You have captured the enemy army's secret weapon

>You have captured the enemy army's secret weapon
What is your next step?

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Let her go

Make her eat all the eggs.

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Make lots of baby secret weapons.

She is twelve years old.

Dress her up in cute clothes and make her do cute/embarassing things while filming them and sending them back to her home country for propaganda purposes.

>cute/embarrassing things
like what exactly?

She's a secret weapon right?

So put her in a fluffy dress and sit her down with a bunch of stuffed animals and make her pretend to have a tea party.

and she'll be 30 by the time she's done giving birth to my children

Kill self

Study and disassemble the weapon. Then destroy it. Then use something far more devastating than it against the enemy.

>rape her and keep her as a sex slave
That's what you wanted to hear, right? Fucking sicko.

Tame her to be your waifu


tell her the anime was shit and kill her.

torture her for intel.

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Convert her to be a champion of the NAP, then release her to spread the word back in her homeland.


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Introduce her to my secret weapon.

Fill the general area with high explosives and wait for someone to come resque her and then blow them up.


Top anatomy on those legs.

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Cyka Blyat.

deny her all choccy privileges for 1 week

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mindbreak her through love and affection with proper parenting into being a good normal girl

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chop off her limbs for maximum robot

why though?

she becomes cuter

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Oh shit...

Sew her mouth shut, implant a bomb, return her as a "gift" and explode the whole secret producing complex of the enemy

how do you plant a bomb after sewing it shut?

Teleportation, naturally. Nah, you insert bomb anywhere surgically, but i guess mouth/stomach works too. Sewing mouth shut (and painting mouth like it's normal over it) is to prevent her from warning her allies, then you maybe drug her to sleep just to be sure.

ask that question to Paz.

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based and fiddle pilled

>What is your next step?

Teach her about emotions.

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up up in the butt?

Tickle her, and force her to be my best friend.

Dress her up as a boy and make her peg me.

Saber wishes she was as beautiful as Violet
