It's Shizuru's birthday!!!

It's Shizuru's birthday!!!

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Best girl and deserves her own spin-off.

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What's it like to have sex with a tree?

Best girl


Ok character.
Worst route.

I want to do something lewd to her.

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More like shitzuru

Inoue best Rewrite.
Route where??

Attached: Inoue Yatta.webm (1280x720, 884K)

When is the remake getting translated? I want to read it for her.

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I'm sure there is hidden Inoue route!

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There is a Rewrite remake?

Finally added Inoue sprites.

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Shizuru is cute!

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There isn't exactly going to be a remake, but an English release that includes Rewrite Plus and Harvest Festa.
Though that's been in development for several years now so I wouldn't count on it.

>have the only competent writer on the team handle you
>he has a massive boner for bad endings
>get cucked across routes
God damn it.

Ba careful!!

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Hitler has no right to be this sexual!

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>worst route
>"competent writer"
Only good writer here is Romeo. The whole thing would be a completede failure without him.
Shizuru route is shit.

Yes he does

The Inoue sprite already existed in the fandisk

So does this pile of radioactive waste.

Yeah. Just saying they are putting it back into the original story.

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>Kagari has no birthday

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>imagine doomed to live inside the forest with prez forever
the horror

It is a terrible fate.

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Kotori best girl

Every day is Kagari's birthday!!

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at least Akane has body that can give birth to baseball team

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based and keypilled

rewrite yourself

This is the best girl.

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Shizuru route only exists to show off how powerful Kagari-chan is!

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Lucia is best for pumpi'n and dumpi'n.

Inoue is best for uncovering ancient conspiracies.

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Who doesn't want some of this toxic superhuman pussy?
I can still hear her screaming
He sure displayed some advance level autism in most of the girls routes, but at least this VN is a case where the MC actually mans the fuck up eventually.

best girl

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After Touka route.

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I never made it past Kotori route but I fucking loved the common route. Which are the good ones?

Yea Forums's official rewrite route list is as follows.

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Are some of them skippable?

You have to read every girls route to unlock the last two. The order they should be read in is Kotori>Chihaya>Lucia>Shizuru>Akane

>past Kotori
I'm quite confident you can do the non Akane, Kagari, Moon, Terra routes in any order, but it's common to get Kotori first.
My playthrough was kinda confusing because I only got Chihayas last, before Akane.
The VN doesn't have bad routes and you need to read all of them to 100% it anyway.

Who actually beliefs that?

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