Why does everyone act like Hyakkimaru is going to become a demon when Tahomaru is already there?

Why does everyone act like Hyakkimaru is going to become a demon when Tahomaru is already there?
>only cares about the subjects of his land
>took almost no convincing to protect his inheritance
>helped slaughter innocent villagers for "the greater good"

Seriously, he's objectively much closer to demonhood than Hyakkimaru. At least Hyakki protects innocents regardless of their clan.

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I feel like the "moral dilemma" is a pretty weak one, based on Japan's love for sacrifices.

Sure, it makes sense to have choose to trade one life for many lives, but I don't see how they can actually be mad or surprised that Hyakkimaru wants his body back.

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I'll never understand Japan's autistic desire to martyr themselves.

As Hyakkimaru's mom pointed out: they didn't earn their prosperity or peace. Everyone else in the series has struggled to achieve peace, or done things that they hate doing to survive. But not Daigo's people.

Hyakkimaru is totally right and I really wish they hadn't fucked this adaptation with this "BUT WHOSE THE REAL MONSTER" shit.

Hyakkimaru has only killed rapist, child murderers and demons.

"oh nooo, he is losing his humanity and will become a monster"

I hate this show so much. I am seeing it just to see Hyakkimaru kill his shitty dad and spoiled brat little brother, who literally make deals with fucking demons!

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>helped slaughter innocent villagers for "the greater good"

wut when?

During the plague outbreak.

Fuck, they killed the horse again!

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didn't he feed and try to help them tho? Or did I miss something

poor rapidash

No, once he found out they had the plague he told the troops to kill them all and burn the village down.

What about those guards he killed with the horse? They showed a lot of guys were being taken from home to join the war

Manga Hyakkimaru was always portrayed as in the right because he didn't autistically screech at everything, that's all anime Hyakkimaru needs to do.

Those were legit plague control tactics back in the day. Again this is more of the "for the greater good" shit, they can't effectively treat those that have it without risking even more getting infected so they just cut it at the base.

Manga Hyakkimaru doesn't have people who remind him how selfish and vile he is for claiming his body parts back. He isn't able to express his feelings well yet everyone around him act like they know better. All he can do is scream his pain.

But if those were legit plague control tactics then everyone there should have killed themselves, too. We see that Tahomaru's archer waifu brought the plague back home already.

>But if those were legit plague control tactics then everyone there should have killed themselves, too
You can't expect people to be that willing to kill themselves, gotta torch them yourself.
>We see that Tahomaru's archer waifu brought the plague back home already
And she was instantly quarantined in an isolated room until she dies.

>You can't expect people to be that willing to kill themselves, gotta torch them yourself.
I meant the soldiers.
>And she was instantly quarantined in an isolated room until she dies.
Like it matters. Bitch already spread it.

Party is almost over now... fuck Tahomaru and the Daigo, Hyakki is a 100% right. He is not the one that made the deal with the demons to begin with even if it is in his power to end it. Why should he give a fuck about the land and it´s people? Daigo should have sacrificed himself for the future of his people, instead he sacrificed his son (who simbolizes the future) for prosperity under his reign.
Taho thinking that´s the only way too really shows he knows shit about the world. I mean, he has to be worth as much or almost as much as Hyakki to the demons, why didn´t he offer to share the load? No, he decided himself that sacrificing Hyakki was the only way. He is as narrow minded as his father and he should burn.

The problem wasn't so much with the act of trying to kill Hyakkimaru and harvesting his body but more with Tahoumaru deluding himself into thinking that what he was doing was in any way right and not just fucked up.

You'll notice that as Tahomaru stops referring to Hyakki as a human being after he decides to hunt him.

You are asking a brainlet to keep track of an anime, something that is typically as nuance as a hammer to the head. It's pointless.

It's still self defense on Hyakkimaru's part.

That's commonplace in real life. The nazi officers in charge of the concentration camps were mostly family men so for doing what was expected from them, they deluded into viewing jews as animals and some even learned to obtain sadistic pleasure from their work. Same with slavery or any form of abuse you can name of. This is so powerful that /pol/tards still believe it until this day

Nah, Hyakkimaru is inherently wrong for prioritizing his individual needs over the needs of an entire region's worth of people. He should be a good boy and let himself be killed instead of a piece of shit that fights back.

Of course it's a weak one, he made a deal with demons. People are typically going to be seeing that as a negative, and aren't likely to side with them. Was it not implied that Hyakki was destined to bring good fortunate to the lands, and it was a lack of patience that drove Daigo to making the deal? Was it not previously implied, by his wife and son, that he was doing it not only for the people, but to seem like a great lord? Was Tahomaru's conversion not through a desire to be accept by a parent, while accepting that though it may not have been a good decision from his father, the people do not currently deserve to suffer?
The dilemma isn't between siding with Hyakki or Daigo, it's admitting that Hyakki is actually bringing suffering to others for his own gain too.

Seeking people out to kill them is not self-defense. It was his desire to take back what is "his", Dororo included.

>Hyakkimaru is inherently wrong for prioritizing his individual needs over the needs of an entire region's worth of people.

That sounds like communist propaganda to me...

>Was it not implied that Hyakki was destined to bring good fortunate to the lands, and it was a lack of patience that drove Daigo to making the deal?
No, that was the game, anime never implied this. Other parts are right.

But he wasn't seeking them out, the army was rallying to attack him.

>it's admitting that Hyakki is actually bringing suffering to others for his own gain too.
Is it bringing suffering to take back what was yours? They only know peace and prosperity through Hyakkimaru's pain, and the deal itself would have been broken anyway when Daigo died.

Do you miss them?

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Actually it's Japanese right-wing ideology. Yasuko Kobayashi often express very conservative views on her works but I see Dororo as Kazuhiro Furuhashi's baby. If Kobayasahi had the creative control, Hyakkimaru would be 100% on the wrong and the peasants would be selfish for not submitting to the samurais. I think it worked for the best because we can see both sides of the dialogue

Yes. They deserved a happy ending.

>oh noes they went through hardship at one point
>never mind that from then on they were pampered as Tahomaru's retainers as best friends

They deserved it.

I've never played the game, nor any other version of this, so I have no idea where I got that from then.
Yes, it is bringing suffering. It is that desire for more at the expense of others, when only he is to gain from it. An eye for an eye and all that. The structure of the anime makes it easy to side with Hyakki, because we want to see his humanity restored and do feel a desire for him to succeed. We too are creating villains of people defending their land, people that don't adhere to the morality we have developed based on what we have been told/shown.
IIRC they refer to Shura, which ironically implies his desire for humanity is exactly what is capable of causing his loss of humanity. I wouldn't say he has seemed inhumane for most of the show, personally.

>so I have no idea where I got that from then.
Maybe another thread? Game pretty much said that the demons knew hyakkimaru was going to fuck their shit up so they secretly fucked with Daigo's region just to make him desperate enough and ask them for help.

>We too are creating villains of people defending their land, people that don't adhere to the morality we have developed based on what we have been told/shown.
But they're defending a lie. The deal will cease when Daigo dies anyways.

Fact of the day
The Waffen SS was one of the most ethnically diverse armies of history

Daigo please.

Is funny because everyone is saying Hyakkimaru is going to be a demon, while watching Tahomaru literally having third eye on his forehead.

They deserved it. Killing hyakki is one thing but their job was to keep tahomaru from going apeshit amd murderous

Tahomaru, the pure lad who was like a hero is now cruel and disregard any sense of morality. Best buds dont let your buds get to that stage of crazy

No, but I will miss Rapidash.

>Hyakki is a 100% right.
He isn't (he's sympathetic but not "right") but all the characters are so one-dimensional and shallow in this story that he might as well be.

>Like it matters.
holy shit you're dumb

they just wanted to add more drama to the final battle. i think theyre doing a great job still focusing on hyakki v his dad and brother

>riding around on a demon horse
>evil aura
>practically a raving lunatic at this point

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The only real test for him is just what he does afterwards anyway. It doesn't seem like the deal that was made with the demons is really valid at this point

What if man was the real demon?

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kek, I get it

At least Mutsu tried to sacrifice herself at the end to save the lands. Too bad the demon rejected her offer of her own body.

Are demons fags?