Those crazy kids finally did it.
Do Chokkyu Kareshi × Kanojo
this manga is fucking cringe
Bump because someone needs to dump. This manga is basically a speed run of a romcom.
This is a romcom that got tired of silently blushing around each other for 100-200 chapters and just got straight to a relationship. It only works if both partners are exceptionally extroverted and constantly shouting about how much they sookey each other.
>The devil offers to increase and speed up the progress in your favorite romcom
>but in exchange you get tinnitus
Well anons? Would you take this deal?
Probably yeah
I'll dump it
Wish I had mc's kind hearted and confident personality, damn genetic lottery. Dork girl is also great.
>I wish that were me: the manga
pg 3
The guy is a bulldozer who waltzes through every cliché that would hold him back in these kind of stories.
It's great
this girl is just a living meme now
Me and the boys behind the fourth wall getting ready to watch two loud highschoolers have sex.
oh fugg the spoiler
Reading this manga gives me stress.
I just hate loud people.
>and that kids is how I met your mother
This is one of the greatest sex scenes I've ever seen
>My face watching every single unprogressive 100+ chapter romcom in existence get BTFO'd for all eternity
I fucking love these two idiots, where do we go from here though?
Broken condom
Actual spoilers:
According to the raws, little sis of loud girl also seems to get a boyfriend.
loud squelching and queefing noises
>This thread, loud teens have sex faster than rabbits
>Nagataro thread, Nude painting of prez
>Kaguya thread, raws filled with love madness
What is with Yea Forums today!? It's making me crave female companionship more than usual goddamn it!!!
This manga is AMAZING. Please tell me its popular and japan and will have a good run
Best sex scene exa
Somewhere out there, the artist has uncensored versions of these images I'm sure.
>that dragon with the condom head
Thanks for the dump.
Thanks Abe for the manga.
This manga makes me hate tomo-chan wa onnanoko even more.
that fucking dragon
that was fast
How the fuck I didn't know about this one?
Fucking picked up.
I already have a permanent ring in my ear
Not sure if you already signed the deal with devil immediately or if you already had tinnitus and are thinking "Fuck yeah, I already have tinnitus! This deal is free for me! The devil is a dumb ass!"
The second scenario reminds me of that one episode of Futurama, where Fry makes a deal with robo satan for his hands.
man, the sex bits are good but rest of the romcom is sub par.
It's a gimmick that wears off pretty fast, which I'd like to think is directly attributed to how fast the plot went.
My only hope is that it doesn't drag on from here, the next few chapters are a switch of perspective to the female MCs younger sister, and those are every vanilla romcom cliche in the book.
Honda's mom >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mako
egads, cringe is right
Main girl has the perfect body.
> Mako having the perfect body
> Implying Karen isn't peak perfection
Get a load of this faggot.
is this what happens when a battle shonen author tries to write a romcom? what's next, power levels?
Just fap man, it would go away.
>instant gratification fags
I every manga ended up like this in 20 chapters it would just be hentai doujins. And for the record I think it would get extremely old extremely fast if every just constantly shouted.
Except it's not.
doujins are great for that reason tbf
>his hand
actual relationship progression? in MY romcom?
this is great
I hope we get to see them married at some point
>I every manga ended up like this in 20 chapters it would just be hentai doujins
You say that like it's a bad thing. Some of the best romance stories I've read are multi-series works on sadpanda. You'd be surprised how intimate a story can get when the author drops all pretense of staying safely serialized in some magazine and instead it's some doujin artist who knows he's got maybe 5 releases before he's shitcanned for the next guy.
That's exactly the problem isn't it with OH MY INSTANT PROGRESSION
god damn she has a nice body
>I every manga ended up like this in 20 chapters it would just be hentai doujins.
No. 20 chapters is why this is much better than doujins.
Jesus when did Yea Forums turn into a bunch of romance loving teenage girls
1, maybe 2 chapters after this would be the ideal ending point, but with other anons mentioning Makos sister is the focus of the next arc, I'm starting to get worried.
Literally talking points from reddit.
we're all girls here dumdum
you had better pick up your fashion magazine or you're in for a world of gossip
Let there be love!
they're chocolate
I don't get it.
How many chapters till we are caught up?
I feel like people saying the story should wrap up now have just bought into the problem with Romance stories in general. Actually solidifying the relationship is usually the end to a story, you all know just because they fucked there is still story that can occur right?
>the fucking condom on the dragon's head
im fucking dying
>using a condom
this is not approved by abe
Is there any point where the situation is reversed, and she's on the offensive while he's blushing and embarrassed trying to talk back, because these chapters feel one sided as all hell
Judging by what others are saying about the sister being the focus next arc, I don't think the author knows either. The problem with running it primarily as a gimmick.
Didnt expect the progression to be this fast but i welcome it
What an absolute Chad.
real men leads the way
Develop the relationship like a damn good writer would do, the problem with series' where it takes forever or the main couple to become a thing only shows the creator just can't write a relationship going on after the confession.
Hentai doujins are legit better written than the majority of the romcom dreck posted on this board.
Relationships (in manga) end with the confession. Confession happens - and that's all, there's NOTHING afterwards (manga ends or comes into eternal status quo territory). If you squint hard enough you can see that School Days were about exactly that.
Are you retarded? Manga is soundless
You are fucking gay and hate fun
My sides just left orbit
Yo this shit needs a fucking adaptation, it's too good to be left in the book. Imagine..
Based Abe God bless you for funding this
At the beginning of the chapter I thought "there's no way this is actually happening."
The at the end was I was reminded of my very own first time.
I get the feeling that people will find the main leads obnoxious if they do get voiced.
I wish there wasn't such a hard seperation between the two and you got romcom manga that weren't afraid to actually show shit and hentai that did long character development and stuff other than rushing to the hardcore.
Abe is behind this shit
That's because having everything be delivered by shouting gets old insanely fast.
It's that fucking volume of Baki all over again
I love it
Guys, I know allot of you guys are all blaming Abe for showing us a sex scene in a romcom but let's take the time to think about this. Would Abe really advocate for the use of a condom?
The male MC already expressed intention of having like 10 kids (Forgot the exact number), so they are just getting ready.
Or end up like Horimiya and meander around or Relife and go through all the side characters no one cares about or introduce some stupid melodrama or plot tweest for the sake of it. There's really not very many good places to go.
No they're not. They're just oneshots with 80% of it being sex. Or if it's a story arc usually it's some harem shit where they repeat the same thing with 6 other girls or NTR garbage.
It would get old really fast if every romcom was like this manga. Since this is very unique, it's still very fresh.
Well he said that he intended to build a football team with the feMC so it's a pretty big number regardless
I'd choose the Horimiya way then, no heavy melodrama from the side characters, just them having fun even though they're mostly boring
I really enjoyed this, but then I was reminded...
idiocracy is right, as usual.
>I every manga ended up like this in 20 chapters it would just be hentai doujins
Hentai doujins are vastly superior to the trash you're usually reading though.
I enjoy the manga a lot but I think the gag worked a lot better when it was one-off pages instead of full length chapters.
Dragon screw !!!!!!!
What the fuck i'm reading
Why can't more romance manga be like this instead of the main couple spending 100 chapters sperging out about indirect kisses or other dumb shit?
Because, reddit, mangaka want people to get used to and close and care for the characters and they want their manga to survive in a magazine for long enough to earn them a paycheck.
I didn't say all romance manga need to be like this, just more you illiterate fucking retard.
Ask stupid questions...
As was said in the Tomo-chan thread this is how that series should've turned out. Instead we get hackmita pushing needless blue-balling yet again.
Again if you weren't such dumb fuck you'd what a rhetorical question is.
I will take “What is Kaguya-sama?” for $1000
Damage control you little faggot. Don't post your "rhetorical question" that has been asked in this thread a dozen times by the same retards like you already.
What a handsome man. Makes me want to copulate.
>your fingers... were... interesting...
well, at least we know the prime minister of japan isn't behind this. I'd never directly influence media to increase our birth rate.
>a manga that took 150 chapters for the two mains to finally become a couple
Shinichi just gohma warped past all the cliches
I mean they literally sperg about indirect kisses and and calling each other cute for 130+ chapter before the first kiss
20 chapters of hentai means it is great though. Or one stubborn mangaka.
Is her FANBOX worth it? Does she post nudes?
>Dragon Screw
>Is there any point where the situation is reversed, and she's on the offensive while he's blushing and embarrassed trying to talk back
There like 5 manga like this being translated
Here's the translated omake from the author's twitter if anyone is interested
>Mom: Listen here, you! It's fine that you did it, but think about the location where you do it! The location!
>Mako: I apologize, mother!
>But please, just hear me out on this!
Esh, your little sister is right there.
Maybe you should read some of the good shit
Oops, I was somewhat mistaken; this is an omake to a small story the author posted that I imagine takes place after this chapter
I'll translate it here
>Mariko: How strange... Mako isn't here... this early on a vacation day?
>[Mako's mother, Mariko]
>Mariko: Could it be...?! She snuck out in the middle of the night to enjoy the nightlife or something...?!
>It can't be! She's not the sort of person to do that without telling her pa...
>Mako: I... I'm home...
>Mariko: !
Ooops, forgot the translation
>Mariko: She's-
>She's strangely flushed!?
>Mako, what happened?! It's unusual for you to be out and about so early on a vacation day, isn't it?!
>And still in your pajamas, no less!
>Mako: I... I can't tell her.
>I can't tell her I went out for some outdoor sex.
>(That is...)
>Mako: A stroll! I just got back from taking a stroll! There's nothing quite like the feeling of the breeze in the fresh verdure of the season, is there!?
>Mariko: You! Those neck marks! What the hell are those?!
>Mako: Ahh!? Oh, this! Ummm! Right!
>It's m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-mosquitoes! Mosquitoes! (GYAAAAAAAAA)
>Mariko: Mosquitoes?! And they only bit your neck!?
>Riko: Huh?
>[Little sister: Riko]
>Oh, sis, you're back. I sure was shocked when I was woken up suddenly by a loud noise and opened the window to take a look!
>Riko: Where did you go
>After you and your boyfriend finished?
He says he cant put it in yet his legs are way back like he's balls deep.
bro, it just slip up
>sex 20 chapters in
Now what? We wait a few more years for them to keep dating and fucking, and then watch them get married and procreate?
cos I'm all for that
Give it another 20 chapters and they'll be married with kids
>already doing outdoors sex
It's hard to pay for hotels each time when you are just in school so I can't blame them all that much
It sounded like it was outdoor sex next to her house. Ence the pajamas and all that.
So have they only done vaginal sex so far?
Remind me of FSN by Deen.
>outdoor sex already
Just how fucking thirsty these two are?
When will they fuck in school?
>you will never experience teenage love
Well, shit.
Don't remind me man
At least i get to be a wizard soon
None of them have her being straightforward like this one though, they're all coy and dance around everything instead
So you just want a slut.
Hope there's some consolidation prize for Yamada in the future if the author plans to go anywhere with the side characters, the dude got straight up destroyed.
>advance with her own man.
Why do you use words you don't understand?
I used to love shoujo manga and anime until I realized it was all the same shit. I then moved on to shounen romance anime and manga but I'm slowly getting tired of it all being the same fucking shit too.
This is exactly the kind of manga I needed to relieve the "100+ chapters of nothing and then they maybe confirm they might like each other and then that's it the end no actual relationship antics" stress that's been building up for years.
I'd almost call it a manga ejaculation. I've spent years stroking my manga-loving brain/dick edging and waiting for the payoff but it never actually fucking happens. Where those 100+ romcom chapters are like stroking and edging, this manga would be the actual climax.
It wouldn't be nearly as satisfying on it's own, but all of the buildup from other shit has made it that much better.
Just make love to a JK now, close enough.
Were they suppose to have done it in all 5 holes in the first time? Is that what the kids are doing nowadays?
You mean seven.
I mean there's technically eight.
Ten if you count skull-fucking but I'm going to just ignore any guro possibilities.
Are we counting pseudo holes like armpit pussies and the back of the knee pussies?
Is there a source for that bottom pic or is it just an edit?
No. I'm counting actual holes.
Two ears, two nostrils, mouth, vagina, anus, and urethra.
I mean to actually use some of these would require near-guro levels of pain and disfigurement from the act alone, but yeah. Eight.
>I'm going in
Where's the pic with Pierce getting happier the more his wife gets fatter.
>he doesn't jam his rock-solid erection up against her urethra to piss directly into her bladder
Never gonna make it. You just gotta be mindful of the exact position and angle of your pisshole and pull it open slightly before making contact. Also tell her to push as though she were pissing, but only very lightly.
Technically it works in reverse, but I've found that having your hand on your cock to keep it in place puts enough extra pressure on your urethra that you'll usually just lose your seal instead of making the transfer.
That's why Jitsu Wa is one of the best rom-com manga ever.
What are they yelling about?
I really liked how Jitsu wa handled a lot of romcom tropes.
>girl'd dad doesn't approve of their relationship but it's played for laughs
>turns out he had really good fucking reasons for thinking this
I know you're here noodle
Jitsu wa did crazy stuff the fact that The main girl got - - - - - - - - - in school was kino
I'll take horimiya over any other romcom every time
Oh yeah I -so- loved that alien girl continued to obsess over him through entire manga despite countless rejections.
Haven't seen this bait in aeons
Alium > vanpaia
Where is the rest
Do you still read it? It's still going you know
if you mean the omake, it´s complete, it goes like this.
Ok here me out on this, what if... what if the sister walk in them fucking and then she joins in a threesome I mean she already saw them fuck trough the window
Please let this happen
This is amazing and you're amazing.
not gonna lie, I wasn't thinking condom at all when I read this. I was thinking the 'dragon' finally pushing into and then through the hymen.
family planning is important, even in a wealthy nation like nihon
Yo just read through the entire thing and finished it right this instant. This series ruined every Japanese romcom series that isn't My Balls, Nana to kaoru, that harem where the dudes kids come back in time and that other harem where the dragon dude bangs the three island maidens
>that harem where the dudes kids come back in time
Still the best ending ever, even if it got rushed because of moralfaggotry.
This is good shit.
Only if you're blind
Holy shit
And when the other Waka finds out she joins too
Let's not forget the mom.
>I will never experience this. At 30 my life has effectivel been wasted
What's the best way to kill myself? i missed out on my youth and as a result i'll die alone no matter what I'll do now
You shouldn't kill yourself bro. Keep doing what you want to do, and when you're ready the right person will come along and help you out. Chris fucking Chan got laid, you can too.
Tall building, in a superman costume. Make the greatest possible impact in several meanings of the word.
Would you fuck Mako even if it meant going permanently deaf due to her screaming directly in your ear while you fuck?
Strap a shit ton of pipe bombs to yourself, find a really tall bridge, light em, and throw yourself off while timing it so you explode in midair. That's how I want to go
Will you also dress up in a tacky piñata costume?
Yeah, like the one with the two pedophiles who befriend each other and go on a nation wide "Natural Born Killers" style loli raping rampage before killing themselves in a van via exhaust gas holding hands
Actually very much this except late 20’s
I feel like this except I wish sex was like in manga where it's pure and innocent.
Self immolation. Be like that monk.
Nice, 2 more days for me.
>Some of the best romance stories I've read are multi-series works on sadpanda
Such as?
>Wearing condom for first sex
Manabe jouji's 3-part kanojo series is excellent. Very much in the same vein as this series.
Agreed. If they did something other than shout. Jesus. The manga gave me tinnitus before I dropped it.