Girls who WON
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>Still forced to share with her 5+ whore friends because they can't stop whining
god i hate this design so fucking much
But they're the only ones to kiss
your mom with me
Understandable, I'm not really an animation expert so I wonder if the design was a monetary decision or a creative crew change
>he likes used goods
I dropped this ages ago but from where the story was going it felt like literally every single girl would "win".
I even remember some story where the harem's children time travel from the future to do something I forgot about.
That is in fact what happens, but we might get steamier scenes if the execs above the creators allow it
>didn't have his first kid
Won by virtue of being a better girl
>Akeno names her son "Kurenai" just to rub it in her face
Why is she such a bully?
Everyone knows kissing makes you pregnant
Rias was prego first
user... did you watch this without subtitles? You mad man
non-winners need not apply
You're waifu and you.
but maria best girl
user of bravery and heroism
Didn't everyone "win" in this one too?
Why do you retards keep posting characters from harem series where the MC ends up with all the girls? Do you even understand what winning means?
didn't he kiss the nuns as well?
they raped him, it doesn't count
winning by threatening to competition is called stealing
>plants a heartbeat monitor in boyfriend without knowing
Why can't all girls be this covert yandere?
Most sex scenes, most illustrations, most illustrated sex scenes, main girl, most covers, only one shown with ring on TWO occasions while no other girl has been shown with hers. First to be bred, first to conceive. You cannot win any harder.
Yes, you could win harder by not having to share your prize with other sluts.
Only true winner in this thread.
Asuna is a cuck.
I can't refute this, someone help
Who won in this scene?
>won so hard even literal god got cucked
I'm convinced it's the same user always posting this girl
Both are winners.
everyone involved
>lose the real race
>organizer takes pity on you and comes up with a new "race" where you are the only one participating
>claim that actually counts as winning
We're the winners
wakey wakey, hagposter
What if a harem but the trap won?
Please, I just want to die between those!
Throw me a pity party then.
then the MC is gay
No. I want to continue dreaming.
Is that what Koneko's supposed to be thinking?
Make it 20+ user
Nah, she's just jealous.
Make it 40+ user
Don't forget that Akeno is the first to get pregnant.
you just meming or did this happen?
Everything you read here is true.
Hey I'm not keeping up with it but I've seen more odd shit happen.
Fucking 3DPD slut doesn't deserve victory
Botan was a miracle of the universe
Are you really surprised though? It's arakeno
Won against all odds.
based haru
>This user is delusional.
I see that tomato girl posted a lot, are you sure ribbon girl is the winner?
>not even the first girl he got pregnant
Rias took her time getting pregnant and it took sex marathon of weeks to get her pregnant with objectively worst son.
Fun fact, Asia gave birth to best child and is best mother out of them all with biggest oppai to boot.
>has to schedule meetings in advance just to get 30 minutes of alone time with him every month
I wouldn't call that winning.
>with biggest oppai
Did the light novel pull some Grand Theft Mammary trick?
>makes it out through getting basically killed on top of emotional and physical hell before that to get her stupid Shinji all to herself just like she wanted
Asuka and Shinji were all over each other after about a month and there's nothing anyone can do about it
sauce pls
post it
but if you don't know how to torrent then
reifags are SEETHING
Holy fuck she embodies everything I hate. This is bullshit, how can anyone be ok with this?
I fucking DESPISE Gabu chan from Gabu Chan Dropout. I like the show, but I hate everything about her character. I know your pain, user.
It was obvious as fuck she would win.
Botan is not for lewd
>2010 was 19 years ago
Anons can you even believe it?
Forever and always.
>Blonde foreigner still mid growth
>always mentioned to still be growing
>influenced by Ise
She was always going to overtake everyone once the hormones kicked in.
9 years later and I'm still mad
>first girl to break the curse
How can nips even compete?>
Sauce I want to be mad too
the winner is Inui
By making it so fucking shit?
The world god only knows. Feel our pain
With a prize like Issei, losing would probably be a better outcome.
>two new leachers
You're welcome Yea Forums, cause I seed the largest amount of bitrate for most nyaa ecchi series
Winners are the ones who make their man a winner too.
i still can't believe this happened.
Its one of the few things I actually enjoyed about that train wreck. The idea what Kei found his soulmate, not through The Game, but in a perfectly normal way, the way most people meet their SO, was just such a nice subversion of expectation. The fact that she continued to believe in and love him despite the horror that transpired around them made me root even harder for her to survive and cement her relationship with Kei.
I'm seriously disappointed that we never got an epilogue chapter about her and Kei living together and starting a family.
Hags btfo
They are all receiving the dragon god dick. I doubt there's anyone else in that series who can compete.
>the one who spends the most time with Issei
>appreciates him the most
>did not spawn a dumb shitter
Only one true winner
tsukasafags pls die
Cock blocked a threesome with Rias and Akeno. The yakitori needs to be punished!
>Dragon God dick
I guess those absolute degenerates WOULD consider something like that a win. They can keep him, better he continue to pollute his harem of sluts who pump out shitty brats than taint any of the nice normal girls.
>literally appeared out of nowhere at the end after being gone for god knows how many chapters.
Ill never stop being mad at this.
Forgot to include the picture illustrating my disgust with this main character and his disgusting harem.
>They are all receiving the dragon god dick.
They wish. Issei is too busy being a salaryman to spend time with any of them. Ravel is the only one who is getting any.
Dick so good her head fell off
She won.
MonMusu is the series.
sounds to me like she's not the winner till he croaks, and knowing how indestructible dear seems to be, I think it'll be a while.
besides, isn't he like the ultimate snake fore-player now?
I thought he was canonically tiny down there?
Isseis wives actually take turns serving as his escorts. His job entails traveling all over the place all the time. Poor guy has his schedule full for next 200 years.
I'll do it for you
>Most sex scenes
She loses when it comes to page count and her scenes are boring compared to the other girls. Maria is the only girl that doesn't have to abide by the nightly schedule for who gets to sleep with Basara.
>Most covers
Even with all those covers she still loses to Chisato in Ookuma's heart.
>Only one shown with ring
Author clearly states that all 8 of the girls have rings, Basara is marrying all of the girls, the venue for the wedding is a group decision between the girls, and there's no hierarchy in the harem.
>first to be bred/conceive
Based off a technicality with the order of elements. Author says Chisato isn't tied to letting nature take its course, and can have the first Toujou baby at any moment she desires. However she's open to the idea of the girls all having their first babies at the same time since they share a maternal link, and Basara wants the girls having their babies at the same time.
Mio's dad was initially shocked her and Maria lost their virginities and got pregnant along side a bunch of other girls.
Kurisu won so hard that her man wouldn't even touch his childhood friend in the timelines where Kurisu was dead.
Double Yikes.
Why are you so angry, user?
Ill never stop not being mad. Fuck that retard.
What can I say? I'm in tune with my emotions.
Was a DxD your waifu?
OTP of all time
imagine the horror of your waifu being a harem mate
farm girl looks much better in the manga damn
Imagine being so autistic that your waifu having a love interest in her series matters to you.
i dont feel like anyone won won when i do her after story
it's so bad, fuck
they feel so weak now, idk
does it really count as a win if it was predictable?
Nah. From the very moment i read it, I hated it.
What did he win?
Our hearts
>leaves forever
Y-yeah hah all a-according to plan r-right...
Local girl destroys Yea Forums with ONE simple trick
Click here to find out how
3+1 never
Eternal third wheel to his crush and her boyfriend
based godspeed poster
hopefully one day he can pursue his real dream
Best fucking Girl right here
Its that shit worth watching just for her?
Akemi Homura
this isn't a "best girls" thread user
but agreed
That's just a meme. He is actually bigger. Rachnee and Oct have felt it before.
>user saw the ending
>Also it's the most cucked
Rias is pathetic,
Will we ever get another Botan?
Didn't they break up, MC admitted he loved the science girl all along but got rejected and the story had a "we are all friends" ending because the author claimed it was actually about friendship despite it actually being haremshit through most of its run?
No, Japan has shit taste and keeps making the boring first girls win.
now post fumino
>Worst girl that won
all the main girls win in DxD though, that's not really a fair anime to use for this kinda postin
Based and wife-pilled
Cringe and COPE-pilled
>nekofags still mad
sharing isn't winning
I knew shinji was an ass man
We're more likely to get keit ai than that