Nothing you watched in 2010 can be considered "recent" anymore

Nothing you watched in 2010 can be considered "recent" anymore.

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Yes it can because it’s still the same decade.

You cant stop me from pretending otherwise

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2010 was like 4 years ago and there is literally no evidence that suggests otherwise
>b-but muh calendars
Fake news

Everything I watched in 2010 is more recent than everything I watched in 2009.
Regardless, "recent" is a relative term. Whether something can be considered recent or not depends on the arbitrary reference point and/or context.

>SNW will be remembered only as a poorman’s k-on clone in the next decade
Unfortunate, really.

>2010 was 9 years ago
I'm not gonna make it...

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You're not the boss of me, piss girl.

>SNW will be remembered

I used to think Death Note was "retro". That was back in 2008.

fpbp and checked

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You are now aware of the fact that moot has been gone for 4 years and half the board's population is post-moot.
Fuck gookmoot for never ever interacting with us. What happened to retarded shit getting stickied and board-wide songs playing? I miss him bros, Yea Forums just isn't the same without that faggot

>we're closer to 2100 than we are to the 1990s

Tu ru ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuu turururu ruuuu turu turuuu Turu ruuuuuuuuuu turururu turuu turuuu

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Sora no Woto is Haibane Renmei done right.

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Is this bait?

>half the board's population is post-moot
I refuse to believe this

This post has been confirmed to be mathematically correct.

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Yes, by me.

Nah you are just a faggot, the site is better off without him and the retarded clique of mods that followed him.

>believing in hiro the jew

I blame infinity niggers for the whole GG shit

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They aren’t even similar, this meme is absolutely retarded.

Habeeb it, one look at the catalog says more than words ever could.
Anime is a normalfag hobby now

They both take place in small settings where the greater outside world is mysterious and unknown, and they both follow a pattern of episodic slice of life transitioning into a central plot and shit getting real. Besides, your post isn't even mathematically correct, silly goose.

Hiroshima is just here to make some shekels of selling your personal information, that is unironically better than moot using this site as his personal playground for him and his friends.

There's also some character similarities. Rakka and Kanata both share similarly cliched extroverted female MC traits. Reki and Rio are similar. Noel is a blend of Kana and Nemu.

At least their retarded shit was fun
Now it's just an endless stream of shonen generals and the same 5 thread templates being recycled by newfags, like an endless summer. The sense of community I used to have is completely fading.
It do think there's been an improvement in quality compared to last year, but still shit.

The quality of the site has fucking plummeted since Hiroshima took over.

I wonder ((((who)))) could possibly be behind this post.....

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Dolphins are dangerous and they eat people. Never forget that.

Haibane Renmei is obviously superior.

They're both great shows and their quality is pretty equal. The Wotos are, however, much cuter than the Haibanes so SnW is therefore clearly objectively better.

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Then explain why Christmas was ruined yesterday then faggot.

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I will remember it as long as I'm alive.

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I wish.

One by one we'll all inevitably drink ourselves closer to death/die holding it in each January.

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The site grew out moot around 2010, he got left behind. Not his fault really, I don't hold him responsible for not being able to manage this shithole, but I do blame him for not realizing it and bitterly clinging to it. The whole luggage lad thing and his handling of it was pathetic, even way before that he needed to decide the way the site will go but he did nothing. He failed and we are stuck in 2010 and changes are way overdue.

People act weird when they're in the closet user.

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