With a fucking FORK???

with a fucking FORK???

Attached: a fucking FORK.jpg (1024x576, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:


A chopstick or spoon wont do the job

that's how old people eat

You're right, it's way better with chopsticks.

I eat this using forks

Attached: hot-dog.jpg (644x483, 51K)

duality of man

this is hot dog btw

>eating food with bare hands
I bet you never wash your hands before you eat in mac or burg.

It's the only civilised way to do so. Here, even niggers can do it. Why don't you?

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of course I do you moron

>see, niggers do it, that means it's civilized

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>losing the entire appeal of the burger which entirely lies in the mix of flavors by separating ingredients just because you're ashamed of eating with your bare hands
lmao just order a steak then

The what?

That's not a hot dog.

>even niggers can do it

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>fags who've never been outside of the us

I do. Just to don't get germs on my dick. Then I shoot a lot in my hand Shinji Ikari style for extra flavour.

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

fucking this. why even get one if you cant eat it properly

You don't need to separate anything m8 are you really unable to use a fork ? M8 I came in this thread because I thought it was ironic but now I'm worried.

it is a hot dog

Attached: paruwa.jpg (1600x1200, 880K)

>just crush your burgers for every ingredient to fit on the fork
lmao, just eat that shit with your bare hands instead of looking like even more of a moron than you try to avoid retard

Do Americans really do this?

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Well I do see people in fancy restaurants cutting a big burger with a steak knife before consuming it

Wow I'm shocked. Why would you need to crush anything ? And you "crush" it much more using your hands if I understand what you mean by "crush".

ale paruwa

just take a look at the average fork size and explain to me how you're supposed to fit the entire height of a burger onto it, and why you would do such a thing rather than eating it with your hands

and when I mean burger, I'm not talking about the shitty thin cheap mcdonald's garbage, I mean an actual burger


>there are people in this thread who eat Burgers with forks.
I bet you eat Hot Dogs and Sandwiches with forks too, faggots.

>""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""" who don't wear a hazmat suit at all times to prevent any and all contamination
fucking barbarians

I eat pizza with a knife and fork.

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I seriously don't understand.
Do you eat hamburgers the size of your belly ?

Attached: xv-burger-suggestion-de-plat-a5082.jpg (612x344, 53K)

>shows burger clearly the height of about 3-4 times the usable size of his fork
what was your point again? Why don't you use a fork instead of a stick to maintain it in place beforehand then?

>food is made with bread on purpose so you can eat with hands
>people insist on using cutlery

this is still fine. imagine eating sushi with forks

Take a fork, hold it up to your mouth. Unless your hideously disformed, the fork is longer than the space between your teeth. If you can fit it into a fork with out crossing it, it isn't going into your mouth.

>Having to teach Americans how eating works

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>washing hands

>If you can fit it into a fork with out crossing it, it isn't going into your mouth.
not with that attitude it's not

this is American Cheese©®™

Attached: easyvit (3).jpg (300x453, 82K)

More and more people in France see this when they think about cheese. It's fucking heresy. They prefer putting this shit in their burger instead of some reblochon or camembert.

>that stupid fucking sauce art on the plate

You eat with your eyes too, user.

I don't understand why people are so fixated on this "cheese" when nobody even eats it.

Is this one of those instances where the word "Real" is a brand name?

>once again, shows a picture with lettuce, a thin tomato or pepper, cucumber and cheese taking about the entire lenght of the fork
Add a patty or two, two slices of bread, bacon, sauce, etc... and you're left with the most inconvenient way ever to eat a fucking burger
I just don't get it, order a fucking steak

Some burgers are fucking messy when they have like 4 things and sauce in it, Shit's annoying to eat with your hands because you have to wipe your hands constantly.

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I'm French and I've literally never seen anyone buy this shit.
I've literally never seen it for sale. I also think that fucking reblochon and camembert are among the worst cheeses to put in a fucking burger. Especially camembert.
Way to make the taste of everything else disappear under it
Use hard cheeses like comté, beaufort, abondance and others

I don't know about you but if I take the upper bun off, I can eat all of the remaining layers with a knife and fork without any trouble at all. And I don't make a mess while doing so. Unlike eating with your hands.

This how jappos ear burgers

I don't know about you but if I leave the bun where it is I never make a mess while eating a fucking burger. It's literally made to be eaten like this if you're not making or buying some meme shit two meters high.

A smothered green chili burger is the only acceptable burger to consume with a fork and knife

my family is one third French and we love spray cheese, your argument is invalid

>one third French living in burgerland
spray cheese literally doesn't exist in France, as much as actual cheese doesn't exist in burgerland. Your argument isn't even invalid, it doesn't exist.

Reminder that japanese '''curry''' is actually sweet stew since it isn't spicy.
Yes, curry is just spicy stew.

Attached: curry.gif (540x541, 1.44M)

Those must be rather dry burgers, then.

What's with all those food threads recently?

>food thread two day in a row
So, what is going on here? /ck/ raid or what?

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How do you even eat that without most of the stuff falling off?

Why would they be?

My old French teacher brought us comte before and it smelled like absolute shit. Is that a requirement for "real" cheese?

That's why he eats it with a fork

is vomit smell a requirement for chocolate? you filthy american fuck

It's a legit great way not to have my hands stink of meat and sauce hours after I've eaten

I wanna see you how you eat a nice, juicy burger with your hands without spilling the sauce all over your chest.

fucking liar, my father lives in Quebec and he says they sell the same stuff that in America.

>waaah cheese smells like cheese
eat it, dumbass, it's literally one of the best things on this planet.

Ironically yes, try smelling and eating some goat cheese.

when was the last time you took a look at a map?

who the fuck puts runny liquid sauce on a burger

You're going to crush your burger whether you use hands or a fork, unless you can dislocate your jaw like a veteran roastie.

I do that and I'm a Jap

by keeping it somewhat straight and not being a drooling moron I suppose, I have never thought too deeply about that

I did eat it. It just tastes like parmesan while smelling like dried-aged incel sweat.


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This explains so many things. Thank you, I'm out.

>It just tastes like parmesan
absolutely not.

Nothing wrong with that.
Eat them however you like to eat them.
Including not eating them.

(you) are the one in the wrong. No sane person on the planet fucking Earth drowns their burger in sauce to the point where it's soggy and dripping off the sides

The US is truly a third world country pretending to be a 1st world country.
T. german next to the netherlands, italy, swiss and france we're surrounded by amazing cheese.
fucking burgercucks.

>can't import most cheeses because of health regulations about bacteria
>chlorine washed meat is a-okay

I have more different types of cheese in my fridge right now, than the US has in their country.
Feta, Mozerella (actual Mozerella), cheddar, parmesan (not sawdust but an actual piece) and some regional milkcheese

Dude, look up the definition of "first world".
The US are LITERALLY the very definition of it.

t. another Bernd

>all this europoors larping about their shit cheese.

you should thank me you are still able to speak your languages and not german

You know that chlorine is safe for consumption, right user? In fact, if you boiled table salt, the heat would separate the sodium and chlorine bonds.

Fuck off ruskie

Even better, mix bleach and drain cleaner for some lovely chlorine gas

That's absolutely fascinating and I'm certain it makes for amazing quality products.
My point is, how dirty and unsafe is your fucking industry if you need to wash your meat with fucking chlorine.

that stuff is pretty good

>ketchup and tomato
>no mustard
What the fuck?

>being a mus-tard.

>eating a sandwich with cutlery

Attached: burgur.gif (498x267, 1016K)


he's eating that stuff on the side with a fork, not the burger.

So adding salt when boiling food makes me eat chlorine?
Actually hol up, sodium is salt so they add 60% chlorine just to fuck with us? fucking kikes.

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To be more specific, this only applies exclusively to water in this situation.

>Wolf down a burger with your bare hands
>get sauce and juices all over
>look at your hand

They should have just made another season of Tiger and Bunny.

Hard to eat it with sticks.

I eat burgers, pizza and taco with fork and knife. Why the fuck would I want to dirty my hands like a savage barbarian instead of just using tools that were created to eat food with?
You wash your hands before your meal and after it. If you eat like a slob mongrel with your hands you have to go away and wash them all the time.

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The germs are making me stronger.

That's how one eats food you unsophisticated fuck.

Presentation. you literal pleb.

You simply don't understand burgers. It's fine.

french food is consistently awful so I wouldn't be surprised.

No you don't.

Yes I do.

Because you don't have to wash the fork and knife later, and are going to wash your hands anyway like a normal, functioning human being.

How the hell can you sperg out this much over a fucking burger?
It tastes just the same, you just don't look like a caveman while eating. And you make less of a mess when using cutlery

Do you swallow without chewing or something? Why the fuck would "crushing" be a problem

How do you browse Yea Forums or read manga while eating if you aren't using utensils?

>It tastes just the same

I know Yea Forums is pretty inept when it comes to the culinary arts, but this is embarrassing. The fact of the matter is that you are WASTING your fucking burger by using a fork and knife. No questions asked. Educate yourself, troglodyte.

because I'm not an uncultured fatass who eats at his desk

eating takes about 15 minutes total out of my day at the most

Making the whole world speak english to make them more retarded. truly genius move America. Literally most used language because it's so easy. then it also steals half of it's words from othe languages because they don't have enough vocabulary (like german)
t. german

Anyone who eats while browsing the internet is a fucking disgusting pig. Are you American?

>a fork changes the taste

Funny you should mention "troglodyte" since you're the one who's acting like cutlery is some sort of black magic

Attached: troglodyte.jpg (576x461, 70K)

Fuck you you little bitch say that shit again and ill fuck til you love me fagget.

>I can't eat a fucking burger unless they actually waste time putting sauce on the plate in some stupid gay pattern
imagine being a fucking faggot who cares about gay sauce art on their plate
It's fucking food not paint retard, though faggots like you should go eat paint

I get food should look good too but this shit is just pointless and pedantic
If you're gonna have a fucking wimp restaurant that does this gay shit at least put enough sauce to fucking go with the food, it's fucking pointless

Ask me how I know you come from a middle class family.

>I know Yea Forums is pretty inept when it comes to the culinary arts
as opposed to what? Fucking /ck/?

Then what do you do while eating? No, I'm not from America.

How much shit do you people put on your burgers where "Oh it will make a mess!" is a legitimate criticism against using your hands like it was intended?

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I bet you're on the verge of convincing everyone. Maybe you should try calling something gay again

if you think food is something meant to simply be eaten, you're a soulless insect with an IQ capped at 105. you will never be able to comprehend art, but you can function. a damn shame.

eating any sort of "luxury" cheeseburger is an auto indicator in itself of being painfully low tier upper middle class

Dry burgers are shit

I eat.

What is your standard for "dry"?

watch anime

You can manage a burger with
>meat patty
>maybe egg
but any more than that I'd say goes to the point of falling apart

Yeah I did and I'm glad that stopped me from being some fucking wimp who cares about pointless sauce art on my plate

no, /diy/

I never said don't put condiments on the thing but everyone in this thread makes it sound like they douse their fucking burgers in sauces

Eating with your hands is for alphas, using a fork is for pussy beta bitch boys.

just imagine not wanting to pick up a burger because "ewww I might get my hands dirty :^("

>ye old American cousin

rare chicken

Attached: 1555910067576.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

>my burgers need better "presentation" so I can feel better about myself and act like I'm higher class


Table salt doesn’t contain chlorine (a reactive gas composed of molecules of two chlorine atoms) it contains chloride ions. Likewise, salt does not contain sodium metal (an extremely reactive metal composed of atoms metallically bonded to each other) it contains sodium ions. When salt is placed in water, whether or not it is boiling, the salt crystals separate into sodium and chloride ions which become surrounded by water molecules and simply spread out in the solution. The hydrated ions are very stable and have no tendency to react or change. If the water is boiling, as the volume decreases there is less medium available for the hydrated ions to exist and they will simply form back into their crystal structure.

It is not impossible to produce chlorine gas and sodium metal from table salt, but to do so requires a specialized environment and a great deal of both heat and electrical energy.

you are also supposed to eat pizza with a fork and knife, don't forget

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Don't do it user. I'm begging you

wow I didnt know that europoors like to eat their sandwiches with a fork and knife. no wonder they are so backwards

Woah, turns out words can't change meaning ever! You totally blew my mind!

Wow, I wonder if he's a homosexual, I really can't tell.

>first the spaghetti camp thread
>now this
food wars really took a toll on /ack/

no it's more like
>have napkins at the table
>start eating burger with hands
>if any sauce or juices happen to get on your hands or around your mouth wipe with napkin
>finish burger properly and cleanly

I work at a bar and grill, and we do this. Your argument is moot.

>the place I work at does this so it doesn't make it pointless
what is your point? So what if they do it or not? it's still pointless unless they put enough sauce to actually be eaten with the meal

y-you guys know you can wash your hands after you're finished right?

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>eat and wipe with napkins when you get food on you

I think it's more of a problem of burgers being made so messily and huge these days that it's impossible for shit not to spill out and get everywhere when you eat them
You see these fucking burgers all over instagram and shit and they're made 3 times the size of anyones mouth just for the sake of making a big fucking burger

>why do these fucking pussies even care about flavor? It all goes the same place and nutrition is all that matters anyway, fucking faggots
that's you, by the way. That's what you sound like.

literally what are you talking about? did you reply to the wrong post?

I thought I hated cheese for half my life because of this shit

Nope, got the post I was aiming at bud.

what in the shit does flavour have to do with whether you put some gay sauce art on your plate or not? Have I fucking gone insane? Am I just being bated?
What the fuck are you actually talking about?


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Thanks for reminding me that Satoshi Kon is dead.

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Can't argue with that

Your stupid "DUDE IT'S JUST SOME FAGGOT ART SHIT" can be applied to flavor just as easily as it can be applied to presentation.

but no it can't
stupid sauce art on a plate is pointless
I don't give any fucking shits about how my food or plate look, I care about how it tastes, some fucking sauce art isn't gonna change that.

only betas eat with a fucking fork and knife. Real alpha chad males eat with their hands. The burger is perfectly sized for two hands. Boo hoo i will get messy, use a fucking napkin you fucktwit. Stop being so fucking concerned on how you look and just enjoy the burger you god damn retard. Euros are so fucking beta uncut AND eat burgers with inferior utensils? What are you people? Five years old? Grow up and eat like a man

What does it taste like? Cheese doodles or like actual cheese?

You aren't the only person on the planet you fucking mongoloid

Do you eat pasta and soup with your hands? fucking barbarian.

yeah righto pal I'm sure some fucking sauce lines and dots on your plate makes your meal so amazingly more enjoyable and better than it would be for me

>every time you order a burger in a place that's above normal burger joint they expect you to use fork and knife.

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3rd world citizens living about their actual value.

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>europoors telling americans how to eat burgers.
that's hilarious. it'd be like me telling you how to suck muslim cocks properly.

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You wouldn't go to a high class restaurant and get your meal on a fucking paper plate. You wouldn't go to a high class restaurant and sit on a fucking wooden bench next to random customers to save space. You go to classy restaurants for a classy experience and serving your food in a visually appealing way is part of that you braindead mutant

Tomato and pickles go on burgers, not hot dogs. Stupid Yuropoors.

>europoors actually do this.

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Attached: fucking kek.gif (849x479, 1.09M)

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Chicago dogs are good.

Attached: chicago_dog.jpg (1000x667, 849K)

unhinging your jaw like a snake

I don't get it, 350mph is really fast.

Wendys makes your statement wrong.

>be american
>visit japan
>eat burger with hands
>everyone claps

They couldn't concieve how it was humanly possible to eat a burger without the usage of cutlery. Rarely have I witnessed a people in such awe of my greasy burger fingers. Some school girl even asked me to lick them clean. (I refused, of course. I paid for that ketchup.)

Of course you wouldn't get it.

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>washing your hands
Literally no one does this

this happened to me too, but it was pasta and i was in italy.

Listen here faggot, I appreciate food, I fucking love food and the flavours that my tongue has been blessed with, I'm open to trying new shit all the time. But fucking sauce lines and dots on a plate next a fucking burger are goddamn pointless, I get food should look presentable, especially if you're paying more money to eat it, but fucking sauce art goes past the point of necessity for no good reason, especially if, like I've said a million times, there's not actually enough sauce for the meal on the plate. The amount of sauce on the plate on that image is enough for maybe 3 or 4 of those fries then fucking what are you going to do?

It's pointless hipster shit that isn't necessary and would only be done in gay hipster restaurants
There's a million other ways that you could make good food presentable and appealing that also benefit the actual eating of your meal as well, and fucking sauce art isn't one of them.

lmao imagine arguing over fucking sauce lines

you guys are pure gold

This confuses the amerimutt.

Stop overcompensating,virgin

Attached: Download.jpg (500x701, 116K)

I found by burger folder

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Put your fucking pinkies under the bun, else all the stuffing is just burst out the back when you bite into it.

The French originally invented cheese as a weapon to repel the English during Jean d'Arc's campaign. The French Revolution actually happened because the government tried feeding it to the people and they revolted.

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I would just like to say that snakes do not unhinge or dislocate their jaws. Snake jaws are very flexible due to their anatomy, they aren't "dislocating" because those are locations they're meant to be in, and they aren't "unhinging" because they don't detach from their hinges.

Really user? Please, give us more interesting snake facts. I'd love to hear them.

Attached: mugi tea.png (496x816, 560K)

>10 fries
>grated cheese on the side
>fork and knife
>sauce art (not even ketchup)
this hurts me



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>eating burgers

Attached: Zzdc7.png (432x415, 177K)

To be a bit more specific, their skull is designed such that the jaw has a lot of flexibility, such as one side of the lower jaw being able to move independently of the other. This is how snakes work their food down, by moving their jaws in a motion that can be described as "walking" along the item, one side of the jaw being advanced at a time, little by little. In addition, their scales (at least around their jaws, I'm not exactly a snake expert) are stretchy and flexible.

Another interesting tidbit is that some snakes have vestigial leg structures, possibly retained from long ago if they evolved out of them at some point in history.

Have you ever heard of the spider-tailed horned viper? That thing's tail is a thing of beauty, looking exactly like the name implies. Very fascinating.

holy fucking BASED


thread BTFO


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I only do this with messy as fuck burgers. I want to the flavor in my mouth, not on my hands. But a nice clean burger like that doesn't even need a knife and fork.

I like how you actually took the time to not include the posts that weren't talking about burgers

The tomato and sliced pickle is why you should use relish, they provide the same texture, moisture and flavor, yet easier to spread on your hotdog.

This image is old as fuck.

Attached: catburger.jpg (111x118, 3K)

>take a thin, flat object and turn it sideways before putting it in your mouth


He confused kph with mph and made the euros angry. Also get your pathetic /int/ ass off my Yea Forums


>Oh but you'll get a mess on your hands autist senpai

hoes mad

>I really can't tell
user, I...

I hate eating with just hands. My autism makes it feel like the oils never go away.

How can you call yourself a man?

No; that clearly says cheddar.
American is slightly different from cheddar.

He folded it to keep it from going floppy.
That's the only thing he did right.

I am going to guess most people have never been to fancy restaurants that have sandwiches on the menu.

My friends and family do this whenever we but a huge hamburger for sharing.

I'm glad that they arent forced to be sensitive to foreign cultures and do everything properly or else having some gay mafia screaming down their necks about cultural appropriation.

>a huge burger for sharing

Nigga, why do you HAVE a burger folder?

Why don't you have a burger folder?

Attached: authentic McDonald's hambaagaa.jpg (854x734, 53K)

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sometimes I wonder if japan sushi and ramen jerking is as cringe for them as HAMBAGAH is for us.

This stuff is great to have around for a desaster kit or back packing to add some indulgence for when times get tough.

The key here is "made with". They use real cheese at some pont in the manufacturing. Most likely the flavoring.

The Jungian thing?

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I wonder how well this stuff holds up after 30 years in a can...

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30 years is a stretch. Most stuff that last that long is powdered or ultra pasteurized.

why dont you try some asian cuisine

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You're just jealous you don't have the carnivore instinct to do that.

>most of Yea Forums would starve to death because they can't kill their food

I feel like the only people who eat this stuff are white midwesterners living in crushing poverty. I can't remember the last time I even saw it in a store where I live.

no we don't. The fag in the webm was simply a faggot

that's someone from nyc

Are Europeans retarded?

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This is going to be hard to believe, but cheese. It's got a strange texture but otherwise it's fine.

Inna service by any chance? Very, very similar to MRE cheese.


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>no-fold mother fucker

I ate in Jollibee yesterday and the cashier saw me eating a burger with a knife and fork and told me I'm weird and "high class on a fastfood place" and its an insult to fastfood employees is I dont eat it with ny hands
This is not a joke (though I know the cashierlady shes generally nice)
Is it really that bad eating burgers with a fork, Yea Forums?

lmao, this guys penis is limp as his pizza dough

It's just odd. Like eating a steak with your hands or wings with chopsticks. Sure, you can, but it's weird.

>Is it really that bad eating burgers with a fork, Yea Forums?

Oh god... its brains spilled out...
Yea Forums for my isekai fantasies, help me think of animals that are easy to kill. Besides chicken.

Adam is not wrong.
Show me a guy who likes mayo, and I'll show you a guy who is desperate for that /ma/

Attached: madlad.jpg (782x490, 119K)

Post your rarest hambagas, I need to fatten my hambuger folder

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What was the point of stabbing it and sticking the wire in?

So glad Valery took over as the chef. Derick would have run their business into the ground with his "cooking."
I really want taibani season 2 as well but Double decker was fun in its own way.

I love the calming music while he chops the fish's head off

From the captions, destroying nerves and bleeding the fish.

It's a fish, they don't have much of those. That's just blood.

It's an animal mate, just go cold, call upon your caveman ancestors and kill the goddamn thing. Cutting its neck puts anything's lights out, then it's just a matter of cutting at the throat and around the asshole and getting rid of the guts and most of the grossest work is done.

And if it's a fish you run a knife through the gills. If you can't kill a fish then you should stick to being a vegetarian in your fantasy until you find civilization.

Attached: george-eating-dessert.jpg (864x648, 41K)

No, we don't.

You don't go to the toilet after eating and drinking?
Don't tell me you don't wash your hands after that either.

I will never shake an American's hand again.

type 1 handed

Watching TV while eating? Weird, but okay.
Browsing the web while eating? Are you insane? Even using a mobile that's retarded.

>grated cheese

That's some shredded carrot you dumb fuck americunt. Cheese isn't supposed to be hazard orange in colour fatty.

Burgers originate from Europe, you braindead mutt. Hell, even your fucking language comes from Europe.

>Burgers originate from Europe
Haven't Africans and Asians largely contributed to the US gene pool by now?
Also, let's not forget about native Americans.

>Let's not forget about Native Americans
Might as well, damn near everything else has

>Haven't Africans and Asians largely contributed to the US gene pool by now
Oh sure, burgers are basically just one giant petri dish of every conceivable race on this earth. It's funny to watch them act like "being american" means anything at all when actually their race is just one giant experiment gone horribly wrong

>gone wrong
Well, wouldn't want it to happen where I live, but it was literally a "new world" back then, save for the native Americans, but as has pointed out, everyone has forgotten about them anyway, so it's not like anything was lost in that giant mixer. Nothing has "gone wrong".
In the end, the thing dividing societies is not race, gender or whatever, it's money.
Yes, a black guy became your president about a decade ago, but he was rich, and deeply rooted in the establishment.
That's the reason you got that faggot Trump - Clinton was literally the worst candidate to put up against him.

I mean, whole civilisation came to america from europe. If it was right thing to do is whole another question

That's fucking disgusting, the poor chicken didn't deserve this after dying.

>In the end, the thing dividing societies is not race, gender or whatever, it's money.
It absolutely is, try telling that the rednecks though. I love highly offensive race jokes and slurs as much as the next guy when I'm online but people who unironically talk and act racist in public are in 99% of the cases to dumb to realise that foreign cultures aren't the problem.

there's a reason countries don't like foreigners and that some cultures hate interracial marriage

>there's a reason
If you talk about a hyperbolic fear of the unknown then you're spot on

burgers are pretty good user

>hyperbolic fear of the unknown
this fear of unknown only lasts until the first contact and subjugation
you're telling me white people in "diverse" regions hate niggers because they don't know them? please
they've lived there for decades and know them better than anyone
and before you say it, the only reason why babies aren't racist is because they didn't live long enough to develop critical thinking

"I am not at the bottom of society, because I'm no nigger." That's what many "rednecks" think.
There are people they can look down on, and that makes them feel better about themselves.

The reason they need to do that is because they are fucking poor, though.
It takes money to be able to be so-called "progressive".
The rich racists mostly do it in order to keep their people obedient. They couldn't care less about who cleans their shoes, but they need someone to do it.

I'm not saying there isn't a natural racial divide. There absolutely is.
Being of the same race, origin, background makes it a lot easier to get along with someone.
I try to not be racist, but I absolutely am a fucking racist. At least going by the definitions lefties have been using lately.

Fuck the Left. Fuck the Right. Fuck the Center. Fuck Everyone (me included).

ITT, europoors unable to comprehend how to eat a type of sandwich we stole from them.
Its like pottery


This, it is mental, christ the sandwich is even named after the city where it originated

I see nothing wrong with this. Blood is just another important part of the overall experience for the best chicken.

But the hamburger as a sandwich is an American development.

No one eats that here though


In its current state, the Hamburger did not originate from America, we took it and made it into what it is today.


Saying the hamburger is an American invention is like saying the doner is a German invention.

I didn't say it was, I was correcting the other user who said it was an American Development.

Just went out for a meal last night and my nephew was going to eat his burger with his bare hands, I told him not to be a degenerate and to eat with a knife and fork otherwise you'll become a big fatty. He listened and picked up his cutlery.

>And everybody clapped

The only time I've ever eaten burgers with my bare hands is if its from a fast food as they don't provide you with cutlery anyway and its meant to be eaten quickly.

>Eating anything with a sauce or a liquid/viscous substance by hand
The only thing that is acceptable to eat with hands are garbage like packs of chips.

You own Kinnikuman for Gamecube.

How many (you)s you got from this dude here, Yea Forumsnons? 4 here. Not great, not terrible.

Why did your parents name you Ivan? Pretty j**.

>OMG like, your hands can get messy from a little bit of sauce
>I scoff at those who get a drop of sauce on them
How the fuck has your bloodline persevered when you are a bunch of pussys

>he doesn't use spoon
Fucking plebs all of you

How the fuck do you even eat a hamburger with a fork?

Got fork and knife handed to me at a restaurant the other day when I ordered one.
Everyone else also used their hands, so I did that as well.

>Not using a spork like a real man.

The important question is where you were eating burgers

That's reasonable for deep dish

Two bombs weren't enough

t. bad taste :(

You don't wash your hands after a meal user?
That's common practice here in burgerland

And more types of beer in your fridge too...
Oh wait BS detected on both counts

I am so doing that the next time I eat a burger user
blessed user

Pasta and soup are meant to be eaten with cutlery.
Sandwiches and burgers are meant to be eaten with hands.
It's pretty simple, user

False. Fellow burger here, and I can say this is unequivocally false.


Attached: 15540551916.jpg (585x591, 97K)

It's about as bad as breaking the pasta in half before making spaghetti.
But you do you, user

Just wrap a napkin around it if you're afraid of getting your hands dirty.

Attached: 1559924595157.png (829x1772, 1017K)

Burgers and pizza are two things that came to America and were subsequently perfected on our shores.
They belong to us now.

Congratulations you made your nephew a faggot

>Cute girls eating burgs in lewd manners

A man of culture as well I see.

Those are illegal now

this gay lizard person has never handled a pizza in it's life and it shows

>this thread is still alive

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What's up bros, spending the sunny afternoon pretending to be angry about food again?

I'm about to take a massive shit. I thought you guys wanted to know.

Attached: Honk.gif (535x262, 96K)

Ever taken a shit so big that it feels like you lost weight? Best feeling ever.

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I fucking hate Jack so goddamn much

Every man that grew up from the 30s-70s america. Worst thing is that I grew up in a household that damn near worshiped mayo and maid all these fucked up mayo foods that were disgusting.

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You can't just wipe grease off with a napkin, you disgusting fuck.

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Hellmann's was the meme food of the boomer generation

Attached: 5b9dd99a2100003000c5af03.jpg (620x843, 164K)

He is begging for (You) that's not even funny

>Giving them knives

Enjoy getting stabbed

I’ve had some burgers that you cannot eat normally. They are either stacked high or the buns are a soggy mess by the time you dig in. Plus eating them with a fork and knife you can add the ingredients that have fallen off. I mostly eat my burgers with my hands but those types of burgers you can’t.

Is this some elaborate bait webm

>gelatin AND mayo
It's a fucking 60's nightmare.

Pretty much every time I see those worlds largest burger challenges I think about how much people are paying for pretty much the worlds largest shitty burger. Outside is going to be burnt as fuck, all the bread is soggy with all the shitty condiments they throw on it to mask the dry burnt burger, and you have to eat it with a fork less you look like a fucking animal shoveling what is pretty much a meatloaf into your face.

Don't you mean Exciting Surprise!

Seriously last year my dad wanted to cook for thanksgiving; mom's dead so I'm usually the one who cooks for these things, but I allowed it. Most of it turned out fine; until I tried the mashed potatoes. They had like a sour tang to them. I was like did you use expired milk in the mashed potatoes, they taste off? He said No; but he had a look like he put something in it. So I guessed mayo, and he was surprised that I could tell it was mayo. Then I said was it a whole fucking Jar of mayo? And to no surprise it was a whole large jar of mayo in fucking mashed potatoes, making into more of a fucked up mushy potato salad that the madman ladled gravy on.

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Agree, make a patty too thick and you’ll have to burn the outside to get the inner temp to cook. Those things are inedible. The burgers I’ve had, have several normal size patties.

what the fuck is that on top, crushed doritos?

Best burgs are multiple thin patties grilled at very high temps; cheese, sauces (ketchup/mustard/bbq sauce are the most common in burgerland), garnishes aplenty. Lightly toasted bun and you're good to go.

But no forks.

Watch closely, yuropoors. This is how you burger.

Attached: 20190618_162059.jpg (4032x3024, 3.17M)

Based veganchad

>Noooo this can't be happening! Fuck you burgerland how do you hold that much meat!

Attached: 1481576453181.png (600x979, 207K)

For some reason burger is more delicious when eaten with hands.

I've never had a burger or any form of steak in my life

Attached: burgah.webm (350x386, 2.48M)



>shit taste in food
>rgb gaymer trash keyboard
checks out

Attached: How_Disgraceful.jpg (1280x720, 40K)

>a faggot
checks out

Attached: faggot.png (722x525, 523K)

That's a Britbong.

They are to Europe what Greenlanders are to America.

Try again fuckboy.

Attached: 1439863255918.jpg (300x310, 32K)

Should have just told me if you were some brand of shitskin


Gordon is my boy but there are times where i'm like that one dude "he planted the rat", he does this shit to get the ratings up, com'on dude you know how to eat a fucking hamburger

There already are crumbs on the table even though you haven't even started yet. Nice going, you filthy pig. Post the after photo, too. No cleaning and eat like you would usually do.


No you don't. Just braise the fucking meat

the whole point of the show is to make himself look good

Britain isn't part of Europe anymore

because Germany say so.

It's long gone but it looks exactly the same. If I hadn't been messing with it to take the picture nothing would have come out at all.

>be americ*n

Attached: O8Kn9-bpbeFCIp0rKkHhaQ-2NHk71Gaqd5Qab2CougM.jpg (576x768, 93K)


This post is not nearly as funny as you think it is. If I were to describe it, it's cringe and unbased, unironically.

Ask somebody who had their first burger they enjoyed 2 weeks ago anything

Attached: DvYPaSoU0AA4CsS.jpg orig.jpg (3276x2697, 2.22M)

why didn't you enjoy the other ones

>proving his point
retarded parrot

Low IQ post

>he didn't use the elbow length gloves

Those are for "dessert"

Sure is summer


Do your reps

Why would you think that anyone wants to hear your voice on an anime imageboard?

to be fair there have been funny vocaroos in the past

Attached: WataMote 01.webm (640x360, 1.58M)


Attached: phos burg.png (1064x948, 559K)

>no mustard
>no thousand island
>just ketchup
Fucking jew york learn to make a fucking burger.


Attached: rei burger.png (639x468, 484K)

Post more pics of girls with more than one slice of cheese pls

Attached: 1520947355226.png (900x769, 536K)

>>no thousand island
what the fuck are you talking about?

That burger looks like it should be eaten with a knife and fork.

Fuck New Yorkers and American-Italians
>bro you have to eat pizza with your hands
>also bro folding the pizza to eat it is totaly a New York thing bro! Like no one ever did this before us bro!
Retards without a culture trying adopt another country's culture

Attached: 7f661544130b2ab58a44c0b43959bd30.jpg (2026x2221, 391K)

Maho what are you doing?

Attached: Ro-Kyu-Bu! - 02.webm (640x360, 1.16M)

The top burger is slightly larger and the bun to burger ratio is way off.

Every person born in the United States of America should be able to eat this without knife and fork.

Attached: windows 7 whopper.jpg (318x450, 47K)

Because theyre fat and gay

wtf Americans BTFO

nips can't handle their meat and need 3 hands just to contain a burger meant for children

Please stop posting burgers I come for cute anime girls not burgers and now I'm hungry

forgot the image

Attached: Picture-32.png (430x293, 162K)

You know what you must do

Attached: yui eat barg.png (1280x960, 1.21M)

Oh no they're learning, it's only a matter of time before they can almost pass for human.

Attached: 3855-burger_king-tagme-whopper-windows_7-windows_7_whopper-550x309.jpg (550x309, 48K)

Burger king is cutting the food for them so they don't have to use knives and forks. I assume it's for the homes that only own chopsticks.

Attached: burger_king_pizza_burger.jpg (1024x677, 789K)

Nothing about this is anime or burg related. Be ashamed.

unrelated, but would you happen to be from the New York area?

>thinking new yorkers don't call their pizza a pie or za
This shows you've never been to NYC. Also you're either a subhuman or been to a place that has no idea how to make pizza if you need to use a fork. We've all had a pizza fall apart on us there's no shame in having to eat it with a fork when the cooks are fucking subhuman themselves.

Don't get your hand dirty, use utensils.

Fucking American wannabes