
Attached: 1557212445108.jpg (640x798, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: crimson dorks.jpg (1116x1443, 181K)

Based. Why are Crimson Demons so cute?

Attached: 1557268632086.png (1000x1333, 1.3M)

Cute feet

Black hair and red eyes are the best combination.

Attached: 1557220388116.jpg (2850x3850, 634K)

JC cuties

good day

Attached: 1504152390102.png (1033x1530, 523K)

Attached: V4InUE1.jpg (1422x2048, 301K)

the mage of consent

Hopefully it won't get deleted like other megumonday threads

This will never be a thing.

Attached: awXIoSD.jpg (1280x1860, 371K)

not with that altitude!

Attached: 1557217213089.jpg (1280x1600, 191K)

We have for image dumps

This was a thing since the anime began. Lurk 10 years before posting faggot

>This was a thing since the anime began
I've never seen one during either season Konosuba was on air so you're lying

>Trying to fit in so hard
Newfag and retarded, the best combo. Know your position, you don't know how things work here newfriend. Lurk before you post.


Attached: 6bpWFV9.jpg (647x1280, 126K)

Attached: 2btqgd3.jpg (1200x1200, 238K)

This has been a thing for 3 years, mr new.

Attached: 20190529_145409.jpg (479x482, 94K)

Attached: vmQIB0n.jpg (817x1186, 218K)

Single-character generals don't belong on Yea Forums

>take megumin to a fancy restaurant
>ask for a booster seat and the kids menu

Attached: 1560075224175.png (720x405, 493K)

>gets called out for being a newfag with proof
>N-NO stop it! Single generals don't belong here!
They do, mods are biased and sometimes they delete the threads, sometimes they let them stay.
Here this has been up for one day and hasn't been 404d

Attached: comfy.jpg (750x1334, 130K)

"I been here longer than u" isn't an argument on an anonymous website, silly. No one is more likely to care about your little opinion because you claim to have been here X number of years because it literally can't be proven.

Cope, Megumongfag.

>gets called out for being a newfag with proof
>gets called out for not knowing the board culture with proof
>proceeds to cry about it the only way he knows, "newfag isn't an argument because anonymous xDDD"
Yikes, just give up user, you are embarrassing yourself.

Attached: hWqP0NJ.jpg (579x819, 71K)

There's a reason Aquas thread reached 400 posts and Shitgumin's didn't.

Attached: 1540338370480.gif (500x500, 212K)

You can look up the link I posted with the desuarchive of some of the megumin threads. Most of them get bump limit. Some that aren't labelled as "Megumin Monday" get to the bump limit as well.
I can prove you wrong all day newfriend, keep going.

Attached: OX0RN3C.jpg (2400x1800, 1.67M)


Attached: MAGIK ITEM.jpg (1200x679, 83K)

Attached: yacDxuZ.jpg (676x1200, 225K)

Way to out yourself, Plebbitor.

We're at 3-0 now, feel free to stop any time.

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Posting some classics
Nobody cares, go away

Attached: megu (984).jpg (1534x2165, 2.02M)

Would you rather a Aqua in Megumin's body or a Megu in the useless goddess'?

Attached: ghb.jpg (699x700, 423K)

>Newfriend has been used even by mods themselves
Yikes, your newfagging is strong

Attached: 1551415576268.png (1325x917, 334K)

Cute chuuni

Attached: 1536726014199.jpg (842x595, 241K)

You have to go back

Attached: akane.png (843x852, 553K)

Have you considered that Yunyun is just as good though?

She has autism user, that's not good



Attached: Fcwc2Mr.jpg (226x637, 52K)

They're both chuuni. In fact, they're all chuuni.

I strongly dislike this character and believe she is a net negative to a show I used to enjoy.

>doesn't even know how to properly link other board's threads
KEK, the newfagging is so much I can't take it

Attached: Screenshot_20190617-154002.png (1080x1920, 292K)

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Shame, but that's your opinion so I won't say anything about it

r/anime's favorite grill.
>haha EXPLOSION amirite bro?

And we have /h/ for panda threads right?

Do you have Aqua or Darkness? I can trade for a Kazuma.gif

Attached: 1553999768498.gif (240x320, 200K)


Attached: cJGtD9Q.jpg (2048x1940, 463K)

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

t. newfag


Attached: 20190617_135157.jpg (755x1020, 382K)

Trying to use mods as a reason is shit if you think they know anything about board culture.

Indeed, Kinomod using newfriends instead of newfags in that context really only looked like some kind of bizarre unironic shitposting.

Attached: uRm2On2.jpg (992x1403, 156K)

>can't have a megumin thread anymore without shitposters trying to derail it
It makes me less excited for her new movie just knowing the threads are going to be full of meta cancer and bitter arguments. I don't come to Yea Forums to be miserable.

Attached: casual.jpg (850x1201, 316K)

>People have been using the term "newfriend" since 2016
>n-no, it's just shitposting see?
Why newfags are trying to deny it? What do they accomplish when it's obvious they are failing at covering their mistakes?

>Yea Forums was always miserable, newfriend.

Attached: Sad.png (800x720, 414K)

Of course they will. People will shit on Megumin for having her movie and it will be a pain in the ass.

>People have been using the term "newfriend" since 2016
You say this as if 2016 was a decade ago, specially when around such years the usage of normies instead of normalfags spiked.

Attached: gxWXltv.jpg (639x1006, 66K)

It's nice that the cast is sorted by bust size. From biggest to smallest.

I want carry her like a princess and then grab a handful of buttcheeks.

Attached: 082e655865a8637a4c44af374c37c56b.jpg (1600x1142, 194K)

Megumin does have some boobs, maybe a b cup at most

I bet discussing the movie on /qa/ - 2D/Random will be pretty chill.

Attached: 1560308409720.jpg (799x1200, 95K)

A thread died for this garbage.

Nah. She's an A cup, almost flat. Below that is an AA cup, which is truly flat.

Attached: megu and zell.jpg (800x800, 151K)

Why would anyone prefer Megumin over Yunyun?

Attached: VuTiULH.jpg (998x1411, 363K)

Retard, newfriend has been around forever, it was a text replacement for newfag site-wide. Way to out yourself as a newfag.

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If it was on page 10 then nobody cared for it. Good, we need more Megumin.

1. she is very, very, very cute
2. has a name that is cute and fun to say
3. very dedicated to her passions and doesn't give up
4. is not afraid to have great ambitions
5. doesn't care what people think of her and dictates her own life
6. is well educated and did very well in school
7. brain is so powerful it robs her chest of nutrients
8. has confidence in herself
9. is a magical prodigy and modified a high-tier spell at the age of eight
10. her explosions put any conventional weaponry we have to shame
11. full of personality and energy
12. she is just the right amount of chuunibyou
13. her poses are really striking and cool looking
14. can deliver bombastic chants with total conviction
15. is proud of her culture and heritage
16. is not genuinely delusional and is actually quite self aware
17. will not put up with those who speaks ill of her or her comrades
18. was willing to sacrifice her explosion magic for the sake of the party
19. was able to run a thieving guild and fan club herself
20. grew up dirt poor but still managed to get ahead of her wealthier and bustier peers
21. helped keep her family fed during hard times
22. has a very pleasant sounding voice
23. is embarassed by the barcode on her butt
24. speaks in an older dialect of japanese which is more formal and cool sounding
25. can dish out solid banter
26. is fun to (harmlessly and wholesomely) bully
27. can be identified by her silhouette alone
28. can be identified by her color palette alone
29. can be identified by just one of her outfit designs alone
30. feminine hips and a cute butt
31. perfect budding breasts which will never sag
32. tight waist with a firm midriff
33. asymmetrical zettai ryouiki
34. very petite while still having attractive proportions
35. subtly lewd collar bones and shoulders on display
36. pattable head with fluffy hair made for ruffling
37. invigorates the imagination
38. is dere and super cute when intoxicated
39. lightweight and very easy to carry

Attached: megu (354).png (480x320, 81K)

40. genetically engineered for perfection and will age very gracefully
41. probably also genetically engineered to smell and taste very nice
42. is the absolute zenith of cutelewd
43. has red eyes which are exotic and cool
44. eyes literally light up when she gets excited
45. she is very cute when she's sleeping
46. has a unique and cute haircut
47. dominant crimson genes ensure your children will be smart and powerful
48. bathes daily so she's always clean and silky smooth
49. has cool pointy hat that is really and has a grinning face on it
50. has cool long flowing cape
51. has cool red eye patch
52. has cool staff with a floating manatite crystal in it
53. laced black panties with bows which is the sexiest design possible
54. wears cute and innocent pink pajamas
55. has an adorable winter parka
56. looks great in a black sundress
57. has a classy casual outfit for Alcanretia
58. has a very sexy homemade thief outfit
59. can instantly transform from dork to archmage by donning her hat and cape
60. is very financially sensible and keeps discount coupons for later
61. doesn't cost a lot to support and doesn't want or expect a lot of expensive things
62. is straightforward and honest with her feelings
63. places a lot of trust in her closest friends
64. cannot be defined by any single -dere archetype
65. is good at taking care of both kids and pets
66. would make a great mother
67. her cute cat, Chomusuke
68. her cute sister, Komekko
69. her cute friend, Yunyun
70. her hot mom, Yuiyui
71. knows that tough love is the best way to fix Yunyun
72. can appreciate how cool giant mecha are
73. can appreciate the beauty of a shooting star
74. would rather go adventuring than laze around doing nothing
75. is excellent at naming things
76. is good at playing chess
77. likes reading books
78. she is good at video games
79. can make her own clothing
80. is good at gardening

Attached: megu (482).jpg (800x688, 81K)

81. she would like orchestral metal and power metal
82. she would love the sound track of DMC5 and Metal Gear Rising
83. can win any duel with her superior intellect
84. she is the hot pot governor
85. can catch a crayfish with her bare hands
86. is skilled at inspecting magical artifacts
87. understands that the crust is the best part of the bread
88. isn't a boring moralfag
89. can craft a brilliant and devilish scheme
90. can appreciate a good dick joke
91. understands that magic and wizardy is an art form
92. can fine tune the sound, damage, shape, and AOE of her explosions
93. knows when to be a crazy chuuni and when to be reasonable
94. knows when to be innocent and when to be lewd
95. won't punch you into the stratosphere over a naughty joke
96. won't immediately blame you for a misunderstanding
97. has a go-getter attitude and takes what she wants
98. sends money back home to support her family
99. in good physical shape because she goes for long walks every single day

Attached: megu (508).jpg (853x1200, 653K)

100. keeps you in good physical shape because you get to walk her back home
101. makes funny noises when her mana depletes
102. is smart enough to keep her secret technique hidden for emergencies
103. can sing a cute ending theme
104. can win a rap battle
105. loves being princess carried
106. coming home to her sweet embrace after a hard day of adventuring
107. she wakes me up in the morning
108. you feel her heartbeat through her small chest when you hug her tightly
109. it's a relief to come home to her after a tough day
110. her anime is really funny
111. her vanilla doujins are erotic yet wholesome
112. her novel is really funny and cute
113. her manga is cute and funny
114. her movie will be great
115. has more Demon General kills than anyone else in the world
116. succeeded at her goal to become the ultimate practitioner of explosion magic
117. there is nobody quite like Megumin
118. will always be loyal to her lover
119. I will always be loyal to her
120. she warms my heart when nothing else will

Attached: megu (470).jpg (1680x1050, 402K)

Attached: SKTTGcE.jpg (1005x1434, 309K)

dinner is served

Didn't someone had a more compressed image version of this?

I wanna treat the poor chuuni to all sortsa fancy foods.

Attached: WhA4Zbe.jpg (1280x1855, 281K)

mhm user, have an impassioned discussion about explosion magic while eating some delicious food.

Now this is a thread I can get behind.

Attached: E3BBDB3E-E550-498A-9E2A-8EE69B1A7EBA.gif (500x327, 955K)

Holy fuck Yunyun looks retarded in that image

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Attached: sj0VtYt.jpg (640x905, 146K)

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Someone post the image where she's chowing on food

They are literally genetically engineered to be perfect by a former isekai'd user.

Posting Cuteumin

Attached: Kazumin1.png (1368x1232, 716K)

6000 millenia is
This is my first vector, sorry if the aliasing sucks. Thought I'd practice on Megumin's sexy little body. Is there an easier way to get rid of jaggy edges that doesn't involve manually erasing the outline with a soft eraser?

Attached: vector.png (1131x2122, 3M)

Megumin is a massive slut.

t. Incel

She is actually completely loyal to Kazuma

>le incel boogyman
Keep trying. You know what I'm saying to be true.

It's just his turn

No it's not true, why would I believe an animeonly?

It's well known Megumin is tiny.

Attached: rubby.gif (500x281, 1.84M)

Attached: Screenshot_20190613-134712_Chrome.jpg (415x1976, 338K)

Movie about megumin when?


Attached: tracksuit.png (1200x1697, 835K)


Attached: I_like_this_post.gif (200x254, 1.37M)

I don't like this.

I'm afraid you have no heart

Too bad

Attached: Screenshot_20190613-134053_Chrome.jpg (402x1261, 263K)

Is she naked under these clothes?

That's not true

I still don't like this.

I'm afraid you have no heart and soul

This is unequivocally one of the greatest character designs in anime. I could write a small novel about why it works so well on multiple levels.

Attached: daa9591110f78b4f24787d94d0c284e7.jpg (2100x2409, 970K)

user we're all naked under our clothes

Do it. You have 3 hours to do it, if not you are not a true lover.

That Imagine bodytype

I do have a heart and soul, I just don't like what I'm reading. It hurts me.

But why, they are happy together. You should be happy too

I wish I saved one of my previous posts about it! I got stuff to do, but I can always spare a moment for her.
>is very archetypal of a wizard, but is not generic
>can be instantly recognized by silhouette alone
>can be instantly recognized by color scheme alone
>can be instantly recognized by accessories alone (hat/staff/eyepatch designs)
>can be easily recognized by hair style alone
>crimson red matches her trade as a destruction-focused wizard
>black matches her personality as a chuunibyou
>gold trim matches the gold trim that the rest of her party has
>pieces like the collar and fingerless gloves and asymmetrical leggings create a "punk" aesthetic which matches her chuuni/anti-authority/mischevious personality
>black lace panties and bare thighs are lewd, matching her desire to be seen as a sexy women rather than a child
>looks cheap and handmade rather than something bought from a store, especially the button-eyed hat and leg wraps, matching her status as a poorfag
>can instantly transform from a cute dork to an archwizard and back again, just by donning or removing her hate and cape
That covers most of it, at least on the artistic/intellectual side of things.

Attached: megu (230).jpg (408x720, 58K)

I'm not because I'm alone and I don't have my own Megumin to love me.

Attached: images (38).jpg (559x549, 22K)

Gently bullied Megumin is so cute! Taking her pantsu and giving it back only to take it away again makes her very very cute!

Attached: 1560554463131.jpg (1600x1600, 632K)

Attached: u8.png (1439x2048, 1.45M)

It's too late, I'm 28. It will look weird.

I Dont gonna read all that shit but megumin a besto

>tfw you will never have a cute chuuni dork to have adventures and laugh with

Its a decent try but the hair is a bit fucked up.


bump for my wife

Alright you pass.