucking idiots, trying to surpass Lucky Star...
forced animation?
Good animation cant save a shit show. See also: mob psyco
What's a funny anime for you?
>"It's not funny because art is subjective and I don't understand it :("
Read a book for once in your life.
What the actual fuck is your point?
Of course humor is subjective.
>newtripfag is not only a salesfag, but is also a retard who makes the same question people have made 100 times a 101th time
Nice, welcome to the filter.
>forced animation?
Is this stupid meme finally so dead newfags don't know it anymore?
>"Humor is subjective, therefore this is bad because I don't like it"
Yeah, valid criticism.
I sincerely don't understand this concept of forced animation. So you animate something in an extraordinary way that extends the joke to a rediculous degree. What's wrong with that? It makes the funny... I'm sorry, I'm just not getting what the problem is...
That's not what he's saying, you know.
Because Funimation dubbed it.
i seldom watch anime
i mostly read manga
>I sincerely don't understand this concept of forced animation.
"Forced animation" is a play on the term "forced drama", and was originally used by people to shitpost shows that would incorporate unexpected sakuga or over the top animation.
However, it has since been more appropriately used to mean scenes that are overly fluid, janky, or just feel animated to an unnatural degree.
Overall, the term probably should not be used either way.
Azumanga Daioh is better.
Thank you for the clarification.
Personally, I like the animation on nichijou, it's funny
this is hot
1 full price bluray=1 episode
There's 24 episodes.
Only an idiot would buy it.
Watch that nanoha scene, then come back to discuss it.
When is the last time you paid $1k for one series?
What scene?
its superior. get vanquished niggerlord
ironic flop posting is still flopposting you fucking spastics.
don't drag nichijou into your stupid little spat with time flop guy, it's a better show than sora Yori or VEG, or whatever show you like that VEGposter hurt your feelings by insulting that came out that winter.
You say this as if Nicjijou was entirely conceived, executed and funded by Kyoani.
sexy girl
idk but I loved this show and the Nano's epiphany that she was fine just the way she way brought a tear to my eye
also professor is just awesome
Because it wasnt funny.