What is Hotaru's problem, anyway?
Non Non Biyori
Other urls found in this thread:
Hormones in the milk gave her big boobs at age 11.
She likes lolikos.
nothing, just good taste
Is she subconsciously chasing the innocent child body she wish she still had herself?
She wishes she looked her age and wasn't the designated "jailbait" of the group
Fuck you, she's mine MINE
How many plush dolls have you made of her, user?
At this age you have an explosion of new feelings that you have no experience dealing with and lack the social acumen to suppress your autism. So you make 100 plushies of your best friend because it's your clumsy best effort to articulate the surge of ambiguously romantic affection that you're suddenly being overwhelmed with
She wants to lick Komari's little cunt.
Everyone in this show has a mental disorder
I can understand Hotaru and Renge's autism and Komari's Napoleon complex, but what's wrong with Natsumi (other than being a dum-dum, but not to the point where I literally suspect retardation)?
Komari wont return her feelings with interest
She has a brocon
She grew out of it and now has a girlfriend like any proper girl would.
Girl friend.
Sex friend.
Not really
The country life drove her mad
Natsumi suffers from delusions
Speaking of non non biyori
this was uploaded today.
daily reminder to nyanpasscom
>Hotarun with anybody that is not Komari.
Into the garbage it goes.
This is great, ignore the other faggot.
Good post.
Kill yourself.
Puberty hit her like a ton of bricks and she probably hasn't figured out how to itch the ditch yet.
What do you think she uses the plushies for?
she needs some dicking.