>I like the view you can see when you swing with all you've got.
>This doesn't quite compare to the night view of Hong Kong,
>but when I think about how there's a home...a family behind each and every light...
>I feel warm and fuzzy inside.
How long until Yotsuba's safe haven gets destroyed?
5Toubun no Hanayome
Other urls found in this thread:
cue song insert:
Nino can't be the kisser because she is far too Alpha. This is Nino during the confession. Straight forward and in your face.
Compare that to the kisser.
>Leaning forward
>Considerable distance between them
>Closed eyes
Too scared to pull it off.
When the dedicated itsuki arc starts...
Let me get this straight. While I understand what Yotsuba is going through, Ichika is clearly being undermined of her feelings towards Fuutaro or what she has gone through for her love. She loved Fuu as long as Yotsuba did (as ridiculous as it sounds for those two to fall in love and be in love for this long after meeting a boy for a day - your generic harem shit that I always hated) and gave up on her love for her sisters (perhaps the approach was wrong but what she felt/feeling is no different from Yotsuba).
If Ichika is out of the game, then so is Yotsuba. Have Ichikas sorrow and guilt been resolved yet? Hell no. Fuutaro still thinks that she was a liar when infact it was true. Imo, they are both in the game for obvious reasons but not enough to proclaim the endgirl trophy. Yotusbafags BTFO
Her face was a giant blush one page earlier, user. Nino is just like her sisters in her timidity: difference is she hypes herself through it.
Yes. But still she can push herself. Remember she nearly did it when fuutarou was fishing. Nothing of that expression there.
She's a brave girl
Do we have any confirmation if Yotsuba on the swing is still in the past or it's already present day?
>This is Nino during the confession. Straight forward and in your face.
Exactly why she's the kisser. The only straightforward quint with the motivation to do so in the first place. She even said she didn't care about appearances anymore and had no choice but to kiss him disguised. But because she's actually gunning to kiss him it's natural for her to feel nervous doing so especially when she stated she feels he would hate her if she was an bad kisser and because they fell the kiss wasn't perfect which she clearly don't want to tell.
obviously yotsuba
Body language friend. It contradicts.
>Ichika cannot be the kisser due to her injury. Not to mention in general she practically is out of the bowl due to her actions in Kyoto and that cheek kiss she gave Fuut is her parting.
>Miku cannot be the kisser since she and Ichika made up during the hot springs before they left. Miku wouldn't do something underhanded like kissing him since it wouldn't be fair. Not to mention when she had her chat with Nino during Kyoto Miku stated she has done nothing to advance towards Fuut except that one time where she confessed which was an dud since Fuut didn't understood.
>Itsuki cannot be the kisser since she has always been aware of Yotsubas feelings. She wouldn't snake her sister.
The only plausible kisser can only be either Nino or Yotsuba.
Eatsuki best grill.
Ichika forgot about Fuutarou and only remembered after she fell in love with him again. That's totally different from Yotsuba who has been in love with him all the while.
Saying Ichika gave up for her sister's sake is disingenuous, it's more like she she gave up because she screwed up so hard that she can't make it back to the game even if she wants to.
This was after the quints were talking about vacation plans.
It's Yotsuba. This arc has set her up as the main heroine.
Itsuki often vibrates like that.
Itsuki is the kisser.
Zetsuba was is and will always be the winner baby
No it doesn't since we know Nino can do the pose if she wants. Stay in denial buddy but the facts are there.
Not gonna dispute that. I can see Yotsuba doing it but this arc solidifies that she has far too much of a burden to do it. Aside from those 2. Miku.
Will negi ever give us at least one SOL chapter?
Miku's autism is so adorable
The snake drama has finally concluded and they're back home. SoL chapters will return.
There's an difference between being autistic and being nervous.
The rest of the chapter was sad and all but this page almost broke me. I'm actually convinced that Negi gets off to Yotsuba's despair
Ichika did all of that for sefish interest. Yotsuba especified she hides all this so her sisters can outstand more
Very possible, after successfully reuniting Yotsuba with Fuutarou, and shedding tears of joy at her wedding, we learn that Fuutarou is an UNRELIABLE NARRATOR, and while he thought the kisser was his wife, it was in fact Itsuki. Cue bittersweet OH DESPAIR ending.
These lyrics are more appropriate for ROPEYotsuba.
I made a story about Yots and Fuuts using plot-generator.org.uk
Yotsuba Nakano was thinking about Fuutarou Uesugi again. Fuutarou was a funny selfish with curvy armpits and charming thighs.
Yotsuba walked over to the window and reflected on her funny surroundings. She had always loved cute park with its stupid, stagnant swing set. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel hopeless.
Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a funny figure of Fuutarou Uesugi.
Yotsuba gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a genki, fake, milkshake drinker with wobbly armpits and fragile thighs. Her friends saw her as an unknown, unlucky unique. Once, she had even helped a crazy bunny cross the road.
But not even a genki person who had once helped a crazy bunny cross the road, was prepared for what Fuutarou had in store today.
The rain hammered like bopping mice, making Yotsuba dark. Yotsuba grabbed a hot knife that had been strewn nearby; she massaged it with her fingers.
As Yotsuba stepped outside and Fuutarou came closer, she could see the inquisitive smile on his face.
Fuutarou gazed with the affection of 1616 stupid hilarious humming birds. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want praising."
Yotsuba looked back, even more dark and still fingering the hot knife. "Fuutarou, I am worthless," she replied.
They looked at each other with sad feelings, like two regurgitated, rapid rabbits smiling at a very hopeful Graduation, which had rock music playing in the background and two noble uncles hopping to the beat.
Suddenly, Fuutarou lunged forward and tried to punch Yotsuba in the face. Quickly, Yotsuba grabbed the hot knife and brought it down on Fuutarou's skull.
Fuutarou's curvy armpits trembled and his charming thighs wobbled. He looked cold, his emotions raw like a heavy, huge hat.
Then he let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Fuutarou Uesugi was dead.
Yotsuba Nakano went back inside and made herself a nice drink of milkshake.
You know eatmoon is gonna win, right Yea Forumsnons?
What if Itsuki kissed him so he thought it was Yotsuba or smth.
Yotsuba is too depressed to do anything but still has a little chance.
The rest are just out.
Well you are being selectively blind so what can I do. Face it. Nino is headstrong as proven in Kyoto Arc.
Raiha is the key to the Fuutaroubowl.
What if Itsuki has sex with him while making him think she's Yotsuba?
If that what must be done, so be it.
Looking at ch87, what do you guys think the parallel for this volume will be?
Now that we know Yotsuba won how are you guys coping? As a Ninofag I am just going to pretend like this isn't true and lash out at anyone who doesn't agree with me.
Fuutarou calling out to a sad and lonely Yotsuba at the despair park.
Do not trust her words.
Ii was one off the people who called it here. I knew Yotsuba was lying about lying.
You and the hundred other anons.
So yotsuba is out. Time to drop. My heart cant handle these shit anymore with nisekoi and twogk
I'm fine with Miku or Yotsuba winning the bowl.
Have you watched 5cm/s?
Turns out she's misunderstanding her own feelings and conflating admiration for love. So she was lying about lying about lying.
Post more comfy sad music. I need it.
Yotsuba is a peak cute predator.
Yotsuba lost lol "yotusbachads" XD
Cool hope song annon
For the flipfags.
I've never read a chapter of quints in my life
i swear on me mum
but if yotsuba loses i riot
>Ichika is clearly being undermined of her feelings towards Fuutaro or what she has gone through for her love. She loved Fuu as long as Yotsuba did
Nope she didn't. Unlike Yotsuba, Ichika forgot about Fuu and didn't remember him until the chapter he put on a Halloween costume.
I dont want to be a despairfag but when was the last time a genki girl won this shit?
Based Uroki.
She will. Negi wills it and Miku will take the glorious fall.
Itsuki doesn't make sense at this point. Fuutarou and Itsuki make a great banter duo but not for romance.
When can we expect proper scans?
in 5 minutes.
Miku will win. Yotsuba will learn what it really means to love your sisters from Miku.
Miku loves her sister very much. She will let go of Fuutarou for Yotsuba to finally free herself of the burden and be happy.
how can those tiny ankles support those massive tatas?
Hello there.
Fake. Yotsuba wouldn't rape Fuutarou.
Yotsuba's still shackled by her past, Fuutarou has to reject her so she can finally move on
Haven't you seen their thicc legs?
>She loved Fuu as long as Yotsuba did
Except no, she didn't. First of all she only remembered him after she saw him in the wig and didn't instantly recognize him like Yotsuba. And secondly I don't think she even fell for Fuutarou back then, I mean didn't they literally just played cards until Fuutarou's teacher came? At least Yotsuba and him spent the entire day together and connected over something deep and personal which changed them both permanently
Based DAT
I thought she was trembling and leaning cause she was on her tip toes.
The head being empty helps the weight management.
It's not rape if he likes it.
Potentially. If it was Nino, she would go get it.
I remember that! hopefully it will turn out to be canon.
This. Yotsuba still hasn't understood the significance of Rena's words and their sisterly bond which is why she will lose.
>from the same album
when standing straight up, the top of the quints head reach around Fuuts nose so she's probably not on tip toes
>Fuutarou has to reject her so she can finally move on
Fuu rejecting her wouldn't achieve anything to her character. Yotsuba is already in a state where she's happy for Fuu to be with someone else.
Changed Fuutaro because he took the efforts unlike Yotsuba who became an absolute failure degenerate cunt who used Itsuki as her pawn because she still couldn't do shit on her own. Their meeting didn't change shit in Yotsuba other her becoming a cunt to her sisters and they had to save her ass.
Ichikas love seemed real where Yotsuba dropped her pants for the spoiled Fuutaro the very first day.
>hoop dreams
In before Nino saves this manga before it gets flushed down the toilet
>Yotsuba is already in a state where she's happy for Fuu to be with someone else
she wants that to be true but she can't stop loving Fuu
Fuu-whatever-kun to Fuutaro to fuu-kun to danna-sama.
This is Nino's love story you imbeciles.
the only degenerate here was Ichika who was willing to lie, cheat and betray to the point she was willing to claim to be the only and true lolikano to get a leg on her sisters, instead of having a fair match. If she hadn't dropped out of the race Fuut's would've rejected her flat out because even he was sick of her lies.
The one from 30 chapters ago? Oh..her. Forgot.
Other aliases include the bell kisser, the bride, and ur mum.
The biggest factor here is the gap. Nino most likey would have closed that gap and took the kiss.
She is out user. There is always another swing for Miku if she gets lonely.
I wish Nino was my mommy
nino a shit
She says that she is happy but I don't think that would truly be the case. She's a ticking time bomb.
Yotsuba's comeback will be stronger than anyone elses.
Just like the lying cunt Yotsuba. Imagine living with the depressed psycho like her. Bloody hell
imagine being so autistic that you think lying for the sake of other and lying for personal gain are the same thing
Nino tripped Fuu on purpose to close the gap. ChadNino
Ignore him. He's a blatant shitposter trying to stir up Yotsubros.
Imagine being that person who believes lying would solve anything to the point they become a pathological liar. She is lying for her self satisfaction after all silky user
Are you okay user? You seem tilted.
No she isn't. She just forces herself to be that way. She still doesn't know what it truly feels to be happy for her sisters and has to lose and get cucked after having given it her all to fully understand.
Most anons were unaware or took her at face value. People were insisting she didn't like him until this week.
Dont think Yotusba will win. Its going to be Itsuki Nino or Miku
Next chapter: Youtsuba's flashback of kissing Fuutaro in scrambled eggs arc.
>Nino or Miku
That must have really hurt her. Why didn't we see it at the time.
Based Negi.
I'm 99% sure that this is bait but...
>Changed Fuutaro because he took the efforts unlike Yotsuba who became an absolute failure degenerate cunt
Yotsuba was changed but her Mom died and her dream along with her. If you actually think that Yotsuba would be the same if she never met Fuutarou then you should read the manga
>who used Itsuki as her pawn because she still couldn't do shit on her own
She literally just asked her. Hardly being "used"
>Their meeting didn't change shit in Yotsuba other her becoming a cunt to her sisters and they had to save her ass.
Holy shit stop speedreading
>Ichikas love seemed real where Yotsuba dropped her pants for the spoiled Fuutaro the very first day.
Hahaha, if by "real" you mean she acts like manipulative 3d whores then yeah. Ichika just wants to win Fuutarou's cock and she's willing to take down her sisters to down that, at least Zetsuba tried to improve herself instead of just fucking over the others like that snake. Yotsuba never stopped loving Fuutarou for 5 years and instantly recognized him despite him looking so different. In addition to that Yotsuba, since the beginning of the series, has been supporting Fuutarou and only wanted his happiness and for everybody to see how great he is. You can like whoever you want but when you try talking about love, it's not even comparable
Why is Nino out again
Cringe Ninokeks.
>Why didn't we see it at the time
Does that look like an happy face?
Imagine Negi letting any Quint drop out before S2 starts airing.
Holy shit, I feel bad for Itsukifags. From being first girl to completely irrelevant. Her chance of being the bride is now even worse than Ichicunt and Ropetsuba.
Are you ok annon? Don't be worried if you cheer for Ichika, no body will complain
>Whole chapter of Yotsuba looking back and confessing she's always loved Fuutarou
>Ichika gets 2 pages and says it's all a lie
>2 and 3 will never get these moments since they're just bait characters for the basic bitches
>5 is just a bro to Fuutarou and chose to support Yotsuba
Came for Nino.
What Yotsuba needs was a conversation with Futaro as Miku had on the school trip
Enjoy your last chapter user. Your ship just sank to the bottom of the ocean
Came on Nino
Where Meeku fags at? Oh wait. Their ship just sank
Why Yotsuba will win.(From a Mikufags perspective)
It's just really hard to compete with the conflict and roots that Yotsuba has with Fuutarou. Also I think those 2 page spread weren't for nothing. She has the most out of them all.
I want to be proven wrong but it sure is hard to say otherwise. I just want a proper closure for Miku if Negi really wants Yotsuba to win.
I came here to collect what belongs to me
>this artist fucking knew
A reminder that every Yotsuba is cursed with despair. Even the motivational Yotsubas.
False, motivational Yotsubas are genki and pure.
Came in Nino
What about lewd Yotsubas?
I'd like to see Yotsucolorbro try to purify the despair panels into motivational Yotsubas.
ESL and ledditfags, out.
Yotsuba can't be lewd.
Yotsuba looks like a psycho there.
What about this face?
Sorry you can't handle it. Yotsuba is the real dark horse.
All lewd Yotsubas are cursed except the ones where she and Fuutarou have sex.
Koraaa. Stop leading our goddess
Just read the new chapter. From what i see yotusba chances went down the drain.
What's wrong with our goddess being fucked by her hubby?
Go back Reddit with you and shitty dark horse theories you shitty user
Just read the new chapter. From what I see Yotsuba will be the bride.
Thanks for showing this
Check your eyes then, I don't think they can see very well.
Oh my.
You're being pretty heretic here annon
as a yotsufag, i think she has a pretty good chance as long as the kisser isn't itsuki
she doesn't have any established reason to do it, but all the body language during it reminds me of her
>trembling while on her tiptoes
>leaning forward while closing her eyes, like in a romance movie she saw
and of course
>she fucked it up and only did it when she fell on him
that really screams itsuki to me, but her being able to act as rena without messing it up (until recently) kinda contradicts that
hope i'm wrong, honestly
Hahahaha. Yotsubafags still think she has a chance? That Kino spread is Negis way of saying "this is all I got before I sink this ship like Titanic".
This one is pretty good
Kino suffering just like you guys wanted.
Yotsubest girl!
There there. We just need saddle down to see the inevitable. Negi has set the train in motion.
Cactus run!
Shit can change dude. People thought Yotsuba was impossible and look how that changed in the course of one arc.
What the fuck? You're cringe, shut the fuck up
Dude, have you ever read one of those? This gives Yotsuba more chances than ever
She'd look great with a pair of succubus horns with those hair accessories, and a very revealing bikini that barely contains her curves.
Nino has been derailing multi tracks with her unstoppable train in case you didn't know.
>People thought Yotsuba was impossible
She was only impossible if she wasn't lolikano.
Why is Yots so fucking stupid?
It's going to be sad whenever we see Yotsuba in subsequent chapters. We already know she's internally suffering, and she's doing her best to have nothing to hide from Fuutarou. Even when she isn't the relevant quint in the chapter, the emotions she expresses won't show the whole truth.
It's going to be sad when Yotsuba loses to Meeku
And if Itsuki is the kisser then that changes everything too.
The willingness of this people to write any quint off at the drop of a hat is hilarious. I'd say the only one who probably actually doesn't stand a chance at this point is Ichika, and I could even be wrong about that.
Don't worry user. Nino will save Yotsu by marrying Fuu
People is not depressed 24/7 annon
Nino a SHIT
Nino IS the kisser simply because she's the only one that explicitly stated that she wanted to kiss him. The end.
You may reject the idea now. But just let it enter you and accept it.
Too bad nobody is relevant anymore.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
Yeah both her and Yotsuba can be a bit klutzy. I can really only seeing it be either of those 2
Nice fairy tale.
Cute couple
Yeah. ha ha...
>finally get to be alone with Fuutarou after 5 years
>spend lots of time together
>go to clothing store where an employee said this
>Yotsuba suppress her true feelings and laugh it off
Welcome Negis fairytale
Not as much as your baseless headcanon.
>And if Itsuki is the kisser then that changes everything too.
Not saying its impossible but logically why would she be the kisser? By Scrambled Eggs arc, she knows about Yotsuba's situation and has been pushing her.
Still no scans
Step up your game holy shit
>Changes in front of him
Best moment.
I honestly just want a spin off slice of life manga of Fuutarou and Yotsuba now. I fucking hate slice of life but seeing Yotsuba happy makes me so happy.
>Not as much as your baseless headcanon.
That's only if you ignore the evidences that have been presented.
Face it. Nino is not the kisser.
I think Yotsuba is still not aware that Nino also loves Fuu
Nino being the bell kisser seems to be the most obvious option since she kept going on about wanting to kiss Fuu the night before. But normally when its this obvious, expectations are subverted so I don't think its Nino.
Where can I find clean covers like this of the other volumes?
Imagine being in love with a boy for 5 years and that boy chooses one of your sisters. This comment was brought to you by....
The only evidence ever of a quint being the kisser is this pic. Absolutely nothing else. Only Nino planned to kiss him. This is a fact.
Congratulations. You found the best cover and not need to look further.
>I think Yotsuba is still not aware that Nino also loves Fuu.
When Nino proclaimed her love for Fuu in front of all her sisters?
Negi's twitter.
Keep rejecting reality.
>I'll kiss him!!
No, you won't.
Don't give me that she doesn't care about appearances argument. The body language does not match her personality. As said before, if it was Nino she would have gone straight and not think twice.
>they hated Nino because she beat their favorite quint.
Did Fuutarou do something special for Yotsuba in the present before her confession?
It would totally made sense if Yotsuba was the kisser.
>talks with a stranger for some hours
I'd say no but it is a possibility. Her shackles are too heavy.
Look at this fag. Do you recognize that place? Yes, you idiot. It's the same fucking place where the kisser kissed Fuutarou. And here we have Nino trying to kiss Fuutarou in that same place. But she couldn't. Why? Because her dad stopped her. Her dad was keeping an eye on her, so if she couldn't kiss him with her usual appearance because of her father's meddling, of fucking couse she would use a disguise. As fucking simple as that. Get it now?
Kisser TBA
you know her dad can tell her apart even under a disguise, right?
This meme again? I saw this in at least the past 4 threads. Want me to give the same (You) as last time?
The absolute state
>delusional Ninokeks
I can't wait for Chadsuba to win the bowl.
>Fuutaro doesn't remember who I am after 5 years.
No shit sherlock.
>since I don't have any chance at this bowl, I will help all my sisters.
Well, shit.
Grasping at straws huh. It was implied that other people were also there so it's most likely they stopped by one last time or it's in the direct path going home.
Even if he could, with a disguise, and doing it at the very end of the trip when no one is looking drastically increases her chances of pulling it out.
Let me tell you. There is no way Nino would have allowed her dad to stop her. There is simply no fucking way. No one can be the kisser but her.
If her shackles were too heavy she would of never confessed, or kissed him, or went on a date with him.
>Her dad
Holy shit user. Hahahaha
How is that a meme? You seem butthurt. It's lame as fuck no matter how you try to spin it. The same dumb shit, sasuga nips.
And how does that contradict what I said?
In context, the meme only works if Fuutarou was a blank slate or didn't have a personality. Which is funny, because Fuutarou is actually a chad who really does deserve a harem. It's not surprising for a girl to fall for him at first blush.
Thanks for that panel delusional-kun. I missed that part where Ichika stood up Nino. LMAO
Thread song
Bruh Yotusba fucking lost. FFS why wont Negi break the cliche ffs.
Fuutarou is a catch and deserves all the love.
Us Yotsubachads know. But we will keep believing even if our chances are 1%
Because it is not a fucking unique spot? Or are you bringing up P A R A L L E L S like the delusional Ninofag you are?
Here's a question. Why wouldn't a girl find Fuutarou great?
Yotsuba fell for him when they were kids, they spent some hours together and that was it.
Why are people so afraid and insecure of Nino?
>she never confessed directly other than to her imaginary self in the swing. Never kissed him other than licking the ice cream off his cheek. Not a date when Fuu was just giving her a company.
Fixed it for your dead brain cells user.
Shotarou was pretty hot. Even Nino as a teenager thought Shotarou was hot and wanted to date him.
Meant for
Fuutarou is basically a Korean pop star.
More like.
Fucking Ninofags.
Fuutarou may be poor, but by god, he's a good investment. He's on the fast track on being super rich with his grades.
So you're retarded.
Atleast she grew out of it and realized it was the current Fuutaro that she likes unlike Yotsuba who is still holding feelings for the shoto-kun. Jesus Yotsuba. Chill the fuck down.
>I've loved you ever since we played cards for 1 hour
>I've loved you ever since I saw you with blonde hair
>I've loved you ever since you've had an interest in sengoku generals
Two people can play this game.
Fuutarou also has that bad boy vibe going on. He gives no shits and does what he wants.
Don't worry, they will be destroyed in time.
Because deep down they know she's the one best positioned even now. Despite all this drama, she's still the only quint that properly confessed not one but two times, and the one with actual motives to kiss him.
1, 2, and 3 never had a chance.
There's your answer. When other quintfags realize Nino has evidence indicating her as the possible bride they become threatened and try to deflect it because they don't wanna acknowledge it.
I am Yotsuba. And that makes me retarded
The bell IS an unique place you speedreader. Nino wanted to kiss him right in that place for a reason, and she's the only quint that tried to do so.
Miku fell in love because she saw Fuutarou's efforts to find that one line and because actually motivated her to try to improve herself.
There really isn't that much difference between Shotarou and Fuutarou personality wise. He's still the same abrasive asshole, but now he's smarter. Really, Fuutarou hasn't changed all that much, but it's not like he needed to. He was and is a Chad.
>these levels of retarded delusion
Like he did with Miku after her date
Are you talking shit about Fuutarou?
Nino didn't fall for Fuu because he's blonde, speedreader. She ridiculed him after realizing he tricked her.
Oh man you're really beyond saving. Also that panel disproves your point. Everyone knows about it then. So not only Nino. Ayyy
Unlike other quints, Ninos love was gradual. Admit it you shitty user.
>Yotsuba is out of the bowl
>time for the punishment
I think many people wouldn't be surprised if Takeda was gay for Fuutarou. It's understandable.
Fuutarou loves that retard.
This is your friendly reminder that the wedding will consist of a final quintuplets game where Fuutarou must find and ring his bride. Negi will leave identification of the bride will be left as an exercise for the reader (testing your love).
In preparation for this Zetsuba-fags please submit me your reaction face when Itsuki handed the win over all the other quintuplets.
Everyone knew about it, but only Nino was shown to try to do something about it. Nino DID try to kiss him in that place once, but her plan was busted by Ichika and her dad.
Go back to fanfiction.com. you are in the wrong web and this is not brain dead shojo manga readers.
If Fuutarou didn't dye his hair black, he'd have bitches all over him.
user... Just stop. That's embarassing.
>Literally states whoever is the bride was the one who he started thinking of
>The only quints he took notice were Ichika and Nino
>He's heavily cautious of Nino
>He thought of Nino during his convo with Yotsuba regarding taking love seriously
>Negi is very subtle with his revelations
>Nino is most likely to be the bell kisser
I mean Negi couldn't be anymore obvious but there are people who seriously need it spelled out to them? Such Brainlets.
What is embarrassing? Talking about facts?
Why are you threatened by Yotsuba? She has endless love for Fuutarou. So glad she won.
>Only Nino was shown therefore she must be the only one!
Mental gymnastics. Holy fucking headcanon. This Ninofag has totally lost it!
my heart aches when i see Yotsuba bro, what is this feeling...
The reality is that Fuutarou is just TOO GOOD for the quints. He can and should go after better girls, but it seems like he's destined to settle for a grade below his level.
Can we all just admit the fact that Nino is alpha and only deserves an alpha Male, whoever that may be.
>this much reaching
It's gonna so much fun when Itsuki wins, I can't wait for the damage control from Ninofags.
>stands in Fuutarou's way
Ninobitch a shit
Lol. I hope this was your last chapter user. And that also shows Yotsuba ending up with a swing. Maybe you should be lurking in hentai arena to fill your desires.
You know it user, you are only hurting yourself by escaping from the truth. Face it user, the truth will set you free.
I feel it too bro. Cherish it, because not many manga manage to invoke it.
>Nino is alpha and only deserves an alpha Male, whoever that may be.
It's Fuutarou, obviously
Like the chef from domestic na kanojo.
Anti-Yotsubros BTFO
when will the yotsuba pity party be over? Negi is dragging this out way too much, just give her the rope and be done with it
I bet Fuutarou has nightmares about Sanada railing Takebayashi every night.
>Implying Itsuki isn't the main heroine.
Look at how happy she is! I hope Fuutarou and her have lots of kids!
He only goes for older women though.
>when will the yotsuba pity party be over?
This chapter. Flashback arc is done, moving onto the next.
Bunch of whiny little babies. "Uhhb my heart aches..uhh...mommy"
Grow up Yotsubafags. No wonder you like a middle aged girl with a 4 years old mentality.
Have sex incel-kun.
So we are finally back on track from the filler chapters. Yaaayyy
Don't worry. The YotsubaFags aka new NinoFags will open their shitty waifu party just like NinoFags since chapter 59-60. WaifuFags never change. Deal with it.
Honestly. I feel nothing for Yotsuba. Her backstory was basic as fuck, almost as lame as "I fell in love with him because he played cards with me in the middle of the night". Why am I supposed to root for her again?
t. Yotsuba
Despairchads like you are probably closer to Yotsuba's personality since she pretty much embodies Yea Forums's worst characteristics.
Fuck off. Ichika never claimed to be the only Rena. The retardation eminating from this entire thread. Even the delusional Ninofags are here.
Because of meme.
Don't wanna hear that from a baby living in mommy's basement and still thinking of that crush from 20 years ago aka yotsubafags
Do you really think Yotsuba has a chance?
And Ichika tried to kiss him before in this arc and even in the Legends that binds.
Same here user. Same fucking here.
Friendly reminder that these chapters are more important than 123 fighting over Fuutaro's dick in Kyoto
Nino will be the one that legally marries Fuutarou
Yotsuba will be the one that bears Fuutarou's children
Miku will be the one that cook
Ichika will be the one that brings the money to the household
Itsuki will be in charge of household's affair
So you clearly have not actually read the arc
the pages where they retread every single thing the lolikano did
>I feel nothing for Yotsuba.
That's because you're autistic and autistic people don't have empathy.
ESL and ledditfags, out.
Only parties in here
It was only meeku and Ichika fighting over fuu you filthy user. Still not falling for that yotsuba pity
Nice projection of yourself incel-kun.
Low empathy is associated with low iq. So your post checks out
No that's because he is a man and not a whiny little baby
and despite retreading all the stuff he did with the lolikano of which only the cards it was her she still tried to claim that was all her back then
50/50. Negi is a troller. He can do anything he wants. But I'm not delusional to think "OMG such a poor girl, Negi will makes Yotsuba a winner after all shit.. made by herself".
Are you saying that Nino wasn't? Are you that fucking delusional?
Yet Vietnam wins
Self-awareness? Thought so too
She's not going to do anything to get Fuutarou.
Yotsuba can't win though? By the logical progression of her character arc, it makes too much sense for it to end with her returning to the swings as an adult. The only reason to do that would be because she lost. The park is key location that is necessary by Cheklov's gun, so Yotsuba will inevitably return to the park. Her arc ends with her having new insight, but nonetheless alone again.
What I am supposed to empathize with? How much of an idiot she was thinking she was cool shit when in fact, she wasn't? Sorry, I have never been that pathetic.
Carry on. Seeing Nino get BTFO will be more entertaining.
Can you repeat that? Your fingers being sticky from your twink boyfriend's cum may have made you mistype.
Just wanna remind these snowflakes here.
Fuutaro: "I don't give a fuck about Rena shit anymore"
There you go Yotsubafags. Lolikano is dead. Yotsuba is not special..was never special.
Fuutarou will end up with Yotsuba because they are each others first love.
She never tried to claim to be the only Rena in those slides though. Ichika remembers her time with Fuutarou only to some extent. Ichika only said "I was Rena", meaning herself at one point. The only thing she knows is that as a kid, she met her and they talked a bunch and did a couple of things together. In fact, what she did with Fuutarou was never compounded, and if she also did it with Itsuki, so you cant make that conclusion.
Ninofags are jumping to conclusions.
Fuutarou looks a lot like P4 MC, and he was pretty Chad as well.
Ignore them user. They can't accept that Yotsuba suffers because everything is done by herself.
>How much of an idiot she was thinking she was cool shit when in fact, she wasn't? Sorry, I have never been that pathetic.
If that's the conclusion you've come to after reading these chapters then you;ve proven my point on lacking empathy.
>Miku cannot be the kisser since she and Ichika made up during the hot springs before they left. Miku wouldn't do something underhanded like kissing him since it wouldn't be fair. Not to mention when she had her chat with Nino during Kyoto Miku stated she has done nothing to advance towards Fuut except that one time where she confessed which was an dud since Fuut didn't understood.
It wasn't unfair though. You cannot compare this to something that Ichika did which was fucking bullshit. She never threw Ichika under the bus. So if Miku did kiss Futarou, it's fair game.
I'm going to marry Nino!
She never tried to claim to be the only Rena in those slides though. Ichika remembers her time with Fuutarou only to some extent. Ichika only said "I was Rena", meaning herself at one point. The only thing she knows is that as a kid, she met her and they talked a bunch and did a couple of things together. In fact, what she did with Fuutarou was never compounded, and if she also did it with Itsuki, so you cant make that conclusion.
Ninofags are jumping to conclusions again.
And they'll be proven delusional again, like they always do, laughing at other posters because rhey think their delusions are correct, and get shat on.
Lolikano was not Fuutarou's first love...
He already knows Yotsuba is Lolikano. That's why he told Itsuki off.
Baiting this hard. Here’s a (you)
>Ninofags and Itchycunts are active right now
Because Michlan.
I suspect Nino is actually going to wind up with Fuutarou's dad, she's said a lot about what her preferences are in a guy and he not only fits them very well but has a restaurant for her to open like she said she wanted to do
Where have you been? Under a rock?
Most mysteries have pretty much been solved by now, except for the Maruo situation. Not many people seem to want to discuss that, despite it being super sketchy for why Maruo would even want to take on 5 kids who aren't his from a woman he seems to not care about.
she is trembling because she is standing on her toes you fucking retard.
Which quint is the horniest?
>Ichika remembers her time with Fuutarou only to some extent
She remembers it perfectly, to the point she even remembers the only reason she went to play cards with Fuutarou was because Yotsuba brought him up and said he was interesting.
>Considerable distance between them
Nice cherry picking. You act like she can't be flustered. 1 page before that scene.
Lolikano is dead.
But she's always on Fuutarou's back.
In his heart.
And lives as a part of him.
Raiha doesn't know about Takebayashi and her boyfriend.
Oh God, wish that were me
Pity really. I am still convinced that the winner is between 123. Negi knows he is doing this late, Yotsuba even says it in the chapter but it has at least proper build up so he wants to think "Hey, Yotsuba could be the bride after all". I wonder if it's possible to do that for Itsuki as well though. Would be hard. But the rabid shippers can ignore logic to suit their headcanons. Yotsuba's story is far more than just a love story, she has serious problems. It almost feels like Rena burdened her because she is too dumb to understand things very simple.
No it's called being reasonable. Your bitch is too aggressive. The type that will bite your dick off. The kisser was nothing like that.
Raiha doesn't know about Takebayashi user.
What's your opinon?
Yotsuba will be the one who will give the final push to Fuutarou to confess.
>he doesn't want an domsub housewife but instead a soft, submissive boring housewife
What a fucking beta
Kek and basedpill
Yikes! Ninofags still think their waifu is the kisser despite the body language showing otherwise.
Have you ever seen a chair?
>123 winning
What's the opposite of based and redpilled?
Cus thats you.
Miku winning will be the next "rem is the best" "Onedera will win"
Haha. That is quality coping. Fear Nino.
He didn't love her, it's heavily implied he had a crush on her. He felt rejected because Takebayashi and Sanada were childhood friends. Sanada also wasn't her boyfriend either. If you pay attention to when Fuutarou is talking about love you can see scenes of Takebayashi and Sanada. It's because it's his trauma. That doesn't mean Takebayashi is his first love, it means she's his despair for why he never took a chance on love.
What do Ichika smells like?
There we go! Ninofags are just this dumb.
And my point still stands. She went because she was interesting, and still spent a lot of time with her. Ichika may not remember everything so she just says she's Rena/lolikano whatever, which is factually true. She never said she's the only rena. And that they may have done a lot of things we dont know about.
>Sanada also wasn't her boyfriend either.
Fuutarou. It's been five years.
you are dumb, Nino/quint has no experience with kissing, she was assumed just facing upward was enough.
but I guess anons don't have that experience, either
That literally your headcanon desperately trying to push the narrative of Nino not being the kisser because of your biasness. Your acting like Nino only acts one way, read the manga and stop speedreading.
>fear Nino
>completely irrelevant
Wah. I'm scared.
Is anyone else mad we haven't ever seen Nino go full gyaru and hang out with other girls like her? She's already left party life behind and gone full trad when her past has never really been explored. It's not fair.
And is she still a virgin? If yes, how?
Cope harder
If you were a hot dog, would you eat yourself?
Based as always.
Yeah, she is so irrelevant. No need to be afraid, user.
>And that they may have done a lot of things we dont know about.
Now who's the delusional one? Fuuts straight up said he only played card and then they picked him up and he never saw them again, they straight up show everything that happened here and in Yotsus flashback and you're making up imaginary scenarios in your head
>Takebayashi who
Lolikano is all that's in his heart.
lol, Miku get destroyed
Fuutarou had a crush on Takebayashi. And Yotsuba (lolikano) was the one inspired his life. That's it. Fuutarou said it not "love" in Seven Goodbyes in conservation with Nino.
Also Ninofags:
Ahahahaaha. I can't take this anymore. Holy fucking Ninofags. Make up your god damn minds.
Nice copy pasta fagget.
You can basically copy comments and replies and still works on the next Go-Toubun thread. 2 hrs 20 minutes for the next one
The reason Fuutarou stopped checking lips is because he figured out it was Nino just like how he figured Miku liked him but didn't say anything till he was 100% sure.
I want Takebayashi to come back and start some shit. Or at least be the catalyst that actually gets the quints to act, because no one's been able to make any progress with Fuutarou.
It's funny how you faggots shitposted about Nino's feelings being shallow just to end up being the least shallow of them all. Miku, Ichika and Yotsuba basically fell for him after just one interaction while Nino's love was gradual. Now we wait for Negi to give Itsuki another lame reason to fall in love.
>n-nino is irrelevant
>appears in every chapter
It's like every week there's something new for you guys to use against her but then when she gets like one or two large panels it's "WAAAH NINOWANK" Which one is it with you fags?
No. Lolikano is his first love, both Raiha and Nino are correct about it. He is in denial because of the Takebayashi incident.
It's not pasta retard.
I said 123 not 3. And despite what I said, I do believe that 4 has more chances than Miku because I can see her kissing Futarou with what we know about her. But Ichika and especially Nino are more likely to do that.
He clearly loved her and even took photos of her. Sanada was not her boyfriend but most people here use it as joke. Takebayashi was not the only kid there.
What are you trying to say. Nino cannot be an normal girl?
>implying Fuutarou hasn't fallen in love with Itsuki
That's the twist.
I do as well user! Takebayashi is probably a key figure in Fuutarou realizing what love is.
You're so btfo it makes me laugh. Get steamrolled when evidence presents itself as counterarguments. Lol.
Oh, so acting completely contradictory to expectations, in a situation where sudden and unextected is "bias"? Hilarious. If you use it in a court of law as proof people would be laughing at you.
you practically admit that if Nino is the bride, then Negi asspulled his way into shoehorning Nino with Fuutarou and that he's a hack.
As expected of Ninofags: their only chance to win has always been only because Nino is Negi's waifu.
In fact, wonder how he'll shoehorn Nino in Yptsuba's arc this tine around.
Don't forget
>P A R A L L E L S
My reply is fagget.
>bake the freaking cake Meeku
literally me
No she can be a normal girl. She's just not the kisser. Sorry. Evidences are stacked against you.
Success breeds insecurities. These threads are always turn into an mess because of fragile anons.
>retarded americunts thinking they own the site
wake up, moot has long been gone
>He clearly loved her
>Camera full of her pictures
>No indication of said photos being kept
>Chooses the lolikano picture to keep closest to him for 5+ years
Nice headcanon user.
>I am still convinced that the winner is between 123
2 is the only one that still has a chance. 1 already dropped out of the bowl and 3 doesn't have any more issues now that she confessed and has a goal
>Yotsuba's story is far more than just a love story, she has serious problems
That's something I can agree with, and this is also the reason why she's still in the game, until she reveals the truth to Fuutarou her character won't be finished.
Just because you don't want her to be the kisser doesn't mean she actually isn't. Sorry. Evidence are stacked against you.
Prepare yourselves. This fatty will be the one to save Yotsuba and capture Fuutarou's heart in one swing.
>A fucking namefag to top it off
What the fuck is this timezone? So fucking cancer.
who fucking cares. I'm just stating the fact. The kisser didn't show any "fear" in a panel just below.
Do you really wanna go there? Lol.
>She never said she's the only rena
She acted like she was the one who bought the charms with him.
>their only chance to win has always been only because Nino is Negi's waifu.
No one says that. The amount of seething from you and other anons are becoming baffling at this point all because you don't wanna acknowledge Ninos chances which is absurd to ignore.
well you know, because Fuutarou was leaning backward, and the kisser was leaning forward?
but I guess incels can't figure it out since they doesn't have that experience
Kill me now. I don't need to remember this.
>Doesn't show any fear
>Doesn't close the gap between her and Fuutarou
>Leaning so far
I don't understand how you can read chapter 34 and say that Futarou didn't love Takebayashi. That's being completely delusional. It's funny now that I reread it I realize that he asked Maeda to do what he was doing back then. Take photos.
Pretty much.
>can't even project
why live?
Just kidding!
Stop pretending to be Yotsuba, Itsuki.
I think she will show up at one point. It was obvious that Takebayashi was something important.
It's funny watching 134fags shitfling and project all the time while 25bros relax knowing our quints are the final 2 and most plausible bride candidates.
Predictions next chapter? Anyone?
>ITT: being jew slaves is the only thing whitetrash could cling to.
He loved her, he doesn't anymore. Lolikano is the reason he changed. She is more important to him now. What is so hard to understand? I am not sure he loved Lolikano or not, but if he did, she was his second love, not the first.
Miku kinda confessed but she hasn't given up on Futarou, she is the only one besides Nino trying to do something. Ichika is pretty much in the same boat as Yotsuba excepted Ichika tried earlier and could very well be the kisser. Wanting to drop out of the bowl doesn't mean you are out.
"Love" is a bit of a strong word. "Liked" or "had a crush on" is much more apt
>Mikufags nowhere in the thread
>Delusional Ninofags still shit up the thread
And they have the gull to blame Mikufags for their wongdoings.
Whoops, misclicked wrong 25 image.
Fatty time!
>He loved her
No, he didn't. It's never implied he loved her. In fact the only thing you can claim is that he THINKS he loved her.
>What is hard to understand
Your headcanon, that's what.
>I am not sure he loved lolikano
Did you speedread this shit?
Wrong thread?
>freudian slip of a /pol/tard
Is it coincidence that Ninofags are so fucking active right now?
Career arc. First chapter will be Miku.
>No, he didn't. It's never implied he loved her.
Wow read the chapter.
>In fact the only thing you can claim is that he THINKS he loved her.
What? You are trying to say something like "He thought he loved her but his true first love was Lolikano"? And you tell me I am the one with a headcanon.
I absolutely agree, I don't understand why some anons are trying so hard to deny this, to me it doesn't matter if Yotsuba is not his first love in fact I like that she's not, it's actually refreshing that the MC had someone special to him before meeting the main girls.
Are we sure Yotsuba loves him? When has she shown it?
If Negi forces Itsuki to fall in love with him I will drop this manga.
One more infinino stones and Futhanos will snap his fingers and waifufags will BTFO and vanish out of nowhere
Aside from the annoying shitposters, yes we're relaxed.
Memories as a child get so fuzzy that you remember things differently. That happens to all of us. In fact it's a popular mental phenomenon.
Bottomline there is no conclusive argument to say that Ichika tried to say she is the only Rena.
>When has she shown it?
When she made him class rep.
we'll return to Fuuts PoV, He'll notice 4 and 5 acting odd, he'll hear about 3 going to cooking school and will end up supporting her, 2 and 1 will talk about 1 giving up and 2 will decide to make a move
they may also talk about the summer vacation and a calendar or something like that will show up so we'll know the current date
when she confessed
That's Yotsuba.
Wrong, speedreader. She remembered that Yotsuba told the others about Fuutarou and buying charms with him.
>Mikufags nowhere in the thread
go to hospital and have your eyes examined.
>Wow read the chapter
Ch 34 only shows that he thinks he doesn't have a chance and deems himself unnecessary to the group. It doesn't imply that he is in love with her.
It's confirmed that Fuutarou is dense when it comes to love. So he thinks what he felt for Takebayashi is love. And yes, since both Nino and Raiha have confirmed that lolikano is his first love.
>I am Headcanon
Yes, you are.
I'm Yotsuba
People know this. Don't even pretend. Nino is shoehorned every arc for some reason, the most blatant of which is during the Kyoto arc. Negi shat on all of the other quints in that arc and forced Nino in it consistently, making her look like a saint. It was so blatant that it was frankly vomit inducing.
Nino only has chances because Negi like her, thats it.
I wish.
The newest one is a Yotsunino though.
Ninofags sure are relaxed.
When she kissed him, duh.
Perfection. The greatest sin of this series is that Raiha will never get any focus which means there will be no porn.
lol, if you really believe the shit you're spouting then you're so fucking delusional
Where's your proof?
Where are the fucking scans? This thread is cancer. Fucking Ninofags.
All this suffering means that Yotsuba will eventually win, right bros? Negi can't put her through all this pain without a pay off. It wouldn't make sense. He's not that much of a sadistic bastard.
>Michlan is an delusional autist
Water is wet. Can't believe people take Ichikafags seriously.
Yes, once again, I'm the delusional one, only for you faggots to get shat on for your delusions.
Like the time you kept forcing Nino as lolikano, or when Nino would save Fuutarou from the stalker, whatever, stay delusional.
Itsuki Nakano...will you marry me?
Yes! With fries and a coke!
Readig the threads, apparently Nino is both irrelevant and wanked. Can we stick to one please
No, Nino is so loved people cannot decide.
Go back in 14-15 hours. Are you dumber than quint that you don't know what day it is?
Need a fucking time machine. Need to see Ninokeks get BTFO ASAP.
I just come here to enjoy waifufags shit each other. Especially bandwagon YotsubaFags right now. It's fun to read.
Yes you are. Your delusions are top tier. Your mental gymnatics on Franxx is well documented
4 pages left.
Expect the Miku/Nino in about an hour
enjoy the essential weeb's comfy melancholy lo fi masterpiece
I think Ninofags are smarter than you 100 times.
Doesn't change the fact you're full of shit. kys
literally right here you delusional autist
i love this old waltz style music
Great. We'll go to a buffet for the reception
>he doesn't have a chance
Chance at what?
But that's Yotsuba pretending to be Nino.
I need more!
user stop. We want to stop the hurt not let it fester.
Fuutarou will drag Yotsuba kicking and screaming to the wedding hall.
To date her/ask her out. He gave up because of what the others said.
So he loved her.
Their wedding night will be yotsuba in ropes.
Haven't had a dream in a long time
See, the life I've had
Can make a good man bad
So for once in my life
Let me get what I want
Lord knows, it would be the first time
>lo fi
i hate this meme
Yotsuba's winner flags are so strong it is making me nervous she won't win.
Ninotards be like....
>i hate this meme
yea yea i know but this one is good i promise
>Mikek normiefag shitposter
She only remembered Young Fuutarou, though. It isnt conclusove. Again, it's already been shown that Ichika has fuzzy memory over her childhood. So that possibility is still open.
Maybe she mistakenly believes it was she that bought the charms, or mixed up her memories on what Yotsuba did and what she did with him.
Bottomline, give me an explicit statement she tried to claim it only tp herself.
I agree she tried yo use her Lolikano angle to claim fuutarou, but not claim it all as her own.
Oh, and Ninofags arent? Please. I just say things I believe in. Sure I have bias, bit my bias isn't delusional unlike Ninofags.
>She only remembered Young Fuutarou, though. It isnt conclusove
>It isnt conclusove
Stop replying to the desperate snekfag.
Ninofags killed my cat
Itsukifags killed my dog
Who's this guy who keeps posting western/irl shit around here? You'd think he's a newb who doesn't have any anime related things to post.
>Ninofag starts shitposting
>Mikeks and snekfags butthurt over ninofags
>Yotsubafags in the depths of despair
>Itsukifags self-support theories
The party isn't over, meanwhile quintbros are watching these retards brawl
Probably a Yotsubafag.
Are you referring to me or the other guy?
What does it mean? You like everyone equally?
The Ichika one always kills me
Look, I concede that you have a strong argument, sure, but not conclusive.
There's no indication she remembered that Yotsuba telling her that though. That scene is a flashback rather than her remembering exactly the scene. Ichika crying over it indicates that she believes it was her that did buy those charms, in my opinion. I believe in Ichika.
But, in hindshight, Ichika did apologize about the incident, but not to Yotsuba per se, and there must be a reason for that.
I'm not even sure Ichikafags take themselves seriously at this point.
They've always been bros and pretty cool.
Mikufags = Yotsubafags = Ichikafags > Eatsukifags >>> Ninofags
>defending Ichika this much
Your autism and delusion is hilarious, cringy but weirdly respectable
4D chess, baby
Remember Maid from that revenge manga
Remember onodera
Remember Tenri
Childhiod friend will never win in today's world
A friend of Ichika os a friend of mine, friend.
>Childhiod friend will never win in today's world
Using Onodoormat and the maid to support that claim is dumb considering Chitoge and Aki were also technically childhood friends.
Please stop namefaging. As a Ichikafag, this is embarrassing.
> Chitoge and Aki
They have first girls aura user.
This aged poorly
First girl Aura> childhood destined girl
I already removed the name.
But what is embarassing about defending Ichika though? She did nothing wrong, if she did anything wrong, it was understandable given the circumastances. She just wanted Fuutarou.
Ichika is based.
It literally fucking shows her remembering Yotsuba saying it though. She didn't just get the memory of them buying charms together, she fucking knows what she's doing
Believable. Even Itsuki herself likes to visit pet shops to see how animals suffer there.
Don't mind me, I am just harvesting potatoes
last for cuteski
last for Yotsurope
last for yotsuHOPE
last for ichicute
Kill youself Yotsubitch
[x] Save Yotsuba
[x] Save Yotsuba
[x] Save Yotsuba
Don't make another thread you motherfuckers
Fuutarou will
Kill Cuntsuba
with his D
and a rope in her neck
They will have the best kids
you just remind them dumbass
Sure thing, bros
If you honestly thought that they would choose now of all times to suddenly forget to continue their cancerous generals then you're retarded
The flips and yanks will do it so they can continue their autistic arguments