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>everything he's working for is to sleep in nice hotels while playing on his computer

What was diavolo's endgame anyway?
After making a fuckton of money couldn't he just tell polpo that he is the boss now and fuck off to where ever the fuck he wants living off of the fortune he made?

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I ask myself everyday.

People with power tend to like keeping their power.

But people with power like being the center of attention. what's keeping the boss from socializing with his employees?

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>uses king crimson to get dubs
I believe it

Why not quads?

if the range of his ability is limited, that would mean that it only works as a lagbot delaying the signal being sent from his computer to the server.
This would mean that on high traffic boards, it would be extremely difficult to know when to activate king crimson to get a massive get.

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King Crimson having limited range makes no sense. It would mean the area he used it would be displaced in time compared to the rest of the world. Like Diavolo creates his own time zone.

>tfw King Crimson is re-dubbed King of Dubs

Why is he so relatable?

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He is literally insane.

Maybe he's just trying to become anonymous so Doppio can live a normal quiet life.

Why did DP need to make him so fuckable?

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He wants to his life to be at the eternal climax. Retirement isn't a climax.

Being as paranoid as he is he probably wouldn't trust them to leave him be

Isn’t the general assumption that his “ethereal climax” is just shooting heroin in those hotels he he likes to hide in?

He doesn't do drugs

He's a sociopath schizophrenic who wants to be all powerful, but also completely anonymous so that he is never in danger, of course these dangers are almost completely improbable or ridiculous, but he believes them nonetheless due to his mental illness. You don't "retire" out of status and power, and why would he want that when he could rule all of Italy from the shadows until he dies?

Araki designed him to look like a drug-addled, wasted rock star past his prime

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Reminder that La Squadra are communists, their goal is literally to seize the means of production

They can't be communists most of them are named after food.