>shimakaze; escort and saving operation queen, enormously powerful, high-temperature, high-pressure steam turbine, one of the fastest in the word beating her design specs
>amatsukaze; 52,000 shaft horsepower for a designed speed of 35 knots, a range of 9,300 km at a speed of 18 knots, displaces 2,065 metric tons at standard load and 2,529 metric tons at deep load, 24 inch type 93 torpedo 'Long Lance', 16 depth charges
Is there a better pairing anywhere in the ship world?
Shimakaze; escort and saving operation queen, enormously powerful, high-temperature, high-pressure steam turbine...
Japanese destroyer folded over 1000 times plus American battleship with BIG GUNS
Shinano x Archerfish
Nice ass
Imagine that hot turbine pumping so fast and taking all that load in at once.
>shaft horsepower
I don't know why but those two words just made my peepee hard
anymore news about kc s2?
God, Shimakaze makes me diamonds.
Imagine zekamashi-kun pumping his piston into amatsukaze's hole
Would you give them the T?
My torpedo would detonate prematurely
With enough force to rupture my own ship from the immense load being fired.
No, I don't think there is.
Is it time to post lewd?
Why are these boats so sexy?
>Accidentally getting your armor swapped with someone else's
This is why we don't share dry docks anymore.
What do you do if your ship is getting robbed?
Best pair
I love Shiranui!
>>shimakaze; escort
Canon prostitute lmao
they're just a couple of losers.
I can think of another top tier DD combo
That's all destroyers though. The US even built a bunch of extra-cheap destroyers solely for escort duties.
Admittedly, Shimakaze is really the only one dressed for the job though.
Best ship.
No others can even compare.
How much for a night with a boatslut?
You fucked up your image, bub.
>Is there a better pairing anywhere in the ship world?
The Iowa and FREEDOM
I prefer submarine self cest
Shimakaze also has a 24 inch type 93 Long lance.
They are futa ships.
Not even close. Also abyssals better.
the dog is very lewd.
Yes, ship boy X admiral.
what is the best shimakaze doujin?
I like this tall stack and short plank.
Iowa is for kisses, hugs and fugs
Japanese ships and bombs down their smokestacks are the ultimate pairing. Runner up is American ships and Zeroes smeared uselessly across the armor.
Amatsukaze isn't even as fast as Yuubari
This isn’t arpeggio.
Not gonna lie, Shimakaze is a reason why I get into Kancolle so I am eternally grateful to him
>KC still has no Gneisenau while wows has both the Gneisenau and the Scharnhorst
Yep, that's gonna be a cringe from me
My waifu a boat and there's literally nothing wrong with that.
In fact it's a big advantage to not have to deal with some cringy anime story.
Damn JC look like tha
More importantly, how can Shimakaze be so erocute?
Except I didn't get into Kancolle just fap to the Shimikaze kun and other trap doujins on sadpanda
So, are you guys gonna talk about some anime or manga adaptation of you're boatwaifushit game, or are you just gonna dump some /c/ or /e/ pics that might as well belong on /vg/ instead?