Who is the most dedicated waifufag on Yea Forums?
Who is the most dedicated waifufag on Yea Forums?
Don't know, don't care.
Me, don't listen to
Me, don't listen to or My asuka folder is 1 terabyte
The guy who posts the same 4 girls in every discussion
The ones that put actual effort into doing things for their wives instead of wasting hours posting on image boards.
Is this really a question?
Komeiji, ancient former tripfag. Got bullied by other tripfags and anons for being a retarded Azusa waifufag.
Ledouche is not loyal, he's older but he's a fucking cheater.
me of course
Folder size means nothing, for every picture of my waifu there's at least one really shitty one not worth saving.
What really matters is your actions.
I once punched a guy over my waifu, and I'd do it again.
Where is the user who saved every single frame of Satania?
I think bare minimum qualification should be willingness to cosplay as one's waifu.
Haven't heard that name in a long time. Definitely among the most autistic and bulliable waifufags. Most dedicated? Depends on what he's doing today.
Your father who loves your mother so much that he helped create (you).
Why user? Violence is wrong and your waifu wouldn't want you lowering yourself
He's braindead and pinkshit eat his (pinkshit's) brain
I'm so proud of your loyalty to your favorite girl!
Based and wholesome poster
I wish I had a Noa gf.
I hope this isn't going to get personal, but I love my waifu more than anyone and I can prove it.
Only kidding, we all love the best we can.
Except a similar situation happened in my waifu's series and she loved it.
Some 20 years and still going strong!
And who is this waifu supposed to be, user?
Based and freedompilled
What do you think about my waifu?
She's my waifu and I don't think it's necessary to post her here. I know I love her and I've got a strong feeling that she would love me back just as much. I don't need some random user to be judging either of us.
I'd never judge an anons waifu, you can tell me user
Oh so you got an Owner-Pet relationship going with her.
Good for you Fido.
How many images do you have of your waifu, Yea Forums? I have 136, but I wish I could find more art.
You bastard. I thought I was the only one left.
And this is exactly why I won't post her
>he hasn't murdered people for the sake of his waifu
I'm in charge of the situation
Mad Thad.
probably someone who has never posted his waifu because he's not an attentionwhore who pretends to have a waifu
PSF brings calamity to every thread he touches. He's like bazelguese but instead of fucking up hunts, he fucks up threads.
How have you only managed 136? I have 300+ of her and she isn't even my favourite in the series.
My devotion has been 100% loyal for nearly 30 years.
There are several of us my good friend.
He's a dumb gay now who misses the prison sex
Honestly, waifuism is no longer important in Yea Forums and the majority of older waifufags already moved on.
Anyone? Please, I really need validation.
Not funny.
Probably that autist that posts entire essays about how much he likes Saber.
Not that user, but it wasn't a joke.
>he doesn’t know
Ignorance is bliss I guess
I know he's out of the slammer.
Listen to his interview
It's been two hours
Post the list already
what rifles are those
.. he has an interview?
Now this I need to see.
i have a harem
I see you are a man of culture too.
If you haven't had a candlelit dinner with your waifu, then you don't love her
I tied an onahole to my daki and fucked it
I made sure to use a condom so I didn't get her pregnant
This isn't an SSR thread.
I don't usually post the list outside of SSR or other SSR related threads.
I'm sorry.
From top to bottom.
Type 38
Type 44
Vz 98
Chilean Mauser 1895
Argentine Engineer's Carbine Mauser 1891
Mosin Nagant M44
Yugo SKS
Arsenal SAM7sf
why do anime girls and guns go so well together
Baseline is visible tattoo like the 02fag or asukafag.
213 in her folder, 147 in the folder of OTP, unknown number of pictures wherein other Mahou shoujo other than just Homura or Homura + MAdoka are present
>This isn't an SSR thread.
This also isn't /k/.
Downloading terabytes of shitty fan art or branding yourself as someone with bad judgment via a tattoo isn't dedication, it's retardation.
But this is a waifu thread.
The love of my life, my beautiful sweet potato wife is Yuuri.
My rifle collection is also hers.
So these are Yuuri's rifles.
I'm kind of picky about what I save. A lot of art of her is too off-model for me.
What about making threads for your waifu all day, like Shinkafag?
Do you feel in charge?
it's based, shows how often you think of her and how proud you are of her as a waifu
>t. communist
Imagine not being able to appreciate a good raifu because you're too busy wishing to strip liberty away from people
The domesticated left are not true communists.
Words are cheap. Actions aren’t as cheap, but are still ultimately meaningless. The true proof of ones devotion is the test of time, and I’d have far more respect for someone who has stayed loyal to their waifu for the past 20 years than I would someone who posted her a bunch or built a big shrine only to abandon her a few years later.
If it went by foldersize you could also just pick someone like Reimu or Miku and then download half of Pixiv.
wow good point
Anyone else enjoy tracking down posters who have insulted their waifu, and assassinating them?
>It's not REAL x
Actions that stand the test of time are the real proof of one's love. You might say you have loved her for 10 years but where is the proof of that? Many people stay with their wife for decades in a loveless marriage.
Who's the Yuuri poster who posted 200+ reasons to love Yuuri?
Because I think it's that guy.
In a ration of Dedication against both content and relevance, Satania posters are extremely dedicated.
I can only hope Minami maintains such popularity after Watamote ends.
The domesticated American "left" is just about feel-good capitalism, worshipping "progressive" corporations and "progressive" billionaires that make them feel warm and fuzzy. I'm not the kind of person to say that "real communism hasn't been tried," but who we commonly call communists are absolutely not communists.
243 in her solo folder (separated from the chaff found in the usual places, named to fit custom categories and regularly curated), and probably at least 50 more if we count guest appearances and reaction images/screenshots.
As far as (some of the) actions go, I have her magazine, translated arcs and feel reasonable discomfort whenever I see how she's usually treated here.
It's Homura and Madoka is her waifu
My current folder has 961 files at 850 MB. A lot of this (413 images) is anime screencaps and manga crops, which I'm actually nowhere close to having every single instance from either. I have 241 images of fanart, which is about the extent of what I could find on the Internet of her that was of decent quality. Then I have 287 files of official art, stitches, poster scans, light novel illustrations, etc. The rest are webms from the anime.
Mental illness
That's not mental illness
This is mental illness
I screencapped literally every frame that features my waifu from her anime adaptation.
Why not just make clips
user that's not dedication that's something people in my school with high functioning autism did.
I paused the video and manually transcribed the frames into mspaint pixel by pixel.
I need them as references for when I draw her and possibly when making animations of her in the future.
Being "loyal" to an imaginary cartoon character is inherently meaningless no matter how much time you spend doing it, faggot. It doesn't mean anything.
>that's something people in my school with high functioning autism did.
Yeah well guess what kind of mental disorder most people with waifus have.
I don't know about every single frame as there are some that look identical except for some minor detail (and some of them are QUALITY), but I definitely want to capture every scene and expression of hers from the anime. There's only 12 episodes worth, but at least she has a lot of screen time since she is the main character.
Folder is 2,662 files, and 2.68 GB
Some of the files are audio, video, or both so those bump up the filesize. Also a handful of duplicates stuck in there.
Mind if I save this image?
It's nearing 10000 if you include all the manga and anime screenshots, though I really need to still sort all the fanart and filter all the junk that I saved on reflex.
That's just the lower res duplicate I usually post on Yea Forums, so it's not like it hasn't been saved before
And the object of her affection will never actually return her love, just like a waifu.
Fuck off normalfag.
Ahem, I have joined the battle
Yuuanon is a hero.
I got a custom daki of my waifu so I can sleep with her every night.
Your waifu is fucking shit and I'm gonna punch her. By the way there is nothing you can do to stop me......wait a minute what was that? Uh.......I'm gonna check something I'll be back in a minute. I think I heard something.
The Nako psycho user is someone to keep an eye on
Oh is he now, I'm trying to be the most deticated user to ever step on Yea Forums
I'm right here.
Yeah sorry guys. You're all weak sauce.
This goes, without a doubt, to the Cutie Honey guy who is in love with Tarantula Panther and all her different forms. His dedication to his waifu is inspiring, and has likely been burning strong for decades.
I recorded the binary transistors
I'm afraid to own a daki because someone might see it.
>My asuka folder is 1 terabyte
Claud, is that you?
Just get a daki user. My sleep quality has increased and it feels nice to wake up next to my waifu. Besides, you really shouldn't care if people see your daki, my parents and brother see mine.
Are you the Sataniafag?
I'm the guy who posts this image in every FMA thread.
You'll see him in some drawfag threads and 3x3 threads, as well as monthly Cutie Honey threads he makes on a consistent regimented schedule. Ask him about his waifu, he has a lot to say.
If you have to make a post about yourself in this thread, you are not nearly dedicated enough. Other anons should be telling others of your legends, not you.
no my names Robert
I must be the #1 Waifufag! I CAN'T SIMPLE LET THIS BE!
>literally every frame
That seems redundant, you'd have hundreds of images that are nigh identical.
Don't like being reminded your "accomplishment" is actually a testament to how hard you've failed at life?
I've never seen you post. Even as far as Kyoani waifufags go you'll never beat the Shinkafag.
This is why I rather stay relatively low-key when it comes to my waifu. I'd hate to be known among you losers for any reason and bring her unnecessary attention.
Look at all of that projection.
You've must of been gone the lat 2 weeks ro so