Daily Sketchbook Chapter

Mai neimu izu asou.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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断トツ: The best, far and away the best, decisive lead.

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亜草:Can be read as Asou, but the name dictionary says Akusa.
毛糸:Keito, Yarn, knitting wool.

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That's all for today. I can't help but wonder if Kate is based on a real person.

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Oh shit we Kate now.

Hazuki is so cute.

>Fuus Birthday is on December 21
>Ryous Birthday is on December 20
What does that mean?

They were born either side of midnight?

They aren't blood related.

someone post user's art

they were still born either side of midnight

They were in bassinets next to each other in the hospital and have been communicating telepathically ever since.

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>and have been communicating telepathically ever since.
It's weird how much I am willing to believe that.

Alright, someone redpill me on Kate.
Why do people like her, but hate Patricia Martin?

And so a legend is born.

It hurts, Negishi-senpai.

Finally Kate is here

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It's not weird because it's true.

Manlets, when will they learn?

>second and third panel the trio is on the right
>fourth panel they are on the left
Awful continuity.

Nibosshi every day!

Are you talking about the next page? That's because they're backing away.

>Are you talking about the next page?
Yeah, I am pretty stupid, today.
>That's because they're backing away.
To the other side of the Keito?
I was bumping the thread, anyway.

Hazuki's outfit is so cute.

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Someone post lewds.

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OOOH! There she is!

That could be the direction the door is in.

Patty is a weeb
Yarn is a win

Thanks as always user.

Being a manlet is suffering.

Thanks OP.

He's like one of those anklebiter dogs. He makes up for the small size with rage.

Thank you OP

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That's cute, user. Do you have more?

Just a few cute things I found.

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Thanks, user!

Never trust your teachers. If you've ever taught something, you know that teachers are full of shit and make things up as they go.
Also, Asou is the cutest!


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Thanks, user.

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Why the hell is this board moving so fast right now?

summer vacations I'd guess

Gofu? That takes me back.

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I don't think super glue (cyanoacrylate) is the right thing here. Dried super glue is brittle. Maybe she means rubber cement.

Dug up the original files. Wow. I made this in 2008.

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I don’t think people hate Patty, unless I’m missing something. She was my favorite character.

万能ボンド: All-purpose glue.

What exactly is it? Who knows. I can't figure out the differences between all the types of glue in my first language, much less a second one.

Putting that in Amazon brings up something called Cemedine Super X. It's apparently a silicone-based adhesive. (The engrish makes it hard to tell if it is or is not made of cyclosiloxane.) It's described as multi-purpose, quick curing, durable, and elastic.

But the name "super glue" as I said is completely different in other countries.

Nice work.
Does putting it on a loop and forcing someone to watch it for a few hours count as a human rights violation?

No, I think that counts as an English lesson.

oh shit you made this?
bless you

>human rights violation
>English lesson
What's the difference?

You can charge money for a lesson.

>English lesson with Kate
how much

Now a decade later, did you find Yourself?

Attached: yutanpo is dead.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

What are you saying Gotouzosama doesn't have the voice of an angel?

Yes, but that's not my upload. The first youtube video got DMCA'd. Someone I don't know reuploaded it.
Made with nothing more than mplayer/mencoder and a pirated copy of Cool Edit for the audio. I hadn't even learned AVISynth at the time, much less a proper video editor. Fun times. I miss being a NEET. Except for the always being broke part.
I'm still here. Does that answer your question?

Could realistically make it happen for maybe 2 million yen. Goutuza is supposedly pretty good at English. Get someone to write a script, license the character, and hire her for a day or two of booth time and you've got a English Lessons with Keito CD.

>doesn't have the voice of an angel
She definitely has the voice (and accent) of an anglo.

I'm still here as well so I got two answers.

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Who's ready for a game of who's on first?

The normally way of writing is everything in Kana. Why is she so suprised?
If anything she should questioning if there is a Kanji in the first place.

>The normally way of writing is everything in Kana.
Sure, if you're a child or a foreigner learning the language.

Not everything that has a Kanji is commonly written with Kanji.

Thanks user

Even so Japanese words are more commonly hiragana not katakana. She's surprised because she wasn't expecting a portmanteau of a Japanese and English word.

But if you write it in not Kanji it is purely Katakana which mostly indicates that it has western origin.

How long does it take for Hazuki until she decides to buy a new toothbrush?

$2 for a book that thick? I doubt it, even if it is just blank pages, it is more likely to be at least $8 nowadays.

What the hell is that fish, an anglerfish?

so you really are here forever...

You're assuming she knows that. It could be she has only heard it.

>you really are here forever
Who are you here for, user?

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Hitomi from Minami-ke

Nice waifu.

or Kanegami from Nourin, but almost no one remembers her


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You have to choose ONE, user. (Or rather, she has to choose you.)

One wife, many daughters

So why did you pick Fuuka over Yotsuba or Ena?

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Because Fuuka is the bigger dork. Ena is almost normal.

>Ena is almost normal.
Isn't that a quality you want from a daughter?
I'd say Miura would be ideal, if only she wouldn't eventually grow up to be incredibly hot (which we all know she will). That kinda disqualifies her as a daughter ... although, would having her as a daughter imply that her sexy mother is one's wife?

No, because dorks are more fun. We've already thrown out realism since some of them were born in the 2280s and some are robots, so don't think too hard about who the mother is.

>No, because dorks are more fun.
More fun than Yotsuba?

Yes. Youth is fleeting, dorkiness is eternal.

>Youth is fleeting
Lies! Yotsuba will always be the cute child she is now!

fuck yes finally Asou shows upo

>Asou shows upo
She's been with us all the time, user!

It's fun to break on your head as a joke.

TL note note: Gattai means combine. Gatai is something else entirely.

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That's all for today. What kind of instructions do you need for a microphone?

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I like the quiet contemplative style of the left column

Thanks, user!

>What kind of instructions do you need for a microphone?
How to plug it in. How to switch it on. What end to speak into. Things like that.

"For those unaware, Sketchbook is going to reach its conclusion next month.
mag-garden.co.jp/comic-garden/next "

Is it true lads?
Has it really come to an end?

It's already ended.

as much as i didn't want to believe it, that would explain why no site has anything past 149

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Well that's something else. Translations have been stalled for a couple years now. The final chapter was 208.


Why have they stopped?
I know it's not a big series but its one of the few that I felt close to. Please tell me I can read more user.

Thanks as always, OP.
How it's fun to break an egg on your head?
This guy really was from the art club.

>How it's fun to break an egg on your head?
Have you tried it? You can't say it isn't if you haven't tried!

Probably the same reason any TL group stalls. It's a lot of work and real life gets in the way.


I want to play the kuga guitar

You try to play the Kuga guitar, but the Kuga guitar plays you.

Is Saitou a part of Tokyo? Is that the joke?

Thanks as always.

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read Avant garde Yumeko might have enough art autism and phallic objects for you

>That armpit peek
>Those cute panties
>That cute smile
How the hell am I supposed not to have "dirty" thoughts about Asou-chan?

thank you, user

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Thanks, user.

There are no available raws either afaik.

Now that's the stuff.

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I prefer Kuga faucet.

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Honest question, no meming. Does Sora have autism?

>Does Sora have autism?
She is at least heavily introverted. And the line between heavy introversion and light autism is somewhat blurry.

I've learned recently that "nicely done" is what you say after drinking tea.

>Is that the joke
I think you're overthinking it. She's just a baka.

ah sou

I can't believe Sora's fucking dead

>Shibata keeps saying that a catfish's beard has 4 whiskers
And so it begins

And Big Al says dogs can't look up.

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Subtle lewd

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Cute. But not as cute as Asou!

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Bump. Once again, the board's far too fast for my taste. 24 minutes to the bottom of page 10 ...

I mean, these are daily chapters regardless. The truth on why this board moves faster and faster are because of General threads.

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Don't forget that nearly a third of the threads have less than 10 replies. There's a lot of cleanup that could be done.

Nah, I don't think so. Right now, most of the threads aren't generals for anything, but stupid shitposts. Like said. People are making nonsensical threads that no one's interested in and spamming the board with them. Might actually be the summer and people not having anything to do.

Yeah we always had dumb bullshit but it definitely unironically smells like summer.

I want to marry poorfag-chan and live a poor life with her

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Even I didn't post lewd of that level!

Lewd? Just because she's a bit wet and playing with balls?

It's just that I can see Asou-san's vagina and adorable JK pubic hair. She would be very embarrassed if one pointed that out because she is in public.

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You're seeing things you want to see but that aren't actually there. Sadly, those are just natural folds and creases of her panties.

Thanks to Miru Tights, right?

Thanks OP!

And some people dismissed it as just fetish pandering.
Who knew anime could be so educational.

thanks for the dump

thank you

Oh, still up! Thanks OP.

Not who you were replying to but this was great