What is the main purpose of loli characters in anime?

What is the main purpose of loli characters in anime?

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to make my dick hard


Can't argue with this

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To appeal to my paternal instincts while simultaneously creating a stirring within my loins. It's really quite genius how they do it.

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raise viewership

To be cute.

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>To be cute
and funny too.

Is that why the term "daughterwife" exists?


To appeal to the male watchers.


To show their feets,these sluts.

To be sexy.

Its look like oficcial art?It is?

But feet are not sexual

All right boys, wrap it up, the thread's over.

Pretty much

To be funny

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Feet are the sexiest part of the body

Head pats and to be protect.

for me

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and cute

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Head pats, protect, and penetrate.

For me to want to cuddle

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So I can go to Prison

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To protect but also atack

Sometimes it's for the (intended) audience to relate to.

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Alice >>>>>>>>>>>>> Katyusha



Any good doujins to help me pretend a loli is my girlfriend?

What this guy said

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What makes a loli so attractive?

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To make the world a better place

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I expected this post and was not disappointed

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Was literally on my way to Yea Forums to ask a similiar question.

Is it even possible to enjoy anime without being a lolicon as well?

This is the kind of post that makes me afraid people like Alex Jones have been right all along, and behind this post is some paid intern in isriel subverting our taboos and encouraging deviance to erode our society into nothing but wasteland gangbangers

Is it even possible to not be a lolicon?
Just look at lolis, how can you not love that?

Yes, not all anime is about dumb lolicon.

This. They're too cute and funny to ignore.

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One man jerking off over a cartoon little girl voiced by an adult means one less real life little girl being molested.

even if you think liking loli makes you a pedophile it's objectively a good thing and if you had an IQ over 90 you could see the benefits of some dude jacking off over the latest LO issue rather than some real CP

i unironically think all pedophiles should be handed out free loli porn. sex crimes against children would go way down


Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Are you finally dying?

here's a study that looked at the correlation of legalizing pornography with sex crimes and child sex abuse

here's a study that looks at if real actual CP increases the likelihood of child sex crimes or not

here's an essay that provides more research

there's no real reason to think it isn't anything but a good thing

no, stop, you're not supposed to use evidence to prove him wrong, stop it already

>imagine being this invested

>moving the goalpost
The absolute state of /pol/tards fresh from reddit

>dude like why do you research things why don't you just be braindead mong like me who doesn't critically think or research anything

I'm not that user, but I find hilarious you need to show a whole book to explain to someone else why your taste is harmless

>clicking any of those links
Enjoy being on a government list

>2 studies and an academic essay is a "book"
i can't imagine how uneducated some of your beliefs must be user
next time somebody asks for evidence of something in a discussion i'll just ignore them i guess

Don't you think is pretty pathetic to take your drawings that seriously?

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i like to substantiate my opinions with something. you might think it excessive because you don't bother researching that much, but i have references for tons of different issues because internet arguments can break out at any moment

Serious about lolicon, how low, really. It puts a smile in my face how dumb this is.

Vagina bones

CP possession was actually legal in Japan until 2014. Retarded western moralfags who can't think logically forced them to make it illegal though.

Alex Jones was the ultimate red pill wrapped in crazy and sold as delusion for a parent company using him as a plant to typify the ridiculous.

This is getting a bit off-topic, isn't it? Someone could use this chance to call the mods.

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well, i think real CP should be illegal because there's an actual victim. even if there is some measure of tangible benefit, there's also very significant negative repercussions
drawings, on the other hand, i think are a tool to be utilized against child sex crimes

Don't worry, one day you too might be able to enjoy something regardless of what the general population thinks about it.

But if that happened, you'd get banned for evading once again.


That’s how short women appear to tall men.

It’s the same reason Yao I hands exist. That’s how tall men look from a shorty’s perspective.

The opinion and gaze of others is the tool we use to see ourselves and become what we are in society. No matter how you look at it, other's opinions about you are important and those who reject everything end up as loners.

I wonder what are you talking about.

Of course production (and supporting production by payment) should be illegal, but there is no logical reason as to why mere possession should be illegal.

>other people validate me and dictate who and what I am or like

Drive Tanks for the glory of mother Russia!

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I believe we form our personality based on others, and learn what's good or bad by others, people are like a mirror to see yourself. If you are pretty people will make you know, if you are ugly that's what you will be. Lolicon is ugly

If that were true wouldn't (((they))) be encouraging us to go out and date real 3D middle age roasties so that we can spend all our money raising Tyrone's child and never reproduce ourselves because she's too old and worn out by the time she's done partying and ready to 'settle down'? I can't think of anything that would be better for society than raising your own loli daughterwife to be a virtuous ideal woman and then impregnating her when she comes of age, like God intended.

That sounds like NPC programming being rationalized. Not everyone becomes what their environment is. Learn to think for yourself.

One of them is not a loli, she's already of age.

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Most people would find you fucking your dad ugly yet you still do it

If people likes me it means that I'm doing something good and I shouldn't change. Your way of thinking is of an ugly person

>No personalty >>>>>>> Shit personality
I agree

People like having access to free fuckholes, even when they're overused already

>everyone who is attracted to little girls is ugly
Why do normalfags think like this?

Western media.

Someone who never kisses anyone shouldn't be act so cocky about things they don't understand. Yea, I still remember.

Says you.

Then what does the fact that everyone on Yea Forums hates you mean, Juju? If you're a good person, shouldn't you strive to be liked by everyone instead of trying to create enemies so much?

What do you remember? The taste of dad's cock? We know that. It's kinda funny how the biggest insult you can come up with is "never kissed". You should also not put everyone in the same bag as you, most people have some brain left.

You expect an idiot to not contradict himself?

I wasn't talking only about look, but what's inside.

That's rich coming from someone who's as rotten to the core as you. Here's a hint: "beautiful" people don't take pleasure in causing strife, or in "annoying" people they dislike.

It's another episode of juju being a hypocritical whore. Colour me surprised

I thought Yea Forums agreed that loli (when it comes to anime/manga at least) is a body type.

Cause that's what I was purposely seeking here, to be hated, by curiousity, to feel the other side for a change. I think I already admited that a while ago. Here you can be as meanie as you want and no one cares, it's like a free kind of feeling

We do, but every so often some uninformed person shows up.

I guess constantly sucking dick can get pretty tiring

Oh, I know I'm rotten inside, but what's matter in my case is outside so it doesn't matter. I have plenty of time to take care of that later.

How do you even identify when someone is Juju?

>Yea Forums agreed
Yea Forums ever agreeing on something, nice joke.
But anyway, I'm just pointing out that Katyusha is not a little girl like Alice.

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She has a very distinct posting style.

>coming to a site full of people you dislike just to act like an asshole so you can be hated
Out of all pathetic people in this board, you're by far the worst of them. Yes, you're even more pathetic than the people who like things you dislike, because they actually like something and all they want is to discuss what they like in peace.
Sorry, but inner ugliness is irreparable no matter how hard you try. Enjoy going to the depths of hell.

You should probably get to it, the usefulness of your holes can only last so long

I want to lewd a loli

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She might not be a child like Alice, but she's just as much of a loli as she is. If not even more, god damn Katyusha is really fucking tiny and underdeveloped while Alice seems to be at the doors of puberty.

This is why you shouldn't be a commie, kids. It stunts your growth.

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This place is not THAT full of people I dislike tho, Yea Forums is fun, still it's quite liberating to throw the bad things to people that doesn't matter in society, you know.
Better you worry about your personal hell, I will be enjoying myself in my heaven

Well, Nonna didn't have any issue in that front. Maybe it's something else.

>people that doesn't matter in society, you know.
Holy shit the irony is palpable


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This is a mystery.

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Just saying, what worth has a person who doesn't have friends, doesn't go out, doesn't live their life at their fullest, that only works and is unhappy and prefers cartoons to real people? Again, just saying lol

remember, katyusha is 17

To elevate a show from trash to mediocre , it doesn't always work

Whole lot of projecting you're doing there...

What really surprises me is how every single time she posts something, it becomes even more clear how much of an unfitting normalfag she is even after I'm sure it can't be any clearer. It's hilarious.
Getting this much out of her was funny enough already so I'll go back to ignore mode.

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Lolis who forget to grow up are great.

Even a stereotypical person like that would be more useful for the society than a leech like you. Not to burst your bubble but most people here aren't like that and many have more than enough money and skills to follow their hobbies

cute tummy

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Eternal lolis are simply the best.

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Eh, no like it's just the idea a lot of people here makes me think about, you know the whole "nomalfag" hate and all that, maybe I'm mixing out waifufags with you guys, not sure really


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You can only nut one hole each.
Cum in butt
Cum in cunny
Cum in mouth

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Chino is my cute wife so she gets pregnant, Maya has the best butt so she gets it there, Megu's voice is cute so she gets it in the mouth.
Then after your requisites are satisfied I do all of them in every hole.

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I know, people like you right? Someone who repair computers, isn't it? I don't remember now, still trying to imagine the other person can be fun, like thinking some user as a nerd with shiny glassed being pretentios about some anime. Just learn to have fun

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Educate yourself.

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What the fuck are you even on about, I'm getting aneurysm just by trying to understand your retarded logic. Your autisticly bad writing doesn't help either.

Do I really have to read all that? Bah

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I'm saying me thinking you are an stereotypical nerd is like playing, explaining that it can be fun. For example, you are now a rock pet, therefore you can't talk or breath anymore, shut up now, enough of boring philosophy and being mean for now. Bye

Holy fuck this is incredibly sad, have you actually stopped developing in grade school?

Normalfag morons, user. I've met people like this IRL through work; some folks just don't really ever hit 60mph.

>school swimsuits

More precisely, when her papa fucked her brains out. Turns out that it was in the literal sense.

Agreed microbikinis are better for lolis but they can be very lewd for them


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Reminder that we Will be getting Next season lolicop,Loli vampire and Loli daughter wife.

That is my fetish

Which shows are these?


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Imagine if Illya was locked out like that.

Katyusha smells bad.

Look for them in the chart

To appeal to pedophiles like us.

My wife Chino is so cute

Why didn't the thread end here.

Speak for yourself, I prefer pubescent lolis.

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I can see what you mean.
The cunny and children threads do scare away normal people, but that is an outlier.
It may be true that posts are becoming more generic

Yes sure, pedophiles like myself.

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Thats guy is living the life

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Too old,too realist and too overpriced

Same. Hebes are the best

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Have to agree here, it is too old.
A child is shorter. The realist part is creepy, but my dick is still aroused.
The price I speculate to be reasonable, it is a well crafted doll.
don't you know people are brainwashed to call even wanting to fuck a 13 year old a pedophile?
Your hebephile argument won't work when majority are brainwashed.