Just finished watching gunsmith cats and i have to say it was some of the best animes i've seen in a while even tho its...

Just finished watching gunsmith cats and i have to say it was some of the best animes i've seen in a while even tho its only 3 episodes. The music was amazing and the english dub was really fun not to mention the underrated waifus. It sucks that this show never went anywhere and nobody talks about cuz it had some real potential to be a classic

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-17-18-59-51-1.png (720x711, 649K)

cool man :)

never heard of it
but if you say so user ill give it a shot

highly explosive bait right there


>watching gun smith cats
>not reading gun smith cats so you can see mini may take a monster load in her mouth and then masturbate in an alley

Riding Bean >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunsmith Cats

Attached: 1523951066595.png (456x570, 60K)

I will take the bait for everyone.
Fuck off, why are negroes so dumb and stinky?

'splosives chick was sidelined so many times in favor of guns mc'gee
Mad Bull was better

I tried watching the first episode of this shit it was boring as fuck

You know that the 3 episodes is just a ova?


Attached: [Dekkai] Gunsmith Cats - 01 [DVD 568p AC3][532BEADA].mkv_snapshot_07.37_[2019.04.20_22.04.36].png (125x166, 32K)


Check out the Manga sometime. It has lots and lots of lesbian sex in it.

Yall are saying its bait but i actually like it

Attached: download (5).jpg (164x137, 5K)

>green frog.

Attached: 1545620709303.jpg (600x450, 142K)

kill yourself stupid frogposter

(You) = faggot

Why don't you read the manga instead of watching the short anime "adaptation" that's apparently an original story?

Attached: GunsmithCats.png (2896x2048, 3.84M)

>denying bait
Get the fuck out of here.

Attached: frogposters btfo.png (1280x720, 648K)

Reminder that nobody in this thread just finished watching gunsmith cats.

so did they just happen to forget to release the blurays or what


Tell me where to get it and I will.

Mike aren't you supposed to be helping CDPR on Cyberpunk 2077? Should you really be watching anime and talking about it on Yea Forums?

You absolute lazy piece of entitled walking garbage. How can you even stand looking at your face in the mirror? Do you even have someone you can call a "friend" who can stand being around you for more than an hour at a time? Why do you thrust your poor upbringing and life choices into the conversation?