So, why hasn't he shot up his school yet?

Talk about bad writing.

Attached: fuckyou.jpg (980x551, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Because it takes place in Japan, not in America

Fucking too many men.

Kek,what an incel.

Attached: chadyama.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

Then he should use a knife, or make a bomb.


There is already a Manga like that. It's called ,,Suicide Bombing Club"

Attached: Kyoushitsu Jibaku Club - Vol.1 Ch.2 - 9.jpg (844x1200, 507K)

The problem here is that you confuse "bad writing" with wish fulfillment. 8man is actually well written as its one of the better ones for lonely NEETs

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>chuuni fuckwit
>well written

japs don't kill each other, only themselves

It's still wish fullfilment because he gets a fucking harem. If it was realistic, no girl would give a shit about him while he gets relentlessly bullied. It honestly makes me rage that we're supposed to consider Hachiman sympathetic. He has the hottest 2 chicks in school, craving his dick, yet he doesn't smash. Fucking pussy nigger.

Put down the crack pipe, user.

He doesn't smash because he doesn't know(?)

Of course it is, if he resonates with the audience then author has done his job well. It doesnt matter if its juvenile or not.
thats what I said

why would you shout up a school that has best girl in it?

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Rape her, then kill her.

But I thought Hachiman was supposed to be smart and above the dense harem protagonist crap. Isn't Oregairu a deconstruction? Hmm..

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No thanks to both

You can't reject a rapist. That's kind of the point ;)

don't mind if I do

You're a pussy if you wouldn't rape the bitch who constantly verbally abuses you and puts you down.

go rape and kill iroha, she likes it

>can't take some banter from a girl

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You can't rape Yukino, she's your light speedreader.

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go back to your safezone faggot

It's only banter, if it's reciprocated. If a girl acted like a condescending cunt to me, like Yukino does to Hachiman, I'd lose my shit and beat the crap out of her. Rape her too, if I'm in the mood for it.

Why hasn't he fucked his teacher?

Why would you surround yourself with people who talk shit about you? Hachiman should cut ties with all those toxic pieces of shit and be a true loner.

Used goods

Because he's a small dick pussy nigger, that's why.

No guns in Japan.

Go away dumb incel

Attached: Hachiman thinks his conversations with Yukino are refreshing and pleasant.png (698x645, 97K)

Selfinsertfags are cancer

>You're a pussy if you wouldn't rape the bitch who constantly verbally abuses you
I always wonder what is up with people not understanding Yukino's and 8man's relationship with each other. Are these Animeonlyfags or just desperate Yuitards?

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He also thinks Iroha is incredibly cute, why don't you ever post that part?

Wow, Hachiman sounds beta as fuck.

Nah, Yui is a vapid cunt too. Hachiman should either rape both of them or cut them out of his life. That's the only thing they deserve.

You have to be 18 to be on this site.

Attached: carry on.png (295x383, 94K)

No, he thinks of her as trash

Should have known

So, you wouldn't mind getting repeatedly insulted and humiliated, if it's by a pretty woman? KEK

Why would you lie on the internet?

You sound like you haven't ever interacted with a woman normally for over 5 minutes. Have sex incel.

Stop posting photos of this bitch. She is one of the worst fictional characters I've ever encountered. I don't know why people like her, I just want to smash her fucking teeth in. She needs to be put in her place, rich bitch doesn't know how good she has it. If I were as attractive and privileged as her, I definitely wouldn't be whining and acting like an autist.

I didn't though. That's the point.

We all know you did.

So you’re some shitskin pajeet living in a some shithole third world country venting your shortcomings in life on a fictional character? Seek help.

>wow, you're such a loser with no friends, lol. your social skills suck. why are you even here. i sometimes forget you exist, you're so lame. you're still a virgin, no girl will ever want you. you're a pathetic piece of shit
Yeah, if a girl says any variation of this, she's totally into you and wants the dick. Just because I don't like verbal abuse, doesn't make me an incel, dumbfuck.

Yukino is literally the one person he feel comfortable talking to. He speaks his mind freely and they give each other shit all the time. I actually want them to banter more because at this point they just look at each other nearly crying in preparation to the deserving 8manxYukino endgame.

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To be fair, 8man has probably jacked off to the thought of raping Yukino early in the story.

Then he should have gone to hang himself to some forest


How can you sympathize with a rich, attractive girl with an unrealistic lack of friends that shits on you for being a loner? I don't understand.

She hasn’t even said any of that. Stop projecting your own insecurities, incel.


Attached: superficial things are meaningless.png (796x870, 370K)

So, it's true then? user described you perfectly?

Kek, based. Yukinohaters are shitskin pajeet incels.

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Lol, I watched the show. She's constantly making fun of his lack of friends, social skills, popularity, relationship experience, etc.

Continuing to deny the truth will only hurt your credibility.

What is the point of bringing up Iroha? She's not in volume 6, secondary.

He has her name everytime on his monthly "people I won't forgive" list. He constantly thinks about how he would have hit her already if she wasn't cute. Also he apparently impersonates her when he's taking a bath or something. This was only in the early volumes though.

Why are we only limited to volume 6?

To try and get him to change

>shits on you for being a loner?
What the fuck did you even watch the anime or read the LN/Manga?

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But he was right though.

I think that thing he posted was from volume 6

The discussion was about 8man's thoughts on his discussions with Yukino, and he doesn't feel the same about his discussion with Iroha. She even has a hard time keeping up.

I haven't read this shit in a long time, but doesn't he think that Iroha's cuteness is somewhat forced?

But he does in fact think Iroha is cute, you can't deny the facts

no, he thinks she is fake

>thinks about hitting her
>doesn't because she's cute
God, what a fucking pussy. He deserves to get cucked by Chadyama.

He thinks of a lot of girls as cute. He is a guy after all but it's different with Yukino

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Yukino is considered to be more attractive (who doesn't use make up mind you) than Iroha (puts on pounds of make up), so what's your point?

Yes, I did. And you little fucking image doesn't prove anything. It's just Hachiman coping with being a social retard, thinking it's okay for little kids to be loners.

Well, she wants his dick now, so clearly, not hitting her was the right choice.

He pretty much wanted to hit everyone at the beginning that's why he needed some help.

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Nah, these two whores are for Chadyama

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In this shot he almost died from lack of oxygen, Iroha does doesn't do that to Hachiman.

Thread derailed because of Irohafags, KEK


She's apparently an 11/10 in his eyes. So yeah, he definitely jacked off to her.

Whenever 8man thinking how cute and pretty Yukino is, Irohafags get insecure "w-what about Irohasu??!"

His mindset was completely healthy. It's the normalfags that are delusional and retarded. Hachiman is simply reacting like how any other person would react after being abused. The only thing that's unrealistic is his willingness to sacrifice himself to solve other people's messes. He should've been selfish and told them to go fuck themselves.

>Selfinsertfags on suicide watch

>this is self-insertfags on Oregairu
I want /r9k/ to leave

>in which a man fatally stabbed two people and injured 18 others before taking his own life.

She should take her own advice first then and stop being an autist.

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What the fuck did I just read?

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No, incel, you should do something about yourself.

What if Hachiman was replaced by Elliot Rodger as the main character? What then?

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Yukino wasn't isolated but a loner. He wasn't capable to have a normal conversation with anyone but his sister before she started to take care of him.

I have no idea who this faggot is

I read his manifesto and I can grantee you that he is not as interesting as 8man, not by a long-shot.

I hate self-improvement stories where the MC is based at the start, but then becomes a bluepilled cuck by the end. Such great "character development", more like character regression.
I like it when the MC starts as an asshole and doesn't change into some nice guy pussy. It's dishonest to have a psychopath one second, then have him kissing puppies the next.

Thats some supreme taste
Bomberchads >>> gunnigers

Go away incel. Go cry on your facebook page.

Actually he is. No witty observations, just pure unfiltered narcissism and emotional weakness. He's one of the greatest written fictional characters of the decade, stop being in denial. The fact that he's boring and repeats himself is very human like. You just can't handle characters who aren't sunshine and rainbows and expose the cruel reality of the world. Elliot Rodger is a (subtle) critique of capitalism and the decadent 21th century. Elliot was too sensitive and born in the most shallow, materialistic part of California. Have some empathy. He probably would've turned out okay, if the people around him weren't such self-absorbed asses. Nature vs nurture, brah.

Deleted my facebook long time ago. But nice try, faggot.

>admitting you ever had facebook

I was only forced to make one for school. Yeah, but sure, I'm a normalfag.

Yukino was able to get good grades, 8man was putting out shitty edgelord papers to his Japanese teacher.

I hope you are trolling otherwise you are human garbage and you should kill yourself

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You have to be 18 or older to post here

I plan to. And lol at Yea Forums autists thinking they have the moral highground. Elliot Rodger wasn't born an incel, step outside your bubble and look at the factors that lead to his shooting spree. It was inevitable.

He does to an extent. Hence the finale of the last season when he interrupts Yui at the end. He's just not willing to accept it because 1) he has shit taste and obviously loves Yuckino 2) he wants things to remain the same between the 3 of them

He would have shit taste if he liked Ewwy. Instead he likes Yukino and he has godly taste.

What a surprise, another Oregairu thread derailed by buttblasted waifushitters on all sides. It's almost like it's barely a step above typical haremshit or something.

>I plan to.
But please just kill yourself and send a note to the police so you don't plague your neighbours with your rotting body.
>step outside your bubble and look at the factors that lead to his shooting spree
Sorry I don't go to school any more. Life is actually quite simple, so is dating or having a relationship.

Bullets aren't genuine

every thread on Yea Forums derails

Of course not. Why do you think Yea Forums constantly fellates nu-tsunderes? Because half the fags who post here have no social acumen and no point of reference for how positive socializing plays out and at what point to draw a line between "nice girl with some issues" and "snotty bitch who isn't worth the headaches"

sidegirlfags have become incredibly pathetic as of late

Except Yui isn’t a nice girl, she is a backstabbing thot that manipulates you into selfdestructiveness. So your entire argument falls flat on its face.

They probably thought it would be disrespectful if they didn't allow Knife-Senpai to gut them

Shh, the big kids are talking.

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t. dumb secondary

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>life is actually quite simple

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>big kids
>has no idea what he is talking about

you are online on a board that is mainly there to shit on each others waifu. And people starting to kill themself or others because they think it's unfair because they can't get laid. Are you retarded

It's not a coincidence the theme of the girls?

Who are the worst sidegirlfags? Yukino. Hmm. Miku. hmm. I wonder what's the connection between those girls and those fags?

Death, taxes, Oregairu/DomeKano threads being nothing but warring over garbage waifus and autistic poo-flinging

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What? Yukino isn't a sidegirl. Are you daft? And no way in hell are Yukinofags the worst. Also who is Miku.

I think the threads would be better if fags like you left


Speaking of which, if mc doesn't fuck actress bitch or just start a relationship with anyone other than one of the two sisters I swear to fucking god I will cut your neck

Every murder makes national news in Japan because they're so rare. Americans kill themselves so much that you only hear about them when it's either a mass shooting (which happen every couple of months anyway) or if it's a local murder.

Elliot's motive was lack of love, not not getting laid. His father even offered to take him to high-quality escorts, but he refused.

>Yui is a nice girl
>Yukino is snotty bitch "who isn't worth the headaches"
This is animeonlies, gentlemen. Oregairu should NOT have been given an adaptation. The ammount of people who still don't understand this series is absolutely astounding.

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Main girls in Oregairu are clearly Iroha, Yui, and Totsuka. Yukino is a plot device

the absolute state of this board

Main girl is Haruno, fucking idiot.

Secondaryfags and sidegirlfags are cancer. Nothing new.

>three shitty characters with zero character development or depth
Wew, if you’re going to troll, try harder

Haruno is barely her own character. She literally exists solely as an extension of Yukino's character. Why do you think Haruno's only purpose in the story is to mess with Yukino instead of pursue her own life goals?

So, what is the message of the story?
>just wait for a bunch of hot girls to fall on your dick, so you stop being a miserable loser with no friends
Ok, thanx

That’s not the plot

Can you idiots stop pretending like your haremshit has any depth? It's not breaking the mold or anything. A true deconstruction would be girls being disgusted with the MC and then him fixing himself, satisfied even if he doesn't get a girlfriend. Oregairu is just another run-off-the-mill haremshit, it's not breaking any new ground. Just fucking face it

found the anime only watcher

That's literally what happens, you daft fucker

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No, just no. Saika is a trash character, Yui only craves Hachiman's dick because he saved her dog and Iroha is just some useless cunt that manipulates others to do shit for her.

Oregairu has been been amount self-improvement and growing up, giving up fake things for the real deal.

You sound incredibly jealous that Oregairu is better than your favorite series.

So now you’re just parroting other people. Just stop embarrassing yourself

Then fuck off faggot and go shitpost elsewhere.

>Just fucking face it
are you also on suicide watch my friend?

To be fair, he actually had to do some work to get Yukino to want his dick. The others are inexcusable though. This is what you get when the author wants to appeal to the haremfags.

Furthermore, Oregairu's improvement isn't linear. Much like actual life. One step forward, three steps back sometimes. Honestly one of the better stories at showing realistic progress I've seen.

He didn't do shit. Did he ever try to woo her? Never

What the fuck?

Did you see the whole cultural festival? He basically became the most hated guy in the whole school partially for Yukino.

Because he’s not the kind of dude that would shoot up a school. Just because he was a loner doesn’t mean he would shoot up a school

In reality, no girls will support you in your path to self-improvement. Girls only like successful men once they're successful, they don't like them when they're having failures nor do they care how they became successful.

Um, Hachiman has made her open up to other people and has bought her gifts for her. She's able to smile, laugh and have fun by getting to know him.

Attached: Hachiman gives Yukino Pan-san gift.jpg (689x284, 59K)

Imagine spending your free time trolling about a something you obviously have watched or read.

I thought the way to a girl's heart was by complimenting her not by committing social suicide. I guess I was wrong..

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That may be the case once you get in the real world. But when you're 16/17 it's a different life with different rules.

>Imagine spending your free time trolling something you obviously haven't watched or read.

lol. as long as you understand, fren

>retarded facebook faggot
Explains a lot

Is this some sort of strange fetish? You help an even more autistic woman than yourself deal with people, as an entrance ticket to her vagina. You people need help.

She's apparently really hot according to 8man

They have both helped each other. That's the point. Also, it's faggots like you that need help.

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>And I'm tellin ya BUCKO you don't want to go there, it's a really dark place. And once you get there it's hard to get out. Solzhenitsyn talks about this, and I've read Solzhenitsyn. It's DARK STUFF BUCKO. Never mind that the CIA wrote it, it's DARK STUFF. And you don't want to go there. But I've read Solzhenitsyn, and it's not really obvious, it's really complex stuff. And DARK. And Solzhenitsyn is one of the deepest writers of the 20th century. He knew the darkness BUCKO, and. you. don't. want. to. go. there. He was a hero because he spoke the truth. It's hard to come back from that place, but he did. He cleaned his room and got the BUCKOS out of his country. And the other thing that's so interesting is that lobsters knew all this stuff. They cleaned their rooms 20 million years ago. And if you don't clean your room BUCKO it's a DARK PLACE, and trust me, you don't want to go there. I've been there, and trust me, you got to sort yourself out. And that's by no means obvious.
>The clean room is the foil of God. Clean your room, bring him out of that DARK PLACE man, and that's your father saved. Got it BUCKO? You get to be top lobster, and that's by no means obvious. It's an archetype, I've read my Jung. It's a DARK PLACE man, I've read him. He went into that DARK PLACE and saved the lobster. And that's because he took the time to pet the cat BUCKO. And trust me, you don't want to go there. It's tyrannical, you don't want to go there. And it's by no means obvious. It's pathological. Trust me, I know BUCKO. I spent 30 years studying the Jungian archetype in the Concentration Camps. It's a DARK PLACE, you don't want to go down that road. And that's by no means obvious. And NEETCHA too, he was in a DARK PLACE BUCKO. It's mind-bogglingly brilliant stuff. And by no means obvious BUCKO.

Yuckinofans can't rationalize their faggotry any way other than murmuring the words they all share, "I'm a virgin"

Yukino lives in your head rent free.

Attached: plebs.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

Irohafags and Yuifags are just a bunch of cancerous shitposters. No need to pretend like there is anything else going on.

And we won't get any because we're not characters in a haremshit.

Attached: itsover.jpg (800x433, 118K)

Then end yourself and stop wasting other people's time.

>Yea Forums autist
>thinks his time is valuable
The delusion is strong.