Party is over
But I still wanna watch more of this amazing anime
I can't believe the party is over in 7 days. I'm gonna miss this show.
I have good news for you, user.
There's a video game.
part of me is sad my fave animu is almost over
but the other part is stressed af and would like to see everthing end well as soon as possible
I watched the playthrough.
A rewatch is obligatory at least for me.
Why did dororo changed opinion on hyakiamu not getting his body back
Why is everyone so selfish in this anime? the right thing is to give back his body, the fake peace was cheap
>Why did dororo changed opinion on hyakiamu not getting his body back
She didn't, she just said him getting his body back wasn't worth him becoming a demon, she stayed resolute that sacrificing him for peace was bullshit, and if he had to give up his limbs to stay human she would carry on his burdens for him instead so he didn't have to suffer. She was 100 percent him getting everything back and would attack people who claimed he should just suffer for them, but when the old man brought up that if he keeps going this way he wouldn't be her Aniki anymore she became afraid.
Dororo remains the least selfish person in the series and only wants what's best for him, and after seeing him become a Quinton Tarantino Pokemon Master, she was justifiably worried that him getting some parts back wasn't worth his everything.
didn't see that coming
Scout: They say that the fighting was abnormal.
Daigo: What do you mean abnormal?
Scout: There was a pokemon and it bit some guy's head off and someone else got kicked and half their chest exploded and there was lots of screaming. Reportedly, it was "fucking sick, holy shit!", sir.
>om nom nom
Hyakki and Tahomaru will both lose their moms.
No, please. Beard Mom has suffered enough.
>I will never be assaulted by Dororo
Why even live? ;_;
The horse is female you tard
He wants to die, user.
Imagine being that dude
>Pics taken seconds before disaster struck
>how most people probably see Hyakkimaru
jesus christ how horrifying
I don't why exactly, but I always when randos end up tagging along to witness important events as something more than canon fodder. I think it's one of those things that makes the world feel bigger than just the characters who push the story forward. Now I hope Bangs, Ponytail, and Nobrows end up alright.
Guys, what if the end title demon for the last episode is Hiakkimaru?
am I the only one glad Hyogo and Mutsu are dead?
No. Fuck that trio.
No, but Im sad to see fire horse die.
Nah. They needed to die. I didn't hate them, but I wanted Hyakkimaru to get his arms back and they sort of had it coming.
>y-you will become a shura if you kill him!
Really get sick of this shit
So they’re gonna be the only ones with a happy ending aren’t they?
Seanbaby? Izzat you?
>Taisho kimono + hakama Dororo
I needed this
This cutie got a happy ending.
16th century Takarada Rikka a best
What is he planning, anyways? Suicide? Or is he gonna attempt killing Hyakki with a hug + knife?
I don't think a knife to the gut is enough to kill him at this point.
>we're not gonna see grown dororo
Why didn't you spoiler the image OP?
Why did you come here before watching the episode? Not saying it's ok to post spoilers in the OP, but at this point you should expect it.
>fight won't be over until next episode
why do i have the feeling this ending is gonna be really bad?
Did this ever happen? Maybe this is a hint to the last episode.
I don't think it's going to be really bad. I think it's going to be sad but optimistic, which would be appropriate for an adaptation of something by Tezuka.
>these arent my glasses
I don’t really care for Hongo, but I’d prefer if Mutsu lived to be Tahomaru’s wife if he doesn’t also die too.
She had aids. Even if Rapidash hadn't kicked the shit out of her, she wasn't going to survive.
Well, you don't have to worry about that.
rapidash used crunch! critical hit! it was supereffective!
i'm pretty sure the demon magic cured the aids considering her skin had no defects so i'm sure she would have lived if rapidish didnt vaporise half her body
I'm way more upset best horse got killed off instead of becoming Hyakkimaru's badass steed.
She deserved better.
I'm surprised nobody redrew this scene with best horse
i was honestly not expecting that. still awesome though
They could go so many ways with this now. What do you guys think will happen?
>Hyakkimaru never got to connect with her and have Dororo connect with the foal for a badass combo
It hurts
half the stuff in the OP/EDs never happen
I have no idea how they could possibly have a satisfying conclusion in one episode. There's too many lose ends to tie up and so little time.
Everyone will die.
Except Dororo, and the blind old man, maybe.
I think it will end the same as the play
This is the only one I remember
Worst Dororo
So OG Dororo was bisexual?
Get out of here Xi! You blew up one of my Oil Tankers
that kid never showed his mom, who's supposed to be the hottest in the village
>Forgot about new episode
>See this
this is the only good ending
>I will never assault Dororo
Why even live? ;_;
Is not gay if you don't know you are a girl.
>play ending
If Daigo lives it's garbage.
Will they wind up like Mothpussy and Childkiller?
Spider babies need blood after all.
I love that fucking horse
why is it i wanna fuck the little boy?
>it shoudn't take 20 minutes to make a fucking quesadilla
Fight really felt like the final fight from Sword of the Stranger
Been a while since we had a straight up fighting anime.
>Mutsu and Hyogo get their asses beat by the horse
>I can feel only joy
Fuck Daigo and fuck anyone on his side
>One more episode left
It's been one hell of a trip lads.
When did Hyakkimaru start speaking in full sentences?
>Daigo calls his first born a demon's leftovers
Will we ever see her porn?
It's been a bumpy ride with Mappa but I'm glad they saved all their budget for the end. The fights in this episode were fantastic
What is this?
>Dororo proclaiming her life and her love to her aniki
Why does Dororo pretend to be a girl?
Go away.
I meant why does she pretend to be a boy?
Implied her dad raised her as one to protect her
Isnt a little boy just as likely to get fucked as a little girl in feudal Japan?
the buddha?
I'm really enjoying this, such a Buddhist point of view to a problem that might seem like back and white, in the end it might be the end of Daigo, he brought the evil upon himself and basically all the things happening are form a karmic retribution.
Hiakymaru it's more like the vehicle for the action in the world, and as i see it could be a bit beyond good and evil. The conflict that comes later is when he recovers his sight and see the truth of his actions and will reflect on what he did. Now he has a body what he does with it. If he decide to live like a saint or become a monster it's up to him, but there is always the option of go on living a mundane life, a middle path.
The villagers seemed like to make a crucial view point that a lord will never cease their suffering, they have to it, by themselves and thrive and find suffering and happiness day by day.
No girls are more likely to get fucked because they could be sold into prostitution when they're older.
No? Why would you even make such a retarded assumption
The philosophizing they did this episode was a little heavy handed in my opinion and poorly done. I don't mind when one or two characters have a monologue about the shows themes, but random village whos start talking it starts to ruin the dramatic feel of the show.
>Hyakkimaru gets back his ears - the first things he hears is rain and crying
>Hyakkimaru gets back his voice - the first thing he says are cries of pain
>Hyakkimaru gets back his nose - the first things he feels is sulfur
>Hyakkimaru gets back his hands - the first things he feels are the blades of swords
Why does my boy have to suffer so much
Because samurai are evil
To add to this
>Everything Hyakkimaru gets back is a painful experience with the thing regrowing
It's not like they had anything all that insightful to say. They were just talking about how it would benefit them if Hyakkimaru died and then Dororo went nuts. Hyakkimaru's mom and the priest were the ones who actually had some insight into it, most likely being the only people there who had an education.
when he gets back his eyes, the first thing he will see will be his dead brother.
Hyakkimaru's Nendo is releasing January next year. I'm assuming a prototype of his Figma will be unveiled at the next WonFes.
Is she growing breasts?
His brother is a cunt though.
Maybe it will be his dying mom. Either one of them.
>I'm assuming a prototype of his Figma will be unveiled at the next WonFes.
thank god, what took so long?
These last episodes were so boring are they from the original manga?
I can't believe osamu tezuka wrote such nonsense B.S.
serious question
how many times did Tahomaru fuck the qt tomboy archer
Seven times, always while her brother watched from afar.
yes ever since Hyakki's mama babied her and she felt safe shes becoming more feminine
Goodsmile are known to take their time sometimes. We still haven't even seen a prototype of the Amaterasu Nendo yet either.
Only after Hyakki gets his dick back.
From Okami? I forgot about that completely
>merely pretending
He'll probably die pulling Hyakki out of the burning castle and he'll realize that all his suffering and shit was all so he could be there at that moment to save Aniki and then he'll die happy that he redeemed himself or some shit.
Those are her ribs.
OST when??
>Revives as a demon immediately after death.
>Goes from outpost to outpost killing everyone.
>Took possessed limbs moving on their own to finish her.
Rapidash did not fuck around.
Yeah I'm sure those two little bumps around the nipples of a growing girl are ribs user.
It also puts things in perspective. The show has gotten more insane with each episode, and having a random outsider watch a demonic manchild with blades for arms and a flaming undead horse fight the 3-eyed son of the lord of your land helps remind you just how nuts the world is
To be fair all he ever says these days is "mine" and "get it back," it's conceivable to think he learned how to say it in a complete sentence.
Yeah, she was revealed back in February and hasn't even been mentioned once in passing since.
I originally thought this was just a call back to episode one when he killed that priest in the Hall of Hell but Daigo's got his scar so maybe it is something that will happen in the end?
why are the generals so dead? does most of Yea Forums dislike this show?
Hopefully soon. I would love the OST for this show.
The first thread on Monday after an episode is always fairly busy and reaches post limit. There's usually just not enough to talk about for the threads that come after, though.
It is very likely one of those wooden idol (the green magic spirit stuff) things which appear to be much safer to use than demon deals and can save your life even if your missing almost every body part and grant all sorts of saving throws. Pretty sure if everyone just mass produced those and made everyone do what the wife did they would be doing fine.
First week on Yea Forums? This is episode discussion, most seasonal shows get a thread when a new episode airs. There's no reason multiple threads couldn't be made, but when the show isn't that popular everybody just posts in one thread. More popular shows can and do get multiple threads when a new episode airs.
it's a discussion that has to do with a show. more than two threads is and has been looked down upon on Yea Forums since the awakening of naruto threads. it's theoretically a general you fucking autists
Anyway, there aren't constant threads largely because this show doesn't have enough waifu material. Prostifu is dead, spiderfu showed up for too little and Dororo is more of a daughterfu. Daigo's bitch is also an annoying cunt. Can't have waifuwars propping up threads with such a big lack of waifu material.
No, it isn't. You should fuck off back to Yea Forums.
no u
just kill yourself already
jesus christ
>more than two threads is and has been looked down upon on Yea Forums since the awakening of naruto threads
Only by newfags who don't remember when this board used to actually have a community. The board's real estate hasn't really expanded meaningfully yet the number of translated anime has exploded exponentially in Yea Forums's lifetime, the result is there's far more shows to discuss and they each get less space to do it, so shows getting tons of threads is now a big deal when in the past it was normal.
Bitching about multiple threads is basically general thread faggots who want their slow-moving circlejerk on the board at all times and hate it when it gets pushed off by relevant discussion.
that's literally what i just said
I liked them both a lot, so I hope you slip on a banana peel
I missed having gore in my mongolian cave drawings
No, you said some specious shit about naruto being the reason multiple threads are hated when naruto is hated because its fans are the absolute worst kind of subhumans and that's been the case since weeaboo hate threads used to be posted on Yea Forums daily 10+ years ago, newfag.
Nah we saw that the nice spiderlady only needs a little lifeforce to survive
Who is the composer and do you know if his works are good?
But if she non-sexually sucks that guy's energy every day, he'll never have any energy left for sex and vice-versa. She's going to need other prey.
One of the things I really love about Dororo is how simple Hyakkimaru's goals are.
A drive and a right to live, a want to take back the things that were rightfully his and not Daigo's to give away.
The show tries to counterbalance it with the 'good of the one vs the many' but I think it's a little poorly done in that aspect.
To me, you can never raise that kind of argument against someone that never had a choice in the deal. Hyakkimaru has never done anything wrong and all the humans he's killed that the Priest is frowning upon has always been in self defense.
Well, maybe when he was riding his horse and killing the soldiers is different.
I wonder what Tezuka manga is going to get an adaptation next. They're really proving to be top tier stuff.
>Well, maybe when he was riding his horse and killing the soldiers is different.
But that's where people are drawing the line. He was always justified until very recently. Now he's taking things too far, blindly killing anyone that stands in his way rather than just demons.
Way before that the Priest was disliking how he had killed humans and could see the 'red' in his aura. Beard Mama, too.
Well, they'll just have to suck on some other people. Non-sexually , of course.
His dying dad-mother or Dororo more likely.
It is by Yoshihiro Ike.
Hyogo getting up after that was some 40k level shit
Oh no... Her smile, guys...
Because the party is over user
what it B the beginning even like? kinda looks edgy.
>run for an hour to get back to the castle to fight in an enclosed area
>immediately go into the giant open room for the final showdown
Tahomaru should have been killed by the horse
what are the most fucked up Tezuka mangas? Would be cool to see more brutal anime like devilman crybaby
Dunno, I have it on backlog. Looked like a mystery/thriller type anime.
>Try to post next image
>file too large
The fuck? It's not even in the 1 megabyte range
Seriously though, what the hell is that shit
Ode to Kirihito.
This is less about killing and more about screaming like a lunatic while doing so.
Hyakkimaru fights like a beast, user.
A beast roars.
>and more about screaming like a lunatic
How right you are.
totally understandble tho
He's had/has a tough life
I mean, he literally is. We even have proof with his spirit becoming red like one.
Seriously, what the fuck is his plan? Maybe it has something to do with what he said about Hyakkimaru not being able to move freely in an enclosed space? He basically doesn't give a shit if his own home is burning down, he's pretty much obsessed to reach his goal like Daigo.
What are they chances of Dororo not dying and growing into a voluptuous young lady next week?
If they remove both OP and ED to save time, and show a time skip.
It happened in Blood will Tell, so I'm holding out hope.
Hop that they will skip the OP but keep the ED (even play the full size of the ED) next week.
>Hop that they will skip the OP but keep the ED (even play the full size of the ED) next week.
Hope I mean
And they had to do it while it's guard was down
The ED with new visuals of the future life of Dororo and Hyakki would be nice. I know it'll never happen but I can daydream.
>mom said its my turn to use the eyes
>pussy skirmishes that go nowhere for 23 episodes
>finally there are two consequences with the two retainers dying
>doesn't even matter because the show is so all over the place that it's hard to even form an attachment with any of its characters
>last showdown is of protag running for no fucking reason, followed by the brother running up an entire mountain for no reason
This show was so much more enjoyable when it was just monster of the week and the monsters STAYED dead.
Holy shit, this horse is a badass.
Back to your MHA general
I just want Aniki to get a good cry with his real eyes after all thi shit ;-;
Would you call new Dororo as something that preserves Tezuka spirit or is it completely different from the source material?
No, it doesn't really preserve Tezuka's spirit but that's not a bad thing in my opinion. But it's not even completely different from the source material, as they adapted a lot of the manga especially in the first cour - although sometimes altering the plot or changing the outcome. I think it has what both nostalgicfags and people new to Tezuka want to see in a modern anime.
Back to veddit buffoon. Fuck me this board is dead.
I'm just mildly annoyed that the arms went back to Hyakki instead of going to Tahomaru. I was expecting some Asura final boss thing.
What will Hyakki do with the 12th demon? Even if Hyakki defeats Tahomaru and gets all his last part back the demon is still somewhere lurking, or is it incorporeal?
Who cares? The demon doesn't have any of Hyakki's bodyparts now, so he doesn't care if it's lurking around doing stuff or not.
So will he died?
No. Dororo and Jukai will do something to prevent that.
>Tahomaru gains the upper hand and is about to kill Hyakkimaru, but their mother gets in the way and gets killed instead.
>Hyakkimaru is too mad to realize anything and kills a grieving Tahomaru.
>His father attacks him with his army.
>Enemy army is there too.
>Hyakkimaru starts killing left and right in a mad spree, no army is safe.
>Everyone is fucking afraid.
>Dororo brings him back to his senses, only so someone (perhaps his own father) stabs him from behind. Jukai somehow helps bringing him back.
>A dying Dororo kills his father. When Dororo goes to him he says with his final breaths and repented that all he wanted is his body back. At least he died a human.
>Everyone stops fighting because they are busy shitting their pants. War comes to a finish because they see the tragedy that it brought them.
>Dororo starts building a village with those who, like she, don't want to depend on the samurais.
Even if things don't go like that I think that first part would be Hyakkimaru vs Tahomaru. Second part Hyakkimaru vs evil dad. Third part the epilogue.
During the first two parts Jukai and Oku's plots will be resolved as well.
I meant a dying Hyakkimaru kills his father.
what if Dororo was a girl?
I'm pretty sure Dororo will be live because she has to resort to daddy's gold to help the village eventually when the war is over.
But what about Mio's seeds? It's the last shot in the opening so it must be meaningful. It can also symbolize Hyakki and Dororo starting a new life and the land being fertile again.
And imagine if Hyakkimaru was a boy.
I think that more than "good of the one vs the many" the show is about how far you'll go to get what you need, desire or are entitled to.
Daigo wanted peace and prosperity for his land (either that or he was eager for power and used that as an excuse) and he went as far as sacrificing his kid.
Hyakkimaru wants his body back, and he doesn't care who he has to kill or how much of a demon he becomes.
Since things in the province went to hell as his brother recovered his parts, all that Tahomaru wants is to bring things back to the way they were, even if that means killing Hyakkimaru.
Their mother is perhaps the most conflicted one, because she's always in the middle. In the past she was in the middle because she loved her kid, of course, but she also understood Daigo's reasons. Now she's in the middle because she doesn't want either of her kids to die, and she'll probably go as far as dying to try and prevent that.
Most of those issues reflect on the other characters. That's why even secondary characters are used to discuss the morality of it all. Dororo is Hyakkimaru's voice, and the random guys from the province are Tahomaru's. Both of them are busy killing each other to go in depth about their reasons. Also, having the other characters talk about it allows the action and the viewers to take a breath (and buys the animators a few minutes as well).
As the plot evolves so does Dororo. At first she's mostly carefree and thinks that her aniki is a cool badass that fights demons, so she offers their services for money while tagging along. But it turns out that he's not hunting demons, he's actually hunting his body parts.
Of course, the grown-ups, Biwamaru and Jukai, knew what Hyakkimaru was about all along, and they've been hinting it since a long while ago, if not since the very beginning of the series.
Why is this show so gay and feminine compared to the 60's show? Why is everyone whining about something all the time instead of just killing monsters and being a manly badass? Making shows for girls was a mistake.
I don't know why so many anons had problems with that. It felt like an old school samurai flick. Besides, it's good to see the side of the peasants that are treated as pawns on the feudal setting.
Wonder if they’ll pull the twist that Dororo is the vessel for the last demon like in the game.
Nice quads edge-kun but you're still a brainlet, go watch an isekai
Ooga booga muh dick to you too Satan.
Is there even time for that? If they pulled that twist, it would have been the clffhanger of episode 23.
Dororo will live for sure, as gruesome as this anime is I don't think it will kill the character that represents the next generation.
Is Hyougo laughing?
>Daigo = Showa
>Hyakki = Heisei
>Dororo = Reiwa
I really like the BGM in this, especially during fights. Do you know of any thing that resemble such style ?
either laughing and bleeding from his scalp, or you are mistaking his chin for his nose.
They mostly were just extensions to Tahomaru's characters, so not really.
>even as she's dying she takes out Tahomaru's underlings and returns aniki's arms to him
Such a good pokémon.
Didn't they say or imply that Tahomaru, Hyogo, and Mutsu are basically the 12th demon now?
Pretty sure the dad will die pointlessly on the eastern front without knowing a thing. Mom will throw herself between Tahomaru and Hyakkimaru and die which will bring both back to their senses. Then one last fight with Tahomaru dying.
So did they have a thing going on or not?
No stitches this week?
Check the airing threads.
In the realm of 2D, friendship with girls is possible and doesn't need to have any romantic or sexual connotations.
>Check the airing threads.
Found them. Thank you kindly, user.
>Hyakkimaru dies
>Dororo, old man, mom and other mom (if they don't die) join the peasants and together build a new future with their own hands
>Dororo after over 50 years finally gets the sword in remembrance of bro
>Dororo becomes a MILF-magnet stealing everyone's moms for fetish reasons, but becomes too thirsty and turns into a MILF-stealing demon
What the fuck with the moralfaggotry in this show
They're never going to make me think Hyakkimaru is the bad guy. Fuck Daigo, fuck Tahomaru and fuck his shitty village. If I were Hyakkimaru I wouldn't give a single fuck.
I hope this isn't going to end with some moralfaggotry because I'll be pissed
I'm not gonna bother finding all the scenes in the episode but I'm 99% certain it was both heavily implied and stated pretty explicitly that Tahomaru with Dumb & Dumber were powered by demon(s) now, and Hyakkimaru regaining his arms/hands should more or less confirm it. And I invite anyone to correct me if possible, but I don't think it was ever confirmed whether they're killing the actual demon or just some kind of manifestation or minor form thereof.
And I like your prediction, except I expect Hyakkimaru to confront his dad one last time somehow. Maybe he is defeated in the field or just learns that the castle is burning and returns, and maybe then he just straight dies from a crashing beam or something.
you're forgetting you're watching anime, user. This would indeed constitute a moral conflict if you're raised in the meritocratic/collectivist+exceptionalist hellhole of Japan.
This is the first anime I've watched as it was airing since Kill la Kill. I don't want it to be over.
Dont remember any of those characters. Who are they?
Fuck user, one of them isn't even that far away.
This show is so forgetable...
There's no need to be cynical about it. As you should know if you've been paying attention the show isn't explicitly condemning anyone. While we'll almost definitely get an answer to its stance on the "moralfaggotry" you're describing in the final episode, even if it's unsatisfying for you the show has done its job by making you think about these concepts.
Maybe you just have brain damage
>gets up and fights headless
"it's just a flesh wound"
It's the demon.
you don't say
I don't because I have no head
its so obvious they're going to kill off hyakkimaru and it would suck so much as an ending
he deserves to live, he has done literally nothing wrong and his entire existence has just been pain and suffering all because of his father
He lived in literally every other version.
Also the story must conclude with Dororo and Hyakkimaru, Simply everybody else will die.
Nah. ED makes me believe he will lose an arm at least tho
He's probably a Hollywoodfag who needs a story with a good guy who is good because reasons and a bad guy that is so very bad because reasons, so he can cheer up for someone as if he were watching sports.
>loses all his limbs and his eyesight again in the final battle
>"aniki, your real body is the friends we made along the way"
He isn't going to die. I think Jukai will take a bullet for him though, he will be the one to die.
You should try this with a good anime once.
they didn't have bullets in the 19th century, retard
I didn't mean it literally, fag. He'll protect Hyakki from a lethal blow.
I think if he were going to die the episode title would be different. We'd be going into uncharted territories of despair if the show ended with an episode called "Dororo and Hyakkimaru" and only Dororo survived it.
Don't be rude, he's on the right track by having an opinion. He just shouldn't get angry if it doesn't pan out the way he wants because we're dealing with subjective stuff here and the show doesn't have to agree with his morals!
>blind deaf limbless girl wandering around ruthless feudal japan
Anyone know if Japan is team Hyakkimaru or team Greater Good?
>Greater Good
didn't you listen to what Hyakki's mom said?
prosperity built on a demonic pact is fragile, it can't last
Man, this is so depressing. I think I'll keep this episode for Saturday.
Everyone is Team Hyakki.
Most probably Kobayashi is team Greater Good but Furuhashi is leading the project
Is this a Gyakuten Saiban reference?
It's a Black Jack reference.
Come to think of it, Pinoko and Hyakkimaru have a lot in common. Did Pinoko ever get a happy ending? Her life was true suffering and unlike Hyakkimaru it didn't seem like it could ever improve.
She could potentially get an adult body. There'd be that.
I think. It's been a while since I looked at any Black Jack thing other than Young.
that's assuming she wasn't cut down by some random samurai after hyakki left the village
Could she? She was already an adult but her organs didn't develop. Could they still develop later? I thought she was stuck like that. Plus, even with an adult body she's still mostly plastic. It would be really hard for her to live a normal life.
Wasn't she basically nothing but organs in a robot body?
Yeah, sort of. It's a sci-fi bullshit body made out of plastic that works more or less like Hyakkimaru's prosthetics. The body was made to match the size of her organs, which is why she's the size of a 6 year old despite the fact that she's in her twenties. I don't think her organs could develop any more at her age, though. And every story I read revolving around her always revolved around her trying to have a normal life but failing spectacularly. It was the saddest thing about that manga.
Wasn't Pinoko added because Black Jack was too dark? Damn it Tezuka
Yeah. She does add a lot of wackiness to the manga, but the undertones are way, way darker than Black Jack himself.
I don't see how that prevents her from having an adult body. Tezuka logic?
The madman
There was this technically-not-the-final-chapter-but-could-be-considered-as-one, where he wakes up on a train and interacts with different characters.
No, that's actually the only thing about this that makes sense. You could add padding on the inside so that the organs fit snuggly, but how would you connect them all together if the connections are small? Also, those tiny lungs and that tiny heart might not be able to support a bigger body. Remember that even trying to take that entrance exam to go to college was too exhausting for her and she passed out and failed it. Imagine that much stress but with even more weight and with the oxygen and blood having to travel longer distances.
Is that Pinoko? Well, that's definitely a happy ending for her then. Good for her.
No need to put all her organs where they'd be in a regular person's body. The heart issue is harder, but if there's bullshit Science to give her a body at all, there's bullshit Science to let her blood pump hard enough to cover a longer distance between her heart and lungs and her brain.