If you were Isekai'd, you would abolish the slavery don't you user?
i would kill myself for being an isekai mc
Yes, but only if the slaves were white people.
Yes, but only after aquiring as many cute slave daughterwives as possible.
No, I would respect the world's traditions and cultures like a good outsider.
Not really, I wouldn't feel comfortable imposing my beliefs and morality on a world completely different from my own. I would try to adapt and integrate myself the best I could.
based dabbing on them niggers
What if it's white people enslaving other whites?
So I keep hearing that isekai is some self insert fantasy of sorts, but who the fuck would want to live in a world without modern entertainment or even basic conveniences like running water? Is japan full of survivalist otaku who work out all the time and ignore entertainment aside from reading the occasional isekai light novel?
Yes, but only if the slaves were black people
Imagine getting Isekaid and then becoming a successful author by plagiarizing story concepts from your world.
no slavery is a nessessary transition period economically
>you would abolish the slavery don't you user
ESL pls
LARP isekai Thread?
>get isekai'd with swordsman skill as some beastman
>buy slaves from many slave traders while making money from adventuring quests
>get high level enough and train my slaves
>go to slave traders and kill them taking the slaves
>I gather thousands this way and prepare to strike the corrupt noble in the area
>after I take over the nobe's mansion I impregnate his wife and children along with the female slaves
>every person that wants to live in this city must be my slave
>criminals are trained for hard labor and sent to the mines
>tens of thousands of my children are born who I will lead into battle after a decade has passed
Think about it like a really immersive rpg, having adventures with magic and shit while owning other sentient beings like property. Although i will probably miss books and the internet most of all.
Did the powers that be kill the other thread?
You mean like Jules Verne did?
No, slavery is essential to civilization.
Without slavery, empires would have been impossible and the most famous public works projects in ancient times would never have been built.
We would still be hunter gatherers society if slavery did not exist.
Most isekai MCs have godly powers that allow them to make up for the lack of modern luxuries.
Being a powerless faggot in a medieval fantasy world sucks, being an invincible, ultra-rich, respected, harem-owning demi-god in a medieval fantasy works is great unless you are addicted to the internet.
Slavery in Isekai seems to be low scale compared to the Atlantic slave trade I mean its so low scale you dont even notice it.
Just get isekai'd with your smartphone.
Slavery guarantees destruction of any empire that employs it. So i would judge the civilization on weather its worth saving or not.
You know you would own and fuck a sex slave. Dont even deny it
So many disgusting flat chest, who is this supposed to appeal to pedophiles?
Only if it wasn’t black people being enslaved.
I-I'd treat them kindly though! I'd be saving them!
I would totally abolish slavery.
It's just dumb to waste your resources enforcing that shit when pre-socialism wagecuckery is much more efficent and cheaper.
I would abolish it on my death bed so my countless slave wives and slave children would be free.
Don't mind if I do.
Based Fuuka poster
>even basic conveniences like running water
>ancient greece and rome didn't have running water
Brainlet please.
Yeah, so?
You cant get wage cuckery without capitalism user. You need consumerism to motivate people to work in you factories.
Economy wouldn' t tolerate it.
And by economy I mean rich people who can pay for assassins.
Isn't they're a movie coming out where a dude wakes up in a world that never had the Beatles and proceeds to write their songs?
Slavery is unpaid labor, your very existence is slavery to your genetic code.
>my beliefs and morality
Just go ask the slaves what they think about the whole thing then.
There would no longer be a need for it.
Lets say you wanna build a nice temple to your gods and no citizen wants to do i. You get some slaves you motivate with pain to do it for you instead. In a dystopia slaves would be motivated to do labor with drugs as guaranteed loyalty due to the addiction that drugs causes. A sex slave slurps up your cum for some nice crack and meth.
There are a bunch of internet chinese novels with the same plot but about other things.
Necromancer isekai?
At least slaves are forced to do that, jannies do it willingly.
If there opinions matter they wouldn't be slaves. Plus, we seem what a successful slave rebellion causes and Haiti is still a terrible place to live.
The best kind of isekai.
>paying slaves
What? is this capitalist slaves?
You beat them or starve them until they work, you only provide food and a prison like place to rest if they work.
Haiti is because french are passive cucks who allowed the apes to slaughter them to look like good people like modern day libtards who see nothing wrong with blacks or arabs killing their own children for fun. In reality a slave revolt would get crushed because slaves have no political influence so they cant do shit, any slave revolt is being lead by someone behind the scenes with high political power which could turn into a shitstorm.
The drugs are not payment they are used to ensure the slave has absolute loyalty to their role for good.
Beast of burden are nonhuman slaves.
Of course not OP, I would become a sex slave myself because I find that hot.
If you do that you will end up with extremely weakened slaves that can't do any meaningful physical labor and will die pretty soon.
Nice work throwing your money into the trash, retard.
What are your thoughts on a company selling genetically engineered humans as slaves to anyone? Its not wrong because they were designed to be slaves they were forced to be slaves. Just imagine that now.
Learn what a slave is faggot.
Slave magic aside you have to control the slave through fear and beatings otherwise a slave won't work since why would it?
>who the fuck would want to live in a world without modern entertainment or even basic conveniences like running water?
Why do Americans love The Walking Dead?
Why would I force my ideals on everyone without thinking about its consequences for their civilizations?
>it's not wrong because they were designed to be slaves
That's even worse, ESLfag
No, you learn the difference between using discipline and punishments to make your slave works and turning them into living corpses that can't do shit because you are an edgy retard.
No, I'd sell myself into slavery.
at least if I get isekai'd as a cute girl
Beatings are for deranged savages just use magic that makes them obey you without question or make them get extreme sexual pleasure when they obey you. The ideal slave is one who views their master a being of high respect not someone to be feared.
Would making them sterile, limiting their lifespan and give them distinct physical characteristics from humans be a good idea?
Let this ojii-san buy you.
Yeah they're called beatings and no food ro you.
If you're paying a lot and tending to your slave it isn't a slave, you might as well give them money to work for you.
Because it's exactly like real life, but you get to shoot people and feel extra good about it.
Why would you make them sterile?
Make them ugly or people will waifu them and cry when they die.
A good slave is one that has yet to realize its been enslaved. An example of the modern dynamics between man and women, guys dont seem to realize that women have enslaved them.
People love zombie apocalypse stuff and isekai because we hate our corrupt, oppressive societies and we want to escape them and see them destroyed
Watashi-tachi wa ningen da!
Who was right and who was wrong? The ultimate debate.
Another would the the dynamic between the employee and the employer under capitalism
Genetically engineered very beautiful women that are injected with something that makes them yandere for their owner because these women are sold as LOVE slaves not sex slaves these women are meant to your waifus or lovers. The women are mentally incapable of cheating on you, if you asked them to draw something that makes them horny they would draw a picture of only you, they would puke at the sight of any dick that isnt yours, and get violent is another man even gives them bedroom eyes from afar. Literally what any non cuckold would desire. The women would be programmed to have high empathy for their lover making them unable to tell manipulative lies to him so they cannot cheat.
If you want your slave to make you money then you'll have to spend a lot of money yourself making sure he is at least healthy enough to do his job. Punishments are okay to keep slaves in line but if you go too far you'll make your investment pointless.
The idea that slaves are free labor is retarded. Unless there is a massive supply of them, to the point that you can just work them to death and replace them, then you will have to spend money to ensure they don't die.
There is a reason wagecuckery replaced slavery and it's not morality. Having people take care of themselves and work for you in exchange for a shitty pay is better than having to take care of them yourself.
I'd want a good sense of their importance in the economy first. If I do a bad job the chaos will just harm the proles more.
But I might do it just to fuck with slavers.
Controlling their population growth.
>stabs you because you looked an another woman
Great idea, retard.
well, how else would I have sex?
No, for that goes against the teaching of Allah.
Of course, how can you tyrannize someone who cannot feel pain? It is objectively the moral option.
I'd fuck your engineered wife and make her puke at the sight of YOUR dick cuckboi
They cant hurt you because they have too empathy for you, instead they will brutalize the slut who looked at you instead.
The women would be programmed to feel anger and disgust at the thought of sex outside of their lover. In addition because they only like one guy they can cry rape and get you literally raped in prison.
How can you call that love? Love is staying faithful even when you can cheat. Love can only exist with free will. You sound very insecure, maybe a trip to the therapist can sort you out.
If they can't hurt you then they'll just lock you up somewhere or just make you miserable by constantly stalking you and murdering any woman you interact with.
It's like you don't get how yanderes work and why programming a woman to be one is a retarded idea.
Just make them extremely loyal/submissive to you and call it a day, no reason to make them crazy on top of that.
>brutalize the slut who looked at you
But how is that possible, if you're an ugly incel? A woman would never look at you.
>another isekai slave thread
shit topic. when will people learn it will just invite /pol/fags like
Love is nothing more extreme monogamy its why women cant comprehend it because they are always thinking about other dicks even if you fuck them good.
>even when you cheat
>even when you cheat
Women jesus christ
This is your mind on incel
What if they come from SPACE?
Have sex
If you love a woman why do you give a shit about people she murders?
>teehee we are just holes Im totally not proving you right?
I always wonder, do you guys really unironically believe this? Why do you always post it when it's obviously completely untrue? Like, do you have some misconceptions about what slavery actually is? Or do you just realize on some level that your whole worldview would come crashing down if you acknowledged that employment is voluntary and so you never permit yourself to think too hard about it?
>Love is nothing more extreme monogamy its why women cant comprehend it because they are always thinking about other dicks
Then love simply doesn't exist, since men can do nothing more than think with their dicks.
How is employment voluntary, exactly?
If you don't work you die or at the very least live an extremely uncomfortable life.
Because I don't want my life to be ruined because some bitch I programmed to be a murderous jealous nutjob for some dumb reason keeps murdering women co-workers/bosses/family member/acquaintances/whatever, causing every woman in the world to avoid me and convincing men to fire me or ostracize me to the point that I end up being a suicidal poorfag with no money and no friends.
A woman is a creature that only cares about sexual pleasure, she "loves" whoever gives her vagina tingles whether that be a very handsome dude, a psychopath, a little boy, a dog, a dolphins and so on. Women dont feel love they are subhumans who confuse LUST for love, thats why their "love" songs sound like narrated sex fantasies.
Have sex.
>But but men!
Fuck off femoid, if we were like your kind you would be dead right now as only Stacies would be allowed to live on this planet.
Have sex.
no, they are disgusting and should die
Notice the subhuman can only tell me to have sex because she cant fathom the concept of love only sexual pleasure. A woman assumes man hates women because of sexual pleasure not something deeper than that. Never once will these subhuman cunts think "hmm maybe its not sexual after all" because they are again subhuman they cannot stop thinking sexually ever. This is not rational behavior as homosexuals dont act like this yet are still attracted to penis so take that as you will.
How many years has it been?
Have sex.
Get to work slavey before I beat your ass with a metal club and not give you dinner.
Did mommy not hug you enough as a child? You fucking dumbass.
You sound very bitter. Still a virgin?
>men talking about love
Is there anything more hilarious?
More like manchildren who only interact with women when their mom comes down to clean their basement.
Love is a male concept, romance is also a male concept. All you understand is penis in vagina you are a wild animal not a human like us men.
Yes my mother is also a subhuman just like you because shes a woman.
Have sex
These autists here can't comprehend that a genetically engineered woman could never truly love. It's not love, if it's forced and the person has no choice. You have to be a massive ball of dicks to not grasp something so simple.
Why would guys hate women based on how their mom treats them? Women are so fucking stupid.
If they don't like it, they should do something about it.
That's not the fault of the employer. Rather, the employer is the one who gives you opportunities for a better life.
Are you a corporate bootlicker, user?
who should be talking about love then
women arent capable of feeling love
they only feel lust and greed
Have you had sex? How was it? Please, share your experience to all the virgins on this board :3
>Haiti is because french are passive cucks who allowed the apes to slaughter them to look like good people like modern day libtards who see nothing wrong with blacks or arabs killing their own children for fun.
Nice low IQ post. Somehow those "passive cucks" bullied the whole country into a massive debt trap. en.wikipedia.org
This is the funniest thing about slavefags.
They always defend this shit while assuming they would be the one owning slaves and not the ones being enslaved.
I would love to see how long they would keep defending their edgy ideology once they are the ones being worked to death and buttfucked by sweaty old men every night.
Love is chemistry to be able to love someone your noggin must be capable of it thats why sociopaths cant love shit because they are biologically incapable of feeling love you fucking retard. Making a woman who can feel love is not different from genetics doing this naturally so shut up.
>teehee those incels think love is something you can choose
>What do you mean Im attracted to evil assholes?
>I choose to be attracted to them!
>I wasnt when I was younger?
Spare me the disingenuous word games, you know that employment is voluntary by the ordinary definition of the word. You know it, I know it, we all know it. Why do you try to deny and twist it when you know you're being dishonest?
Stop assuming anyone who disagrees with you is a woman. Yes, I'd imagine someone who hasn't had a healthy relationship with their mother, would grow up hateful towards women. It's not at all surprising.
Have sex.
I'm just not braindead. Complaining that you need food to survive and then complaining about employers is stupid.
I have no issues with my mom you piece of shit female.
Have sex.
And an existential threat to humanity gives your life meaning. Working towards survival would be enough. Nobody could ask more of you, not even you.
Tits or gtfo
To make things funnier male sociopaths are the most reproductively successful in all history thats right fellas WOMEN LITERALLY FUCKING LOVE MEN WHO ARE MENTALLY UNABLE TO FEEL LOVE.
Boy aint that just soul destroying? Your beloved wife would laugh as some tattooed up thug beat the shit out of you then rape her. You could do everything in the world for that subhuman cunt and she would still gravitate to the evil unfeeling assholes because of her subhuman female brain this is why men dont like women they are backstabbing disgusting traitors.
You fall in love with someone, that's the natural process. You aren't programmed to love someone since birth. You sound stupid.
The gov and agriculture companies keep the food hostage.
Capitalism is slavery.
Have sex.
Their fault for accepting stupidly absurd terms when no one could take their side of the island by force. Should have told the frogs to fuck off and work on a subsistence economy until another power offer them a trade deal.
I'm glad you're volunteering user. What's your location?
No. That would probably just wreck the economy and make everyone suffer. I would give slaves some rights. Although most slaves in history had some form of rights.
I don't know if theres a Ghengis Khan isekai but there should be.
Your a retard you cant fall in love if your brain barely generates oxytocin this chemical is also what you feel when you help out people. How can you not be programmed your just a stack of chemical codes you dumb shit.
Women think they can fix them, but if they actually did- they'd move onto the next one. Too bad you incels aren't confident enough like sociopaths for women to take note of you. There'd be plenty of fixing to be done, that's for sure.
But what if you get isekai'd again?
We are all programmed to have sex and yet you aren't so clearly those chemicals aren't strong enough.
Tell me why you are expected to work to be granted basic human rights in a supposed first world country? We produce more than enough food to feed everyone, so surely people shouldn't starve. We have enough housing available to house everyone, so surely people shouldn't live on the street.
How is a system that extracts labor from people in exchange for such basic things as food and shelter (when they are as abundant as they currently are) not slavery? Wasn't the entire point of slavery that you paid people in accommodation and food with no way out of this system?
So tell me, how is capitalism not slavery?
Stop ruining the thread you stupid cunts
Human beings are self-programmed and have free will. Those genetically engineered sex slaves would have to be called something else, since they couldn't make decisions outside their programming.
How about talking to some real women for a change, you'll realize they're not all that bad..
>aren't confident enough like sociopaths for women
That is not possible a sociopath is unable to register the feelings of others thus is eternally hyper confident. It has nothing to do with confidence either its being an evil piece of shit that turns on women.
Conflating sexual pleasure with love, go away your brain cannot keep up this discussion.
>slavery in the OP
Stop making bad threads namefag.
The thread was bait and shit from the start.
By this point you should know that any isekai thread that brings up slaves will turn into a shitfest between /pol/, /leftypol/ and independent incels who just want to complain about women not having sex with them.
>have free will
The frontal lobe is the only reason you arent raping, killing and robbing for fun you dumb fuck.
If people didn't have to work for anything, they'd lose their reason for existence.
"Idle hands are a devil's workshop"
Have sex.
Love is something more than sex you femoid subhuman but the fact you think love means sex shows Im right about you.
Have sex.
The world does not owe anybody a living.
So, are you saying sociopaths don't have free will?
Lack of empathy =/= lack of free will
"We" don't have food or housing. You had nothing to do with producing food or homes so why are you trying to claim some kind of ownership over them? You, like every single living creature on this planet, needs too to survive. This is not the fault of employers in any away. Employers give you a chance to work for that food, something that is generally preferable to hunting or farming it yourself.
>what are hobbies
>what are artistic endeavors
>what is masturbating 24/7
People don't need to be holed up in an office the whole day to give their life a meaning and if they do, then their life were worthless from the start.
No one has free will you dumb cunt.
Yes, if you get brutally assaulted and your entire family and friends get raped/tortured, killed. The world doesn't owe you shit.
I agree.
The other thread got killed for this shit
To a woman the idea of staying together with one man is mental torture
To a non sociopath man the idea of staying together with one woman or holy matrimony is ideal
A woman is a hole that pretends to be an angel remember that.
I wish I wear the slave.
The world couldn't function if everyone was holed up in their room, engaging their hobbies and being a pretentious artist. Jacking off also doesn't contribute to anything.
>Not wanting to get isekai'd as the cute beastgirl slave and leading your people to freedom with your otherworldly knowledge
If no one has free will, why should I believe you?
Needs food to survive. Typo there
Have sex.
It will once robots are advanced enough to do most of our jobs.
Fuck off, it only pisses me of when you reaffirm all you subhumans care about is penis in the vagina not love not deep connection just penis in the vagina. I absolutely hate white men for making us view you creatures as people. The arabs were right about everything.
Have sex.
If you see a shit post, could you please not reply to it?
They had a name for isekai slavery back in the day. It was called "Marriage." A man would bring a woman to his home, offering her food, shelter, and a purpose in life in exchange for loyalty and obedience. Both husband and wife would put the man's family and household as their highest priority.
Today, it means handing over half your possesions and writing some bitch a check for the rest of your/her life.
Have sex with me.
No, I'd buy all the loli cumdumpsters I could afford.
Hypothetically, if an attractive woman right now spread her legs for you and told you, you could fuck her. Would you do it?
Why were roasties triggered at my love slave idea? The love slaves are created humans its not wrong at all.
/$have sex/im
put that in your filter or stop feeding the trolls
fuck no I'd conquer the world. fuck moralfags.
[YES] [NO]
No, not the world.
But the state does hold a debt to its citizens, if you recall Hobbes, the people are the ones who consent to be governed. So this begs the question, is what the people receive in exchange for their consent really enough?
If the state does not take good care of its own, why should it exist at all?
This sounds horribly sad, but it captures the spirit of capitalism perfectly.
"if people don't slave their life away for their corporate overlords, they have no reason to live"
I suppose you don't value the arts and academic pursuits very highly.
"We" is used here, to describe society as a whole. If the society we live in was acting more collectively, all these assets would be available to improve the lives of the people. Would it not be preferable to have a basic existence guaranteed by the state instead of being forced into slave labor?
Surely people would still work their more well-paying jobs, but they'd actually have the opportunity to improve their situation, which is something many currently do not have.
Well why wouldnt I fuck her?
Have sex
1) Pay child support.
2) She gets an abortion and now my child is dead.
3) She regrets it later and accuses you of rape.
4) STDs.
5) ???
Have sex
So, who would work low-wage jobs like cleaning toilets, picking oranges, etc. on which society stands, if everyone had their living guaranteed? Answer me.
Women are shit they backstab you all the time even if they are your actual friend from childhood, they treat their evil boyfriends better than own male friends its just disgusting honestly friendship is more powerful than bumping hips and women dont believe that.
Have sex.
Thats fine and all but cmon now the girl is hot and my brain is saying MUH DIK MUH DIK MUH DIK so Ill worry about all that shit after the sex.
They wouldn't be low wage jobs anymore, of course. Because as you say, society requires them.
Eat food.
This really isn't the place for this discussion.
Whatever helps this shit thread die faster is welcome here.
We're talking about slavery in literature, so comparing it to the current realities of slavery should be perfectly appropriate.
I'm trying to lose weight, dude.
Why do you treat your friends like shit your male friends help you out for nonsexual reasons they are neutral to you and yet you think its fine to treat them like shit. Its because you are subhuman you cannot ever stop judging men by your axe wound you even treat the boys you grew up like well incels I mean you dont see guys treating ugly girls like shit for fun unless they have sociopathy which you also find attractive so that ugly girl is enjoying that.
You really think you can come up with something worse than a normal isekai thread? By all means.
You realize the price of oranges would go up then? Nothing would really change.
You are not comparing shit, you are just using this topic as an excuse to spew your /pol/ and /r9k/ faggotry.
To be fair, doing it for the gods would normally be an ever greater motivator than drugs or pain.
Religious people then to be very invested in making god happy, specially if they actually believe building a temple can stop deceases and control the weather.
Have sex.
Serious question:
would you risk ruining the relashionship between your party members by fucking some of them ?
Some? No. ALL? Yes. Nobody left out I say.
How would you abolish slavery in isekai world exactly? Do that faggy activist shit like in our world, well I hope you enjoy being assasinated when you become a problem for the nobles.
Isekai threads are a million times better and more on-topic than this shitfest.
Normal isekai threads aren't anywhere near as bad as slavery threads like this one.
A female friend is garbage if she doesnt suck your dick to relieve you, so no female party members must fellate my dick, and also the dicks of other male party members.
That's an oxymoron. Making you a regular.
Most isekai MCs have god-tier powers so they don't need to rely on activist faggotry or fear assasination.
If they care that much, they can always conquer some land and make their own kingdom with whatever rules they want.
wouldn't be the first time
fucked several fat sluts that way
I would not attempt to end slavery or serfdom in a pre-industrial society because it's impossible.
If you would be so kind, please don't bring up my past regrets.
>You realize the price of oranges would go up then?
Well, the sale of oranges would of course no longer be a profit-driven endeavor as oranges are necessary goods. If you remove the profit margin and pay it directly to the workers, the price doesn't change, but the people earn more money.
Shit. Sorry bro, here let me try again.
Work muscles.
Making them feel unwanted and denying your own urges would be more detrimental to party morale than whatever reason these fags can't come up with to not fuck tehir party members.
But if you have god power why do you give a shit about lower beings? A god shouldnt care about bacteria fucking with bacteria only that the bacteria obeys the god. If any of us could blow up a city with a thought the guy who did that certainly wouldnt think humans are equal to him.
>not being isekai'd as a cute girl slave
Is there an isekai about that yet?
Do they have cat ears?
This is important.
thats against the rules
Cmon man imagine after a nice quest you fuck your smelly sweaty fem party members.
Copy that.
They can have anything you want including dicks while having the bodies of women.
Gotta fuck the males too. Being an isekai hero requires some sacrifice.
Running water through lead pipes.
Its all out bisexual orgy after every quest. It would really build up team morale if we all had sex with each other after quest.
I don't know why you should give a shit but if you do give a shit and consider them fellow people instead of mere bacteria then it's your duty to do something to help them.
I'm not even talking about putting your life at risk or anything. When you have the power to help people by just looking in their general direction and choose not to because it's a bother or you don't like being responsible for them, then you are as bad as the people causing them suffer.
Any isekai MC with god-tier power who chooses to ignore the people getting raped and murdered in the streets by shitty nobles because he would rather flirt with his waifus and have a peaceful life is a selfish cunt and should be treated as such.
Reminder sexual purity is a heterosexual ideal, gays believe that problems can be resolved through nice steamy butt sex and penis sucking.
walk 3 miles a day
no i wouldn't abolish slavery and i think it's wrong to force ideas on a foreign population. niggers had better lives under slavery. families where the father stayed, meals everyday, and they actually worked instead of lazing around on welfare.
I might rescue or befriend slaves, but no matter how OP I would be it'd be hard to abolish a societal norm like slavery by myself.
so... Heaven's Hole?
if you get rid of the current government because you think it's bad then it becomes your responsibility to establish a new government and all failures/deaths/burdens will be blamed on you.
i remember a chinese saying went something like if you save a man's life, you are responsible for everything he does.
I am a god I do what I want and only other gods are equal to me so I shall help no one unless I think helping them will entertain me. If I was an isekai protag I would abduct beautiful women and rape them then get bored of that and begin raping women in front of people in public.
Based fags.
Yes, I agree. If you care and you have the power to improve their lives then it's your duty to do it.
Saving one slave girl because she is cute and then fucking off while leaving all the other slaves to rot or not even making sure that slave girl won't be recaptured or murdered (assuming you don't make her join your harem) is selfish and half-hearted.
I have a dog. Just eating like a prospective sumo wrestler.
yes, if i came in a position of power, even if i risk losing support
I'm a moralfag and a slavery is the worst thing you could ever do to a human being
If you want to a shitbag and are honest about it then suit yourself.
The ones I despise are the godly faggots who are selfish as fuck and yet act as if they were altruistic heroes.
If she's used goods I would say no.
Anything new and interesting you're reading?
Welcome to politics, it's not some complex smart shit you think it is.
That has nothing to do with what I said, you inbred retard,
What are you waiting for?
Slavery belongs to politics.
go back to the kitchen you stupid female
Have sex.
yeah me too.
I'd wear them around my dick
>arrive to the new world equipped with supernatural power
>I'm tasked with defeating the demon lord
>but first, I see the primitive society here still uses slavery
>decide to embark on an epic quest to abolish slavery and instate basic human rights
>get laughed at at first, but I am the hero and I will not give up
>meet some good friends along the way, they help me campaigning
>together we fight against all odds for what is morally right
>eventually hailed as a true hero, the kingdom's slaves start to rise up
>after years of hardships I have frankly accomplished my objective. The king organizes a ceremony in the capital to confer to my party the highest honors
The next day a rain of blazing meteors levels the kingdoms the armies of the unholy conquer the earth. I forgot to beat the demon lord, in fact I have never even attempted to do something about him. Whoops.
you're not capable of rational thought because your brain is smaller than a man's
Slavery is just a a crux for a lack of technology and automation.
Isekai manufacturing engineer when?
That also falls in politics along with agriculture and education.
Have sex.
Man, don't get me started on agriculture. You wouldn't believe the stupid shit that goes on there.
>get isekaied
>have to defeat demon lord
>fuck off to some far away continent the demon lord doesnt even know about
>spend my time serial killing and having sex.
>have sex
that's all modern women are good for.
never, isekai slavery is about personal servants and sex slaves. shit like large plantations full of slaves is pretty much non-existent since japs don't really have experience with that form of slavery
>Serial Killing
Umm what?
Is it more stupid than german green party wanting to ban industrial farming?
I'd expand it, honestly.
What do you think? I'm Swedish.
>not wanting all the slave to yourself
Killing random people for fun.
Why are you still living there?
It's home.
>establish a new government and all failures/deaths/burdens
This is something most moralfags always choose to ignore.
People love to gloat about how they would fix all the injustices in the world but they never stop to think about what destabilizing society does to the people they are trying to save.
Nobles in isekai stories are fucking retarded.
Stop wasting your money on glorified onaholes and start investing it in strong slaves that you can put to work to make you money, you stupid cunts.
that's not the point of slavery in isekai. it's there solely to give the protagonist a starting point for their harem, nothing else
Only until Ngubu comes at the door and tells you it's his home now
What if all our homebrewers have died and gotten isekai’d so that’s why they haven’t finished their stuff? What if they’re having isekai adventures RIGHT NOW?
You're talking about a feudal society. Serfs are already doing that, so slaves occupy a luxury good status as house-servants, clerical workers, etc. As in Rome and similar.
Meh, that's a tired subject.
Honestly I'd want to establish a new government after being isekai'd just for the excuse to have mass executions and enslave more people, but I suppose that's not really the same situation.
They are shit everywhere, why do you irl people so highly?
Irl isn't a verb, user.
Storming castles and raping princesses is fun and all but it doesn't last.
Most of your time will be wasted dealing with all the armed peasants that think they are entitled to shit.
It's isekais all the way down.
OKay, after his death, Ghengis reincarnates as a Japanese maiden, and suddenly recalls her past life when her mind snaps while being bullied. What next?
>villain's sister
>accidentally get heroine killed during the story's prologue
oh this could be interesting, how will she deal with the main character not being present in the main story
>has 15 timetravel pearls that let her undo these types of mistakes
what a cop out
If you got isekai’d into the body of a cute anime girl, would you sell yourself into sexual slavery so that you could experience the sexual thrill of being used and abused by bald faceless noble man?
It all depends on what sort of isekai powers one has, I guess. Pure combat abilities would make running a kingdom a chore, but if I had any kind of mental enhancement magic or mind-control it would go a long way towards greasing the wheels.
Example: the isekai trope of a magic crest or collar that compels a slave to obey its master. If one put those on every person in the kingdom, it would be trivial to enforce an absolute hierarchy with (acting) loyalty guaranteed, and corruption eliminated.
Fuck off Daenerys.
>just for the excuse to have mass executions
Just go the chink route and justify all of it with someone having insulted you on a back alley.
And somehow give birth to the protagonist of a novel/visual novel, tragically dying during childbrith in the process.
It strikes me that a story from the perspective of an isekai protagonist's son would potentially be interesting. You could have him trying to live up to the memory of his ridiculously OP hero dad while only having a fraction of his own powers.
Writing the 12th chapter of Dark Lands now. In three chapters everything kicks off into overdrive
Rate my idea for an isekai.
>MC gets isekai as a humanoid dragon
>he wanders into a small village
>they cower in fear and beg him not to destroy them
>they offer him all the food he wants and even gives him a cute girl to fuck every time he visits
>he puts on the charade that he’s an evil dragon that’s going to destroy the village every time he visits
>village gets attacked by bandits
>MC secretly kills the bandits so that no one will bother the village and becomes the village’s secret protector
>MC meets a female paladin who comes to slay him
>he ends up being way more powerful than her
>she ends up as the tsundere love interest
>eventually some of the villagers learn the truth about their dragon protector and come to love him for all his hard work protecting them
>everyone still maintains the silly facade that he’s an evil dragon harassing the village because it’s funnier that way
>not surviving childbirth birth as a genderbent loli becoming a woman both physically and mentally in that moment
>picking up the pieces of some schizoid schmuck having spent a week "fixing" every place he passed through
>running into hotshots with history and wildly different perspectives and experience with the RPing megalomaniac
The Hero's son would know of his clay feet and be troubled by people that try to sanctify the man he knows to have been a monster in a mask.
The hero's daughter might flee into the wilderness and live with slimes.
I wouldn't read it.
Isekai Party Line:
>Sup , you want to talk some isekai? Call me, start some isekai, bitch.
>Hundreds of LN authors is waitin’ for your mother fucking call and they all talkin’ isekai about you, right now.
>You want to sell that isekai. Call these mother authors ASAP!
>The hardest LN authors is standing by, ready to pick up that phone.
>Buff isekai, dark isekai, Asian isekai, white isekai.
>Just dial and I’ll isekai you up!
>Deaf isekai, classic isekai, racist isekai, mystery isekai, psycho isekai, dog isekai, Jewish isekai.
>LN authors is talking isekai, call now.
>$4.99 per minute.
i guess its like revenge isekai BETRAYAL.
I'll read a lot of dumb shit but those tropes are just terrible and will make me drop a ln.
there's actually a manga called Dokunie Cooking that uses that same plotline. he terrorizes a village but never actually attacks anyone and they send him a virgin.
A new take on an old classic
Brb killing myself
This was more interesting as a gag manga than a DEEP STORY LINE HINTS it was doing last i read.
kind of reminded me of EVIL DRAGON GUY isekai which was based until they stupidly made him turn human and nerfed him for PLOT sake.
so stupid.
This. It would be super refreshing to read an pride isekai where the heroine and protagonist are forced to become enemies by circumstance, instead of either "heroine joins villainess' harem" or "comically evil heroine"
Anything short of being omnipotent would make ruling your perfect kingdom a chore.
Even if you somehow managed to put a collar on all the citizens you would still have to deal with other countries, the economy, the weather and all that shit. Add to that monsters, gods and other non humans to the mix and your kingdom will suffer no matter how perfect your government is.
Dealing with that stuff is the other part of why I want to run a country, though.
souls isekai updated
Don't have him pretending to be evil and just let him demand to be worshipped as guardian deity for offerings.
I liked Bertias take on the heroine thing, with the heroine being another isekai'd girl.
kek writer got betrayed by his own shtick has to backtrack.
On the subject of isekai story ideas, does anybody know one where it turns out the "demon king" is actually the previous summoned hero, who took his OP powers and set out to conquer the world?
i think i read a time traveling one not necessarily a isekai.
its pretty based and the art is good. 1 month waits though. I like the hints of ptsd and sanity being strained.
>Dark Souls isekai
Picked the fucked up.
>It's genderbender and "yuri" because the author is that special kind of faggot
Fucking dropped
>Get isekaied
>Get tasked to defeat the demon lord
>See that the primitive society here uses slavery against non-humans (Monsters)
>Completely dissagree, but there's nothing that can be done.
>Meet the demon lord
>He is some sort of honorable spartacus figure that want to abolish the institution of slavery and bring peace to all monsters, but uses extreme methods that ends up hurting even innocent humans and even if he's not ok with human genocide he still allows it to appease his people's desire for revenge.
>all the demon lord's generals were former slaves with tragic backstories that follow the demon lord because he saved them.
>Defeat the demon lord's generals
>Defeat the demon lord
>Realize that, despite not agreeing with the demon lord's methods, you still agree with his objective
>Before dying the demon lord task you to continue his legacy and explain the reason of his existance
>The "Demon Lord" is a title that have always existed in the history of that world, the objective of the demon lord is to shift the balance of power between humans and monsters, in the past, monsters used to rule over humans the same way humans do today, when that happened, a demon lord appeared to help humans and destroy the monster's civilization.
>Refuse to become the new demon lord, but still accept the task to save monsters and bring peace to EVERYONE.
>Explain that if i become the new demon lord, the balance of power will just shift again and war will not disappear.
>Make my new objective to create a kingdom where humans and monsters can live as equal, that way true peace can be reached, even if it cost my life, i shall create a new world free from war and discrimination.
>genderbent yuri dark souls
picked up
hahahahaha. excellent.
The way the genderbender aspect ruins the protagonist's chance at character development is rant-worthy. Really a terrible fucking idea.
The worst kind of isekai protagonist right here.
just git gud
It would be cool if they showed a twitchy/tweaked out noob party who turned to drugs after dying so many times they went schizo.
>muh middle ground
Pick a side or don't play at all, faggot.
What are you reading today?
I would say just learn the boss's patterns, but that doesn't seem to be her problem.
I have not had this much fun seeing someone die in a long time.
I would spark the industrial revolution. industry ends slavery on it's own.
Loli cultivator.
what's the manga name? it looks pretty interesting.
What's it called?
thanks for the source.
It really is not, but make the judgment yourself
Loli grooming her own murderhobo
It's only a matter of time before she unwittingly turn him into a lolicon
Only if they were men
If I had slaves I would force them to learn category theory
You fucking monster.
I'm going to need some sauce to go with that summary.
>Run off a clif instead of jump
Is this retard isekai adventure?
Reading Kyuuketsu Hime. I appreciate the TLs styling.
>Not forcing them to learn how to cook 5 star foods
we all were new to souls once
The Distinguished Cute Master
Flavor of the Month Chinkshit Isekai
>not forcing them to write trashy isekai that panders to your fetishes
Can't believe MC railed her for 3 days and 3 nights in his mind.
No I would use my superior knowledge to enslave everyone.
And I don't mean slaves for labour either.
the motivation to actually write my ideas
what is this?
>Get Isekai'd
>Get told to defeat the Demon Lord.
>Tell everybody to fuck off and decide to see the world and become a sage.
>After spending 20 years learning and mastering magic set up a private academy of magic in a small town and train any person in magic.
>Send a lot of the females who can't into magic into Goblin lairs with viewing orbs to record their rapes and keep as memories of my beloved students.
Are they masochistic sex slaves?
If so, then it's not really slavery, rather you're doing them a favour.
So basically /g/?
Looks like this?
At least he's honest.
>whale forced to grind because can't use credit card in isekai world
is this gunota without guns?
>tfw no programmer gf (male) to bully
Of course.
I think he means Tsuyokute New Saga.
Based and whitepilled.
Not really however I would try to improve the system so it isn't abused by those on power and to prevent mass kidnappings and forced slavery by criminal organizations with serious criminals being labeled for exclusively for those that need slaves for jobs that will most likely end in their death like mine work and what not.
I will pray that magic exists so it makes the job easier.
>motivating slaves through fear and pain
Literally failing at management 101. All you have to do is feed and provide basic care, it takes far more effort/money to go to the trouble of doing dramatic whipping sessions.
Arslan Senki showed slaves pretty realistically, barring some exceptions like war captives, most slaves are more than happy to be slaves because it means they get food and board and they dont know anything better. They will starve without being a slave because its not like they can do anything else.
Farm? They have no land or tools in the first place, even assuming they knew how to farm. They cant work as a black smith or anything requiring skills because they dont have anything, and even domestic servants require skills and presentable attire.
Thats for normal slaves obviously, for sex slaves you want them to be as rebellious as possible so that they can glare at you in embarrassment while being raped and scream as you force them to cum.
reminder that isekai brothels are best
Oh fuck, my sides hurt so much.
>most slaves are more than happy to be slaves because it means they get food and board and they dont know anything better
>sex slaves
Aren’t you afraid of being castrated or assassinated by your sex slave? That’s supposedly how Genghis Khan died.
>If you were Isekai'd, you would abolish the slavery don't you user?
If anyone of us were isekaid. We'd probably be the ones who were sold into slavery, not the ones abolishing it
Yeah, but they didn't have a MAGIC COLLAR.
still waiting for an isekai protagonist to just go around putting collars on random people for the hell of it
Who the fuck invented these evil things
from a fanasy-world-born's perspective, aren't we all potentially living their version of the isekai dream?
If I Isekai'd I'd rather abolish it and install a communist goverment on whatever world I'm sent to and test it if meme ideologies can work on fantasy worlds
You don't want to have them escaping and start breeding on their own to the point of the unowned slaves trying to become a new (((protected class)))
Also from a more business oriented mindset, you don't want the competition or other interested parties buys a few as a breeding pair and start undercutting your prices, sort of why a lot of exotic pets are sterilized before sale.
It's not collars but that slavemancer isekai story is essentially him throwing his cum at girls to make them his slaves through a magic contract.
Only if I could profit from it in some way. Let's say my enemies' were economically dependent on slave labor.
That's pretty extreme, but I get you. Honestly, isekai writers are all about how to go back to an era where you with mundane knowledge are useful somehow.
no, in a medieval society that doesn't have any kind of contraceptive or anything that could prevent STD, cute slave lolis are the way
I'd become a bandit king.
Literally notSaber
It feels like a H-game plot.
i wish I got Isekai'd. I would become a wizard and settle down with a nice Elf wife in a quite town and waste my days raising my half-elf children.
How would you feel when your waifu outlive you for few hundred years?
To be fair, it could have been worse.
The OP could have been a genderbender series.
>Break Fate, casually makes himrself the strongest man alive, second and fourth strongest are secretly his clones
>Realize that with Fate broken, godlike beings can revive themselves, now
>Play a long con against four of said godlike beings, string one into a trap set up by another
>Manage to kill the one, play the remaining three against each other to buy yourself breathing room
>Make another of your clones enter the top five strongest men alive, have him rob various ruins and holy sites
>Become godlike right under their noses, make sure to rub it into the one whose powerset is basically invincible keikaku and the one whose powerset is stupid impossible luck
>Kill another godlike being, beat the other two to a standstill and get them to back off in an uneasy ceasefire
>The two godlikes publicly call you a demon
>Release a press statement, calling yourself a just and loving god, while selling WMDs to people on the open market
There's no stopping this lad!
If I re-incarnate and marry her again, have I NTR'd myself?
Sephiroth isekai?
I studied magic. I'm pretty sure I could come with a way to live as long as her.
>Become a Lich
>Become a Vampire
>Become part of the Timestream
>Create de-aging potions
Etc and etc. She'll be pumping out children for centuries.
why doesn't he just fuck the girls? They literally offer to do so the next page and the one in bikini armor has been bluntly stating that she wanted him since shortly after they met.
I know overall intelligence in isekai world is dumbed down to make MC look good but this is too much dumbing down
Which kind of slavery though? The popular one wherein there is a fuckhueg slave trade going on because there are people who sell their people as cheap slaves while there are also people who want cheap human labour? The classical one wherein you could earn your freedom through hard work or valour in combat because even though you are a slave you still have rights?
Reverend Insanity.
Isekai boy gets a do-over after reaching a bad-end, and decides that the only thing that matters is pursuing eternal life. So he becomes the sort of villain you normally write a whole book about stopping.
That's a satire one.
Based and whitepilled
You're doing the right thing after all since you're only freeing actual humans
>user doesn't have casual manufacturing knowledge required to jumpstart the industrial revolution
Color me bamboozled.
no, I'll get slaves myself and treat them well, then I'd fuck raccoon pussy
>be isekai'd
>gets fucked because I have tuberculosis
This is pretty close to a character's plan I had once, in Exalted.
This Isekai is into a game world created by a young demon in the hopes that people will trade their souls for the power to save complete strangers who don't even actually exist.
>Lizard slave hentai
>There's no stopping this lad!
Wrong. You had eyes, but you failed to recognize Mt Tai.
You have no power here!
I would read this, if only it weren't chinkshit.
I would if I could. Never liked slaveryshit in isekais.
Chinaman decides that after 500 years of misery he's going to become motherfucking immortal.
>new chapters of Tsuki
>April 30
What the fuck why didnt you guys tell me
What's wrong with owning slaves? They would be socially and financially utterly incompetent and would live off the welfare I'd had to pay anyway. Being a slave owner is quite a symbiotic relationship because you care for them and they fulfil their duties while not having to fend off by themselves in the world. Hey, you can even be quite a good master and care for them in some regard.
New Kawazu chapter.
Infinite Dendrogram vol.9 rip when?
Are breast sizes all you care about? Their looks and personalities don't mean anything to you?
Small chests, small hearts.
Buy it loser.
Jesus fucking Christ. As incel as this scenario may sound like, it really beings up the sad realization the only completely loyal woman can be obtained only through DNA engineering
Or just not be a sad excuse of a human being so your wife won't even consider fucking a superior man.
Not everyone can be fat, bald and disgusting like you user, you won the NTR lottery.
Resistance is futile.
You need to withstand the stench of non white slaves who can kill you at anytime or revolt in mass.
There’s a reason obvious slavery was replaced with wagecuck slavery.
Because Japan
Because isekai gloss over all the negatives and present the idea that your standard otaku is capable of surviving in a pseudo-medieval RPG world.
Same with zombie movies/TV in the West, they're so popular because they present the illusion that your average pampered westerner would be totally capable of not only surviving but also thriving in a world where the reset button has been hit and society has to be rebuilt from scratch in an environment full of danger and excitement.
Realistically the entire cast of The Walking Dead would be either dead or serfs performing hard physical labor in a region under martial law, ruled over by some surviving military unit and pathetically grateful for the course bread and bean rations they're given at the end of each day and protection provided to them. Because if anyone is going to survive the collapse of society, it's going to be the men with all the guns and training, not some random female lawyer who finds a samurai sword.
Isekai does the same thing, in reality of course, your average chad who has great communication skills, has been involved in sports their entire lives and genuinely enjoys physical activity and meeting new people, is going to do way, way better in a fantasy RPG world than some NEET who hasn't spoken to anyone except his mother for two years and abhors physical exertion or danger
But that gets handwaved away because the isekai protag knows what a health potion is.
It's sort of like how Armageddon had oil riggers retraining as astronauts to save the world rather than astronauts being taught how to use mining equipment, because there's a shit load more blue collar workers in the world who dream of being heros than there are astronauts who dream of operating mining equipment.
tl;dr isekai authors know their audiences and gloss over any uncomfortable realities that would upset them
Slander! I care about the shape, too.
any based carpenter isekai? lotta farmers and i think a handy man repair dude but no carpenter just making his dream house ?
>Still doesn't free her though
Isekai giving the power or backing necessary to decide about fundamental values of the society is inherently authoritarian, colonialist and anti-democratic. Not to mention boring in most cases.
wew about 10 buzz words.
>you wanna build a nice temple to your gods and no citizen wants to do i.
Then clearly there's no demand for it. And that case is a horrible example in the first place because cathedrals exist
I'd try at least if I gained enough power.
Isekai MCs get cheat/OP powers that make-up for their lack of survival skills so your entire post is pointless.
If I was isekai'd and in a position to influence politics I would instead push for slavery regulations that would require slave owners to meet certain standards to keep their slavery license. Small things such as a minimum allowed room size, warm clothes, a token allowance so they could work towards purchasing small luxuries, and basic food standards.
As well as implement basic job restrictions for slaves based on height and weight. Smaller, skinnier slaves wouldn't be able to be used for heavy physically demanding jobs and so on.
basically make slave a legitimate profession. not a great one mind you, but a guaranteed roof over their heads, clothes on their backs, and food in their bellies would make it more appealing for the destitute to enter self enslavement instead of turning towards crime.
and while it'd hurt slave owners a bit, each slave would be far more fit and healthy to do their jobs, more willing too. slaves would be a viable alternative to paid workers and could be more profitable in the long run. It would also not anger influential slavers nearly as much as abolishing it.
It could also allow a exception for captured prisoners of war or criminals, both of which could be exempt from the regulations, encouraging the more wealthy slave owners to invest in the nations military and public order, as well as actively discouraging enemy soldiers or criminals from working against us.
It was 5, doesn't make it any less true.
Atleast counting phrases as single buzzwords
>make-up for their lack of survival skills
It's presented like they do, but really they wouldn't make up for them.
Just like in zombie fiction where life-long office workers become able to score headshots at 50m from standing or 90lb girls can drive a knife through a human skull without effort, it's less obvious than most isekai "HERE IS UR OP POWER ENJOY" but ultimately it's the same.
At best an isekai protag with an OP power would become something like a trust fund baby, given all the advantages but wasting it all, not the Savior of the World.
The Book of Mormon? Haven't read it, but I hear a carpenter named Jesus goes to the New World.
>tfw you finish a new chapter
>tfw you realize now you have to start working on the next chapter
>At best an isekai protag with an OP power would become something like a trust fund baby, given all the advantages but wasting it all, not the Savior of the World.
Damn, I didn't realize how much I wanted to read this LN until now.
damn right I would
I'd also abolish monarchy and nobility, create a technological revolution, and fight for equality of all races
but I will keep polygamy and age 15 consent laws (I mean lets not go too far)
When reading isekai with moralfag "no, get out nobility, we want equality for everyone" protagonists, I always wonder if there's actually a fanbase into that shit.
Guess you're out there after all.
>sword dad gonna fight the mega skelly
that was a based battle before it got all stupid with beasts and blue cats evil nobles etc.
isekai lets you not have to worry about anything because you have stupid video game powers to make any plot point trivial
That's just asking for a civil war. I would try to free any slave I can but that wouldn't fix anything. The best thing to do is to push rights for slave. Push it enough to the point that they can be equal to workers. Then I would give options to slave owner. Either treat them like this or you can give them money in turn they will have to live and handle their life by themselves. I would also make more regulation so that not only it would be hard to own slaves but easier to sell. Lastly, the need to register every slave. So, to summarize.
>increase slave rights
>give owners options to either provide everything for their slaves or to just give them a salary
>make it harder to own slaves but easier to sell it
>force slave registeration
>want to be slaves to the monarchy
Constitutional monarchy master race.
You can legalize/outlaw slavery in your isekai world. But it’s on a race by race basis. What races do you legalize slavery for? What races do you outlaw?
Enslave all races except elves and humans.
It still hurts bros...
>t. Hugh "Broadleaf Knife-Ear" Man.
Back in the cage.
MERCHANT class that commit crimes. basically send them to the mines.
are you for fucking real you motherfucker? a goddamn slavery themed thread? do you want the mods on us again?
I haven’t been in these threads for a few months. What happened?
It's either a slavery thread or a tranny (genderbender) thread.
They reach the bump limit most of the time though.
nothing jannies gonna jannies and spergs gonna isekai.
>shitting where you eat
No user.
some user had the bright ideia to narc us to the fucking mod IRC, we got purged on sight for like 2 weeks straight while >isekai is bad heres my 200 essay on it threads stayed up without a single 404
fast forward to now, the mods aren't as hard but anything on a template will get their attention, posting the minofag link also gets you a 6 day vacation
otome isn't fouled by your discord memes and these bad threads only get traffic cause /pol/ niggers can't hide their power level
>purged on sight
You say it like it is a bad thing.
are there any isekai with real slavery? seems like all of them are lol magic slave crest or lol remotecontrol neckbombs but no fucking beat the shit out of them with overseers everywhere or professional slave catchers.
Oh my is that that some racism outside of Yea Forums~
user how could you~
you want chink shit
What is this in reference to?
not really. chink slavery doesnt matter cause a free peasant and a slave are the same shit as they die in waves while the main character courting death wipes out whole sects.
im honesty curious if any japanese story has real slavery instead of whitewashed bullshit made possible by magic contracts
nope. it's a more moral system than other forms of punishment for murders or war prisoners. slave owners care about the well-being of their slaves, the same way a farmer cares about the well-being of his work-horse. prisoners and indentured servants are treated like rental cars with great insurance. slaves are more like a car that you own and have incentive to treat well.
No, vast economical disruptions like that can't be done unless you already control the trade routes and have a military capable of projecting your force across the globe, otherwise all you do is create conflict and anarchy that will quickly come back to status quo.
I was born as the kings daughter has that kind of slavery but its pretty shit so I don't recommend it.
What's the deal with Chinese MCs and their constant need to court death?
They get the unused T the nip mc's don't use.
Worked out really well for Burgerland didn't it
I'd take it all the way and deport the slaves back to their homeland.
I still maintain that it's the worst 'isekai' series ever made into a manga/comic.
you no give face? courting death
You don't court death you die as a dirt farmer every person that's even slightly above you socially or powerlevel-wise abuses until you die.
but what if a lowly farmer is an upper realm shitter like the rest?
jesus christ is this the average 4channer's knowledge of History and politics
Just try that with Heroic Mortal rules. Most Isekai heroes don't get to be as stupidly powerful as most Exalted. All those infection, and disease rules that Exalted just fucking ignore. Fuckers could drink sea water and eat raw meat, and give zero fucks.
You're always a lowly dirt farmer to someone else no matter how hard you climb, the best you can do is to keep climbing.
Did it come out the same time as daughter of the emperor and who made me a princess?
I can't say for Daughter of the Emperor, but it definitely predates Athy by quite a bit.
thats korean
lthe koreans and chinks get slavery
they were both going after him at the same time in the next page, he's an isekai protagonist so he's practically infinitely powerful, immensely rich, in that chapter he was getting his boat towed by a fucking dragon shortly after he wiped out a zombie dragon and gained the favor of yet another dragon.
Another homebrew is back from the dead
>deport the slaves back to their homeland.
That was Lincoln's plan. Don't get shot, user.
Is athy going to update anytime soon last chapter i saw was amnesia.
Am I weird if this gives me an erection?
>Didn't get the dragon cock
i'm disappointed
what\s with those disgusting scales?
nothing wrong with that
Why didn't Americans finish what he started? Did they really want to live together with a bunch of angry stupid unwashed blacks?
prob not but wouldnt mind helping wrongly enslaved beings
then start my own town/city/country with blackjack and hookers
I think it would be weird if it didn't give you an erection.
The web comic? July.
Is that pol outside of pol?
Every race for maximum divide and conquer.
>DFC Mage not taking any of MC's shit, casts paralyze on him and rape him
Based. All girls should do that to all spineless beta Isekai MC
You can't abolish slavery, you can gradually deminish it's power.
Heretic, you are now banished from ritual posting
Define sad excuse my uncle got cucked by my dad who is younger than him. My uncle was a player in his youth so he aint no beta bucks hes tall too and has a nice job yet his wife fucked my dad back when they were in their 20s and my dad was only 18 at the time. And so my first cousin from him is my half sister in reality and it really fucked unity between those two. Sad excuse? Women are just shit they cuck you even if you are Chad.
It's not a LARP if you're not even pretending that it happened
economic illiteracy should be a crime
It would amount to economic devastation, as blacks were a significant amount of the population and performed a significant amount of the work.
Remember kids, if you truly believe that another race is inferior to yours, you should either NEVER get involved with them, as the European mainland did for Africa, or COMPLETELY destroy them, as Andrew Jackson did to the Native Americans.
There is absolutely no room for anything in the middle, and absolutely no room for uncertainty in your victory.
just get rid of government and murderfuck anyone who tries to establish one, let spontaneous order take care of the rest.
Also, remember that blacks were chosen primarily for economic expediency.
Given harsh and unfair working conditions, whites will rebel because they know better.
Natives will rebel because they're close to home.
Blacks will not rebel because they're an ocean apart and don't know how to live any other way.
Sometimes it's better to just pay your labor a fair wage!
It makes it really clear what the authors' intent in including slavery is, when all the slaves we meet are domestic and personal slaves. We never see true industrial-scale slavery driving the agricultural and mining economic engines, where all the worst conditions for slaves ultimately were because it was in these contexts that it really was more profitable to beat and torture and work your slaves to death and then just buy more to replace them, then it was to make any effort to keep them alive.
One Piece has something like that. Although the bad guys are filthy rich and could definitely afford tech that doesn't need save labor to work, they're just keeping slaves because they are evil fucks.
>you would abolish the slavery don't you user?
Sure, I'd just casually end one of the most enduring institutions in human history. An institution that it took Europeans conquering most of the world to end for a period of less than a hundred years before it came back in full force. There are more slaves, not wage slaves or any other Marxist nonsense, actual slaves today then their were at the apex of the antebellum South. Getting rid of slavery isn't possible and won't be possible until there are robots that can be a 1 to 1 replacement, and then wouldn't that still be slaver?
Would you read a Spartacus isekai?
Only if he fights against and forcibly liberates slave harems from regular Japanese isekai protagonists in the same world.
China didn't have chattel slavery the same way that Europe and West Asia did, for the most part only the Emperor could legally employ forced labor. But that's mostly because they didn't economically need it thanks to plentiful cheap labor.
its their rivals that court death
by messing with the MC
Oh man, the Celestial Dragons are so shitty that they insist on riding around large bodied slaves crawling on all fours, in order to make themselves feel good, despite interesting, efficient and no-cost alternatives being available.
And then they specifically call it back on Fishman Island, with one shitlord riding around on a "tank" that is just a plank of wood and a cannon, carried around by some slaves. There's no damn point to slavery in One Piece, they have industrialization, automation and magic. People just do it as a status thing.
What? You gay?
Both the Yuan dynasty and Qing Dynasties practiced slavery. Granted they were not natives dynasties, but they institution still existed in China under their rule.
It's a miracle nobody overthrew those fucks yet. The Admirals could definitely do it. Only CP0 seem to be truly loyal for some reason.