
>/sci/ Arc
>Jewminis/MangaDex Drama
>24/7 threads
I'm down. Let the shitposting commence!
Bestgirl coming through

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Other urls found in this thread:"Fumino > Mafuyu"/"Fumino > sensei"/

I love Rizu

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Uruka > Mafuyu = Rizu > Sawako > Asumi > shit > Fumino

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this is actually pretty much exactly my opinion as well

Mafuyu on her way to save the threads!

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How long until viz is taking JB down?

If sensei wins I'm buying all the tanks anyway.

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Mafuyus > Fumino > Sawako > Asumi > shit > Rizu = Uruka

TL:DR for this shit? I bet everyone of their chapters say 'support the manga-ka desu!' or some shit. if MD went legit, wouldn't that mean the reader would be able to support the manga artist?


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Reminder not to set yourselves to utter disappointment.
All these shitposting isn't worth it

>TL:DR for this shit?
JB showed leaked/faked (unclear which) chatlogs implying that MD was going legit, JB dropped all their spaghetti.

And I love all of you scholarly gentlemen! ;)

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Uruka a best!

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I miss the songs...

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for me is the S+++ Tier:
Sensei Senpai Sawako

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Honestly Jewminisbox are fucktards but unfortunately they're all we have for Bokuben.
Holo is pretty much in the right because EVEN IF MangaDex tried to 'go legit' at some point it's unlikely from their past actions that it would be another CrunchyRoll/Fakku situation as everything they have done (including letting subbing groups control what content goes up) leads to the conclusion that all MangaDex is trying to do is create the largest aggregate collection of Manga possible...
TL;DR Jewminis are butthurt that their kikery and e-begging got exposed and tried to pull a NO U. Even if Holo's not perfect MangaDex is way better than Daiz cancer or shitty aggregate malware sites.

Attached: mangadex_group_donations.jpg (1074x845, 774K)

hmm, I saw those logs, but it was just Holo replying to comments. Did they every post the full logs?

Also anyone know how to read kissmanga w/o all the fuckery and russian spyware?

>Making another thread
There’s literally no point. We’re in Rizu arc right now and she isn’t that popular. Just wait until Thursday.

Remember Rizu will lose in the end.

Why are scanlators even allowed on Patreon? They’re openly breaking US law.

ahh I see. thanks friendo. I wasn't sure if I was having a stroke or if this really was retarded.

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report them.

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So are AntiFa lol

>Rizu will lose in the end

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(does that still work? lol)

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>holo said his dream is MD going legit if he can keep most of the library and hire the scanlators
>JB has never been on good terms with MD (the only one with 2 weeks delay iirc)

>hatigarm slept on Anjou-san and Facepalm sniped them(some say they are behind 10 chapters (after _anq caught up to the raw and Anjou-san is biweekly) when Facepalm sniped them)
>Facepalm credit page is the sanic one saying scanlation asking for donation is scamming or sonething like that
>MD doesn't want to get involved in drama and let the chapter/credit page up
>everyone pulled out

Attached: Rizu31.png (400x208, 50K)

They censor pages that are too spicy by straight up deleting them.

lol for more laughs check out them whining about 'transportation costs' to buy manga on their page (lolwut)

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If they really want to support the mangaka, all they need to do is drop WSJ manga because we have mangaplus now. But we know what they're really after.

>They censor pages that are too spicy by straight up deleting them.
no shit? Damn. Any stage 1 cancer aggregates? something that UB/ABP can work on w/o the fuckery?

Never compare this bitch to Yotsubest!

What's a scanation?

Mangakakalot and mangarock are pretty good. Mangarock even rips official release for some manga.

>>$45 to get manga
>> assuming $4 gal for gas in kei-car, basically a 4 hour weekly trip

oh no no no

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>cute girl
>bob cut
>bow hairband
>energetic personality
>loyal and earnest
what's not to like?

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Portmanteau for scan + translation.

Illiterate ESL/underage kids going after e-shekels

In an effort to make this thread at least somewhat productive, let's post why we like out favorite girls, in order to appease an autist from the previous thread.

So what, two hours each way? How fucking far out in the sticks in Japan do you need to be that a store selling WSJ is a two hour drive away?

That would be scanlation.
You should know this.

Great idea! I'll start.
I can't imagine what mental illness it would take to actually prefer Fumino to Uruka.
Literally, it seems like some sort of genetic defect. Makes sense, because Fuminautists are probably weak, frail, pasty-skinned, Tay-Sachs White Power Jews with Acne and a bad case of Freudian Psychological Projection.
Just think for a moment how deranged you would have to be to not prefer Uruka Takemoto, a girl who, UNLIKE Fumino Furuhashi:
>Is tall, fit, and athletic, but not too tall and still feminine with seductive curves and a firm yet supple body.
>Could perform all sorts of intense moves on you and pick you up if she wanted to, but prefers to cling to you like a pure maiden and nuzzle her cute face in your chest, let you smelling the pungent odour from her exercising.
>Doesn't have unhealthy, melanin-deficient skin which is susceptible to cancer; instead has gorgeous, tanned, dark skin which makes your loins tingle every time the sun shines off of it when you are out on the beach together.
>Isn't anorexic-bulimic and prone to stomach cancer or an early death; instead will lead you to healthier life habits by forcing you to be physically active.
>Rather than being a cliched, overdone copy-pasted 'Yamato Nadeshiko' avatar aimed at appealing to Chikan salarymen and those with the most mundane and boring of fetishes, she is a supremely interesting and exciting character with a unique colour palette and gorgeous dark red hair which is cute while still being unique.
>MOST IMPORTANTLY she can actually cook (!) healthy, balanced meals and loves doing so, and she would love nothing more than to be a loyal housewife for you; her only other priority is being able to participate in physical activities so she can keep in shape and use that banging hot body to seduce you several times each day!
In short, Uruka has the HEART OF A MAIDEN, and I legitimately feel sorry disgusting weirdos who for some reason are into hugely inferior girls.

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I like Ikeda the most because she's an agent of chaos.

Why not SCANSLATION though?
Never thought of that one before huh kiddo.

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It's a lie. They also claim they're $3,000 in debt to their raw provider.
They're just trying to squeeze people dry, and they don't even do good work for the funding they claim to need. A lot of their WSJ shit is completely incoherent because they're rushing to beat the free official English scans from Mangaplus.
>ESL tier translations
>Redrawing consists of just slapping thick coats of black on everything because fuck details and shading
And people still give them money.

Fumino > Rizu > Mafuyu > Asumi > Uruka

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Yeah. If you see any pages that have been replaced with a red sign with a white line with it, they manually removed that image.

These lying jewish fucks confirmed as not even living there, as it is clearly retarded and a huge waste of money not to take public transit.
Or even just bicycle!
t.>Bicycled across Japan; 2000+ miles over 50 days or so from Kagoshima to Sendai. Highly recommend the Shimanami Kaido in the Seto Inland Sea.

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>t. """senseifag""" who loves Fumino's arc and hates Rizu and Uruka

Is this an elaborate form ironic copypasta present in wall of text?

Sex with Uruka!

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>cycling through rural Japan
sounds comfy as shit

t. Urukafag who can't stand people hating his girl

I like Mafuyu for a bunch of reasons.
>she started off as a cheesecake antagonist and went from there to full-blown bowl contestant, driven in part by fan popularity
>she's got enough believable flaws to seem like a real person, rather than a collection of manga/anime cliches
>she's been developing slowly but surely for almost the entire course of the series, starting very early on when we first see her apartment
>she doesn't have any wasted appearances - every time we see her it's relevant to the plot or to developing her relationship with Nariyuki, even if it's a total cheesecake shot or fanservice chapter
>I see certain aspects of myself in her, particularly coming back to the family trade in your own way even if your initial career path takes you a different way than your parents and sister expected
>her strange autistic way of speaking is cute
>and of course she makes my dick stand at attention

Ooh, that does look fun.

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>not just paying less than 700 yen per week for digital raws
How do JB shills defend this?

I'm an everyone-but-Fumino fag though

>patreon funds piracy

nariyuki has seen avalon and lived to tell the tale, never forget that

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>the person I wish I could be
>pale and emaciated
>mentally deranged
no you don't Rizu, no you don't...
trust me on this one

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why doesn't bokuboy just fuck one of the girls already?

For sensei, too.

His entire character is based around autistic dedication to studying and he's less than a month from exams. After that we'll see.

The chapters are released for free on legit platforms that won't hurt artists just a few days after. I don't get what JB is doing unless it's for the money.

My favorite girl is
-passionate and motivated to in pursuing her dream
-nice body
-adorable interactions with MC
-has running gags that I never get tired of seeing
-gap moe between serious and comedy disposition/situations
-has an awesome and cool dad

PROTIP: sleep at night in parks using hammocks as much as possible (although in the rainy season it can get pretty sketch at times) and you will save money for buyfag shit.
As long as you don't leave any trash around or cause a disturbance the Nips are pretty chill (even the police).
Also look up SEIJI OKAMOTO if you go to Iki (off the West coast of Kyushu) as he runs the Lighthouse Guesthouse which is a really awesome homestay experience. He likes getting a chance to speak English with tourists who are guests there and he is also really into football and rock music. He even let me and my cousin stay an extra night free and showed us around the island some.

That's the best type of fag though.
mine too >__

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Rizu > Fumino > Sensei > Senpai > Uruka

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>ESL fuminest can't even write one coherent English sentence.
And the only thing 'ironic' here is the entertainment you continue to provide us all with hahaha.

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This sounds an awful like my favorite girl. Mmmm.

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Rent free.

Uruka = Sawako > Sensei = Asumi > Mizuki = Rizu > shit > Stomach Cancer > Bulimia > Fumino

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>create ESL post
>respond to it and yell at muh Fuminofags
What is it with Urukafags and their obsession with ESL? The last time you were this triggered, it blew in your face, "vocabular" guy.

lol you're like a SEND kid who keeps laughing because he doesn't even realise he's the one everyone else is taking the mickey out of
isn't that just adorable?

Attached: Senpai.jpg (1450x2048, 985K)

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>everyone in the thread is the same person
LOL what is it with you Jewminofags and
>muh urukafags
>muh falseflaggers
>muh boogeymen
>muh /pol/
Bunch of schizoid projecting autists.

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Friendly reminder this is all the same guy. Literally look at the way he types, trolls, and falseflag. And that confession.

Based and Yea Forumspilled

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Please make one with Argentina too my cousin is begging you (he's a big Uruka fan).

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Fumino, Rizu, and Asumi are the top 3 girls.

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I love Rizu because she completes me since my math is Fumino-level.
Also she's cute af.
I don't really hate the other girls but I just love Rizu

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You missed one .

lolnope you delusional autist

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>dynamic IP
Maybe you should use proper capitalization, quit typing like a retard, and stop randomly emphasizing selective words with CAPs.

It's intentional.

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I have a theory that if we simply ignored or eliminated all Yea Forumsfags that these threads could actually generate some productive discussion. What do you lot think?

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fuck that
also idk whatever else you're fucking implying but continue your nonsense as usual
I'm sure that next thread when I'm not there you'll still be complaining about the same boogemen rofl

>replies to OP but not first post itt
>being ironic when he's shitposts and ruins every thread
Urukashitter, everyone.

It's a proven fact .

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Urukafags and Fuminofags should both fuck off with their forced xfags wars. Senseifags too who partake in it as of late. The only decent posters are Asumifags and Rizufags.

>being this obvious

Fuminofags are bros.

Except for """Rizufag""" anyways.

They exist?

> Another thread
> Another worst girls fight thread

Senseifags just mind their own business.

Oh, the autsitically defensive Rizufag I see. I would've though you'd gain some self awareness by now but it seems not

>t. Fuminochink

My favourites are Fumino and Asumi, though the former more than the latter. As someone who hates math and sucks at math, but nonetheless push myself to learn the subject, I simply identify with Fumino the most. Plus, I'm sort of tsundere-ish myself irl as I deny a lot of things that I secretly enjoy but don't want others to know about.

As for fetishes, Asumi more or less strikes my fancy in many areas within my fetishes due to her petite design, meido appeal, and being a legal loli. Fumino too but primary just in the long hair, flat chest, and various hairstyles she provides.

Fuck my legs hurt already

>She's got enugh believable flaws
Most of her chapters are to-love ru tier clumsiness unbecoming of her earlier poise
She's just popular with hagfags

She's everyone's second or third
I'm the only pit princess patrician here

I didn't know most Bokubenfags are hagfags

How bad will these threads get when Fumino end becomes canon?

Mafuyu is deep, complex, well-thought-out, and has realistic flaws like a real person. She's an original character and is never subjected to fanservice or running gags that diminishes her worth. She's also too smart to leave misunderstandings standing. Other girls are just generic and trope-filled characters. You're wrong if you disagree.

Buttdevastated extinction level.

Bokuben would be forgotten after a week

Mainly depends on how bad Urukafags are willing to bitch and shitpost.

Asumifags don't exist and Rizufags are even worse than Senseifags at times

I don't know, but I'll rejoice and be happy.

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I think we should make predictions about the rest of the Rizu arc and whether we'll get Rizumas, Kirisumas, or both.

40 miles / 8 hours = 5mph, that's not bad on a bike unless it's all uphill. Or you could cheat and get an ebike.

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This but unironically

Rizu will realize that she doesn't need to compare herself to an inferior girl, helped by a Nariyuki speech. Kirisumasu will happen as expected

Is there a flashback episode in the show?

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Most agreeable ranking
Uruka is so perfect

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>t.>Bicycled across Japan; 2000+ miles over 50 days or so from Kagoshima to Sendai.

I saw that anime too.

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The amount of blatant samefag shills in here sickening.

An acceptable reversed ranking, but needs to remove the tier 'shit' and put '=' between Rizu and Sawako instead first.

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>The arc ends with Nariyuki hugging Rizu while Fumino BSoDs in the background.
>Fumino then runs away unnoticed because she thinks Nariyuki has chosen, so she misses Nariyuki calling Rizu a good friend.
>Then we get the Kirisumas arc, with extra Miharu and Mizuki.

JB and a bunch of other groups are accusing MD and Holo of ripping them off by supposedly trying to go legit in a CR/Fakku situation, which while they have wanted to go legit it would only be if they could keep all their material (unlike CR or Fakku). Holo struck back by claiming that the groups just want money, and are holding series hostage behind patreons or hosting them on sites riddled with ads or malware.

I'm a fuminobro and I like Fumino because she's going to win haha. My boobs are small like hers and I'm jealous of other girls with actual feminine bodies just like her lol

nah it's an accurate and most agreeable ranking

>Uruka first
>most agreeable

How stupid? They release the chapters so late that official version went up in less than half day on mangaplus. Irrelevant pirate work


Back in my day, reverse trolling was done with effort and subtlety.

You're going be very mad if Uruka loses to Rizu in the upcoming poll, aren't you?

Based Fuminobro. We will win.

Sounds like a plan.

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speaking of the poll, we should know the results by tomorrow night or we'll have to wait until Wednesday?

Definitely more agreeable than a Fuminofag ranking for putting Mafuyu and Rizu in the top 3

Hopefully tomorrow even though we know best girl and /ourqueen/ will continue being first and rightfully so.

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Fumino and Mafuyu in the top 2 make up the majority, ergo it would be most agreeable.

I can hardly wait for the shitposting and autism once the new poll is dropped.

only some senseifags put Fumino in their top 2, though. The other way around never happens

Delusional Urukafag.

Uruka was a mistake"Fumino > Mafuyu"/"Fumino > sensei"/